How to run kibana 4.1.3 on Mac OS? - kibana

I downloaded the code of kibana 4.1.3 in GitHub.
I tried to run it, but I don't know how?
Here is the code I used,
sudo npm install
sudo bower install -allow-root

I am not exactly sure what you are looking at here.
I had a look here,
and it says this,
Extract the files
Run bin/kibana on unix, or bin\kibana.bat on Windows.
Visit http://localhost:5601
When I downloaded something from here,
The readme.txt file inside says this,
Run bin/kibana on unix, or bin\kibana.bat on Windows.
Visit http://localhost:5601
Which is pretty much the same. In the bin folder there is a script, kibana, and I think that is what it is telling you to run.
Hopefully that helps, but I have no specific knowledge of what you are doing here. Please expand your question if you need further help.


Why am I getting a zsh: exec format error?

I am trying to run the metal executable from my zsh terminal in order to meta-analyze GWAS data. I have the executable in the correct directory and have checked that it is not 0MB due to truncation.
Download the Linux file from
In terminal:
zsh: exec format error: ./metal
You probably install wrong OS of go, for example, you might install go for MacOS in Linux
I solve this problem by installing go for correct OS
The executable has been pre-compiled on a certain distribution with libraries at a certain places at certain versions.
If you have a different distribution, libraries versions, it won't work and you better compile from the source.
Basically what you have to do is to download and extract the sources, go in the folder and execute make. (You will have probably to install make first.)
I think that's not your job at all so maybe you can find a geeky person to help you, because you may stumble upon problems, libraries to install, old versions not supported anymore, new versions not supported yet...
It happened to me when I emptied an executable by mistake.
~>true > a
~>wc -c a
0 a
zsh: exec format error: ./a

How to change the post-installation script of a package and re-install it?

I am trying to install gnocchi-api, gnocchi-metricd and python-gnocchiclient with apt-get. I found that the postinst scripts in /var/lib/dpkg/info have some misconfigured ports due to which I cannot install the packages successfully. I wanted to ask if there is a way to change the post-installation scripts nad then re-install the package.
Ideally this kind of problems would be solved by filing a bug report (possibly with a patch) and letting the maintainer upload a fixed version that you can upgrade to.
If you need an immediate local workaround though, you could do the following:
Either apt download <package> or dpkg-repack <package> if for example this is a local package only, or the archive does not contain the version you are interested in f.ex.
dpkg-deb -R <package_version_arch>.deb bin-dir
sensible-editor bin-dir/DEBIAN/postinst
sensible-editor bin-dir/DEBIAN/control ideally to bump the version to mark this as a local modification, say by appending +local1 or similar.
dpkg-deb -b bin-dir .
dpkg -i <package_local-version_arch>.deb

Trying to install twodict, confused about command/directory?

I am completely new to all of this, but I was trying to install, which requires twodict.
Now, the manual simply says:
Install From Source
Download & extract source from here
Change directory into twodict-1.2/
Run sudo python install
Sorry for the idiotic question, but what is meant by "change directory into twodict-1.2/"?
I downloaded the source file, and when I extract it, where do I put it? If What is meant by the step 2? Which command would I have to run exactly? I don't get it.
Running MacOS.

How to install ADA IDE and compiler on mac (OSX)?

I downloaded GNAT ADA GPL 2014 and now trying to install on my Mac.
The directions below are the ones I am following, but I do not know where to look to find the file called doinstall. I might still need some help after finding it, but can anyone help me out here?
Navigate to the directory that contains a file called: doinstall
Enter: sudo mkdir /usr/local/gnat
Enter: sudo ./doinstall
Update your path as needed for your shell
You should have downloaded gnat-gpl-2014-x86_64-darwin-bin.tar.gz.
Go to some temporary directory (I use ~/tmp):
cd ~/tmp
Unpack the download, which creates a directory gnat-gpl-2014-x86_64-darwin-bin containing the binary distribution to be installed:
tar zxvf ~/Downloads/gnat-gpl-2014-x86_64-darwin-bin.tar.gz
Enter that directory, which contains (amongst others) doinstall:
cd gnat-gpl-2014-x86_64-darwin-bin
Execute doinstall to enter the installation dialog:
sudo ./doinstall
Remove the unpacked download:
cd ..
rm -rf gnat-gpl-2014-x86_64-darwin-bin
Now you can update PATH as needed for your shell.
What Simon Wright said is correct, but if you're running on Yosemite there's an extra problem: for some obscure reason, Adacore GNAT is broken on Yosemite. You have to make it think it's compiling for Mavericks:
export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9 # Yosemite workaround
That can go in a few different places, but I put it near the top of the /usr/local/gnat/bin/gps script so it doesn't interfere with the xcodebuild environment.
Also, I found GTKAda to be nearly impossible to install from source; if you download the XNAdaLib-GPL package from you can install that and get everything you need without having to wade through Adacore's mess. (You may want to use the Adacore version of Glade for GUI design though; for some reason the Sourceforge package's version is localized in French and I'm not sure if it can be switched to English.)
Finally, since this is a bit duct-tape-and-baling-wire, I would recommend not shipping any production mission-critical code with this environment; either roll back to Mavericks or wait for GNAT 2015.

Where is the yuicompressor.jar file?

I just downloaded the yuicompressor-master from and am planning on using it in my symfony2 app. The problem is that there is no yuicompressor.jar file.
I am guessing I need to build the .jar file from the files in the yuicompressor-master folder but after some time duckduckgo'in around (i try and avoid google) I can't find instructions on how I am supposed to build the .jar if that's what needs to be done.
I am comfortable on the command line and don't mind reading through some man documents to figure this out. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I apologize if this is a dumb question, I have no experience working with java obviously. Thanks!
I ran these commands from terminal to install the yui compressor:
Mac osx:
brew install yuicompressor
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/yuicompressor/2.4.7/libexec/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar ~/htdocs/symfony/app/Resources/java/
sudo apt-get install yui-compressor
Anyway, would still like to know what to do with the files from
