OpenCL usage of register value crashes program - opencl

I finished writing an OpenCL kernel for thermodynamics calculations and observed a really weird bug.
My kernel looks like this:
__kernel void energy(... float3 dest, int nlocal, ...){
int i = get_global_id(0);
float3 ev = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
//some thermo calculations, adding values to evx and evy
ev.x +=...;
ev.y +=...;
//Then I want to save the result in dest[i].
//Program exits at next two line
dest[i].x = ev.x;
dest[i].y = ev.y;
I get an "unmapped Memory" and segfault error. I get the same error when trying to print out the value using printf. Seems like the program can't read the value. Writing to it works though!(Maybe because of some compiler optimizations)
Now if I use another float register value, I get the same error. But if I change the last lines to something like this (no use of ev.x or ev.y)
dest[i].x = i/nlocal*3.1f
dest[i].y = ...;
everything is going as expected and I get no error.
This works too:
int i = ...
float3 = {0.0f, ...}
dest[i].x = ev.x;
But somehow after the actual calculation it is not possible anymore.
The program is running on a Nvidia K40m, Kepler architecture.

This looks suspicious in your code:
kernel(... __global int* neigh
__global int* neighs = neigh+i;
int j = neighs[k*n];
Seems like you are passing a array of pointers in neigh, then getting the pointer and using it.
Pointers are not allowed in CL, if you pass pointers then you are addressing out of the GPU memory, and therefore crashing.
It is also possible that your vectors are simply not properly calculated, the sizes should be:
res, nneigh = GLOBAL_SIZE
neighs = max(nneigh[])*n
x = max(neighs[])
And also possible you did create the buffers smaller than they should be (remember they are floats, and float3, which use 32bits and 128bits per element). CL API calls are defined in bytes (you should use sizeof()), not in elements.

Okay I found the answer and the code above is working. I changed the kernel parameters for better understanding and corrected the mistake unconsiously when I posted the code here.
int numneigh = nneigh[i] (stands for number of neighbors) is correct
in the original code I did this:
int numneigh = neigh[i] (the neighbors)
Thanks for helping, and your guess that something is wrong with neigh/nneigh was correct, even though the mistake was not in code posted above :P


OpenCL: Passing a pointer to local memory

I have the following example code:
int compute_stuff(int *array)
/* do stuff with array */
return x;
__kernel void my_kernel()
__local int local_mem_block[LENGTH*MY_LOCAL_WORK_SIZE];
int result;
/* do stuff with local memory block */
result = compute_stuff(local_mem_block + (LENGTH*get_local_id(0)));
The above example compiles and executes fine on my NVIDIA card (RTX 2080).
But when I try to compile on a Macbook with AMD card, I get the following error:
error: passing '__local int *' to parameter of type '__private int *' changes address space of pointer
OK, so then I change the "compute_stuff" function to the following:
int compute_stuff(__local int *array)
Now both NVIDIA and AMD compile it fine, no problem...
But then I have one more test, to compile it on the same Macbook using WINE (rather than boot to Windows in bootcamp), and it gives the following error:
error: parameter may not be qualified with an address space
So it seems as though one is not supposed to qualify a function parameter with an address space. Fair enough. But if I do not do that, then the AMD on native Windows thinks that I am trying to change the address space of the pointer to private (I guess because it assumes that all function arguments will be private?).
What is a good way to handle this so that all three environments are happy to compile it? As a last resort, I am thinking of simply having the program check to see if the build failed without qualifier, and if so, substitute in the "__local" qualifier and build a second time... Seems like a hack, but it could work.
I agree with ProjectPhysX that it appears to be a bug with the WINE implementation. I also found the following appears to satisfy all three environments:
int compute_stuff(__local int * __private array)
__kernel void my_kernel()
__local int local_mem_block[LENGTH*MY_LOCAL_WORK_SIZE];
__local int * __private samples;
samples = local_mem_block + (LENGTH*get_local_id(0));
result = compute_stuff(samples);
The above is explicitly stating that the pointer itself is private while the memory it is pointing to is kept in local address space. So this removes any ambiguity.
The int* in int compute_stuff(int *array) is __generic address space. The call result = compute_stuff(local_mem_block+...); implicitly converts it to __local, which is allowed according to the OpenCL 2.0 Khronos specification.
It could be that AMD defaults to OpenCL 1.2. Maybe explicitely set –cl-std=CL2.0 in clBuildProgram() or clCompileProgram().
To keep the code compatible with OpenCL 1.2, you can explicitly set the pointer in the function to __local: int compute_stuff(__local int *array). OpenCL allows to set function parameters to the address spaces __global and __local. WINE seems to have a bug here. Maybe inlining the function can solve it: int __attribute__((always_inline)) compute_stuff(__local int *array).
As a last resort, you can do your proposed method. You can detect if it runs on WINE system like this. With that, you could switch between the two code variants without compiling twice and detecting the error.

declaring and defining pointer vetors of vectors in OpenCL Kernel

I have a variable which is vector of vector, And in c++, I am easily able to define and declare it but in OpenCL Kernel, I am facing the issues. Here is an example of what I am trying to do.
std::vector<vector <double>> filter;
for (int m= 0;m<3;m++)
const auto& w = filters[m];
-------sum operation using w
Now Here, I can easily referencing the values of filters[m] in w, but I am not able to do this OpenCl kernel file. Here is what I have tried,but it is giving me wrong output.
In host code:-
filter_dev = cl::Buffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_ONLY|CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,filter_size,(void*)&filters,&err);
filter_dev_buff = cl::Buffer(context,CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,filter_size,NULL,&err);
kernel.setArg(0, filter_dev);
kernel.setArg(1, filter_dev_buff);
In kernel code:
__kernel void forward_shrink(__global double* filters,__global double* weight)
int i = get_global_id[0]; // I have tried to use indiviadual values of i in filters j, just to check the output, but is not giving the same values as in serial c++ implementation
weight = &filters[i];
------ sum operations using weight
Can anyone help me? Where I am wrong or what can be the solution?
You are doing multiple things wrong with your vectors.
First of all (void*)&filters doesn't do what you want it to do. &filters doesn't return a pointer to the beginning of the actual data. For that you'll have to use
Second you can't use an array of arrays in OpenCL (or vector of vectors even less). You'll have to flatten the array yourself to a 1D array before you pass it to a OpenCL kernel.

Random NaN and incorrect results with OpenCL kernel

I am trying to implement a general matrix-matrix multiplication OpenCL kernel, one that conforms to C = α*A*B + β*C.
The Kernel
I did some research online and decided to use a modified kernel from this website as a starting point. The main modification I have made is that allocation of local memory as working space is now dynamic. Below is the kernel I have written:
void clkernel_gemm(const uint M, const uint N, const uint K, const float alpha,
__global const float* A, __global const float* B, const float beta,
__global float* C, __local float* Asub, __local float* Bsub) {
const uint row = get_local_id(0);
const uint col = get_local_id(1);
const uint TS = get_local_size(0); // Tile size
const uint globalRow = TS * get_group_id(0) + row; // Row ID of C (0..M)
const uint globalCol = TS * get_group_id(1) + col; // Row ID of C (0..N)
// Initialise the accumulation register
float acc = 0.0f;
// Loop over all tiles
const int numtiles = K / TS;
for (int t = 0; t < numtiles; t++) {
const int tiledRow = TS * t + row;
const int tiledCol = TS * t + col;
Asub[col * TS + row] = A[tiledCol * M + globalRow];
Bsub[col * TS + row] = B[globalCol * K + tiledRow];
for(int k = 0; k < TS; k++) {
acc += Asub[k * TS + row] * Bsub[col * TS + k] * alpha;
C[globalCol * M + globalRow] = fma(beta, C[globalCol * M + globalRow], acc);
Tile Size (TS) is now a value defined in the calling code, which looks like this:
// A, B and C are 2D matrices, their cl::Buffers have already been set up
// and values appropriately set.
kernel.setArg(0, (cl_int)nrowA);
kernel.setArg(1, (cl_int)ncolB);
kernel.setArg(2, (cl_int)ncolA);
kernel.setArg(3, alpha);
kernel.setArg(4, A_buffer);
kernel.setArg(5, B_buffer);
kernel.setArg(6, beta);
kernel.setArg(7, C_buffer);
kernel.setArg(8, cl::Local(sizeof(float) * nrowA * ncolB));
kernel.setArg(9, cl::Local(sizeof(float) * nrowA * ncolB));
cl::NDRange global(nrowA, ncolB);
cl::NDRange local(nrowA, ncolB);
status = cmdq.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NDRange(0), global, local);
The Problem
The problem I am encountering is, unit tests (written with Google's gtest) I have written will randomly fail, but only for this particular kernel. (I have 20 other kernels in the same .cl source file that pass tests 100% of the time)
I have a test that multiplies a 1x4 float matrix {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0} with a transposed version of itself {{0.0}, {1.0}, {2.0}, {3.0}}. The expected output is {14.0}.
However, I can get this correct result maybe just 75% of the time.
Sometimes, I can get 23.0 (GTX 970), 17.01 (GTX 750) or just -nan and 0.0 (all 3 devices). The curious part is, the respective incorrect results seem to be unique to the devices; I cannot seem to, for example, get 23.0 on the Intel CPU or the GTX 750.
I am baffled because if I have made an algorithmic or mathematical mistake, the mistake should be consistent; instead I am getting incorrect results only randomly.
What am I doing wrong here?
Things I have tried
I have verified that the data going into the kernels are correct.
I have tried to initialize both __local memory to 0.0, but this causes all results to become wrong (but frankly, I'm not really sure how to initialize it properly)
I have written a test program that only executes this kernel to rule out any race conditions interacting with the rest of my program, but the bug still happens.
Other points to note
I am using the C++ wrapper retrieved directly from the Github page.
To use the wrapper, I have defined CL_HPP_MINIMUM_OPENCL_VERSION 120 and CL_HPP_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION 120.
I am compiling the kernels with the -cl-std=CL1.2 flag.
All cl::Buffers are created with only the CL_MEM_READ_WRITE flag.
I am testing this on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Debian 8.
I have tested this on Intel CPUs with the Intel OpenCL Runtime 16.1 for Ubuntu installed. The runtime reports that it supports up to OpenCL 1.2
I have tested this on both Nvidia GTX 760 and 970. Nvidia only supports up to OpenCL 1.2.
All 3 platforms exhibit the same problem with varying frequency.
This looks like a complicated one. There are several things to address and they won't fit into comments, so I'll post all this as an answer even though it does not solve your problem (yet).
I am baffled because if I have made an algorithmic or mathematical
mistake, the mistake should be consistent; instead I am getting
incorrect results only randomly.
Such a behavior is a typical indicator of race conditions.
I have tried to initialize both __local memory to 0.0, but this causes
all results to become wrong (but frankly, I'm not really sure how to
initialize it properly)
Actually this is a good thing. Finally we have some consistency.
Initializing local memory
Initializing local memory can be done using the work items, e.g. if you have a 1D workgroup of 16 items and your local memory consists of 16 floats, just do this:
local float* ptr = ... // your pointer to local memory
int idx = get_local_id(0); // get the index for the current work-item
ptr[idx] = 0.f; // init with value 0
barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // synchronize local memory access within workgroup
If your local memory is larger, e.g. 64 floats, you will have to use a loop where each work item initializes 4 values, at least that is the most efficient way. However, no one will stop you from using every work item to initialize every value in the local memory, even though that is complete nonsense since you're essentially initializing it multiple times.
Your changes
The original algorithm looks like it is especially designed to use quadratic tiles.
__local float Asub[TS][TS];
__local float Bsub[TS][TS];
Not only that but the size of local memory matches the workgroup size, in their example 32x32.
When I look at your kernel parameters for local memory, I can see that you use parameters that are defined as M and N in the original algorithm. This doesn't seem correct.
Update 1
Since you have not described if the original algorithm works for you, this is what you should do to find your error:
Create a set of testdata. Make sure you only use data sizes that are actually supported by the original algorithm (e.g. minimum size, mulitples of x, etc.). Also, use large data sets since some errors only show if multiple workgroups are dispatched.
Use the original, unaltered algorithm with your testdata sets and verify the results.
Change the algorithm only that instead of fixed size local memory, dynamic local memory size is used, but make sure it has the same size as the fixed size approach. This is what you tried but I think it failed due to what I have described under "Your changes".

OpenCL void pointer arithmetic - strange behavior

I have wrote an OpenCL kernel that is using the opencl-opengl interoperability to read vertices and indices, but probably this is not even important because I am just doing simple pointer addition in order to get a specific vertex by index.
uint pos = (index + base)*stride;
Here i am calculating the absolute position in bytes, in my example pos is 28,643,328 with a stride of 28, index = 0 and base = 1,022,976. Well, that seems correct.
Unfortunately, I cant use vload3 directly because the offset parameter isn't calculated as an absolute address in bytes. So I just add pos to the pointer void* vertices_gl
void* new_addr = vertices_gl+pos;
new_addr is in my example = 0x2f90000 and this is where the strange part begins,
vertices_gl = 0x303f000
The result (new_addr) should be 0x4B90000 (0x303f000 + 28,643,328)
I dont understand why the address vertices_gl is getting decreased by 716,800 (0xAF000)
I'm targeting the GPU: AMD Radeon HD5830
Ps: for those wondering, I am using a printf to get these values :) ( couldn't get CodeXL working)
There is no pointer arithmetic for void* pointers. Use char* pointers to perform byte-wise pointer computations.
Or a lot better than that: Use the real type the pointer is pointing to, and don't multiply offsets. Simply write vertex[index+base] assuming vertex points to your type containing 28 bytes of data.
Performance consideration: Align your vertex attributes to a power of two for coalesced memory access. This means, add 4 bytes of padding after each vertex entry. To automatically do this, use float8 as the vertex type if your attributes are all floating point values. I assume you work with position and normal data or something similar, so it might be a good idea to write a custom struct which encapsulates both vectors in a convenient and self-explaining way:
// Defining a type for the vertex data. This is 32 bytes large.
// You can share this code in a header for inclusion in both OpenCL and C / C++!
typedef struct {
float4 pos;
float4 normal;
} VertexData;
// Example kernel
__kernel void computeNormalKernel(__global VertexData *vertex, uint base) {
uint index = get_global_id(0);
VertexData thisVertex = vertex[index+base]; // It can't be simpler!
thisVertex.normal = computeNormal(...); // Like you'd do it in C / C++!
vertex[index+base] = thisVertex; // Of couse also when writing
Note: This code doesn't work with your stride of 28 if you just change one of the float4s to a float3, since float3 also consumes 4 floats of memory. But you can write it like this, which will not add padding (but note that this will penalize memory access bandwidth):
typedef struct {
float pos[4];
float normal[3]; // Assuming you want 3 floats here
} VertexData;

Basic OpenCL Mutex Implementation (Currently Hanging)

I am trying to write a mutex for OpenCL. The idea is for every single individual work item to be able to proceed atomically. Currently, I believe the problem may be that thread warps are unable to proceed when one thread in a warp gets the lock.
My current simple kernel below, for summing numbers. "numbers" is an array of floats as input. "sum" is a one element array for the result, and "semaphore" is a one element array for holding the semaphore. I based it heavily off the example here.
void acquire(__global int* semaphore) {
int occupied;
do {
occupied = atom_xchg(semaphore, 1);
} while (occupied>0);
void release(__global int* semaphore) {
atom_xchg(semaphore, 0); //the previous value, which is returned, is ignored
__kernel void test_kernel(__global float* numbers, __global float* sum, __global int* semaphore) {
int i = get_global_id(0);
*sum += numbers[i];
I am calling the kernel effectively like:
int numof_dimensions = 1;
size_t offset_global[1] = {0};
size_t size_global[1] = {4000}; //the length of the numbers array
size_t* size_local = NULL;
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kernel, numof_dimensions,offset_global,size_global,size_local, 0,NULL, NULL);
As above, when running, the graphics card hangs, and the driver restarts itself. How can I fix it so that it doesn't?
What you are trying to do is not possible because of the GPU execution model, where all threads on a "processor" share the instruction pointer, even in branches. Here is a post that explains the problem in detail:
BTW, the example code that you found has the exact same problem and would never work.
The answer to this might seem obvious in retrospect, but it's not unless you thought of it.
Basically, the GPU's prediction of the ideal local group size (size of a thread warp) is greater than 1, and so thread warps lock up. To fix it, you just need to specify it to be 1 (i.e. "size_t size_local[1] = {1};"). Doing this produces a correct result.
