Getting different values from std::stod() and QString::toDouble() in Qt5 - qt

I started a Qt project and linked to it some C++ code I wrote to parse a file. This code is using std::stod() to parse double values, and works fine in a plain c++ project, but when used with a Qt application, std::stod() returns only the integer part of the number.
I wrote and ran some test code, one compiled with g++ 6.1, and the other with qmake 5.6 and the same g++. The results are the same as my projects results.
code compiled with g++ :
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
const std::string number("3.14");
double dbl = std::stod(number);
std::cout << dbl << '\n'; // 3.14
return 0;
It shows the good value : 3.14
code compiled with Qt :
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
const std::string snumber("3.14");
const QString qnumber = QString::fromStdString("3.14");
double std_d = std::stod(snumber);
double qt_d = qnumber.toDouble();
qDebug() << std_d << qt_d; // 3 3.14
std::cout << std_d << ' ' << qt_d << '\n'; // 3 3.14
return a.exec();
Can you tell me why std::stod() behaves like this ?

Because std::stod is broken beyond repair and should burn in hell is implemented in terms of std::strtod, which interprets doubles according to the current locale. QString instead always uses the C locale (use QLocale for locale-specific conversions).
Creating the QCoreApplication instance causes a call to setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), which sets the process' locale according to the environment, thus changing std::stod behavior.


Recommended Poco DatagramSocket Receive example doesn't compile

Using Poco-1.12.4-release and g++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0, The recommended example code for DatagramSocket Receive in this doc:
compiles with this error:
dgs.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
dgs.cpp:34:33: error: no matching function for call to ‘Poco::Net::DatagramSocket::DatagramSocket(Poco::Net::SocketAddress&)’
34 | Poco::Net::DatagramSocket dgs(sa);
What happened? Is there a fix for this example?
The code is:
// DatagramSocket receive example
#include "Poco/Net/DatagramSocket.h"
#include "Poco/Net/SocketAddress.h"
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Poco::Net::SocketAddress sa(Poco::Net::IPAddress(), 514);
Poco::Net::DatagramSocket dgs(sa);
char buffer[1024];
for (;;)
Poco::Net::SocketAddress sender;
int n = dgs.receiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, sender);
buffer[n] = '\0';
std::cout << sender.toString() << ": " << buffer << std::endl;
return 0;
I tried this:
Poco::Net::SocketAddress sa(Poco::Net::IPAddress(), 514);
Poco::Net::DatagramSocket dgs(Poco::Net::SocketAddress::IPv4);
It compiles, but is it correct?

Qt5: compile error while QSharedPointer<const T>::create()

Is it "expected" for QSharedPointer::create() not to work or is it a bug? I get an error:
/usr/include/qt5/QtCore/qsharedpointer_impl.h:439:9: error:
invalid conversion from ‘const void*’ to ‘void*’ [-fpermissive]
new ( T(std::forward<Args>(arguments)...);
casting from nonconst shared pointer and constructor from raw const pointer work.
I got this for Qt5.7.0 and Qt5.10.0.
Here is a minimal example:
#include <QSharedPointer>
struct A {};
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto ca = QSharedPointer<const A>::create();
return 0;
Here is one file (not minimal) example but with few working cases, 2 not working and a debug. Commented defines are for "not compiling" parts.
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QDebug>
#define FROM_PTR
//#define CONST_CREATE
#define FROM_RAW_PTR
class A
A() = default;
A(int i) : _i{i} {}
void foo() const { qDebug() << "const foo" << _i; }
void foo() { qDebug() << "foo" << ++_i; }
int _i{0};
using ASPtr = QSharedPointer<A>;
using ASCPtr = QSharedPointer<const A>;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef FROM_PTR
qDebug() << "FROM_PTR";
auto a1 = ASPtr::create();
auto ca1 = static_cast<ASCPtr>(a1);
qDebug() << "\n";
#endif // FROM_PTR
qDebug() << "CONST_CREATE";
auto ca2 = ASCPtr::create();
qDebug() << "\n";
#endif // CONST_CREATE
qDebug() << "FROM_RAW_PTR";
auto ca3 = ASCPtr(new const A);
qDebug() << "\n";
#endif // FROM_RAW_PTR
auto a2 = ASPtr::create(10);
qDebug() << "\n";
auto ca4 = ASCPtr::create(20);
qDebug() << "\n";
qDebug() << "BUILTIN_CAST";
QSharedPointer<A> a3 = ASPtr::create();
auto ca4 = a3.constCast<const A>();
qDebug() << "\n";
#endif // BUILTIN_CAST
return 0;
That is a known Qt bug (QTBUG-49748). Although it is marked as resolved in Qt 5.6.0, the bug is still present as pointed out in the comments.
Why is this happening?
Look at the implmentation of the class QSharedPointer qsharedpointer_impl.h.
In particular the line:
new ( T(std::forward<Args>(arguments)...);
uses the as the new expression placement params. Unfortunately, one can not use a const pointer as a placement param (have a look at this question here on SO for more details).
Hence, there's not much you can do except reporting this to Qt developers via the official bug tracker.
You may have a look at the smart pointers provided by the standard library (e.g. std::shared_ptr) if you are not forced to use Qt ones.
As reported in Qt bug tracker, this bug was fixed in version 5.11 (here is the related commit). Basically, they used std::remove_cv to remove the topmost const from the type specified.

Qt is successfully creating a file but not writing to it with QTextStream

Hey I'm trying to mess around with Qt and for some reason the following code will create the desired text file, but never writes anything to it. Am I doing something wrong? I believe I've copied the example in the documentation pretty accurately.
qDebug() << output
works as expected, but even though the file is created, nothing is ever written to it.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QtDebug>
#include <QString>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QTextStream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QString filename = "";
QFile file(filename);;
QTextStream out(&file);
QString output = "TEST";
qDebug() << output;
out << output;
return a.exec();
The data does not get written to disk immediately: It sits in a buffer until it's flushed.
Close the file after you've finished writing.
(In my experience, the file is closed anyway when you quit the program, but it's good practice to do this explicitly)

QUrl and YouTube (Qt 4.8)

I have an encoded YouTube url (directly to the video), example:
This above url is in a QString variable "str", how can I set it to QUrl?
QUrl url = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(str.toUtf8());
doesn't work! An
qDebug() << url.toString();
gives the (above) encoded url back and not the human displayable!
Your url is encoded twice. %25 is the encoded version of %. That's why you have to call fromPercentEncoding twice, too.
http%253A%252F%252F becomes http%3A%2F%2F after the first round and http:// after the second one.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QUrl>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QString str="";
qDebug() << QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(str.toUtf8());
qDebug() << QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(str.toUtf8()).toUtf8());
return app.exec();

R Eurequa interface
Is there a way of interfacing Eureqa with R?
(windows os)
Rcpp package and:
The simplest possible complete C++ program using the Eureqa API:
#include eureqa/eureqa.h
#include iostream
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// initialize data set and options
eureqa::data_set data("my_data.txt");
eureqa::search_options options("y = f(x)");
// connect to a eureqa server
eureqa::connection conn("");
// display results
eureqa::search_progress progress;
eureqa::solution_frontier solutions;
while (conn.query_progress(progress))
std::cout << progress.summary() << std::endl;
std::cout << solutions.to_string() << std::endl;
return 0;
