How to get SignalR Connection to Respect Session Timeout -

Using SignalR, it's designed to maintain a long-running connection to the web server. However, I have a scenario where the SignalR connection maintains an open connection to the web server, long after the ASP.Net session has expired. This happens even though neither the client nor the server is sending an data.
How can I set things up so that once the session expires, the SignalR connection terminates, freeing up connections on the server?
This is desired because the web servers run on a load balancer, and when taking a server out of the rotation, we need the # of current connections to generally represent the number of active sessions - not SignalR connections that are still kicking just because user left browser open.

SignalR Server does not allow to disconnect a particular client connection (this would be super useful). So the client is responsible to do that.
A workaround would be to add an event listener on the client and disconnect from there, i.e:
hubProxy.On<string>("YouAreUselesLetMeAlone", _ => connection.Dispose());
Obviously, to make this work you need a relation (ConcurrentDictionary?) of sessions <-> signalr connections, so you can call this method in the correct client when the session ends.


SignalR OnConnected firing on different server to the one which it's actually connected

I'm using SignalR and a web farm in IIS, currently with 3 servers and requests are load balanced via ARR.
There are certain external events that happen which I want to be processed by the server to which the client is connected. So I want to track which of the 3 servers the client is currently connected.
I thought that I could do this using OnConnected and within that method store the MachineName against the ConnectionID in redis.
The problem is that OnConnected seems to get called an a different server to the one that the client is connected to.
Upon investigating, it seems that there are three calls, one to /negiotate one to /connect and one to /start. The /connect seems to be the websocket connection that is kept up for the duration, the others are just transient.
These three connections can happen on different servers, and it seems that the websocket connection can be to server A (so that's the server that the client's SignalR connection is going to), but the OnConnected gets fired on server B.
I was wondering if I'm overlooking something that will let me see which server the SignalR connection is actually connected to?
If you are going to use a web farm, then you need to implement a backplane to track all of the messaging.
Without a proper backplane implementation its impossible to do what you want to do.
I believe that is something you would have to save. Assuming you are using a database for mapping users, you could have an additional field such as "LoggedInOn" and store the server host name or other identifier.
However, other than some aspect of troubleshooting your are looking to do, proper send/receive of messages should cross the backplane to all servers. This way no matter which server they are connected to, messages are received.
If you have external events as you say, once they complete and a message is ready to be sent back to a client, the backplane should push that to all servers.
If that's not happening I would review the docs as Kelso Sharp stated.

SignalR status of the connection

Makes messaging on SignalR. Client - .NET 4.5 local application.
I do not know how to check the status of the connection with the client on the server side. The fact is that when connecting the user logs in the server. And if you disable a user account is deleted from the server.
If the client application is not completed normally, for example as a result of exceptions, On Disconnected method on the server is not called, and the user account is not deleted.
Tell me how you can solve the problem, if anyone knows.
I read somewhere that SignalR is smart enough to handle disconnection and remove the disconnected client from the group automatically, so no need to worry about the anormal disconnect events.

How to handle SignalR implementation under LoadBalancer Environment

I am fairly new to signalr concepts. I have a scenario where load balancing is in place with two servers. The situation is that client request is taken by the load balancer and redirects it to a one of the server based on the load. After redirection the connection from client to the server is lost. Important thing here is that client request is for different purposes i.e they call different methods on the hub. The server continues processing the request further and during this time if it detects any status change, it has to push the notification back to the clients. However at this point, server won't be knowing to which client it has to respond back as the load balancer doesn't store any information about the same once the connection is lost from client to server. How to handle this kind of scenario?. Should I be manually storing session id and other details in a table?
I have gone through the scaleout options suggested for load balancing using backplane by the signalr team(Azure service bus, Redis and SQL Server). However my scenario is little different. Any help will be appreciated.

How does Signal-R fit in the IIS activation model?

I am learning Signal-R, and this is something that has been in my head during all time.
How does Signal-R fits in the IIS/ASP.NET life cycle?
How long does the Hubs live (I see they have re-connection semantics)?
Does IIS does prevent the shutdown of an AppDomain that has a persistent connection?
It is my understanding that IIS is designed to handle request-response scenarios. A request hits IIS, this finds the AppDomain, activate it, and then pass the request to it. And after an idle time, shutdown the AppDomain. If the request takes too long, a timeout exception is thrown.
Now let´s imagine that I have another application that broadcast information through a TCP socket. I want my javascript clients to get that information in real time, so I create a Signal-R web application. I can create a TCP client on application start, but what does guarantee that IIS is not going to shutdown the whole thing after some time with inactivity?
I could self host the Signal-R app in a window service, but then I would have to use a different port, enable cross domain, etc... Many problems for deployment. But, I am concerned about using an ASP.NET MVC application for this, since it looks to me like fitting a driving wheel in a motorbike.
SignalR in IIS/ASP.NET Lifecycle
SignalR uses Owin:
A good article on Owin here:
Hub object lifetime
From the SignalR docs:
You don't instantiate the Hub class or call its methods from your own code on the server; all that is done for you by the SignalR Hubs pipeline. SignalR creates a new instance of your Hub class each time it needs to handle a Hub operation such as when a client connects, disconnects, or makes a method call to the server.
Because instances of the Hub class are transient, you can't use them to maintain state from one method call to the next. Each time the server receives a method call from a client, a new instance of your Hub class processes the message. To maintain state through multiple connections and method calls, use some other method such as a database, or a static variable on the Hub class, or a different class that does not derive from Hub. If you persist data in memory, using a method such as a static variable on the Hub class, the data will be lost when the app domain recycles.
Your long running TCP client
This is not a problem with SignalR. Your TCP client can be shutdown by IIS:
I would rather make the TCP client run in a windows service. The TCP client receives TCP broadcast messages and forwards the messages to the Hub using the SignalR .NET client.
Hubs are recreated on each SignalR request, so if you need a persistent connection you may have to look into using static vars or dictionary to hold state. But as you point ASP.NET can restart for a variety of reasons.
It depends on what persistancy you really need. If you have a connection that MUST stay alive at all times and cannot be torn down and reestablished then hosting in IIS is not the right choice. However, if you can re-establish the same connection after a shutdown, then maybe this can still work.
You can do quite a bit in making sure that ASP.NET apps don't shut down in recent versions of IIS:
If that's not enough for you running as a separate service is an option. If you run as a service on the same IP address there are no cross domain concerns. Here's more info on running SignalR using a Windows Service:

Does an webservice have something like application start and application variables?

I'm developing a webservice that will, when called, notify another program via a tcp connection. My problem is where to store the open tcp connection. The way I understand web services, they start and end with each HTTP Request, with no room for application wide variables, like the open tcp connection.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Specifically, in what part of the asmx file, or outside of it, should I place the code for listening for incoming tcp traffic?
Application events in Global.asax should fire for a web service hosted as an application in IIS. You can use these. Keep in mind that they will fire even if a web page and not the web service is accessed in the same application.
You can place the tcp connection as a static member of the service class and make a static constructor that handles the instantiation.
This will create the tcp connection before the first access of the web service is handled and then persist the connection as long as the hosting process is running. The only drawback with that approach is that the tcp connection is process wide. If you host two instances of the web service within the same process (quite unlikely) they will share the same tcp connection.
Fortunately for you, you are wrong.
Application-wide events do fire plus you have the access to all containers, the Application container for application-level variables, the Session container for session-level variables (if the client side supports cookies, the session id could even be passed in a cookie) and the Items container for request-level variables.
However, whether or not this helps you to store an additional tcp listener (if I understand correcly) is another story, not obvious one.
