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Is it possible to bind a StringProperty to a POJO's String in JavaFX?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to bind a intobject to a Label in javaFX and i don't want to change the type in the model to a IntegerProperty. I tried as
mainActionLabel.textProperty().bind(new SimpleIntegerProperty(myintvar.asString());
but the value only updates if i close and open the gui again, so i guess the bind is not really working since i imagine it updating with the setText method.
Is there another way to properly bind it?
Edit: I just tried to remove the
line but the problem persist as before: the is initialized correctly, but does not update in real time. Only if I close the window and reopen it.
Use asString for the IntegerProperty:
IntegerProperty property = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
Button btn = new Button("increment");
btn.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
Label label = new Label();
If you are unwilling to change the model data to IntegerProperty, you will not be able to take advantage of property bindings.
You will have to implement the synchronization yourself using listeners and in the getters and setters of your model.
I have one combo in javaFX that is populated with categoryData
private ComboBox<categoryData> comboCategory;
comboboxCategory suppose to fetch data from database when i clicked the edit button, but i get an error with this line
here is my error:
method is not applicable
string cannot be converted to int
method is not applicacle
string cannot be converted to categoryData
please help me i am searching for this since yesterday but i got nothing. thank you for your response.
Predicate<categoryData> matcher = data1 -> (data1.getCategory()).equals(rs.getString("category");
Optional<categoryData> opt =;
I build a little JavaFX TableView for displaying data. The user should be able to edit the data in the tableview. The problem is: only specific values are allowed in certain fields. If the user entered a wrong value, the field is set to 0.
Here is my Class:
private ObservableList shots;
void initialize() {
this.shots = FXCollections.observableArrayList(match.getShots()); // values from database
colShotID.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Schuss, String>("idSchuss"));
colRing.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Schuss, String>("ringString"));
colRing.setOnEditCommit(new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Schuss, String>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Schuss, String> t) {
Schuss s = (Schuss) t.getTableView().getItems().get(
try {
int ring = Integer.parseInt(t.getNewValue());
} catch (Exception ex) {
// .... omitted
private void refreshTable(){
if(shots.size()>0) {
int res = 0;
for(int i=0;i<shots.size();i++){
Schuss s = (Schuss)shots.get(i);
res += s.getRing();
else {
So when I edit a tableviewcell and enter "q" (this value is not allowed) and press enter, the debugger jumps in the above catch block, sets the specific value in the observablelist to 0 (I can see this in the debugger, when I expand this object) but the tableviewcell still displays q instead of 0 (which has been corrected by the system)...
Why does the tableview not show the right values of the observablelist-Object???
This was required but brandnew since Java8u60 (yes - they changed API in an udpate!?!) there is a refresh() method on the TableView itself.
* Calling {#code refresh()} forces the TableView control to recreate and
* repopulate the cells necessary to populate the visual bounds of the control.
* In other words, this forces the TableView to update what it is showing to
* the user. This is useful in cases where the underlying data source has
* changed in a way that is not observed by the TableView itself.
* #since JavaFX 8u60
public void refresh() {
getProperties().put(TableViewSkinBase.RECREATE, Boolean.TRUE);
It is so new, it´s not even in the official oracle docs... So I cannot provide a link.
Okey this seems to be a bug. I used a work around which is mentioned here:
Though the refresh() definitely works in conjunction with an upgrade to 8u60, the large project on which I work is currently stuck on 8u51 and cannot reasonably move to u60 any time soon. I tried to implement the code in the refresh() that Rainer referenced in place of the other kluges mentioned above, specifically setting the column invisible/visible. However, simply implementing
getProperties().put(TableViewSkinBase.RECREATE, Boolean.TRUE);
did not work within u51. Upon doing more googling, I came across the JavaFx/Oracle Jira issue here:
If you open the rt22599.patch attachment you will find changes to various skins, specifically for TableViews, the TableViewSkinBase. This module is not delivered in the that comes with the jdk install. Looking for info on how to possibly incorporate the SkinBase change to a u51 install.
Since JavaFX 8u60 you can use(assuming tableView is an instance of TableView class):
It worked for me
I'm writing a JFace dialog, and I'd like to use databing to a model object.
Looking at code I can see that there are times when I find a PojoProperties used to build the binding, while other time it is used a PojoObservables.
Looking at the Javadoc I can read:
PojoObservables: A factory for creating observable objects for POJOs (plain old java objects) that conform to idea of an object with getters and setters but does not provide property change events on change.
PojoProperties: A factory for creating properties for POJOs (plain old Java objects) that conform to idea of an object with getters and setters but does not provide property change events on change.
The same question applies to the difference that exists between BeansObservables and BeansProperties
The (obvious) difference sems to be that the observable allows to observe objects and the properties allows to observe properties, but since a Pojo has a getter and a setter for its data, what is the difference between them? And which of them should I choose for my dialog?
Here follows a code excerpt:
public class DataObject {
private String m_value;
public String getValue() {
return m_value;
public void setValue(String i_value) {
m_value = i_value;
The DIALOG (relevant part):
protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
Composite container = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent);
m_combo = new Combo(container, SWT.BORDER);
m_comboViewer = new ComboViewer(container, SWT.NONE);
The BINDING (relevant part):
// using PojoObservable
IObservableValue observeValue = PojoObservables.observeValue(m_dataObject, "value");
IObservableValue observeWidget = SWTObservables.observeSelection(m_combo);
// using PojoProperties
IObservableValue observeValue = PojoProperties.value("value").observe(m_dataObject);
IObservableValue observeWidget = ViewerProperties.singleSelection().observe(m_comboViewer);
I understand that one time I'm using a combo and another I'm using a ComboViewer, but I can get the combo from the viewer and bind the other way if I need...
Also, can I mix the two, for example use the observeValue with the ViewerProperties?
IObservableValue observeValue = PojoObservables.observeValue(m_dataObject, "value");
IObservableValue observeWidget = ViewerProperties.singleSelection().observe(m_comboViewer);
I am playing around a little with JFace viewers (especially ComboViewer) & databinding and discovered that if I use
then databinding is not working correctly.
However, if I use
Then everything is working as expected.
Maybe this is a special for my case, so to get it a better overview I'll describe my set up in following paragraph.
I have modelObject with field named selectedEntity and entities and bind this ComboViewer to the modelObject.
I want to display all "entities" in model object, if I add any entity to the modelObject.entities collection then I want to this entity be added to combo automatically.
If user selects some item in combo I want to modelObject.selectedEntity be set automatically.
If I set modelObject.selectedEntity I want to combo selection be set automatically.
Source code can be found at:
Since Eclipse Mars, PojoObservables is deprecated in favor of PojoProperties and BeansObservables is deprecated in favor of BeanProperties so the answer to which one should be used has now become evident.
I want to write a unit test that basically verifies an object I add to a foreign collection actually gets saved and retrieved correctly when the DAO saves retrieves the object
Here is my Entity.
public class Question implements Question, Serializable {
private String questionText;
private ForeignCollection<Answer> answers;
public void addAnswer(Answer answer) {
What I want to do is create a Question instance add an Answer object to the collection and pass the Question to my DAO which will persist it. The persistence works fine on regular fields so I know there is no problem there.
How do I go about adding an Answer to the collection? When I create the Question it's answers collection is null. Is it what I have to save the new Question and then retrieve it in order for the answers collection to be non null? Or, do I set the answers to a BaseCollection, LazyCollection instance?
This is a FAQ. The right way to do it is to make use of the Dao.getEmptyForeignCollection(...) method to create a collection that you can add items to. Something like:
Question question = new Question();
query.answers = questionDao.getEmptyForeignCollection("answers");
Answer answer1 = new Answer();
// this can come before the question.answers.add()
I am new to vaadin and have a databinding problem. I have posted allready in the vaadin forum, but no answer up to now.
if you answer here, I will of course reward it anyway.
thanks in advance.
Additional information: I tried allready to iterate over the items in the container, after pressing a save button. After deleting all original elements in the model collection, and adding copies from the container, the GUI breaks. Some other GUI elements do not respond anymore.
I have personally never used ListSelect, but I found this from the API docs:
This is a simple list select without, for instance, support for new items, lazyloading, and other advanced features.
I'd recommend BeanItemContainer. You can use it like this:
// Create a list of Strings
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
// Create a BeanItemContainer and include strings list
final BeanItemContainer<String> container = new BeanItemContainer<String>(strings);
// Create a ListSelect and make BeanItemContainer its data container
ListSelect select = new ListSelect("", container);
// Create a button that adds "!" to the list
Button button = new Button("Add to list", new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Add the components to a layout
The downside (or benefit, it depends :) of this is that you can't add duplicate entries to a BeanItemContainer. In the example above the exclamation mark gets only added once.
You can get a Collection of Strings by calling:
Collection<String> strings = container.getItemIds();
If you need to support duplicate entries, take a look at IndexedContainer. With IndexedContainer you can add a String property by calling myIndexedContainer.addContainerProperty("caption", String.class, ""); and give each Item a unique itemId (or let the container generate the id's automatically).
Im not sure I understand your problem but I belive that it might be that you haven't told the controller to repaint. You do this be setting the datasource like this after the save event has occured.