Preview Failed - Visual Studio will look for typescript files when publishing even when they are not included -

I'd like to do the inverse of this question/answer:
How to include TypeScript files when publishing?
The thing is that I'm trying to publish an ASP.NET MVC 5 Project. Unfortunately the dreaded Visual Studio and the hungry Jack Typescript interpreter ignores any tsconfig.json file and decides to go deep down and look for any .ts file that is not accompanied by a .js. I have lots of npm packages nested down and some of them have uncompiled typescript files.
Funny thing is, that they are not included in the project (not even an exclamation mark). (I even checked for the .csproj and no files were found).
Is this a bug? How can I prevent this from happening? Using VS 2015.2 (Update 2).

I had a very similar issue. Publish kept failing because it couldn't find foo.js as it wasn't in the same directory as my ts/tsconfig files, even though outDir was set to another location. I don't know if it is a bug or not but I couldn't figure it out using the tsconfig. Instead, I was able to get things working by using the inbuilt TypeScript Build settings instead.
First, I deleted all tsconfig files from my project (I made sure I kept a backup just in case). The TypeScript Build was originally greyed out because I had the tsconfig files in my project.
Next, I created a new folder directly under Scripts to save the js files into.
I then went to Project Properties and selected the TypeScript Build tab. Under Output, I checked the Redirect JavaScript output to directory and browsed to the newly created folder. I repeated this for all build configurations.
Finally, I included the new folder in my project and then built. Folders and files which aren't included in the project can be seen as a ghost icon in the Solution Explorer if you have Show All Files icon selected. I think that if you have multiple TypeScript projects with their own tsconfigs, the file structures are replicated under the chosen output directory but I haven't tested it in many cases so I'm not certain.
Obviously I had to redirect my script bundles to the newly created js structure.
When I first followed this process, I got a few build errors mainly due to my own daft mistakes in my TypeScript code which I'd set the tsconfig to conveniently ignore. Another error was multiple references for objects, which I managed to fix by deleting the definitions files and making sure that the Generate declaration files option was unchecked in Typescript Build. Once I fixed those issues though, I was able to publish without that annoying error - happy days!


Eclipse CSS Debug w/ Sass Not Loading Changes

My Eclipse project uses Sass. When running in debug mode, sass:watch (configured per this article) correctly polls for changes to *.scss files, compiles them into CSS and places them in the target directory. However, these changes are not reflected on the page, and inspecting the page using Chrome developer tools shows the new CSS is not picked up.
Using another (CSS-only) project works as expected: any change to CSS is copied to target directory, and a refresh of the page reflects the proper change.
I ran across a similar issue someone had using LESS. Unlike that situation, though, even changing the target CSS directly, the change is not reflected in the browser.
I can't be the only person debugging Sass/CSS in Eclipse, but I can't find any info on this problem.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
EDIT: SCSS is being compiled to CSS and copied to the target build directory, but not into the Tomcat deployment where the code is running. As I've said, this is not an issue with CSS-based projects, only with this where it's a compiled file.
Solved the problem...
An entry needed to be added to Eclipse’s Web Deployment Assembly so that Eclipse would see this dynamically-generated folder and associate it with the project.
The files were being generated to the local_repo/target/branch_name directory, where branch_name was dynamic, and dependent upon what branch you were working on; this made it impossible to create a static entry in Eclipse WDA for us.
Our solution was to have Maven (1) create a sass-generated/css directory under local_repo/target, and (2) copy the css over into the branch_name/static directory where it belongs.
Now, when debugging locally and running Sass Watch, changes to *.scss files are detected, compiled to css, and deployed to the sass-generated/css directory. Since this dir is associated with the project in Eclipse WDA, Eclipse sees the change and deploys it to Tomcat as expected!

referencing umbraco 7 source codes

I am trying to figure out some of the functions inside umbraco. The documentation is pretty awful. Can't even find some of the basic example functions definitions.
In example no documentation for creatRegistrationModel,
So I found the github downloaded the project. Compiled without issues. I know i can reference the files which i have done for umbraco.dll but not using the file directly, seems pushing it to Temp folder.
Now I want to reference the solution's project .dll files. And debug step by step into the code, is this possible? if i can go tru the code I could see how its calling some of these functions what kinda actions its taking.
Or should I move the projects into my project and reference inside there giving me single project to manage. not sure even if it would work.
Any suggestions?

exclude folder in project.json

in the new 5 template there's a project.json in which you can exclude certain directories.
"exclude": [
As you can see, I added a few folders like 'dist' and '.tmp', but they are still included in the solution explorer. There's not much documentation about this. How to exculde files/folders from your project in vs 2015?
The "exclude" property does not hide the folder from visual studio, it will not make the folder "disappear" from the solution explorer.
The "exclude" property removes the folder from the compilation search path. It is an instruction to the compiler (Roslyn) not the IDE. As a more comprehensive answer "project.json" is intentionally IDE agnostic. That is why there is both a projecname.xspoj and a project.json which both contain project configuration information. This is necessary to allow for more robust cross IDE and cross platform development.
You can verify this behavior yourself with a simple excercise.
Add a new class file (buildfail.cs) to your existing project (or
create a new project) in the root project folder.
Ensure buildfail.cs has the same namespace as the other source files in the
project, contains compilation errors, and is in the root directory.
You should see build errors in VS. If you don't manually build.
Create a new folder (excludeme) off the project root and move
buildfail.cs to that folder. You should still have build errors.
Add excludeme to the exclude property in project.json. The build errors should be removed because builfail.cs is no longer in the build search path.
You may be wondering what is VS using to know to hide the node_packages folder from the Solution Explorer display. I am unsure and it may not be user configurable but it isn' the exclude property. Comment out node_packages in project.json and you will get build errors (package restore failure) but the folder will still be hidden from Solution Explorer. Since this is IDE specific behavior one would assume that maybe it is defined in projectname.xproj but I found no such property so at this time it would appear to be black box magic by VS.
As of Asp.Net 5 beta-8 and complementary tooling update to Visual Studio 2015, you are now able to exclude/hide folders from being displayed in solution explorer. More information about this, and other changes are outlined in the announcement post. To hide a file or folder, right-click to bring up a context menu and select Hide from solution explorer. This creates an entry in the .xproj file:
<DnxInvisibleContent Include="myhiddenfile.txt" />
Note also that there has been a change to where bower packages are installed by default. Previously, the Asp.Net 5 templates in Visual Studio would install bower packages to a folder called bower_components, a practice familiar to web developers who do not use Visual Studio. However, apparently due to developer confusion, this has been changed to wwwroot/lib. This can be changed by editing the bowerrc file. As such, the bower_components folder does not exist in the new beta-8 templates. Please see this post by Scott Hanselman for more information.
It may not be ideal, but I was able to hide a folder from the solution explorer in an 5 project by marking the folder as hidden in the windows explorer properties dialog. I had the .idea folder used by WebStorm showing up so it being hidden was not too big a deal. WebStorm doesn't mind.
It seems like the folder will not be hidden if it is already in the solution explorer. Mark it and it's contents hidden and move it temporarily out of the project folder. Make sure it disappears from the solution explorer before moving it back. It should not show back up. A restart of Visual Studio may also work, I didn't test that.
Rightly or wrongly, here's what I did to get bower_components and .sass-cache out of the way. In my case, node_modules was already excluded from my project somehow, even though it's at the same level with gruntfile.js. I still don't understand why it is treated differently. Anyone know?
First, I set my location like this in the .bowerrc file:
"directory": "../../artifacts/bower_components"
Then I adjusted my paths as necessary in my gruntfile.js
Also, To get the sass-cache folder out of the way, since I was using grunt-contrib-compass, I configured my compass task with this option:
cacheDir: '../../artifacts/.sass-cache',
There are other ways to do this if you are using other sass / compass tools.
I can now search my entire project for text and not get hits in my libraries.
bower_components and .sass-cache are out of reach of source control.
With the latest Visual Studio you just need to right-click the folder/file and chose "Hide from Solution Explorer".
That will change the "xproj" this way:
<DnxInvisibleFolder Include="wwwroot\" />
Looking at the state of 5 with visual studio 2015 I can only say that they made it much more difficult and inconvenient to work with task runners like gulp or grunt. Since I'm using Web API 2 to manage my data I switched to Visual Studio Code with bower, gulp and browsersync and this has proven a to be LOT easier and faster with much less clutter.
To make a startup template:
Now you can use any editor and you get a clear separation of front end and back end development. Plus you get to know gulp and bower and the (minimal) command line stuff which VS2015 tries to do for you (and fails to do so many times).
Oh yes: you don't have to exclude folders anymore, since the template has a much more sensible folder structure

how to package/publish a PDF for deployment?

i'm trying to package a deployment for Azure, but it is not packaging some files that are needed for the app to work properly. Those files are mostly PDFs and DOCXs.
If I go to the Package/Publish settings I have 3 options:
1. Only files needed to run this application. This is the default option which is excluding the PDFs and DOCXs.
2. All files in this project. This is including the missing files, but it is also including the code behind files (even though they are compiled). I do not want to include those files.
3. All files in this project folder. Haven't even tried this one because it will probably be worse than option 2.
My question is how do I set which extensions are actually needed to run this application?
Right after posting this question, I figured it out. For any out there with the same or similar problem here it goes...
In order to include certain files in the deployment package you have to set build action of those files to Content. Just right click on the file in solution explorer and click Properties. There change the Build Action to Content:
Also, you have to set the the setting of the Package/Publish to "Only files needed to run this application". The default option.

"Add as Link" for JavaScript files returning 404 in debug

Using a Visual Studio 2010 web application, I have several projects that share some JavaScript/css files. The most logical way for them to share these files is to place the files in a single folder and each project has them included with the "Add as Link" option. However, if I add the files this way when I'm debugging using either the Visual Studio Development server or debugging using a local IIS web server all requests for these files return 404 Not Found errors. If I publish the site then the files are copied but that obviously doesn't help with debugging.
Is there something I'm missing or is this a failing on VS's part?
To overcome this problem some time ago I created a 'MSBuild.WebApplication.CopyContentLinkedFiles' nuget package. This package adds MsBuild target which copies all content files added as link to project folder during build.
Note: if you use source control then it is better to add copied files (from Web Application folder) to ignore list.
I wouldn't really call that a failing, since you asked for that behavior in the first place: linked items in Visual Studio projects are actual links to external files. Those files can reside anywhere on the disk and are not copied into the project folder.
You might want to copy those files locally yourself during a pre-build event. That way, the files will remain synchronized and you won't duplicate them until your first compile.
The problem seems to be that the website runs right from your source folders, rather than from the bin folder. This means that the file will be missing, whether or not it is copied to the output folder.
It's probable that running from a local or remote web server would not have this problem, though I didn't get that working, and I'd rather not add IIS to my local machine if I don't have to.
Adding a pre-build copy command did work. Note that the current directory will be the bin folder. (You can use cd to echo the current directory to the build window if you want to see it):
If the file is in another solution, your command will look something like (three ..s: one to get out of each of bin, project, and solution folders):
copy ..\..\..\OtherSolution\OtherProject\Scripts\MyJSFile.js ..\Scripts\
If it's in the same solution, but a different project:
copy ..\..\OtherProject\Scripts\MyJSFile.js ..\Scripts
One minor issue is that the link to the file will collide with the new copy of the file, even if you don't add it to your project. As long as you make the link first, it seems to work. If you copied the file first, you'll have to manually delete the copy, and then refresh the solution explorer before before being able to add the link.
Select the link in Solution Explorer and then look at properties window and set Copy To Output Directory to Copy Always. Linked items are set to Do Not Copy by default.
BTW, you can copy many files as links very easily directly from Solution Explorer when using VSCommands 2010 extension.
See this blog post about a simple addition to your project file.
