Let's say I have two data.table, dt_a and dt_b defined as below.
dt_a <- data.table(
foo = c("a", "b", "c")
dt_b <- data.table(
bar = sample(c("a", "b", "c"), 10L, replace=TRUE),
value = runif(10L)
## bar value
## 1: c 0.4904536
## 2: c 0.9067509
## 3: b 0.1831664
## 4: c 0.0203943
## 5: c 0.8707686
## 6: a 0.4224133
## 7: a 0.6025349
## 8: b 0.4916672
## 9: a 0.4566726
## 10: b 0.8841110
I want to left join dt_b on dt_a by reference, summing over the multiple match. A way to do so would be to first create a summary of dt_b (thus solving the multiple match issue) and merge if afterwards.
dt_b_summary <- dt_b[, .(value=sum(value)), bar]
dt_a[dt_b_summary, value_good:=value, on=c(foo="bar")]
## foo value_good
## 1: a 1.481621
## 2: b 1.558945
## 3: c 2.288367
However, this will allow memory to the object dt_b_summary, which is inefficient.
I would like to have the same result by directly joining on dt_b and summing multiple match. I'm looking for something like below, but that won't work.
dt_a[dt_b, value_bad:=sum(value), on=c(foo="bar")]
## foo value_good value_bad
## 1: a 1.481621 5.328933
## 2: b 1.558945 5.328933
## 3: c 2.288367 5.328933
Anyone knows if there is something possible?
We can use .EACHI with by
dt_b[dt_a, .(value = sum(value)), on = .(bar = foo), by = .EACHI]
# bar value
#1: a 1.481621
#2: b 1.558945
#3: c 2.288367
If we want to update the original object 'dt_a'
dt_a[, value := dt_b[.SD, sum(value), on = .(bar = foo), by = .EACHI]$V1]
# foo value
#1: a 1.481621
#2: b 1.558945
#3: c 2.288367
For multiple columns
dt_b$value1 <- dt_b$value
nm1 <- c('value', 'value1')
dt_a[, (nm1) := dt_b[.SD, lapply(.SD, sum),
on = .(bar = foo), by = .EACHI][, .SD, .SDcols = nm1]]
I have a data.table in which I'd like to complete a column to fill in some missing values, however I'm having some trouble filling in the other columns.
dt = data.table(a = c(1, 3, 5), b = c('a', 'b', 'c'))
dt[, .(a = seq(min(a), max(a), 1), b = na.locf(b))]
# a b
# 1: 1 a
# 2: 2 b
# 3: 3 c
# 4: 4 a
# 5: 5 b
However looking for something more like this:
dt %>%
complete(a = seq(min(a), max(a), 1)) %>%
mutate(b = na.locf(b))
# # A tibble: 5 x 2
# a b
# <dbl> <chr>
# 1 1 a
# 2 2 a
# 3 3 b
# 4 4 b
# 5 5 c
where the last value is carried forward
Another possible solution with only the (rolling) join capabilities of data.table:
dt[.(min(a):max(a)), on = .(a), roll = Inf]
which gives:
a b
1: 1 a
2: 2 a
3: 3 b
4: 4 b
5: 5 c
On large datasets this will probably outperform every other solution.
Courtesy to #Mako212 who gave the hint by using seq in his answer.
First posted solution which works, but gives a warning:
dt[dt[, .(a = Reduce(":", a))], on = .(a), roll = Inf]
data.table recycles observations by default when you try dt[, .(a = seq(min(a), max(a), 1))] so it never generates any NA values for na.locf to fill. Pretty sure you need to use a join here to "complete" the cases, and then you can use na.locf to fill.
dt[dt[, .(a = min(a):max(a))], on = 'a'][, .(a, b = na.locf(b))]
Not sure if there's a way to skip the separate t1 line, but this gives you the desired result.
a b
1: 1 a
2: 2 a
3: 3 b
4: 4 b
5: 5 c
And I'll borrow #Jaap's min/max line to avoid creating the second table. So basically you can either use his rolling join solution, or if you want to use na.locf this gets the same result.
I have a keyed data.table to which I would like to add rows from another table of the same key:
key.cols <- c("ID", "Code")
DT1 = data.table(
ID = c("b","b","b","a","a","c"),
Code = LETTERS[seq(1,6)],
Number = runif(6)
DT2 = data.table(
ID = c("a","a","c","b","b","b"),
Code = LETTERS[seq(4,9)],
Number = runif(6)
I would like to only add to DT1 rows from DT2 of the keys that do not occur in DT1 i.e. rbind a relative complement:
I can try and use setops and just add the keys letting the non-keyed columns be filled NA and join them afterwards:
DT1 <- rbind(DT1, fsetdiff(DT2[,(key.cols), with=FALSE], DT1[,(key.cols), with=FALSE]), fill=TRUE)
DT1[DT2, Number:=ifelse(, i.Number, Number), on = key.cols];DT1
Is there a less cumbersome way to do it?
Slightly less cumbersome is:
rbind(DT1, DT2[!DT1, on = .(ID, Code)])
ID Code Number
1: b A 0.26550866
2: b B 0.37212390
3: b C 0.57285336
4: a D 0.90820779
5: a E 0.20168193
6: c F 0.89838968
7: b G 0.06178627
8: b H 0.20597457
9: b I 0.17655675
Perhaps more tractable would be to use unique():
unique(rbind(DT1, DT2), by = c("ID", "Code"))
I am searching a way to reorder each row of a data.table in alphatical order in an efficient way. So I assume that each column does give the same information and is comparable. When you see the example it will make more sense:
test <- data.table(A = c("A", "b", "c"),
B = c(1,"a","d"),
C = c("F", 0, 1))
Expected result:
result <- data.table(t(apply(test,1, sort)))
names(result) <- colnames(test)
In this solution I have to loop through all the rows, can this be prevented?
For 2 columns I found a efficient way to solve this problem:
result <- data.table(A = pmin(test$A, test$B), B = pmax(test$A, test$B) )
But this solution does not work well for more than 2 columns
Lets add a benchmark of the different solutions on two columns:
test <- data.table(A = sample(c("A","B", "C", "D"), 1000000, replace = T),
B = sample(c("A","B", "C", "D"), 1000000, replace = T))
OptionOne <- function(test){
result <- data.table(A = pmin(test$A, test$B), B = pmax(test$A, test$B) )
OptionTwo <- function(test){
test[, names(test) := as.list(sort(unlist(.SD))), 1:nrow(test)][]
OptionThree <- function(test){
test[, id := .I]
test <- melt(test, id.vars = "id")
setorder(test, id, value)
test[, variable1 := seq_len(.N), by = id]
dcast(test, id ~ variable1, value.var = "value")
#user system elapsed
#0.13 0.00 0.12
# user system elapsed
# 17.58 0.00 18.27
#user system elapsed
# 0.23 0.00 0.24
It seems like for two columns the pmin and pmax is the most efficient way but for more columns the reshape does a good job.
Your data.table is conceptionally in the wrong shape. Sorting over rows (i.e., over variables) does not make sense. Thus, to do this efficiently you need to reshape:
test <- data.table(A = c("A", "b", "c"),
B = c(1,"a","d"),
C = c("F", 0, 1))
test[, id := .I]
test <- melt(test, id.vars = "id")
setorder(test, id, value)
# id variable value
#1: 1 B 1
#2: 1 A A
#3: 1 C F
#4: 2 C 0
#5: 2 B a
#6: 2 A b
#7: 3 C 1
#8: 3 A c
#9: 3 B d
If you must, you can then reshape again, though I would not recommend that.
test[, variable1 := seq_len(.N), by = id]
dcast(test, id ~ variable1, value.var = "value")
# id 1 2 3
#1: 1 1 A F
#2: 2 0 a b
#3: 3 1 c d
We can try
test[, names(test) := as.list(sort(unlist(.SD))), 1:nrow(test)][]
I have a data set with individuals (ID) that can be part of more than one group.
DT <- data.table(
ID = rep(1:5, c(3:1, 2:3)),
Group = c("A", "B", "C", "B",
"C", "A", "A", "C",
"A", "B", "C")
# ID Group
# 1: 1 A
# 2: 1 B
# 3: 1 C
# 4: 2 B
# 5: 2 C
# 6: 3 A
# 7: 4 A
# 8: 4 C
# 9: 5 A
# 10: 5 B
# 11: 5 C
I want to know the sum of identical individuals for 2 groups.
The result should look like this:
Group.1 Group.2 Sum
A B 2
A C 3
B C 3
Where Sum indicates the number of individuals the two groups have in common.
Here's my version:
# size-1 IDs can't contribute; skip
DT[ , if (.N > 1)
# simplify = FALSE returns a list;
# transpose turns the 3-length list of 2-length vectors
# into a length-2 list of 3-length vectors (efficiently)
transpose(combn(Group, 2L, simplify = FALSE)), by = ID
][ , .(Sum = .N), keyby = .(Group.1 = V1, Group.2 = V2)]
With output:
# Group.1 Group.2 Sum
# 1: A B 2
# 2: A C 3
# 3: B C 3
As of version 1.9.8 (on CRAN 25 Nov 2016), data.table has gained the ability to do non-equi joins. So, a self non-equi join can be used:
library(data.table) # v1.9.8+
setDT(DT)[, Group:= factor(Group)]
DT[DT, on = .(ID, Group < Group), nomatch = 0L, .(ID, x.Group, i.Group)][
, .N, by = .(x.Group, i.Group)]
x.Group i.Group N
1: A B 2
2: A C 3
3: B C 3
The non-equi join on ID, Group < Group is a data.table version of combn() (but applied group-wise):
DT[DT, on = .(ID, Group < Group), nomatch = 0L, .(ID, x.Group, i.Group)]
ID x.Group i.Group
1: 1 A B
2: 1 A C
3: 1 B C
4: 2 B C
5: 4 A C
6: 5 A B
7: 5 A C
8: 5 B C
We self-join with the same dataset on 'ID', subset the rows where the 'Group' columns are different, get the nrows (.N), grouped by the 'Group' columns, sort the 'Group.1' and 'Group.2' columns by row using pmin/pmax and get the unique value of 'N'.
DT[DT, on='ID', allow.cartesian=TRUE][Group!=i.Group, .N ,.(Group, i.Group)][,
list(Sum=unique(N)) ,.(Group.1=pmin(Group, i.Group), Group.2=pmax(Group, i.Group))]
# Group.1 Group.2 Sum
#1: A B 2
#2: A C 3
#3: B C 3
Or as mentioned in the comments by #MichaelChirico and #Frank, we can convert 'Group' to factor class, subset the rows based on as.integer(Group) < as.integer(i.Group), group by 'Group', 'i.Group' and get the nrow (.N)
DT[, Group:= factor(Group)]
DT[DT, on='ID', allow.cartesian=TRUE][as.integer(Group) < as.integer(i.Group), .N,
by = .(Group.1= Group, Group.2= i.Group)]
Great answers above.
Just an alternative using dplyr in case you, or someone else, is interested.
cmb = combn(unique(dt$Group),2)
data.frame(g1 = cmb[1,],
g2 = cmb[2,]) %>%
group_by(g1,g2) %>%
# g1 g2 l
# (fctr) (fctr) (int)
# 1 A B 2
# 2 A C 3
# 3 B C 3
yet another solution (base R):
tmp <- split(DT, DT[, 'Group'])
ans <- apply(combn(LETTERS[1 : 3], 2), 2, FUN = function(ind){
out <- length(intersect(tmp[[ind[1]]][, 1], tmp[[ind[2]]][, 1]))
c(group1 = ind[1], group2 = ind[2], sum_ = out)
# group1 group2 sum_
#1 A B 2
#2 A C 3
#3 B C 3
first split data into list of groups, then for each unique pairwise combinations of two groups see how many subjects in common they have, using length(intersect(....