css select :nth-of-child(1) not working [closed] - css

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Closed 6 years ago.
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so im trying to make the first wide box under recent promotions (at the bottom) have a a bigger height than the rest of the boxes, however nth-of-child is not working, I just need it for that first wide box. here is the code:
#listify_widget_recent_listings-2 .job_listing-entry-header:nth-child(1) {
height: 400px !important;
When you remove the :nth-of-child it makes all the boxes bigger as expected in that widget so I am not sure why its not working for the first. Help!

please try this
#listify_widget_recent_listings-2 .job_listings li:nth-child(1) .job_listing-entry-header.listing-cover.has-image {
height: 400px !important;
comment please if i miss something


How do I fix the CSS to align my text while using my currency switching plugin? [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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I am working on a pricing page as seen here, and while using a currency switching Wordpress plugin, it has thrown my text out of alignment. I can't seem to figure out what CSS needs to change in order to bring it back into alignment. Specifically, the $250 needs to be brought down onto the same line as the other text. Any suggestions are appreciated!
While this answer doesn't meet the required standards, I understand the need for a solution. Just fix the position using relative positioning.
.cs-converter-wrap {
position: relative;
top: 4px;
left: 1px;

CSS : Breaking a row in a table [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I set up a table with a certain size but I want to not go over the size so it dropped a row instead enter image description here
#PPP {
background-color: #f2f2f2;
You can try to manage overflow in your text using the overflow command in css. This affects what happens to text when it goes past the box. For example, you could use this to include a scroll.
overflow: scroll;

Is there a way in Angular to get a mat-slider with a width less than 128px? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I haven't been able to find any ways to get a mat-slider smaller than 128px wide. Is there a way to do this? I have used transform: scale(); as a temporary solution, but this creates issues with other elements. An example of the type of slider with which I am working can be found here. The css width can be increased, but once you lower it to 128px, it can't get any smaller.
This is because .mat-slider-horizontal has a min-width property of 128px.
You can override this with:
.mat-slider-horizontal {
min-width: unset;
Be aware that the min-width was probably there for good reason and this may introduce other issues.
Here's the updated Stackblitz:

CSS drop down menu appearing behind an image [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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On chrome the drop down menu appears behind the top most image at this page I am playing with.
I messed with the z-axis and set all z-axis for the menu to 999, then also tried making the image bigger/smaller but still happens.
Replace center tag with section since center is obsolete. You need to set your element's z-index in such a way that element that has to appear on top has higher value of it. Something like this:
.w3-dropdown-content {
z-index: 999;
section {
z-index: 1;
P.S. I know you provided a link to your website but it's more useful to have a certain chunk of code you are refering to posted here.

Bootstrap 4 strange margin under images [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am getting a strange margin under my images.
I have set the margin/padding on both the containing div and the image to 0
This is the site i'm working on: https://www.philipnordstrom.com/
It is coming from your body font-size: 10px. If you change it to 1px the space between is gone. Try to add a css class like: div a { font-size: 0; }
You can see the link on the picture. I cannot tell you why this happens maybe because images aren't meant to be linked like this in the default case. I would need to dig deeper inside this to tell you the reason ;)
