How to use non-blocking point-to-point MPI routines instead of collectives - mpi

In my programm, I would like to heavily parallelize many mathematical calculations, the results of which are then written to an output file.
I successfully implemented that using collective communication (gather, scatter etc.) but I noticed that using these synchronizing routines, the slowest among all processors dominates the execution time and heavily reduces overall computation time, as fast processors spend a lot of time waiting.
So I decided to switch to the scheme, where one (master) processor is dedicated to receiving chunks of results and handling the file output, and alle the other processors calculate these results and send them to the master using non-blocking send routines.
Unfortunately, I don't really know how to implement the master code; Do I need to run an infinite loop with MPI_Recv(), listening for incoming messages? How do I know when to stop the loop? Can I combine MPI_Isend() and MPI_Recv(), or do both method need to be non-blocking? How is this typically done?

MPI 3.1 provides non-blocking collectives. I would strongly recommend that instead of implementing it on your own.
However, it may not help you after all. Eventually you need the data from all processes, even the slow ones. So you are likely to wait at some point again. Non-blocking communication overlaps communication and computation, but it doesn't fix your load imbalances.
Update (more or less a long clarification comment)
There are several layers to your question, I might have been confused by the title as to what kind of answer you were expecting. Maybe the question is rather
How do I implement a centralized work queue in MPI?
This pops up regularly, most recently here. But that is actually often undesirable because a central component quickly becomes a bottleneck in large scale programs. So the actual problem you have, is that your work decomposition & mapping is imbalanced. So the more fundamental "X-question" is
How do I load balance an MPI application?
At that point you must provide more information about your mathematical problem and it's current implementation. Preferably in form of an [mcve]. Again, there is no standard solution. Load balancing is a huge research area. It may even be a topic for CS.SE rather than SO.


MPI overlapping communication and computation

my current understanding of MPI nonblocking routines is that they allow for the overlapping of communication and computation. However, I also understood that this overlapping is not guaranteed by the MPI implementation. Then, what could be the factors that inhibit the overlapping? Thanks.
Non-blocking routines were not primarily motivated by latency hiding (I'll use this as a shorter synonym of "overlap of computations and communication"): the prime use was to be able to write deadlock/serialization-free code. For the longest time, achieving actual performance improvement required periodically activating the MPI library by MPI_Iprobe or such tricks. The basic problem was that during your computation, there was no guarantee that the MPI layer would do anything at all.
The problem of forcing "MPI progress" still persists, but these days MPI implementations such as from Intel or mvapich (sorry, I don't know about OpenMPI) have environment variables with which you can force "progress threads". Also, network cards may be clever enough to work while your processor is otherwise engaged. And even with all this, improvement is not guaranteed because of the overhead you are introducing.

MPI_Send/Recv vs. MPI_Reduce

I was given a little excercise where I had to implement a Monte Carlo algorithm by using MPI to estimate the total volume of n spheres, having the coordinates of their center and radius in 3 dimensions. Even if we must use MPI, we can launch all the processes on our local machine, so there's no network overhead. I implemented two versions of this excericse:
One, using MPI_Send and MPI_Recv (where the process of rank 0 only waits for partial results from the others to perform the final sum)
The other, using MPI_Reduce, also here process of rank 0 waits for partial results.
I expected that both the programs would take the same time to finish, but I see that the one using MPI_Reduce is faster. Why this? Where's the difference?
There could be a lot of reasons depending on which MPI implementation you're using, what kind of hardware you're running on and how optimized the implementation is to take advantage of that. This Google Scholar search gives some idea of the variety of work done on this. To give you a few ideas of what it could be:
Since reductions can be completed in intermediate steps, it may be possible to use a different topology than the basic rank 0 collect-from-all approach, with tradeoffs in latency and bandwidth.
Within a compute node (or on your desktop or laptop if you're trying this with a toy problem), it may be possible to exploit locality within cores, between cores on a CPU socket or between sockets to order the computations and communication in a way that's more efficient for the hardware. It sounds from the abstract like this paper from IBM may give some concrete details about some of these design decisions. Alternatively, the implementation might choose a cache-oblivious scheme for better performance within a general compute node.
Persistent communication (MPI_Send_init and MPI_Recv_init) can be used under the hood in the MPI_Reduce implementation. These routines can perform better than their blocking and non-blocking counterparts due to providing the MPI implementation and hardware with extra details about how the program is grouping its communications.
This is not a comprehensive list, but hopefully it gets you started and provides some ideas for how to search out more details if you're interested.

Efficient way to execute the sequential part(large no of operations + writing file) of a parallel code?

I have a C++ code using mpi and is executed in a sequential-parallel-sequential pattern. The above pattern is repeated in a time loop.
While validating the code with the serial code, I could get a reduction in time for the parallel part and in fact the reduction is almost linear with the no of processors.
The problem that I am facing is that the time required for the sequential part also increases considerably when using higher no of processors.
The parallel part takes less time to be executed in comparison with total sequential time of the entire program.
Therefore although there is a reduction in time for the parallel part when using higher no of processors, the saving in time is lost considerably due to increase in time while executing the sequential part. Also the sequential part includes a large no of computations at each time step and writing the data to an output file at some specified time.
All the processors are made to run during the execution of sequential part and the data is gathered to the root processor after the parallel computation and only the root processor is allowed to write the file.
Therefore can anyone suggest what is the efficient way to calculate the serial part (large no of operations + write the file) of the parallel code ? I would also like to clarify on any of the point if required.
Thanks in advance.
First of all, do file writing from separate thread (or process in MPI terms), so other threads can use your cores for computations.
Then, check why your parallel version is much slower than sequential. Often this means you creates too small tasks so communication between threads (synchronization) eats your performance. Think if tasks can be combined into chunks and complete chunks processed in parallel.
And, of course, use any profiler that is good for multithreading environment.
sequential part = part of your logic that cannot be (and is not) paralleled, do you mean the same? sequential part on multicore can work a bit slower, probably because of OS dispatcher or something like this. It's weird that you see noticable difference.
Disk is sequential by its nature, so writing to disk from many threads don't give any benefits, but can lead to the situation when many threads try to do this simultaneously and waits for each other instead of doing something useful.
BTW, what MPI implementation do you use?
Your problem description is too high-level, provide some pseudo-code or something like this, this can help us to help you.

Can someone suggest a good way to understand how MPI works?

Can someone suggest a good way to understand how MPI works?
If you are familiar with threads, then you treat each node as a thread (to an extend)
You send a message (work) to a node and it does some work and then returns you some results.
Similar behaviors between thread & MPI:
They all involve partitioning a work and process it separately.
They all would have overhead when more node/threads involved, MPI overhead is more significant compared to thread, passing messages around nodes would cause significant overhead if work is not carefully partitioned, you might end up with the time passing messages > computational time required to process job.
Difference behaviors:
They have different memory models, each MPI node does not share memory with others and does not know anything about the rest of world unless you send something to it.
Here you can find some learning materials
Parallel programming is one of those subjects that is "intrinsically" complex (as opposed to the "accidental" complexity, as noted by Fred Brooks).
I used Parallel Programming in MPI by Peter Pacheco. This book gives a good overview of the basic MPI topics, available API's, and common patterns for parallel program construction.

Suggestions for doing async I/O with Task Parallel Library

I have some high performance file transfer code which I wrote in C# using the Async Programming Model (APM) idiom (eg, BeginRead/EndRead). This code reads a file from a local disk and writes it to a socket.
For best performance on modern hardware, it's important to keep more than one outstanding I/O operation in flight whenever possible. Thus, I post several BeginRead operations on the file, then when one completes, I call a BeginSend on the socket, and when that completes I do another BeginRead on the file. The details are a bit more complicated than that but at the high level that's the idea.
I've got the APM-based code working, but it's very hard to follow and probably has subtle concurrency bugs. I'd love to use TPL for this instead. I figured Task.Factory.FromAsync would just about do it, but there's a catch.
All of the I/O samples I've seen (most particularly the StreamExtensions class in the Parallel Extensions Extras) assume one read followed by one write. This won't perform the way I need.
I can't use something simple like Parallel.ForEach or the Extras extension Task.Factory.Iterate because the async I/O tasks don't spend much time on a worker thread, so Parallel just starts up another task, resulting in potentially dozens or hundreds of pending I/O operations; way too much! You can work around that by Waiting on your tasks, but that causes creation of an event handle (a kernel object), and a blocking wait on a task wait handle, which ties up a worker thread. My APM-based implementation avoids both of those things.
I've been playing around with different ways to keep multiple read/write operations in flight, and I've managed to do so using continuations that call a method that creates another task, but it feels awkward, and definitely doesn't feel like idiomatic TPL.
Has anyone else grappled with an issue like this with the TPL? Any suggestions?
If you're worried about too many threads, you can just set ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism to an acceptable number in your call to Parallel.ForEach.
