How do I avoid losing my text area changes when using vimperator's external editor option with multiple tabs - vimperator

I use vimperator's external editor functionality via ctrl -i to edit text area fields with gvim. This generally works, but I almost always use this with multiple tabs. I find that I start editing the field with gvim, use another tab (say, to do a google search), go back to my gvim session, modify things, and write and quit the gvim session. However, if I forget to open the original tab from which the gvim session was created before closing gvim, I lose my work. I then have to dig around in my temporary files to find the gvim file I lost.
Other than being careful to re-open the initial tab before closing the gvim session, is there a way to avoid this behavior? For instance, is there a way for the quit gvim instance to write the content to the correct tab even if I don't have it open?

My solution to this is to use drop-in replacement addon for this feature called It's All Text
It is basically standalone addon for this vimperator's feature that does this whole text-field tracking better in the background which allows you to use your browser while you have gvim or any other text editor open.
However it doesn't work for every field.


"Save and Checkpoint": What notebook state info is "saved"?

I am curious about exactly what notebook state information is saved whenever one clicks "save and checkpoint" in a Jupyter notebook. I know any python changes are saved, but I am wondering if the state of widgets/html that is "displayed" is also saved. For instance: Let's say I have button in the notebook that runs display(HTML(html)) when clicked. If I click that button, display the html, and then save my notebook, will the state of display be saved? Is the state of the notebooks "cells" saved, so that html that is displayed in a new cell is also saved?
Any direction to documentation about the "save and checkpoint" behavior is appreciated. Having trouble finding a detailed description in the Jupyter docs. Thanks!
"Save and checkpoint" is the same as using "Autosave" except that it makes a hidden backup copy on disk (in case you have a later autosave and want to revert). Some plugins can do more with save and checkpoint, like having many checkpoints, but that's not the default behavior.
As for whether it saves the widget state, the answer will sadly be: it depends. For simple, well-written widgets that for example just use #interact; it should. For more complex widgets, it may not because saving arbitrary state is not always feasible.
The best way to know is the following: Write your code in a notebook, save and refresh the page. If it's still there it was saved, otherwise it's not.

How to precisely test if CSS final computed values have changed anywhere on a page?

I have a situation where I need to merge several classes manually. They contain a huge amount of overrides within an 18,000 line CSS file.
I started making some changes to the huge CSS file and I realize that CSS loads the last case of a property so I did this all very carefully. For the most part things worked well. But, I did find one icon that was wrong and one text link that was the wrong font. So I thought, is there a way that I can compare the before and after state of this work precisely. I don't mean visually. But instead like two full text output files of the results of the computed CSS for the entire current page so I can run a compare on them in notepad++
Sorry if this is an ignorant question as I am a self taught web novice.
You can use notepad ++ to compare two files. You will need a compare plugin to be installed in notepad ++. Please follow the steps below:
Install the Compare Plugin
1. Launch Notepad++.
Click the “Plugins” menu, select “Plugin Manager” and click “Show Plugin Manager.” A list of currently available plugins populates the plugin manager screen.
Check the box next to “Compare.”
Click the “Install” button at the bottom of the screen. The Compare plugin will download and install. If an administrator authentication dialog appears, click the “Allow” button.
Using the Notepad++ Compare Plugin
1. Launch Notepad++ and open the two files you wish to run a comparison check on.
Click the “Plugins” menu, select “Compare” and click “Compare.” The plugin will run a comparison check and display the two files side by side, with any differences in the text highlighted.
Reset to the original window configuration and appearance by clicking the “Plugins” menu, selecting “Compare” and clicking “Clear Results.”
For reference click here

JAWS does not automatically read page even though it does when using the "Say All" command

I'll try to keep it simple.
JAWS will read the page fine when I use the "Say All" command (Insert + Down arrow), but it does not read the whole page without that prompt.
Because it reads it well with the "Say All" command, I'm assuming that my HTML semantics is set up correctly.
So, is there a way to force JAWS to force read the page? Or is there a way to debug whatever issue JAWS is seeing?
I agree with BSMP. You don't have to test your website with the read all command. Just make sure when you navigate with JAWS, it's doing the right thing. Try some quick keys such as T to navigate to a table or H to a header. Use Ins+F5 to see all your form fields to make sure they're labeled properly, Ins+F7 to see if your links have appropriate labels, etc.
Double check that document automatically reads is set to on. Do this by hitting insert+v then going to general options under virtualc cursor.

How to display full URL in address tab of Dreamweaver CS5?

In the address bar of the browser navigation tab, it shows the absolute path of the file, but it is so long that it gets truncated and I can't read the exact file that I'm working on! Is there any way to fix this?
Yeah, I got it... just hover your mouse over the truncated field for a couple seconds and a tooltip will pop up with the full address. I was just frantically clicking on it like an impatient moron and it was canceling the scheduled tooltip display.
I'm not sure what a "browser navigation tab" is. In Dreamweaver CS5 on Windows, the full url is displayed in the title bar of the document. When documents are maximized a tab will display the file name, and the full file url will display in the title bar on the right hand side. This full url gets truncated when there are too many documents open. The truncation is done from the left so you may lose some of the folders, but you should still see the file name. If this is the case, then a quick solution is to close some documents. Or Perhaps don't nest your files so deeply, or don't have really long file/folder names.
Another option is an extension that I wrote a while ago called Document Path Toolbar: The extension adds a toolbar that has a text field that displays the full url to the local file. It has an option that allows you to updated the width of the text field if you have longer file paths (I think that such modifications requires a restart of Dreamweaver). It is commercial but not much. As I no longer contribute to CommunityMX, I won't receive anything for a purchase should you decide it is something that you could benefit from.

Download Image From Site

This site is claiming to prevent the download of images and preventing screenshots. Is this truly possible to stop and can anyone crack it in their demos? What tools can be used to download an image set as a background?
It isn't possible, no.
If the client can see it on their screen, then it exists on their computer. Even if that weren't the case, there is always the whole analog thing (people can literally take a picture of their screen).
If you have chrome: Just go to one of their demos, press ctrl+shift+c, and an inspector will show up, showing you all individual parts of the page. Then select the image from the list (servedemoimg) , right mouse click on it, and you can save the jpg. It is not possible to prevent people from downloading those files. And this company doesn't even make it particularly difficult.
Their scheme "works" by hiding the content whenever a key is pressed or the main window loses focus. They also attempt to detect that something has been copied to the clipboard and they replace it with some text ("It is prohibited to copy distribute or in any way alter these copyrighted images").
That means that if you press any key to copy the content, you'll just get the "locked" graphic. The same goes for switching to another app (like a screen capture app) because the screen capture app will have focus instead of the browser, causing the lock graphic to show. If you do manage to copy something to the clipboard, it immediately replaces the content with the text I mentined above.
Furthermore, their content is a background image so you can't easily print or right-click to copy the image by disabling JS.
However, it's pretty trivial to defeat. My first attempt using IE8 was trivial. When I went to the "protected" page, IE asked me if I wanted to allow the page to access the clipboard, and I clicked "Don't Allow". Then I pressed PrntScr and was able to paste the content into another program. This worked because that particular key isn't captured by the browser and I didn't allow the page to see my clipboard.
Then I tried again, this time allowing clipboard access. This time I used a screen capture program that automatically captures the foreground window after a set time delay. This worked because I was able to give the browser window focus, and the screen capture utility just saved the image as a file instead of putting it on the clipboard.
Lastly, I just saved the source as a file and saw background:url(servedemoimg.php?filename=IPTbusiness_graphicdesign_ITB). Just putting into my browser's address bar made the complete "protected" content show up for me to download, print, email, etc.
