Spring data redis doesn't seem to support the new geohash in Redis 3.2, also the template ops for list doesn't have a method to do lrange or essentially paginate the results.
The LRANGE command can be used via RedisOperations.opsForList().range(key, start, stop) or directly using RedisConnection.lRange(key, start, stop).
Support for GEO operations will be part of the Ingalls release and is already available in the current 1.8.0 snapshots.
I am using redis as my data store and i am using spring boot starter data redis as the dependency and a crud repository for CRUD operation. When i do deleteById it is working. But when i do deleteByName (Name is not an id column) it is saying query method not supported. When the data source is redis and if we use spring boot starter data redis, it is possible only to deleteById column and not by other columns?
I had the same problem that after a lot of searching and also checking the following link:
Redis 2.1.2.RELEASE doc reference
I realized that since Redis is based on Key and Valve, the following solution should be used:
List<SampleClass> lst = cacheTokenRepository.findAllBySampleFields(... sampleFields);
In this solution we search the list of records that match our conditions and delete them all based on id
I currently create a CosmosDB with the following properties:
cosmosDb = await azure.CosmosDBAccounts
The only place I have seen to be able to set Zone Redundancy on is the ReadReplication database, like so:
cosmosDb = await azure.CosmosDBAccounts
.WithReadReplication(Region.USEast, true)
The problem is that I don't care about a Read Replication database. I want to set Zone Redundancy on the initial database I create. I noticed that in the Azure Portal when I create a CosmosDB manually, it gives me the option to set Zone Redundancy. Is this not possible via the Azure Libraries for NET SDK?
To specify write region with Zone Redundancy do this below:
.WithWriteReplication(Region.USWest2, true)
PS: If at all possible I would recommend you use the Auto-rest generated version of this SDK. The fluent API is not generally as up to date as the Auto-rest generated API's. This gets built directly off our the Cosmos DB swagger spec and everything downstream is built upon this including ARM, PowerShell and CLI.
There is a repository with a fairly complete set of examples as well that you can use to help build your own management libraries. It also includes fluent samples but also out of date. Cosmos DB Samples
This is the repo for the Auto-rest generated SDK. Cosmos DB Management SDK for .NET
In cloudera is there a way to update list of configurations at a time using CM-API or CURL?
Currently I am updating one by one one using below CM API.
How can we update all configurations stored in json/config file at a time.
The CM API endpoint you're looking for is PUT /cm/deployment. From the CM API documentation:
Apply the supplied deployment description to the system. This will create the clusters, services, hosts and other objects specified in the argument. This call does not allow for any merge conflicts. If an entity already exists in the system, this call will fail. You can request, however, that all entities in the system are deleted before instantiating the new ones.
This basically allows you to configure all your services with one call rather than doing them one at a time.
If you are using services that require a database (Hive, Hue, Oozie ...) then make sure you set them up before you call the API. It expects all the parameters you pass in to work so external dependencies must be resolved first.
We are migrating from Nexus Repository Manager 2.1.4 to Nexus 3.1.0-04. With version 2 we have been able to use the API to get a list of artifacts by repository, however we are struggling to find a way to do this with the Nexus 3 API.
Having read https://books.sonatype.com/nexus-book/reference3/scripting.html chapter 16 we have been able to get artifact information for a specific blob using a groovy script like:
import org.sonatype.nexus.blobstore.api.BlobId
def properties = blobStore.blobStoreManager.get("default").get(new BlobId("7f6379d32f8dd78f98b5b181166703b6")).getProperties()
return [headers: properties.headers, metrics: properties.metrics]
However we can't find a way to iterate over the contents of a blob store. We can get a blob store object:
however the API does not appear to give us a way to get a list of all blobs within that store. We need to get a list of the blobIDs within a blob store.
Is there a way to do this via the Nexus 3 API?
One of our internal team members put this together. It doesn't use the blobStore but accomplishes I believe what you are trying to do (and a bit more): https://gist.github.com/kellyrob99/2d1483828c5de0e41732327ded3ab224
For some background, think of a blobStore as just where we store the bits, with no information about them. OrientDB has Component/Asset records and stores all the info about them. You'll generally want to use that instead of the blobStore for Asset information as a result.
Once your migration is done, it can be worth to investigate to update your version of Nexus.
That way, you will be able to use the - still in beta - new API for Nexus. It's available by default on the version 3.3.0 and more: http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui/
Basically, you retrieve the json output from this URL: http://localhost:8082/service/siesta/rest/beta/assets?repositoryId=YOURREPO
Only 10 records will be displayed at a time and you will have to use the continuationToken provided to request the next 10 records for your repository by calling: http://localhost:8082/service/siesta/rest/beta/assets?continuationToken=46525652a978be9a87aa345bdb627d12&repositoryId=YOURREPO
More information here: http://blog.sonatype.com/nexus-repository-new-beta-rest-api-for-content
I need an alerting system where I could have my own metric and threshold to report for anomalies (basically alerting on the basis of logs and data in DB). I explored Bosun but not sure how to make it work. I have following issues:-
There are pre-defined items which are all system level, but I couldn't find a way to add new items, i.e. custom items
How will bosun ingest data other than scollector. As I understand could I use logstash as data source and totally miss OpenTDSP( Really don't like HBase dependency)?
By Items I think you mean metrics. Bosun learns about metrics, and their tag relationships when you do one of the following:
Relay opentsdb data through Bosun (http://bosun.org/api#sending-data)
Get copies of metrics sent to the api/index route http://bosun.org/api#apiindex
There are also metadata routes, which tell bosun about the metric, such as counter/gauge, unit, and description.
The logstash datasource will be deprecated in favor of an elastic datasource in the coming 0.5.0 release. But it is replaced by an elastic one is better (but requires ES 2+). To use those expressions see the raw documentation (bosun.org docs will updated next release): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bosun-monitor/bosun/master/docs/expressions.md. To add it you would have something like the following in the config:
The functions to query various backends are only loaded into the expression library when the backend is configured.