Meteor React populate form with existing data - meteor

I'm learning how to use meteor with react so forgive the basic question.
I want to create a form that populates when the page loads if the data has already been submitted. I've been trying to use getInitialState however I'm not getting anywhere. Some help would be really appreciated.
Path: MyResolutions.jsx
export default class MyResolutions extends Component {
getInitialState() {
return {
resolution: Resolutions.find().fetch(),
timeToComplete: Resolutions.find().fetch(),
render() {
return (
<form onSubmit={this.addResolutions.bind(this)}>
placeholder="Resolution title"
value={this.state.resolution} />
placeholder="Time To Complete"
value={this.state.timeToComplete} />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

This depends on the shape of your data coming from your initial state:
getInitialState() {
return {
resolution: Resolutions.find().fetch(),
timeToComplete: Resolutions.find().fetch(),
Assuming that this.state.resolution returns something like:
value: 'some string'
You would actually have to do something like this.state.resolution.value . So maybe try console.log(this.state.resolution) to get the shape of your data and then use dot notation to display the keys you need.


Angular Reactive form asynchronous operation

I am getting this error when I try to build a reactive form for creating a new password form.I have mentioned the source code below and when I remove the source code part then there is no error but without that my operation is not working as well. I think I have to add or delete something in my source code to get the desired output
main.ts:12 TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null
at FormGroup.passwordShouldMatch [as validator] (password.validators.ts:18)
at FormGroup._runValidator (forms.js:4089)
at FormGroup.updateValueAndValidity (forms.js:4050)
at new FormGroup (forms.js:4927)
at (forms.js:8924)
at new ChangePasswordComponent (change-password.component.ts:15)
at createClass (core.js:31987)
at createDirectiveInstance (core.js:31807)
at createViewNodes (core.js:44210)
at callViewAction (core.js:44660)
static passwordShouldMatch(control : AbstractControl) {
let newPassword = control.get('newPassowrd');
let confirmPassword = control.get('confirmPassowrd');
if (newPassword.value !== confirmPassword.value){
return { passwordShouldMatch:true };
return null;
As you didn't add any code snippet I am considering your form structure is something like this.{
newPassowrd: [''],
confirmPassowrd: [''],
here, you include an custom validation function called passwordShouldMatch and this function looks fine. So, I assume that you did something wrong when you set the validator to that form group.{
newPassowrd: [''],
confirmPassowrd: [''],
}, { validator: this.passwordShouldMatch});
this is how you should set the validation function for the form group. And in html your form should be something like this.
<form [formGroup]="form" novalidate (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(survey)">
<input type="text" placeholder="Untitled form" formControlName="newPassowrd">
<input type="text" placeholder="Untitled form" formControlName="confirmPassowrd">
<span *ngIf="form.hasError('passwordShouldMatch')">not match</span>
everything should work this way. Here is the working version of stackblitz

Vue.js 2 with Firebase Crud example

I'm struggling to edit a single item with vue and firebase.
My edit page url receives item's id.
So what I want is to load this single item from firebase.
Edit it and save it back into firebase.
I use vue version 2 and vuefire.
I'm stuck at loading a single item from firebase and displaying it in a form.
Here is what I've got so far:
<h1>Item: {{ }}</h1>
<input type="text" value="" name="hive-name"/>
import { db } from '../firebase';
export default {
data() {
return {
id: this.$,
item: {},
firebase() {
return {
items: db.ref('items'),
item: db.ref('items/' +,
methods: {
updateitem() {
according to VueFire in Github (
To delete or update an item you can use the .key property of a given object. But keep in mind you have to remove the .key attribute of the updated object:
updateItem: function (item) {
// create a copy of the item
item = {...item}
// remove the .key attribute
delete item['.key']
Please, note that you have to use "item.set" instead of "item.push".
"push" would create a new item instead of updating it.

creating element on click in Meteor

I'm using Meteor with React. I have a really simple goal, but i have tried a lot and can't solve it for myself. I will show you my attemps below.
I want to create a form for the Ingredients. At the first moment there is only one input (for only one ingredient) and 2 buttons: Add Ingredient and Submit.
class IngredientForm extends Component {
render() {
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit.bind(this)}>
<input type="text"/>
{ this.renderOtherInputs() }
<input type="button" value="Add Ingredient" onClick={this.addIngredient.bind(this)}>
<input type="submit" value="Submit Form">
So when I click Submit then all the data goes to the collection. When I click Add Ingredient then the another text input appears (in the place where renderOtherInputs() ).
I know, that Meteor is reactive - so no need to render something directly. I should underlie on the reactive data storage.
And I know from the tutorials the only one way to render something - I should have an array (that was based on collection, which is always reactive) and then render something for each element of that array.
So I should have an array with number of elements = number of additional inputs. that is local, so I can't use Collection, let's use Reactive Var instead of it.
numOfIngredients = new ReactiveVar([]);
And when I click Add button - the new element should be pushed to this array:
addIngredient(e) {
let newNumOfIngredients = numOfIngredients.get();
And after all I should render additional inputs (on the assumption of how many elements I have in the array):
renderOtherInputs() {
return numOfIngredients.get().map((elem) => {
<input type="text"/>
The idea is: when I click Add button then new element is pushed to the ReactiveVar (newNumOfIngredients). In the html code I call this.renderOtherInputs(), which return html for the as many inputs as elements I have in my ReactiveVar (newNumOfIngredients). newNumOfIngredients is a reactive storage of data - so when I push element to it, all things that depends on it should re-render. I have no idea why that is not working and how to do this.
Thank you for your help.
Finally I got the solution. But why you guys don't help newbie in web? It is really simple question for experienced developers. I read that meteor and especially react have powerful communities, but...
the answer is: we should use state!
first let's define our state object in the constructor of react component:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
inputs: [],
then we need a function to render inputs underlying our state.inputs:
renderOtherInputs() {
return (each, index) => {
return (
<input key={ index } type="text" />
and to add an input:
addInput(e) {
var temp = this.state.inputs;
temp.push('no matter');
inputs: temp,
p.s. and to delete each input:
deleteIngredient(e) {
let index ='id');
let temp = this.state.inputs;
delete temp[index];
inputs: temp,

Does React component definetely update itself when a method is called

Although you don t need to look at the code below to understand the question, I added it in case you need to visualize the scenario. Whenever the form submits, addList method is called.
And the component updates itself. But I didn t expect this behaviour, that s why at first I did try to assign my lists to state, so that when the state changed the component would update itself as I wanted.
Anyway it already updates itself, but why ? Which way is more efficient ?
import React,{Component} from 'react';
import TrackerReact from 'meteor/ultimatejs:tracker-react';
import {Lists} from '../lib/collections/lists.js';
export default class App extends TrackerReact(Component) {
// this.state = {lists : this.lists()}
return Lists.find().fetch();
//let text = this.refs.list.value ;
let text = this._inputList.value ;
title : text
this._inputList.value = "";
//this.setState({lists : this.lists()});
render() {
return (
<List key={a._id} title={a.title} />
<form onSubmit={this.addList.bind(this)}>
this._inputList = input ;
placeholder="add list bro"
So if we add a componentWillUpdate react life-cycle method to see if it rerenders ;
componentWillUpdate() {
console.log('will update');
When form submitted "will update" is logged on console as expected. However if we update addList as ;
// nothing else.
We don t see the output "will update" on console. Which means method being called doesn t require the component to be rerendered. There is no such a rule. In this case , it is probably about TrackerReact. TrackerReact might force the component to rerender.

Updating model value onChange in Meteor + React places cursor at the end of the string

I am using Meteor with React. Consider this simple component below. There is a local mini-Mongo collection CommentsCollection. The component will insert a row in it when componentWillMount will be called. getMeteorData will return the first record in the collection and we'll be able to modify the title. Problem: if I place my cursor at the start of the title and start typing, after the first character update the cursor will jump to the end of the string and the rest of my typing will be placed there. How do I work around this?
CommentsCollection = new Meteor.Collection(null); // Local mini-mongo collection
EventTestComponent = React.createClass({
mixins : [ReactMeteorData],
CommentsCollection.insert({title:"test title", message:"some test message"});
return {
comment: CommentsCollection.findOne()
CommentsCollection.update({_id:}, {$set:{title:}});
if( {
return (
<input type="text" value={} onChange={this.handleTitleChange}/>
return <div>Loading...</div>
I came up with this solution right after I posted the question:
<input type="text"
So: change value to defaultValue, and onChange to onKeyUp. Works like a charm!
