Modelling generic variables in a Latent class model with gmnl() - r

I have the problem in fomulating a model, where at least one variable is to be estimated independently from the classes, so one and the same coefficient for all classes. How could one do this?
I am working with the R package gmnl.
## Examples using the Fishing data set from the AER package
data("Electricity", package = "mlogit")
Electr <-, id.var = "id", choice = "choice",
varying = 3:26, shape = "wide", sep = "") <- gmnl(choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,
data = Electr,
subset = 1:3000,
model = 'lc',
panel = TRUE,
Q = 2)
How would you model one of the variables pf, cl, loc, wk, tod, or seas independently from the class? Thank you!

Thanks to Mauricio Sarrias I can present this work-around, which should solve the problem:
# Data
data("Electricity", package = "mlogit")
Electr <-, id.var = "id", choice = "choice",
varying = 3:26, shape = "wide", sep = "")
# ASCs
Electr$asc2 <- as.numeric(Electr$alt == 2)
Electr$asc3 <- as.numeric(Electr$alt == 3)
Electr$asc4 <- as.numeric(Electr$alt == 4)
# We estimate a MNL for the initial values of LC-MNL
init_mnl <- gmnl(choice ~ asc2 + asc3 + asc4 + pf + cl| 0,
data = Electr)
# Work on initial values for LC-MNL
init <- coef(init_mnl)
Q <- 2 # Number of Classes
init.shift <- seq(-0.02, 0.02, length.out = Q)
lc.mean <- c()
for(i in 1:Q){
lc.mean <- c(lc.mean, init + init.shift[i])
lc.names <- c()
lc.nalpha <- c()
for (i in 1:Q){
lc.names <- c(lc.names, paste('class', i, names(init), sep = '.'))
names(lc.mean) <- lc.names
# Now we fix pf coefficient = 0 in the second class
lc.mean[c("")] <- 0
start_lc <- c(lc.mean, # Var coefficients
0) #Constant for second class
# Estimate LC with price coefficient held fixed at 0 in class 2
lc <- gmnl(choice ~ asc2 + asc3 + asc4 + pf + cl| 0 | 0 | 0 |1,
data = Electr,
model = "lc",
iterlim = 500,
start = start_lc,
fixed = c(rep(FALSE, 8), TRUE, rep(FALSE, 2)), # note that is fixed at 0
print.level = 3,
print.init = TRUE,
Q = 2)


How do I add subscripts to labels in ggplot?

I'm doing an analysis on air pollutants using Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression, using the bkmr package in R.
The link is to Jennifer Bobb's instructions on how to use this package. I don't think it is relevant to the issue though. What I want to do is have PM2.5, O3, and NO2 show up in my charts with the 2.5, 3, and 2 as subscripts. I'm trying to use this function and getting no luck:
colnames(dat) <- c("LTE4", "$O[3]", "$PM[2.5]", "$NO[2]", "Diethyl", "Dimethyl", "age", "tmpf", "relh", "sex", "agany", "agself", "asthma")
When I do this what happens I just see these labels show up in the plots with with the $ and [] instead of subscripted numbers. Any ideas?
This is the full code I am using:
### January BKMR Analysis ###
## Hierarchical Variable Selection ##
## Updated June 6, 2022 ##
# Reading in necessary packages
trio_semipro <- readRDS("C:/Users/Matt/OneDrive/Documents/Fresno Thesis/Thesis Code/trio_semipro.rds")
trio_semipro$log_lte4 <- log(trio_semipro$Final)
# Separating out dataframes for winter and summer to run separate models for each season
trio_semipro_w <- trio_semipro %>%
filter(visit_month == 1)
trio_semipro_s <- trio_semipro %>%
filter(visit_month == 2)
# Summer and Winter Dataframes
dat = cbind(trio_semipro_w$log_lte4, trio_semipro_w$O3,
trio_semipro_w$PM25, trio_semipro_w$NO2, trio_semipro_w$diethyl, trio_semipro_w$dimethyl,
trio_semipro_w$age, trio_semipro_w$tmpf, trio_semipro_w$relh, trio_semipro_w$sex, trio_semipro_w$agriculture_anyone,
trio_semipro_w$agriculture_self, trio_semipro_w$asthma)
colnames(dat) = c("LTE4", "$O[3]", "$PM[2.5]", "$NO[2]", "Diethyl", "Dimethyl", "age", "tmpf", "relh", "sex", "agany", "agself", "asthma")
dat =
# recode the binary variable to be 0, 1 and NA
dat$agself = dat$agself-1
# recode sex variable
dat$sex = dat$sex -1
# recode agany variable
dat$agany = dat$agany - 1
#recode asthma variable
dat$asthma = dat$asthma - 1
# good
complete_dat = dat[-which(apply(dat, 1, anyNA)),]
# Fit BKMR
zscaled <- apply(complete_dat[,(2:6)], 2, scale)
yscaled <- scale(complete_dat$lte4)
xscaled <- cbind(scale(complete_dat[,7:9]), complete_dat[,10:13])
fit_bkmr = kmbayes(y=yscaled, Z= zscaled, X = xscaled,
iter = 20000, varsel = TRUE, groups=c(1,1,1,2,2), verbose=FALSE)
plot(fit_bkmr$sigsq.eps, type = "l")
TracePlot(fit = fit_bkmr, par = "beta", comp = 4)
TracePlot(fit = fit_bkmr, par = "sigsq.eps")
TracePlot(fit = fit_bkmr, par = "r", comp = 1)
# Estimating posterior inclusion probabilities
# Estimating h
y <- yscaled
Z <- zscaled
X <- xscaled
med_vals <- apply(Z, 2, median)
Znew <- matrix(med_vals, nrow = 1)
# Summarize model output
pred.resp.univar <- PredictorResponseUnivar(fit = fit_bkmr)
library(ggplot2) # Using ggplot to plot cross sections of h
ggplot(pred.resp.univar, aes(z, est, ymin = est - 1.96*se, ymax = est + 1.96*se)) +
geom_smooth(stat = "identity") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 5, col = "red2", alpha = 0.4) +
facet_wrap(~ variable, nrow = 1) +
# visualze the bivarate exposure-response function for two predictors, where
# all of the other predictors are fixed at a particular percentile.
pred.resp.bivar <- PredictorResponseBivar(fit = fit_bkmr, min.plot.dist = 1)
ggplot(pred.resp.bivar, aes(z1, z2, fill = est)) +
geom_raster() +
facet_grid(variable2 ~ variable1) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c("#0000FFFF","#FFFFFFFF","#FF0000FF")) +
xlab("expos1") +
ylab("expos2") +
ggtitle("h(expos1, expos2)")

`gmnl` unable to include Alternative Specific Constants (ASC) in Mixed-mixed MNL model

I am trying to estimate a Mixed-mixed multinomial logit model using the gmnl package. It works perfectly when not including Alternative Specific Constants (ASC), but it produces a weird error when incorporating them. The code below was taken (and adapted) from the original article published of the package.
Data preparation
options(digits = 3)
data("Electricity", package = "mlogit")
Electr <-,
id.var = "id",
choice = "choice",
varying = 3:26,
shape = "wide",
sep = "")
####Alternative Specific Constants
Electr$asc2 <- as.numeric(Electr$alt == 2)
Electr$asc3 <- as.numeric(Electr$alt == 3)
Electr$asc4 <- as.numeric(Electr$alt == 4)
Latent Class Models (with ASC)
The code below works perfectly, even including the ASC in the second part of the formula (LC_ASC_in_formula) or explicitly with the regressors (LC_ASC_in_variables).
LC_ASC_in_formula <- gmnl(choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1,
data = Electr,
subset = 1:3000,
model = "lc",
panel = TRUE,
Q = 2)
LC_ASC_in_variables <- gmnl( choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas +asc2 +asc3 +asc4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,
data = Electr,
subset = 1:3000,
model = "lc",
panel = TRUE,
Q = 2)
## Are they the same?
logLik(LC_ASC_in_variables) == logLik(LC_ASC_in_formula)
## [1] TRUE
Mixed-mixed MNL model
This model is basically a Latent Class model, but inside each class, the parameters are random (follow a previously specified parametric distribution).
Mixed-mixed MNL model WITHOUT ASC
The model works just fine when the ASCs are omitted.
MM_no_ASC <- gmnl(choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,
data = Electr,
subset = 1:3000,
model = "mm",
R = 5,
panel = TRUE,
ranp = c(pf = "n",cl = "n",loc = "n",wk = "n", tod = "n",seas= "n"),
Q = 2,
iterlim = 500)
However, it fails to estimate the model when including the ASC:
As part of the variables in the model.
MM_ASC_in_variables <- gmnl( choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas +
asc2 +asc3 +asc4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 ,
data = Electr,
subset = 1:3000,
model = "mm",
R = 5,
panel = TRUE,
ranp = c(pf = "n",cl = "n",loc = "n",wk = "n", tod = "n",seas= "n"),
Q = 2,
iterlim = 500)
> Error in if (distr == "n") { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
and when including them in the third part of the formula.
MM_ASC_in_formula <- gmnl( choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 ,
data = Electr,
subset = 1:3000,
model = "mm",
R = 5,
panel = TRUE,
ranp = c(pf = "n",cl = "n",loc = "n",wk = "n", tod = "n",seas= "n"),
Q = 2,
iterlim = 500)
> Error in if (distr == "n") { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Howeve, both ways to include the ASC parameters fail to initialize the model estimation. Hopefully, someone could help me to solve this issue. Thank you in advance.
Bonus1: Traceback of the error.
I reduced the number of observations included in the estimation (subset = 1:20) to see better the traceback() of the error shown below. But I couldn't spot the error myself.
MM_ASC_in_formula <- gmnl( choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 ,
data = Electr,
subset = 1:20,
model = "mm",
R = 5,
panel = TRUE,
ranp = c(pf = "n",cl = "n",loc = "n",wk = "n", tod = "n",seas= "n"),
Q = 2,
iterlim = 500)
# Error in if (distr == "n") { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
# Estimating MM-MNL model
# Error in if (distr == "n") { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
# > traceback()
# 14: Makeh.rcoef(beta[, q], stds[, q], ranp, Omega[, ((i - 1) * R +
# 1):(i * R), drop = FALSE], correlation, Pi = NULL, Slist = NULL,
# mvar = NULL)
# 13: fnOrig(theta, ...)
# 12: logLikFunc(theta, fnOrig = function (theta, y, X, H, Q, id = NULL,
# ranp, R, correlation, weights = NULL, haltons = NULL, seed = 12345,
# gradient = TRUE, = FALSE)
# {
# K <- ncol(X[[1]])
# J <- length(X)
# N <- nrow(X[[1]])
# panel <- !is.null(id)
# if (panel) {
# n <- length(unique(id))
# if (length(weights) == 1)
# weights <- rep(weights, N)
# }
# beta <- matrix(theta[1L:(K * Q)], nrow = K, ncol = Q)
# nstds <- if (!correlation)
# K * Q
# else (0.5 * K * (K + 1)) * Q
# stds <- matrix(theta[(K * Q + 1):(K * Q + nstds)], ncol = Q)
# rownames(beta) <- colnames(X[[1]])
# colnames(beta) <- colnames(stds) <- paste("class", 1:Q, sep = ":")
# gamma <- theta[-c(1L:(K * Q + nstds))]
# ew <- lapply(H, function(x) exp(crossprod(t(x), gamma)))
# sew <- suml(ew)
# Wnq <- lapply(ew, function(x) {
# v <- x/sew
# v[] <- 0
# as.vector(v)
# })
# Wnq <- Reduce(cbind, Wnq)
# set.seed(seed)
# Omega <- make.draws(R * ifelse(panel, n, N), K, haltons)
# XBr <- vector(mode = "list", length = J)
# for (j in 1:J) XBr[[j]] <- array(NA, dim = c(N, R, Q))
# nind <- ifelse(panel, n, N)
# if (panel)
# theIds <- unique(id)
# if (
# bi <- array(NA, dim = c(nind, R, Q, K), dimnames = list(NULL,
# NULL, NULL, colnames(X[[1]])))
# for (i in 1:nind) {
# if (panel) {
# anid <- theIds[i]
# theRows <- which(id == anid)
# }
# else theRows <- i
# for (q in 1:Q) {
# bq <- Makeh.rcoef(beta[, q], stds[, q], ranp, Omega[,
# ((i - 1) * R + 1):(i * R), drop = FALSE], correlation,
# Pi = NULL, Slist = NULL, mvar = NULL)
# for (j in 1:J) {
# XBr[[j]][theRows, , q] <- crossprod(t(X[[j]][theRows,
# , drop = FALSE]), bq$br)
# }
# if (
# bi[i, , q, ] <- t(bq$br)
# }
# }
# EXB <- lapply(XBr, function(x) exp(x))
# SEXB <- suml.array(EXB)
# Pntirq <- lapply(EXB, function(x) x/SEXB)
# Pnrq <- suml.array(mapply("*", Pntirq, y, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
# if (panel)
# Pnrq <- apply(Pnrq, c(2, 3), tapply, id, prod)
# Pnq <- apply(Pnrq, c(1, 3), mean)
# WPnq <- Wnq * Pnq
# Ln <- apply(WPnq, 1, sum)
# if (
# Qir <- list(wnq = Wnq, Ln = Ln, Pnrq = Pnrq)
# lnL <- if (panel)
# sum(log(Ln) * weights[!duplicated(id)])
# else sum(log(Ln) * weights)
# if (gradient) {
# lambda <- mapply(function(y, p) y - p, y, Pntirq, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# Wnq.mod <- aperm(repmat(Wnq/Ln, dimen = c(1, 1, R)),
# c(1, 3, 2))
# Qnq.mod <- Wnq.mod * Pnrq
# if (panel)
# Qnq.mod <- Qnq.mod[id, , ]
# eta <- lapply(lambda, function(x) x * Qnq.mod)
# dUdb <- dUds <- vector(mode = "list", length = J)
# for (j in 1:J) {
# dUdb[[j]] <- array(NA, dim = c(N, K, Q))
# dUds[[j]] <- array(NA, dim = c(N, nrow(stds), Q))
# }
# for (i in 1:nind) {
# if (panel) {
# anid <- theIds[i]
# theRows <- which(id == anid)
# }
# else theRows <- i
# for (q in 1:Q) {
# bq <- Makeh.rcoef(beta[, q], stds[, q], ranp,
# Omega[, ((i - 1) * R + 1):(i * R), drop = FALSE],
# correlation, Pi = NULL, Slist = NULL, mvar = NULL)
# for (j in 1:J) {
# dUdb[[j]][theRows, , q] <- tcrossprod(eta[[j]][theRows,
# , q, drop = TRUE], bq$
# dUds[[j]][theRows, , q] <- tcrossprod(eta[[j]][theRows,
# , q, drop = TRUE], bq$d.sigma)
# }
# }
# }
# if (correlation) {
# vecX <- c()
# for (i in 1:K) {
# vecX <- c(vecX, i:K)
# }
# Xac <- lapply(X, function(x) x[, vecX])
# }
# else {
# Xac <- X
# }
# Xr <- lapply(X, function(x) x[, rep(1:K, Q)])
# Xacr <- lapply(Xac, function(x) x[, rep(1:ncol(Xac[[1]]),
# Q)])
# dUdb <- lapply(dUdb, function(x) matrix(x, nrow = N))
# dUds <- lapply(dUds, function(x) matrix(x, nrow = N))
# grad.beta <- suml(mapply("*", Xr, dUdb, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))/R
# grad.stds <- suml(mapply("*", Xacr, dUds, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))/R
# Qnq <- WPnq/Ln
# if (panel) {
# Wnq <- Wnq[id, ]
# H <- lapply(H, function(x) x[id, ])
# Qnq <- Qnq[id, ]
# }
# Wg <- vector(mode = "list", length = Q)
# IQ <- diag(Q)
# for (q in 1:Q) Wg[[q]] <- rowSums(Qnq * (repRows(IQ[q,
# ], N) - repCols(Wnq[, q], Q)))
# grad.gamma <- suml(mapply("*", H, Wg, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
# gari <- cbind(grad.beta, grad.stds, grad.gamma)
# colnames(gari) <- names(theta)
# attr(lnL, "gradient") <- gari * weights
# }
# if ( {
# Pnjq <- lapply(Pntirq, function(x) apply(x, c(1, 3),
# mean))
# if (panel)
# Wnq <- Wnq[id, ]
# Pw <- lapply(Pnjq, function(x) x * Wnq)
# attr(lnL, "prob.alt") <- sapply(Pw, function(x) apply(x,
# 1, sum))
# attr(lnL, "prob.ind") <- Ln
# attr(lnL, "bi") <- bi
# attr(lnL, "Qir") <- Qir
# attr(lnL, "Wnq") <- Wnq
# }
# lnL
# },# weights = 1, R = 5, seed = 12345, ranp = c(pf = "n", cl = "n",
# loc = "n", wk = "n", tod = "n", seas = "n"), id = structure(c(1L,
# 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "1", class = "factor"), H = list(
# `1` = structure(0, .Dim = c(1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(
# "1", "(class)2")), `2` = structure(1, .Dim = c(1L,
# 1L), .Dimnames = list("2", "(class)2"))), correlation = FALSE,
# haltons = NA, Q = 2)
# 11: eval(f, sys.frame(sys.parent()))
# 10: eval(f, sys.frame(sys.parent()))
# 9: callWithoutArgs(theta, fName = fName, args = names(formals(sumt)),
# ...)
# 8: (function (theta, fName, ...)
# 7:, argList)
# 6: maxOptim(fn = fn, grad = grad, hess = hess, start = start, method = "BFGS",
# fixed = fixed, constraints = constraints, finalHessian = finalHessian,
# parscale = parscale, control = mControl, ...)
# 5: maxRoutine(fn = logLik, grad = grad, hess = hess, start = start,
# constraints = constraints, ...)
# 4: maxLik(method = "bfgs", iterlim = 500, start = c(`class.1.2:(intercept)` = -4.85114128700713,
# `class.1.3:(intercept)` = -7.69322200825539, `class.1.4:(intercept)` = 5.01582959989182,
# = -1.60963678008691, = 0.109892050051351,
# class.1.loc = 18.3461318629584, class.1.wk = 5.01552145983325,
# class.1.tod = 6.12905713997904, class.1.seas = -4.37562129235275,
# `class.2.2:(intercept)` = -4.81114128700713, `class.2.3:(intercept)` = -7.6532220082554,
# `class.2.4:(intercept)` = 5.05582959989182, = -1.56963678008691,
# = 0.149892050051351, class.2.loc = 18.3861318629584,
# class.2.wk = 5.05552145983325, class.2.tod = 6.16905713997903,
# class.2.seas = -4.33562129235275, = 0.08, = 0.08,
# = 0.08, = 0.08, = 0.08,
# = 0.08, = 0.12, = 0.12,
# = 0.12, = 0.12, = 0.12,
# = 0.12, `(class)2` = 0), X = Xl, y = yl, gradient = gradient,
# weights = weights, logLik = ll.mnlogit, R = R, seed = seed,
# ranp = ranp, id = id, H = Hl, correlation = correlation,
# haltons = haltons, Q = Q)
# 3: eval(opt, sys.frame(which = nframe))
# 2: eval(opt, sys.frame(which = nframe))
# 1: gmnl(choice ~ pf + cl + loc + wk + tod + seas | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1,
# data = Electr, subset = 1:20, model = "mm", R = 5, panel = TRUE,
# ranp = c(pf = "n", cl = "n", loc = "n", wk = "n", tod = "n",
# seas = "n"), Q = 2, iterlim = 500)
Bonus2 :sessionInfo()
R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19044)
Matrix products: default
attached base packages:
[1] grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
[7] methods base
other attached packages:
[1] here_1.0.1 strucchange_1.5-2 sandwich_3.0-1
[4] zoo_1.8-9 partykit_1.2-15 mvtnorm_1.1-3
[7] libcoin_1.0-9 mlogit_1.1-1 dfidx_0.0-4
[10] gmnl_1.1-3.2 Formula_1.2-4 maxLik_1.5-2
[13] miscTools_0.6-26 dplyr_1.0.7 nnet_7.3-17
Thank you in advance.

Creating new datasets for each iteration of a power analysis

I have the following code to estimate the power for my study which runs perfectly fine. The issue is that I am running n = 1000 iterations, but each iteration generates the exact same dataset. I think this is because the commands in the function that I created (powercrosssw) draw on the data definitions above that are fixed in value? How do I ensure that each dataset (named dx below) that is generated is different (i.e. the values for u_3, error, and y are different for each iteration) so that I am calculating the power appropriately?
clusterDef <- defDataAdd(varname = "u_3", dist = "normal", formula = 0, variance = 25.77) #cluster-level random effect
patError <- defDataAdd(varname = "error", dist = "normal", formula = 0, variance = 38.35) #error term
#Generate cluster-level data
cohortsw <- genData(3, id = "cluster")
cohortsw <- addColumns(clusterDef, cohortsw)
cohortswTm <- addPeriods(cohortsw, nPeriods = 6, idvars = "cluster", perName = "period")
cohortstep <- trtStepWedge(cohortswTm, "cluster", nWaves = 3, lenWaves = 1, startPer = 1, grpName = "Ijt")
#Generate individual patient-level data
pat <- genCluster(cohortswTm, cLevelVar = "timeID", numIndsVar = 5, level1ID = "id")
dx <- merge(pat[, .(cluster, period, id)], cohortstep, by = c("cluster", "period"))
dx <- addColumns(patError, dx)
setkey(dx, id, cluster, period)
#Define outcome y
outDef <- defDataAdd(varname = "y", formula = "17.87 + 5.0*Ijt - 5.42*I(period == 1) - 5.72*I(period == 2) - 7.03*I(period == 3) - 6.13*I(period == 4) - 9.13*I(period == 5) + u_3 + error", dist = "normal")
dx <- addColumns(outDef, dx)
#Fit GLMM model to simulated dataset
model1 <- lme(y ~ factor(period) + factor(Ijt), random = ~1|cluster, data = dx, method = "REML")
#Power analysis
powercrosssw <- function(nclus = 3, clsize = 5) {
cohortsw <- genData(nclus, id = "cluster")
cohortsw <- addColumns(clusterDef, cohortsw)
cohortswTm <- addPeriods(cohortsw, nPeriods = 6, idvars = "cluster", perName = "period")
cohortstep <- trtStepWedge(cohortswTm, "cluster", nWaves = 3, lenWaves = 1, startPer = 1, grpName = "Ijt")
pat <- genCluster(cohortswTm, cLevelVar = "timeID", numIndsVar = clsize, level1ID = "id")
dx <- merge(pat[, .(cluster, period, id)], cohortstep, by = c("cluster", "period"))
dx <- addColumns(patError, dx)
setkey(dx, id, cluster, period)
bresult <- NULL
presult <- NULL
eresult <- NULL
intercept <- NULL
trt <- NULL
timecoeff1 <- NULL
timecoeff2 <- NULL
timecoeff3 <- NULL
timecoeff4 <- NULL
timecoeff5 <- NULL
ranclus <- NULL
error <- NULL
while (i < 1000) {
cohortsw <- powercrosssw()
#Fit multi-level model to simulated dataset
model1 <- tryCatch(lme(y ~ factor(period) + factor(Ijt), data = dx, random = ~1|cluster, method = "REML"),
warning = function(w) { "warning" }
if (! is.character(model1)) {
coeff <- coef(summary(model1))["factor(Ijt)1", "Value"]
pvalue <- coef(summary(model1))["factor(Ijt)1", "p-value"]
error <- coef(summary(model1))["factor(Ijt)1", "Std.Error"]
bresult <- c(bresult, coeff)
presult <- c(presult, pvalue)
eresult <- c(eresult, error)
i <- i + 1

Rolling window with Copulas

I would like to apply a rolling window to fit a student t Copula and then to do a forecast based on the results from the fitting process. I already tried it with a for loop, but it always state errors according to the fit Copula command.
#Students t Copula
windowsSize <- 4000 # training data size
testsize <- 351 # number of observations to forecast
for(k in 0:33) # run 34 experiments
A <- k*testsize + 1
B <- A + windowsSize - 1
start_obs <- A
end_obs <- B
lgYen_roll <- lgYenUSD[A:B]
lgEuro_roll <- lgEuroUSD[A:B]
ElgYen_roll <- ElgYenUSD[A:B]
ElgEuro_roll <- ElgEuroUSD[A:B
StdlgYen_roll <- StdlgYenUSD[A:B]
StdlgEuro_roll <- StdlgEuroUSD[A:B]
CopYenEuro_roll <- pobs(as.matrix(cbind(lgYen_roll,lgEuro_roll)))
YenEuro_fit_t_roll <- fitCopula(t.cop,CopYenEuro_roll,method=c('ml'), posDef = is(t.cop, "ellipCopula"),
start = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
optim.method = optimMeth(t.cop, method,dim=d),
optim.control = list(maxit=1000),
estimate.variance = NA, hideWarnings = FALSE)
Here occurs already the first error: "Error in if (any(u < 0) || any(u > 1)) stop("'u' must be in [0,1] -- probably rather use pobs(.)") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
CO_YenEuro_roll_rho <- coef(YenEuro_fit_t_roll)[1]
CO_YenEuro_roll_df <- coef(YenEuro_fit_t_roll)[2]
YenEurocopula_dist_t_roll <- mvdc(copula=tCopula(param = CO_YenEuro_roll_rho,dim=2), margins=c("norm","norm"),
paramMargins = list(list(mean=ElgYen_roll, sd=StdlgYen_roll),
list(mean=ElgEuro_roll, sd=StdlgEuro_roll)),
check = TRUE, fixupNames = TRUE)
YenEurocopula_random_t_roll.dist <- rMvdc(351,YenEurocopula_dist_t_roll)
A <- B + 1
B <- B + testsize
lgYen_roll <- lgYenUSD[A:B]
lgEuro_roll <- lgEuroUSD[A:B]
ElgYen_roll <- ElgYenUSD[A:B]
ElgEuro_roll <- ElgEuroUSD[A:B]
StdlgYen_roll <- StdlgYenUSD[A:B]
StdlgEuro_roll <- StdlgEuroUSD[A:B]
predict_EXT <- matrix(0, testsize, 1)
for(i in 1:testsize) # do the forecast based on the Copula Fit results
predict_EXT[i] <- fitCopula(t.cop,CopYenEuro_rolling[i],method=c('ml'), posDef = is(t.cop, "ellipCopula"),
start = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
optim.method = optimMeth(t.cop, method,dim=d),
optim.control = list(maxit=1000),
estimate.variance = NA, hideWarnings = TRUE)
YenEurocopula_dist_t_roll <- mvdc(copula=tCopula(param = CO_YenEuro_roll_rho[i],dim=2), margins=c("norm","norm"),
paramMargins = list(list(mean=ElgYen_roll[i], sd=StdlgYen_roll[i]),
list(mean=ElgEuro_roll[i], sd=StdlgEuro_roll[i])),
check = TRUE, fixupNames = TRUE)
YenEurocopula_random_t_roll.dist <- rMvdc(351,YenEurocopula_dist_t_roll[i])
Maybe someone has a solution to this problem?

How to calculate mean sojourn time in each nonabsorbing state using R package MSTATE

I am working on a survival analysis and cannot seem to figure out how do to this.
From the MSTATE tutorial the following is a block of code for as simple Cox-regression. How does one calculate the mean sojourn time in each nonabsorbing state?
tmat <- trans.illdeath(names=c("Tx","PR","RelDeath"))
ebmt3$prtime <- ebmt3$prtime/365.25
ebmt3$rfstime <- ebmt3$rfstime/365.25
covs <- c("dissub", "age", "drmatch", "tcd", "prtime")
msbmt <- msprep(time = c(NA, "prtime", "rfstime"), status = c(NA, "prstat", "rfsstat"), data = ebmt3, trans = tmat, keep = covs)
expcovs <- expand.covs(msbmt, covs[2:3], append = FALSE)
msbmt <- expand.covs(msbmt, covs, append = TRUE, longnames = FALSE)
c1 <- coxph(Surv(Tstart, Tstop, status) ~ dissub1.1 + dissub2.1 +
age1.1 + age2.1 + drmatch.1 + tcd.1 + dissub1.2 + dissub2.2 +
age1.2 + age2.2 + drmatch.2 + tcd.2 + dissub1.3 + dissub2.3 +
age1.3 + age2.3 + drmatch.3 + tcd.3 + strata(trans), data = msbmt,
method = "breslow")
newd <- data.frame(dissub = rep(0, 3), age = rep(0, 3), drmatch = rep(0,
3), tcd = rep(0, 3), trans = 1:3)
newd$dissub <- factor(newd$dissub, levels = 0:2, labels = levels(ebmt3$dissub))
newd$age <- factor(newd$age, levels = 0:2, labels = levels(ebmt3$age))
newd$drmatch <- factor(newd$drmatch, levels = 0:1, labels = levels(ebmt3$drmatch))
newd$tcd <- factor(newd$tcd, levels = 0:1, labels = levels(ebmt3$tcd))
attr(newd, "trans") <- tmat
class(newd) <- c("msdata", "data.frame")
newd <- expand.covs(newd, covs[1:4], longnames = FALSE)
newd$strata = 1:3
msf1 <- msfit(c1, newdata = newd, trans = tmat)
I think you are looking for the ELOS function in mstate - it stands for the Expected Length of Stay in a state - to complete your example you would need to calculate the transition probabilities using probtrans and then you can calculate ELOS for every state.
pt <- probtrans(msf1,predt=0)
# ELOS until last observed time point
