How do I manually install meteor? - meteor

The automatic installer script from meteor stops due to internet connectivity. I looked into the installer script, commented out the lines that try to download the TARBALL. Here is what I did:
I copied the TARBALL_URL from the script:${RELEASE}/meteor-bootstrap-${PLATFORM}.tar.gz, replaced
${RELEASE} by,
${PLATFORM} by os.osx.x86_64,
pasted the link in my browser and downloaded a .tar.gz file.
After downloading the TARBALL, I commented out the following lines:
# rm -rf "$INSTALL_TMPDIR"
# curl --progress-bar --fail "$TARBALL_URL" | tar -xzf - -C "$INSTALL_TMPDIR" -o
When I try to run the extracting command tar -xzf... it does nothing. Even when I try to extract using GUI, it gives nothing. It's not like the package is corrupted; there is no error message.
commented out a few more lines:
# If you already have a tropohouse/warehouse, we do a clean install here:
# if [ -e "$HOME/.meteor" ]; then
# echo "Removing your existing Meteor installation."
# rm -rf "$HOME/.meteor"
# fi
# INSTALL_TMPDIR="$HOME/.meteor-install-tmp"
# rm -rf "$INSTALL_TMPDIR"
# echo "Downloading Meteor distribution"
# curl --progress-bar --fail "$TARBALL_URL" | tar -xzf - -C "$INSTALL_TMPDIR" -o
# rm -rf "${INSTALL_TMPDIR}"
# just double-checking :)
# bomb out if it didn't work, eg no net
# test -x "${INSTALL_TMPDIR}/.meteor/meteor"
# mv "${INSTALL_TMPDIR}/.meteor" "$HOME"

I solved it. The extraction command actually extracts the folder to the $INSTALL_TMPDIR which is ~/.meteor-install-tmp but the files are hidden (dot preceded files such as .meteor/).
I commented out a few more lines and executed them manually.
Moved the .meteor folder to $HOME
Executed the script


--allow-root doesn't work running wp-cli in docker container

When using WP CLI in docker, I need to execute it as root.
I need to add the flag --allow-root directly in .bashrc and I am trying to figure out why it doesn't work.
FROM webdevops/php-dev:7.3
# configure postfix to use mailhog
RUN postconf -e "relayhost = mail:1025"
# install wp cli
RUN curl -O && \
chmod +x wp-cli.phar && \
mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp && \
echo 'wp() {' >> ~/.bashrc && \
echo '/usr/local/bin/wp "$#" --allow-root' >> ~/.bashrc && \
echo '}' >> ~/.bashrc
WORKDIR /var/www/html/
my .bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# Note: PS1 and umask are already set in /etc/profile. You should not
# need this unless you want different defaults for root.
# PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\h:\w\$ '
# umask 022
# You may uncomment the following lines if you want `ls' to be colorized:
# export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
# eval "`dircolors`"
# alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
# alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
# alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'
# Some more alias to avoid making mistakes:
# alias rm='rm -i'
# alias cp='cp -i'
# alias mv='mv -i'
wp() {
/usr/local/bin/wp "$#" --allow-root
when I try to execute any wp command I get this error:
Error: YIKES! It looks like you're running this as root. You probably meant to run this as the user that your WordPress installation exists under.
If you REALLY mean to run this as root, we won't stop you, but just bear in mind that any code on this site will then have full control of your server, making it quite DANGEROUS.
If you'd like to continue as root, please run this again, adding this flag: --allow-root
If you'd like to run it as the user that this site is under, you can run the following to become the respective user:
sudo -u USER -i -- wp <command>
It looks like that command line doesn't consider what I input into .bashrc
Guys, do you have any suggestion how to fix this problem?
You are struggling with the classic conundrum: What goes in bashrc and what in bash_profile and which one is loaded when?
The extreme short version is:
$HOME/.bash_profile: read at login shells. Should always source $HOME/.bashrc. Should only contain environmental variables that can be passed on to other functions.
$HOME/.bashrc: read only for interactive shells that are not login
(eg. opening a terminal in X). Should only contain aliases and functions
How does this help the OP?
The OP executes the following line:
$ sudo -u USER -i -- wp <command>
The flag -i of the sudo-command initiates a login-shell
-i, --login: Run the shell specified by the target user's password database entry as a login shell. This means that login-specific resource files such as .profile, .bash_profile or .login will be read by the shell. If a command is specified, it is passed to the shell for execution via the shell's -c option. If no command is specified, an interactive shell is executed.
So the OP initiates a login-shell which only reads the .bash_profile. The way to solve the problem is now to source the .bashrc file in there as is strongly recommended.
# .bash_profile
if [ -n "$BASH" ] && [ -r ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
more info on dot-files:
man bash
What's the difference between .bashrc, .bash_profile, and .environment?
About .bash_profile, .bashrc, and where should alias be written in?
related posts:
Run nvm (bash function) via sudo
Can I run a command loaded from .bashrc with sudo?
I recently had the same problem. In my Dockerfile, I was running:
RUN wp core download && wp plugin install woocommerce --activate --allow-root
I looked at the error message, and thought that from the way it was worded, the --allow-root gets ignored the first time you use it. So I added it to the first wp command, and It worked.
RUN wp core download --allow-root && wp plugin install woocommerce --activate --allow-root
The problem is that ~/.bashrc is not being sourced. It will only be sourced in an interactive Bash shell.
You might get better results doing it via executables. Something like this:
# install wp cli
RUN curl -O && \
chmod +x wp-cli.phar && \
mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp-cli.phar && \
echo '#!/bin/sh' >> /usr/local/bin/wp && \
echo 'wp-cli.phar "$#" --allow-root' >> /usr/local/bin/wp && \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wp

How to download and unzip in Dockerfile

So, I have, it works, but I want to change the way to immediately download the file and unpack it:
FROM wordpress:fpm
# Copying themes from local
COPY ./wordpress/ /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/wordpress/
RUN chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/
How can I immediately download the file from the site and unzip it to the appropriate folder?
build: .
- db:mysql
image: raulr/nginx-wordpress
- wordpress
- "8080:80"
- wordpress
image: mariadb
I tried:
#install unzip and wget
apt-get update && \
apt-get install unzip wget -y && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN wget -O /var/www/html/ \
&& unzip '/var/www/html/' -d /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/ && rm
/var/www/html/ || true;
Dockerfile has "native command" for copying and extracting .tar.gz files.
So you can change archive type from .zip to .tar.gz (maybe in future versions zip also will be supported, I'm not sure) and use ADD instead of COPY.
Read more about ADD
Best to use a multistage docker build. You will need the latest version of docker and buildkit enabled. Then do something along these lines
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
from alpine:latest as unzipper
apk add unzip wget curl
RUN mkdir /opt/ ; \
curl <some-url> | tar xvzf - -C /opt
FROM wordpress:fpm
COPY --from unzipper /opt/ /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/wordpress/
Even better is if there is a Docker image built already with the stuff in you want you just need the 'copy --from' line and give it the image name.
Finally dont worry about any mess in the 1st stage as its discarded when the build completes, so the fact its alpine, and not using no-cache is irrelevant, and none of the installed packages end up in the final image
Found more guidance for remote zipped files in Docker documentation
Because image size matters, using ADD to fetch packages from remote
URLs is strongly discouraged; you should use curl or wget instead.
That way you can delete the files you no longer need after they’ve
been extracted and you don’t have to add another layer in your image.
For example, you should avoid doing things like:
ADD /usr/src/things/
RUN tar -xJf /usr/src/things/big.tar.xz -C /usr/src/things
RUN make -C /usr/src/things all
And instead, do something like:
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/things \
&& curl -SL \
| tar -xJC /usr/src/things \
&& make -C /usr/src/things all

Bash restore database to a docker container for a Wordpress + Piwik Solution

For the I am making a restore bash script in order to restore the backup generated from the script
The main idea is to set a path with a tarball containing the backup and recreating the folders that volumes are mounted.
The script is the following:
# Printing functions
#Echo a string with color
cecho () # Color-echo.
# Argument $1 = message
# Argument $2 = color
local default_msg="No message passed."
# Doesn't really need to be a local variable.
message=${1:-$default_msg} # Defaults to default message.
color=${2:-$black} # Defaults to black, if not specified.
echo -e "$color"
echo "$message"
tput sgr0 # Reset to normal.
#Echo a string as error with color
cecho_err () # Color-echo.
# Argument $1 = message
# Argument $2 = color
local default_msg="No message passed."
# Doesn't really need to be a local variable.
message=${1:-$default_msg} # Defaults to default message.
color=${2:-$red} # Defaults to black, if not specified.
echo >&2 -e "$color"
echo >&2 "$message"
tput sgr0 # Reset to normal.
cecho "Creating the correct folders" $cyan
cecho "Deleting data folder in order to recreate it" $red
sudo rm -rf ./data
mkdir ./data/
sudo chown root:root ./data/
sudo chmod 755 ./data/
if [ ! -f restore ]; then
mkdir ./restore/
tar -xf ${backup_file} -C ./restore/
cecho "Restoring backup data for wordpress" $cyan
sudo mkdir ./data/wordpress
sudo chown root:root ./data/wordpress
sudo chmod 755 ./data/wordpress
sudo mv ./restore/wordpress/data/www ./data/wordpress/
sudo chown www-data:www-data ./data/wordpress/www
cecho "Restoring environment" $cyan
wordpress_env=$(tr '\n' ' ' <./restore/wordpress/env.txt)
echo ${wordpress_env}
cecho "Restoring database" $cyan
sudo mkdir ./data/wordpress/db
echo "sudo env ${wordpress_env} docker run --volume \"./data/wordpress/db\":/var/lib/mysql --volume ./restore/wordpress/db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=\$WORDPRESS_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e MYSQL_DATABASE=\"wordpress\" -e MYSQL_USER=\$WORDPRESS_MYSQL_USER -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=\$WORDPRESS_MYSQL_PASSWORD mariadb" > ./
chmod +x ./
# rm -rf ./
rm -rf ./restore
And I get this error when I try to restore the database:
docker: Error response from daemon: create ./data/wordpress/db: "./data/wordpress/db" includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed.
See 'docker run --help'.
As you can see it generates a temporary scripts (that later will be deleted) one example of generated script is:
sudo env WORDPRESS_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=passwd WORDPRESS_MYSQL_USER=wordpress WORDPRESS_MYSQL_PASSWORD=wordpress WORDPRESS_ADMIN_USER=admin WORDPRESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin WORDPRESS_URL= docker run --volume "./data/wordpress/db":/var/lib/mysql --volume ./restore/wordpress/db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$WORDPRESS_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e MYSQL_DATABASE="wordpress" -e MYSQL_USER=$WORDPRESS_MYSQL_USER -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=$WORDPRESS_MYSQL_PASSWORD mariadb
What is the best option in order to generate the correct volume data in ./data/wordpress/db that mounts on a container's /var/lib/mysql?
When we specify --volume <host_dir>:<container_dir>, host_dir must be an absolute path. If it is not an absolute path, then it considered to be the volume's name. Hence the message invalid characters for a local volume name. Try providing absolute path for the host directory.

How to remove the previous version app folder when update(-Uvh) the RPM package(version number modified)?

#define program installation destination
%define app_destination /opt
%define app_name MY_APP_NAME
%define app_version 2.1
%define app_release 7%{?dist}
%define app_dir %{app_name}-%{app_version}
%define compress_file %{app_dir}.tar.gz
%define app_service_softlink /etc/init.d/%{app_name}
%define app_dir_softlink %{app_destination}/%{app_name}
Name: %{app_name}
Version: %{app_version}
Release: %{app_release}
Summary: MY APP ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY %{app_version}
# An open source software license
License: GPLv3+
#each time before install/upgrade RPM, check and remove the softlinks provided below
echo "pre..."
if [ -L %{app_service_softlink} ];then
rm %{app_service_softlink}
elif [ -f %{app_service_softlink} ];then
rm %{app_service_softlink}
if [ -L %{app_dir_softlink} ]; then
rm %{app_dir_softlink}
elif [ -d %{app_dir_softlink} ]; then
rmdir %{app_dir_softlink}
%setup -q
echo "prep..."
# Script commands to "build" the program (e.g. to compile it) and
# get it ready for installing. The program should come with
# instructions on how to do this.
echo "install..."
# uses relative paths
# creates buildroot/destination directory
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{app_destination}
# copies tar.gz file from source directory to buildroot/destination directory
cp %{_sourcedir}/%{compress_file} %{buildroot}%{app_destination}
# changes directory to buildroot/destination
cd %{buildroot}%{app_destination}
# extracts compression file
tar xf %{compress_file}
# removes the compression file
rm -rf %{compress_file}
cd %{buildroot}%{app_destination}
#invoked after %post when RPM pkg is removal or upgrade
echo "preun..."
#leftover cleanup
#invoked after %preun when RPM pkg is removal or upgrade
echo "postun..."
if [ "$1" == "0" ]; then
rm -rf %{app_destination}/%{app_dir}
if [ ! -d %{app_destination}/%{app_dir} ]; then
if [ -L %{app_service_softlink} ]; then
rm %{app_service_softlink}
elif [ -f %{app_service_softlink} ]; then
rm %{app_service_softlink}
if [ -L %{app_dir_softlink} ]; then
rm %{app_dir_softlink}
elif [ -d %{app_dir_softlink} ]; then
rmdir %{app_dir_softlink}
#all files under the provided folder will be gathered up to create RPM pkg
echo "post"
#symbolic link to the new appdir with version
echo "builds new symbolic link for the app folder"
ln -sf %{app_destination}/%{app_dir} %{app_dir_softlink}
echo "builds new symbolic link for the app service"
# make a symbolic for the service file using the new created softlink
ln -sf %{app_destination}/%{app_name}/misc/%{app_name} %{app_service_softlink}
I am trying to create my own RPM package, and here's the SPEC file, it works properly when install(rpm -ivh app-2.1-6.el6.x86_64.rpm), or upgrade(rpm -Uvh app-2.1-7.el6.x86_64.rpm) or remove (rpm -e app-2.1-7.el6.x86_64.rpm)
For RPM package app-2.1-7.el6.x86_64.rpm, the version is 2.1 and release number is 7.
My question is, no matter how I modify the release number, install/upgrade/remove are working properly, but if I modify the version number to 2.2 or 3.2, the previous version folder(/opt/app-2.1) will not be deleted, can anyone help me, how should I delete the previous version folder(/opt/app-2.1) when I update(-Uvh) the RPM package?
The problem is that your package doesn't "own"
the directory /opt/2.1 directory.
Just like tar, rpm will create all "missing" directories
in order to install content on a path.
But on erase, rpm will only remove directories that are
mentioned explicitly in the %files manifest.
Short answer:
If you want rpm --erase to remove a directory path,
the mention in %files.
Shorter anser:
%dir /opt/app-%{version}
to %files. If the directory is empty (i.e. all other files
in /opt/app-%{version} are "owned" and can be removed), the
the "owned /opt/app=%{version} will be removed as well.

Newbie rpmbuild error

I'm trying to build my first RPM, but getting an error. My .rpmmarcos files looks like this:
%packager Your Name
%_topdir /home/snort/test
%_tmppath /home/snort/test/tmp
%_smp_mflags -j3
%__arch_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot
When I run: "rpmbuild -v -bb SPECS/test.spec" I receive this error:
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ cd test-1
/home/snort/test/tmp/rpm-tmp.55712: line 36: cd: test-1: No such file or directory
error: Bad exit status from /home/snort/test/tmp/rpm-tmp.55712 (%prep)
File rpm-tmp.55712 ends with this:
cd '/home/snort/test/BUILD'
rm -rf 'test-1'
/bin/gzip -dc '/home/snort/test/SOURCES/test-1.c55.tar.gz' | tar -xvvf -
if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then
exit $STATUS
cd 'test-1'
I'm guessing rpmbuild does the "rm -rf 'test-1'" to remove any old/un-needed directories, then it untar's the test-1.c55.tar.gz file, then tries to "cd test-1" but the untar command doesn't make the directory so the scripts errors out. I'm not sure what to do now.
My spec file: more SPECS/test.spec
Name: test
Version: 1
Release: .c55
Summary: Just a Test
Group: MyJunk
License: GPL
Source0: test-1.c55.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
This is just a test
%setup BUILD
make %{?_smp_mflags}<br>
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT<br>
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT<br>
Any ideas?
Thanks for the Help
RPM (or, to be exact, %setup macro) expects your source tarbal test-1.c55.... to contain the directory test-1.
If the directory there is different, you can fix that by using
%setup -n yourdir
See for more details.
