how to install/update a package from source inside cygwin - r

new to Cygwin. I downloaded apg-cyg and have been using it to install packages.
Recently I installed R and the current version in Cygwin packages is R.3.2.4. I wanted to install the latest R package but couldn't find a way from googling on how to do it inside Cygwin.
Is this possible to do or I just have to wait for the Cygwin packages updating their packages to the latest version? It would be nice to be able to update a package using the source file inside Cygwin..
I should mention that I tried to install ggplot2 inside R using install.packages() and there was non-zero exit status and the installation couldn't go through.

You can install the source using cygwin setup. Click on the mouse on the "Src?" column.
The source will be installed in /usr/src
PS: next R release 3.3.1 is in 11 days. It will be packed for cygwin if there are no build issue
There were several build issues, it took longer than expected to build 3.3.1


Installing rsvg library in R 4.0.2 (conda-forge)

I'm facing difficulties downloading the r package rsvg. I created first an environment with conda for the latest R version 4.0.2 following these instructions. I was able to download many other R packages & bioconductor packages without problem, however, this one produces huge pile of lines while configuring it and ends with errors downloadind its dependencies (systemfonts, stringi, stringr, gdtools, magick, svglite, knitr). My exact command is install.packages("rsvg", dependencies =T). Trying to download each of those packages produced also a tree of required dependencies (with configuration fail at the end of each).
Among the lines I noticed this error /user/include/freetype2/freetype/config/ftheader.h:3:12: fatal error x86_64-linux-gnu/freetype2/config/fthreader.h no such file or directory which make me suspect that my R installation is incopmlete or corrupted. I tested it with other R versions (e.g. R 3.6.0) yet the same error appear. Installing it on windows (Rstudio 3.6.2) also didn't work, and now I'm wondering if this package needs to be installed differently or it is system related problem? Any help would be highly appreciated
You need to create a new environment and then you can install R 4.+ in Anaconda. Follow these steps.
conda create --name r4-base
After activating r4-base run these commands
conda install -c conda-forge r-base
conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 r-base
Finally, you will notice r-basa version 4 will be installed.
Thereafter, you can install any supported packages. But with this only, you won't have the ability to use it in the Jupyter notebook. You need to install install.packages('IRkernel') and Jupyter notebook as well if you want to use it. Otherwise you are good to go with R-Studio.
For Jupyter Installation and RKernel.
conda install jupyter
Then open the R console. Write in R console
Congrats! You can use Notebook for Python and R.

How to install MVPARTwrap package in R version 3.6.1?

I am trying to install mvpart and MVPARTwrap packages in R version 3.6.1.
I install on my PC the folder of these two packages in zip version and load them in the relative folder of the package.
When I run the script library(mvpart) I get this message:
ERROR: 'mvpart' package was built before R 3.0.0: please reinstall it."
I try to load this library in the old version of R (version 2.15) and the message is
in install.packages (mvpart): object 'mvpart' not found".
I do not understand why it is impossible to load this package. Thanks so much.
Maybe the answer is no more relevant, but I just had to install those libraries so maybe it will still help someone later. I suggest the install from github as it will install dependencies, you need however to be able to compile the source. So here we go :
first install rtools if it is not already installed go here and follow the instruction
update/install devtools if necessary as described here
using this command, it should work now. you may be asked to update some packages, accept all

Installing local binary packages using R CMD INSTALL on a Mac

I came across a package that is not available on CRAN. I tried to install the package using:
Packages & Data > Package Installer > Local Binary Package > At User
Level > [FileName.tgz] > Install...
This didn't work and I am now trying to use the R CMD INSTALL command. However, it seems I need to run that command in the command line interface but I cannot get it to install properly.
The package I'm trying to install is called gEcon. It can be found here. In particular, I am getting the following error message after "installing" the package:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘gEcon’:
package ‘gEcon’ was installed by an R version with different internals; it needs to be reinstalled for use with this R version
I assume it's the way I'm installing it.
Thanks in advance.
You're going to need to install Xcode apparently, because you've got to install this from source per these directions:
Now, you've gotta update R to the latest stable release, or if you prefer you can find the exact minimum newest version needed for gEcon.
After upgrading R you can complete the installation from source.
Original answer to original question:
Two things:
To access the command line and use R CMD on an Apple computer, please use the app. Please see this for more details.
An easier and probably better approach is to install your package from the author's Github (or BitBucket, etc) repository using devtools::install_github or just use devtools::install on the downloaded source project.

Cannot install R packages in Jupyter Notebook

I am trying to run R code in Jupyter and the R Kernel was added. Most of the time, packages can be installed successfully. However, some of the packages, such as RCurl and ggmap, would got error while installing.
Warning message in install.packages("RCurl"):
“installation of package ‘RCurl’ had non-zero exit status”Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library'
Making 'packages.html' ... done
What should I do?
Try to specify CRAN as repository in your install.packages statement when installing RCurl and ggmap. For example:
install.packages("RCurl", repos='')
This Stack Overflow post on installing R packages through Anaconda/Jupyter beyond those included in R essential provides more detail.
(Side note: I had encountered the same issue when trying to install R packages on computer clusters. This solution worked for me.)
use conda comment:
conda install r-RCurl
I kept getting the non-zero exit status when trying to install packages with Jupyter notebook with R kernel and was failing because of multiple dependencies when wanting to install a package. I am not an expert in any of these so please forgive me if I make an error in explaining or if it is a non-issue for you but please feel free to comment to clear things out. I just want to share my success story so hopefully it can help someone else: I am working on a MacBook Pro. Here are the information I get when I run R.version() on my jupyter notebook with R kernel:
$platform 'x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu'
$arch 'x86_64'
$os 'linux-gnu'
$system 'x86_64, linux-gnu'
$language 'R'
$version.string 'R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)'
These are the steps to take to fix the issue:
Go to
Search the package name that you are trying to install
Copy the one line that is given to install the package, it should be something like:
Conda install -c r r-caret #conda install -c r r-package_name
NOTE: sometimes during installing packages, you’re asked whether or not you want to continue, so add --y at the end of the above statement to continue, so something like this
Conda install -c r r-caret --y
(I will always add it just to be on the safe side)
Click on the new launcher (+ icon) to create a new notebook with PySpark (once opened it has .ipynp extension)
On the first cell paste the copied line from step 2 and run
Once done, restart the kernel on the current notebook
Restart the kernel on your other notebook with R kernel
Run library(package_name) on your notebook with R kernel (e.x. library(caret))
install.packages("Hmisc", .libPaths(), repos='')
This command will install the packagae in the conda
"/home/user/anaconda3/lib/R/library" and use the cran r repository as source.
Add path in Anaconda
As per this answer,
one can also add additional paths in anaconda to load libraries from (for eg., the location where R studio saves the user-installed packages) with
.libPaths( c( .libPaths(), "~/userLibrary") )
For example, the following worked for me:
In Anaconda :
.libPaths( c( .libPaths(), "C:\Users\name\Documents\R\win-library\3.5") )
When I tried to add anaconda's library path to RStudio, it resulted in errors (The procedure entry point MARK_NOT_MUTABLE could not be located in the dynamic link library << arose 4 times in succession) after installation of a package, though the package seemed to load.
Replace name with your local user folder name
Add/change path in RStudio
A useful link to make changes in default user-installed library paths :
To find out where a package has been installed:
The directions nobody else supplied worked for me, but I found this guide, and it worked. Spent way too much time trying all these when I just needed a few simple commands.
I already had R and python installed, so I skipped to step 3. The only seems to mention windows, but it worked for me on mac as well. After following them I was able to install the packages using install.packages("dplyr", repos = "") in a cell in jupyter.
You have to create a directory in which your package will be and do for eg:
install.packages('ggplot2',loc='your directory')
First Step: You can install the IRkernel packages by running the following command in an R console:install.packages('IRkernel')
Second Step: You will have to make Jupyter see the newly installed R kernel by installing a kernel spec. To install system-wide, set user to False in the installspec command IRkernel::installspec(user = FALSE)
Setup Jupyter Notebook for R

Running Rattle on Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

After installing Mavericks on my Mac, I'm not able to run Rattle anymore.
Because of compatibility issues between RStudio and 10.9 (, I installed v 0.98.433 of RStudio and R 3.0.2
Tried to launch Rattle the normal way: none.
I tried in a different way:
I manually launched xQuartz to install GTK+
via R-Studio I installed RGtg2 and Cairo
Installed Rattle, launched it and I got 1 sec message from Rattle, before it disappeared, crashing R session.
I then tried going back to R 2.15.3 (using RSwitch), doing same procedure.
Rattle starts with no ricognizable character and a bunch of related error messages on the RStudio console, from Pango.
Problem is it is looking for a directory .../pango/1.6.0 that does not exist (I have /1.8.0).
Is there any one who came out with a working combination of R/RStudio/Rattle on Mavericks?
I have a course I'm going to teach on data mining next semester and I introduced Rattle as the core tool, but I need it running.
Going back to previous Mac OS is not an option, because students may have the latest version.
Any help would be highly appreciated
I believe that the problem is with the GTK2 and Cairo modules. After building a few packages from source, rattle works for me...
I have had difficulties with Cairo/GTK2 since Mountain Lion. I got crashes using Simon's binary packages for these. Note that I updated my system to Mavericks, so I have not tried this on a clean install... I also have Homebrew installed for building programs from source. I use the ATT binary installer for R (thanks, Simon) for most packages but build a few packages from source. There were some hiccups and I spent a lot of time searching with Google. Here is what I did:
One needs XCode and the Xcode command line tools installed. After you install XCode, you need to run
sudo xcode-select --install
to install the command line tools. Then install Homebrew according to directions from the web site... Install gtk+ and cairo with their dependencies with:
brew install gtk+ cairo
And wait quite a while for everything to build....
The first problem I had is that I couldn't build any R packages from source because of this error:
make: llvm-gcc-4.2: No such file or directory
Google to the rescue...
I needed to change two lines in Makeconf in /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/etc to
Note: the R Mac Tools page now says this should be:
Then download the source packages for RGtk2, Cairo, and cairoDevice. I do all the work in my ~/bld directory with:
cd ~/bld
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig:/Library/Frameworks/GTK+.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
R CMD install RGtk2_2.20.25.tar.gz
R CMD install Cairo_1.5-2.tar.gz
R CMD install cairoDevice_2.19.tar.gz
Hope this helps.
