HTTP cammands using SIM900 modems - gprs

Iam facing problems with sim900 module.It all working fine and data is posting but SIM900A modem stop responding after hours of standby which is stoping controller instruction exeution. Please provide me the solution.

You should reset Your sim900a manually from controller every XX minutes.
PORTD.4=1; // power on
PORTD.4=0; // power off
PORTD.4=1; // power on again
This code has to be executed twice for reset - first time for power off, next one - to power on.


Arduino serial monitor does not show anything for AT command

I am a beginner to arduino and trying to follow one of the videos from youtube to make a project- Master And Slave using HC-05 modules. I followed every step from that video carefully. Here's the link to the video -> For Slave Module when I type AT commands in the serial monitor nothing shows up. I searched in Internet for the this problem and still didn't fix it. Here's What i have done:
tired restarting my pc
tried Changing arduino, At first i used arduino nano and then uno
I tried changing the baud rate to all other values and nothing happened
And there is no change in light blink, it stays on AT command mode until power is turned off and on again.
This is how is looks
Thank You For the Answer
Not responding to AT commands is common with cloned HC-05 modules. The biggest reason for this is that the ENABLED pin is not plugged in. Right next to the VCC pin, there is a pin called KEY that should be idle. When you feed that pin with 3.3V, you will see that you get a response to the AT commands. If you don't get any response, don't forget to press the button on the BT Module after making the connection. If that doesn't work, be sure to remove the EN pin and press the button again. You should try these ways until you get a response from the AT command. Every time you write AT on the serial port screen, the bluetooth module will also respond to these requests with the led on it.

Arduino & ESP8266 - strange characters in response

I'm working on an Arduino Uno + ESP8266 project.
I try to use them as a web server on Wi-Fi network to control a motor that connects to Arduino - basically a trigger system that receives signals via Wi-Fi. Currently, I've successfully connected ESP8266 to my access point by sending AT commands from Arduino. Another client on the same network can statically access ESP8266's assigned IP address.
However, when I try to catch some HTTP queries (I want to use them as conditions to control the motor) I occasionally encountered the non-ASCII characters in HTTP request. I use serial comm to debug, please look at the screenshot in the link below:
Arduino - Computer serial communication for debugging
The line ",519:POST ..." should contain a complete number following "/?", but there's some strange characters instead. So I cannot determine the input data to control motor. Once in a blue moon, the expected format of request shows up as follows:
The correct data received
There's no issue with the HTTP response part, even though I got the uninterpretable request, I can still send the JSON error message back to client.
Attempt Note:
The Arduino uses different serial ports to talk to computer and ESP8266. Since the connection can be established, and the data being sent, I believe that the baud rate is simply correct on both side. (115200 for ESP8266, 9600 for computer - also tried 115200 for both and got the same result)
I use V3.3 from Arduino as power source for ESP8266. But I also use voltage regulator to smooth out the current as many people suggest that. The problem still remains.
I'm struggled with this issue for a few days, just want to know if anybody had the similar experience, or could give some clue for the next step.
After a considerable effort to stabilize the circuit, I switched to NodeMCU and got the system working perfectly. I assume that ESP8266 alone is somehow not robust enough without other components, which I unfortunately have no knowledge on.
So I'd like to close this thread with a short recommendation for anybody struggling with the same issue to switch to NodeMCU (which would replace both Arduino and ESP8266); if that could support the requirement.

Possible reason why Xbee is not able to send data

I am using an Arduino Pro Mini 328P (3.3v, 8Mhz) with Xbee series 1. I have set the frequency to 1 Mhz and the baudrate to 9600. Also I have set baudrate to 9600 in the Xbee. I have also tested that at this baudrate Xbee is sending the data properly in a normal scenario.
Now what I have done in my project:
I have registered my Xbee with the gateway and then it will go to sleep (I have used pin hibernate mode) then it will wake up by a digital pin of the Pro Mini. I have put a delay of 19ms, after which the Xbee will try to send data. After sending the data it will go back to sleep.
The problem is that it behaves randomly when sending data to the gateway (which also has the same Xbee series1). Sometimes it sends the data perfectly, sometimes sending fails. I have also enabled RR to retry 6 times in case the Xbee fails to send the data the first time.
I have no idea how to solve this problem because of the randomness in sending the data.
I have put two Xbees nearer (I have two nodes with the same hardware and the same code). There is an interval between of around 4 minutes. So when one Xbee sends the data perfectly, after that 4 minutes gae (time difference of two RTC on different nodes) the other one fails to send the data. In this condition what can I conclude?
As a side note, the Xbee will try to send the data every hour. To calculate that hour I have to use an RTC, which seems to work fine (I am sure because I have taken the logs, the RTC never fails to generate an interrupt).
So I am wondering what could be the possible reason and how can I fix this problem (without restarting anything if it is possible then nothing will be better than that).
And I have no choice to restart my controller.
How to debug this?
A few things. If possible, increase your baud rate so you spend less time sending data to/from the XBee. If you have a limited power budget, faster baud rates save time and energy. I don't know how the UARTs work on the Arduino, so I can't say whether 115,200bps is possible with a 1MHz CPU clock.
Second, make sure you wait for the XBee to assert CTS back to the Arduino after you wake it up. Never send to the XBee unless it's "clear to send".
Third, if you use API mode, you can watch for a "Transmit Status" frame from the local XBee back to the Arduino which will let you know when the module has successfully sent the frame, and it's safe for you to put it back to sleep.

Arduino: Using the watchdog for both preventing failures and energy savings

I came across this website when trying to find a reliable way to use the watchdog for preventing failures (code lock ups) and saving battery using an Arduino.
I tried the code and it worked fine. However, i would also like to use the serial monitor. I tried adding Serial.begin(9600); in the setup, however, most of what is shown in the serial monitor (from the code within the main loop) are strange characters (the baud rate is set to 9600). Is this something to do with the function to configure the wdt and the placement of Serial.begin(9600) in the code?
I'd also like to use an external interrupt (via a button on Digital pin 3) to wake the board from sleep. How can be achieved based on the current code? I know how to implement using a different method of making the board go to sleep without using any watchdog at all, however, i have been unsuccessful in making it work with this code.
Many thanks for any help.
As said above, the serial communication should work fine. Are you sure you are able to make your serial communication work fine without the watchdog part of the code? I have used the watchdog tips given on the website along with serial communications without any problem on Arduino Uno, so I would guess the serial communication problem lies somewhere else in your code.
Can you write a bare bone example of your code with the watchdog management part, a serial communication or two somewhere in your loop(), and if you want some delays / infinite loops to test the watchdog firing, post it here, test it on your board and indicate if / where you have problems?
I have never used a pin interrupt, but it seems that google gives some nice results with example code. Have you tried the results given by google?
You will have to be careful regarding the choice of the pin on which you put the interrupt, as explained in the Arduino Reference only pins 2 and 3 support interrupt on the Uno.

GSM Shield not taking calls from other phones

I am using Arduino Uno R3 with the SIM900A for a couple of weeks. The problem I'm facing is, everytime I make a call from a Nokia (or anyother) cellphone to SIM900A - I see just one RING as unsolicited result code on the Serial Monitor and I cannot hear any rings going on in Nokia. Everything is blank for about 5 seconds and then the call attempt drops.
Why is this happening? Do I need to execute some AT Command as soon as a RING happens, to show Calling Cellphone that the ME is ALERTING/RINGING ? Also, when I call once to SIM900, should I not see many "RING" instead of once?
Finally, I found out what was wrong. External Power Supply!
Turns out the SIM900A board was not getting enough current to function properly. When I connected the Arduino Board to 12V external power Supply (2Amps), it worked like a charm!
Try it out, it really works! :)
