simple html5 button trigger postback in webform -

I have a simple HTML button to trigger jquery function but when i add this button to webform it triggers post-back.
I tried adding OnClientClick="myfunction(); return false;" but it sill postback.
How can i use simple button without postback

Try adding stoppropagation() to your function

If you are using input tag with type="submit" or button tag with type="submit" than clicking it will cause the page to submit. So you may need to use type="button".
<input type="button" onclick="yourfunction()" value="SomeValue" />


ASP.Button - OnClientClick firing incorrectly

I have a button and I am using OnclientClick to close the window
<asp:Button ID="btnCancelSomething" runat="server" class="type-button"
Text="Cancel" OnClientClick = "Javascript:self.close()"
the onclick event does nothing and I am planning to remove it. However, when I click the button the first time it is loading the page again. I click the button again then the script is fired.
How to make the window close the first time?
If the button isn't going to have any server-side functionality behind it anyway, why make it an asp:Button at all? A regular button will do the trick just fine:
<input type="button" value="Cancel" class="type-button" onclick="self.close()" />
That way it's purely client-side, since that's all the functionality that's needed anyway. It won't cause any "post-back" unnecessarily.
You could even take it a step further and break apart markup from functionality:
<input type="button" value="Cancel" class="type-button" id="cancelButton" />
Then in a script tag elsewhere, or in a separate file:
$('#cancelButton').click(function() {
(Of course, this example assumes jQuery. But then what doesn't? The separation of markup and functionality if the key point here, though. How you achieve it, even how you identify the element with an id as in my example or some other way, is up to you.)

ASP.Net PostBack & Button Internal

i worked for long time with windows apps using .net. for last 2 year i am working with we often work with button control. when we click on button then postback occur and right server side event called by engine. i how link & image button causes postback when user click on those button.
when we work with link & image button then __doPostback js function is called and that causes form submit to server and request the same page and engine detect which control causes the postback from the hidden input control called eventTarget and invoke right event handler for that control.
but i dont know when we work with button control like
<asp:Button ID="SampleButton" runat="server"
OnClick="ButtonClick" />
when we click button then also form submit but how. i know that in this case __doPostback does not invoke because for button __doPostback is never rendered in the page. so in this case form submit but how engine detect which button causes postback and invoke right event handler?
how we get the data from textbox like txt1.text when postback occur. is it extracted from i right.
please answer for my 2 question. try to explain here instead of giving any url...thanks.
It's pretty simple with respect to how controls postback. They do it in the same fashion as pure html solutions. There is a Form tag on the page. When the button is pressed it causes the form to submit a postback to the server.
Notice the action target of the form tag, it points to my aspx page
This is all generated by the aspx page itself.
<form name="form1" method="post" action="Default.aspx" id="form1">
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUKMjA0OTM4MTAwNGRk5H5eaMNZp5tsD/GQ2iYj2p8J0as=" />
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="/wEWAgKmxpCiBgKSotaIC5iWtiHNi+oxYiuBULPgr5d0/WFu" />
<input type="submit" name="btn1" value="click me" id="btn1" />
Yes asp:button works differently by default. It outputs a standard HTML Submit button which posts back to the Action URL specified on the form. It therefore doesn't use events in the same way as other controls.
However if you add a OnCommand and assign CommandName/CommandArgs to the control, it will then cause the same event based callback behaviour as other controls. The same is true of OnClick. I assumed this used the same process as other controls but actually it's different.
It looks like it uses __VIEWSTATE and __EVENTVALIDATION to determine which form posted back, and the name of the submit button id is posted in the form as part of part of standard HTML form behaviuor. This is what is used to trigger the server-side events.

How to manually set button input type in ASP.NET?

I have a jQueryUI dialog with some textboxes, plus a button. Right now, the asp:Button tag used to generate the button automatically sets its type as type="submit". The structure of the dialog is such that pressing enter at any of the textboxes should not call the button click event. It seems like the cleanest way to solve the problem, if it is doable, is to manually set the button's type to something other than submit. Is there a way to do this?
Edit: Forgot to mention this, but the button text is bound to a database item by <%# Eval() %>, which doesn't work without a server-side tag.
OnClientClick="return" />
The UseSubmitBehavior property tells ASP.NET to render as type="button" and inserts a __doPostBack() function call into the onclick property. The text of the OnClientClick property gets prepended to the client-side onclick event (with a trailing semicolon if you don't include it yourself), therefore putting return simply short-circuits the event handler and ends up doing nothing at all.
You can use just a regular html button and set it to whatever you want. It doesn't have to be a serverside asp button.
In your aspx file:
<input type="button" value="My Button" onclick="DoSomeScript();" />
I don't think you can set the Button control's AutoPostBack to false, which would normally do what you want.
In this case, I would simply not use asp:Button and just use <input type='button'>.

Refresh page in

I have a webpage, in that page I have a button. How can I refresh the page when clicking on that button?
<input type="button" value="Reload" onclick="window.location.reload(true);" />
However, if the page is created from a postback, you would need to use an asp:Button control instead, and let another postback refresh the page. You also have to make sure that the correct code is executed in the code behind to recreate the correct result.
are you using an
<asp:button />
If so the page should refresh when the button is clicked by default.
<input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Information Now" />
SUBMIT is a TYPE attribute value to the INPUT element for FORMs. It specifies a button that, when activated, submits the information entered to a processing script. If there are multiple SUBMIT buttons in a form, only the one activated should be sent to the form processing script.
When you press button your page must refresh, only not refresh that controls which are in AJAX Update Panel and jquery dialog

does anyone know how to use jquery modal dialog in pages?
I've tried creating a simple aspx page, pasted code from the example (, it almost works. The dialog briefly shows up and then disappears. It seems that the page is doing a postback. I'm not sure how to stop it, so that the modal dialog stays up.
I've been using jqModal for modal dialogs. I've set it up to use a standard HTML input button to trigger the dialog, and then you can put a regular button or other controls inside of the hidden div.
Hope this helps.
I assume you have something like:
<asp:Button ID="popupButton" OnClientClick="showModalPopup();" Text="Click me" runat="server" />
I would try adding "return false;" to the OnClientClick property of your Button:
<asp:Button ID="popupButton" OnClientClick="showModalPopup(); return false;" Text="Click me" runat="server" />
Or if you don't need to access the button in code-behind, simply use a standard HTML button and set it's onclick event attribute:
<button onclick="showModalPopup();">Click me</button>
