I would like to work with R package SampleSizeBinomial_1.0.tar.gz.This package includes a C program which will need be compiled. I am working in Windown 7 (64 bit) and I got the following error:
> prop.acc(len=200, alpha=20.5, beta=18.5, level=0.95, exact=TRUE,
sim.size=1000, precision=1e-6, mcs=3)
Error in .C("OutcomeEstimation", as.integer(n), as.double
(fixed.parm.target), : C symbol name "OutcomeEstimation" not in load table
How could i solve this problem? What should i do in this regards? All the information about this package and install instruction is here.
I am trying to install the dcStockR package from Github, which is an htmlwidgets wrapper around the dc.js dimensional visualization library: devtools::install_github("yutannihilation/dcStockR").
I get the following encoding error:
* installing *source* package 'dcStockR' ...
** R
Error in parse(outFile) :
C:/Users/tirthankarc/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpcz8pHX/devtools153839438c/yutannihilation-dcStockR-c6091c8/R/dc.R:11:59: unexpected input
10: #' #export
11: dc <- function(data, chartRecipe = c("yearlyBubbleChart",ã€
ERROR: unable to collate and parse R files for package 'dcStockR'
* removing 'C:/Users/tirthankarc/Documents/R/R-3.2.5/library/dcStockR'
Error: Command failed (1)
The offending lines of the file in question can be viewed here: https://github.com/yutannihilation/dcStockR/blob/master/R/dc.R#L11.
Two questions:
Is this error reproducible for others?
If so, is there a way to fix this by passing an explicit encoding option to install.packages? If not, what other options are available to fix this issue?
I am trying to use the unfold function from package RcmdrPlugin.survival.
I used the following command:
long.df <- unfold(testdf,time="deathint", event="death",
cov=list(31:70,71:110), cov.names=c("adopted","age"))
However, R is returning the following error message:
Error in structure(.External(.C_dotTcl, ...), class = "tclObj") :
[tcl] wrong # args: should be "winfo rootx window".
I am using R version 3.2.4. Any suggestions?
I had the same problem in R studio. This is how I solved it:
It installed R commander gui for me,then I went to R commander gui, installed and loaded RcdmrPlugin.survival and then I ran unfold from there and it worked.
I am using R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) on Windows 7 and wish to use the function rWishart.
When I enter, say, rWishart(1,2,3), I get
Error: could not find function "rWishart"
Entering just rWishart, however, displays a matrix:
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 0
[2,] 0 1
To check that this object is not interfering with the function, I did rm(rWishart), and now rWishart gives
Error: object 'rWishart' not found"
but I still get the function-not-found error when using it as a function.
A search of my hard drive finds no rWishart.* file. I Googled and downloaded an rWishart.R file from
to the directory shown by getwd().
When I did load("<DIRECTORY>/rWishart.R") , I got
Error: bad restore file magic number (file may be corrupted) -- no data loaded
In addition: Warning message:
file 'rWishart.R' has magic number '# Fi'
Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated
Would someone be able to tell me how I can get the rWishart function running?
rWishart wasn't introduced in base R until 2.15. So you should update your version of R or find a package that adds the functionality.
I have R installed along with these two packages Rcpp and inline. (I am doing a project that consists of speeding up a painfully slow program in R and I decided to use Rcpp)...I know I am doing something wrong...probably missing a step but i cannot figure it out. Props to Dirk if you're reading this! Thanks for Rcpp and the brand new inline package pdf but...it's still not running.
Please note that I'm a newbie. As stated before I cleaned out all other packages and only R is installed with Rcpp and inline (of course I have c++ installed as well).
integer i
do 1 i=1, n(1)
1 x(i)=x(i)**3
cubefn<- cfunction(signature(n="integer",x="numeric"),code,convention=".Fortran")
ERROR(s) during compilation: source code errors or compiler configuration errors!
Program source:
1: #include <R.h>
4: extern "C" {
5: void filef2424e34d61 ( int * n, double * x );
6: }
8: void filef2424e34d61 ( int * n, double * x ) {
10: integer i
11: do 1 i=1, n(1)
12: 1 x(i)=x(i)**3
14: }
Error in compileCode(f, code, language, verbose) :
Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created!
In addition: Warning message:
running command 'C:/R/R-2.15.2/bin/x64/R CMD SHLIB filef2424e34d61.cpp 2> filef2424e34d61.cpp.err.txt' had status 1
If it is the construction of a package skeleton missing: i tried the simple rcpp_hello_world() example:
rcpp_hello_world <- function(){
.Call( "rcpp_hello_world", PACKAGE = "mypackage" )
Folder PATH listing for volume OS
Volume serial number is 769C-A616
The rest was a long list of odd symbols but what I could read was the name of c++ projects I have, I didn't include them as it would be too lengthy
rcpp_hello_world <-function(){
Error in .Call("rcpp_hello_world", PACKAGE = "mypackage") :
"rcpp_hello_world" not available for .Call() for package "mypackage"
Anything would help please, also I have linux installed as well so if that is a better option please do tell. I am open to anything right now, the slightest progress makes is a delight
Do you actually have a Fortran compiler installed?
If you don't, or you don't know, try your Linux box. R on Windows must be able to compile source packages if you want to build with Rcpp and inline. A good quick test is to try something like
R> myroot <- cppFunction('double myroot(double x) { return ::sqrt(x); }')
R> myroot(16)
[1] 4
or equivalently via inline (where rcpp is a wrapper for the cxxfunction(..., plugin="Rcpp") call, you need the most recent inline package for that)
R> myroot2 <- rcpp(signature(xs="numeric"),
+ body='double x=as<double>(xs); return wrap(::sqrt(x));')
R> myroot2(16)
[1] 4
If this does not work, read up on the R basics of installing Rtools for Windows etc. We have a few additional notes in the Rcpp FAQ as well.
I am trying Rcpp 0.10.0 on Mac OS 10.8.2, and use the example here about estimating \pi. However, when I run the following code in R:
an error message says:
Error in .Call("sourceCppContext", PACKAGE = "Rcpp", file, code, .Platform) :
C symbol name "sourceCppContext" not in DLL for package "Rcpp"
Did I miss something? I double checked that the piSuger.cpp file is in current directory. Thanks!
I suspect you are calling an older Rcpp version. Maybe you have several in your .libPaths()? Or maybe you didn't restart your session?
It all works here -- and piBySimulation.r is the example from my blog post from an hour or two ago which you are trying to replicate here:
edd#max:~/svn/rcpp/pkg/Rcpp/inst/examples/Misc$ Rscript piBySimulation.r
test replications elapsed relative
2 piSugar(N) 100 5.639 1.000
1 piR(N) 100 11.147 1.977