add transaction manually to Google Analytics and eCommerce - google-analytics

I'm using the following tutorial, which tells us how to add a transaction manually using a url like the following:
This works ok. However, the eCommerce part of GA does not register a conversion, so it's not possible to use the multi channel funnels report.
I'm wondering is there a way to register a sale similar to how a shopping cart would on a webpage? Would I have to add in the "clientId" for the customer, into the cart so the sale can be recorded against all the other actions in GA?
OR am I doing something wrong? Such as not registering an item? Would this trigger the ecommerce conversion to register?
Either way, somehow the ecommerce tag is not firing, so I can't record multi channel funnels based on clientId

You need save clientId in custom dimensions and in your site (it can be hide field, for example)
If you send transaction with use real clientid (send cid and cd# parameters) = this transaction will be linked with this user and all actions with this cid
On my practice better send t=event&ec=ecommerce&ea=purchase&pa=purchse&item...
With this method I have all data in ecommerce reports


Send custom data to google analytics from server side

I want to send these information title, target amount, category, account name to GA for every user who creates a page in our website. And if anyone make transaction on that page I want to generate a revenue of 5% based on the transaction amount for every transaction. I've no clue how to do that.
So far what I've achieved is I set up the service account by following this link and create a custom dimension. Playing with the code snippet I can update the name of the dimension and other things but not sure how to send an object value with all the fields that I need in this custom dimension. My question is if I call this again will it update and replace the old value with the new value? I don't want that. Every time I want to insert a new value in the old value. Shall I need another dimension and what if I want to relate this custom dimension data to ecommerce later on. How can I do that?
'name': 'Campaign Group',
'scope': 'SESSION',
'active': True
Can someone please suggest me what should I do here.
you use the measurement protocol to send data to google analytics. The google analytics management api is only for managing your google analytics account.
POST /collect HTTP/1.1
This article should help you achieve what you want.
Basically the custom dimensions in your url should be like cd1, cd2 so on...
Here is a code sample that might help

GA eCommerce delete or update tracking data

We have eCommerce tracking from our php backend app, but we found issue where not all events in last year pushed to GA.
We have all data in our DB. Its there options to reset, delete or update collected data on GA and push new from our app with datetime of creation (2018-03-12 13:49:51, ..)?
No, there will be no way for you to add in the old data. Your only option would be mergeing it using date or some identifier using something like google datastudio/powerbi/tableau.

sending offline measurment data - does cid have to match the original cid?

I need to send a cart status update based on an offline activity. My customers will add items to their cart online via the website but the final checkout and purchase happen offline.
Here is my question: In the example below, a checkout step is updated. Does the client_id provided in this step have to match the original client_id used when the web user started their cart originally?
Measuring Checkout Options
v=1 // Version.
&tid=UA-XXXXX-Y // Tracking ID / Property ID.
**&cid=555 // Anonymous Client ID.**
&t=event // Event hit type
&ec=Checkout // Event Category. Required.
&ea=Option // Event Action. Required.
&pa=checkout_option // Product action (checkout_option).
&cos=2 // Checkout step.
&col=FedEx // Checkout step option.
Client ID is how Google Analytics tracks each individual user throughout their multiple sessions. So, yes- if you want that payload to be associated with the same user, then the CID will need to match- otherwise you'll be artificially inflating your user count (as well as severing the contextual data from that user).
You can parse the cookie that GA stores in the browser to obtain the CID and then fill it there. Not sure what language you're writing in, but there are plenty of snippets out there for parsing the GA cookie. You could also store the CID when it is initially generated in your own session data to be used later while offline. For example:
ga(function(tracker) {
var clientId = tracker.get('clientId');
You could also provide your own CID from the start that you generate yourself and tell Google Analytics to use. This might be overkill for your situation, but I wanted to mention it as an option.

reporting on event hits in google analytics

I have been tasked with using Google Analytics to report of use of a desktop app so we can see which parts of the program are being used and how heavily, and potentially also see which companies are using which parts of the program (each company has a unique companyID). Ideally I'd like to be able to look at correlations (e.g., How many users who use report A also use process B?)
I currently have my program set to fire off a call to analytics. I've set it up to use the event tracking, but I'm open to app/screen tracking or something else if something would work better. I'm passing values like
&t=event // Event hit type
&tid=UA-XXXXX-Y // our ID; real code has valid value here
&cid=12345 // CustomerID
&ec=JobFinancialReport // Event Category
&ea=Run // Event Action
&el=Manager // Event label
&ev=7 // Event value
What I can't figure out is how in Google Analytics to set up reports that would show me something like:
CustomerID Category Label Total Hits Unique Users
12345 JobFinancialReport Manager 27 2
12345 MarketingReport1 Manager 6 4
I'm totally new to analytics so pardon my ignorance if I have some key misconception here. I've searched Googles sites and other questions here, but I may be wording my question incorrectly so I'm not finding something that's there. This is only one example; in some cases we might want to see how broadly each customer is using the program; in other cases we'd want to take the customerID out and just see how much a particular report is being used overall. Appreciate any guidance. Thanks.
The "cid" parameter is the client id, the value that is used to stitch single interactions into sessions and users.
The first problem that comes to mind with your setup is that the client id is not exposed in the user interface (with the single exception of the user explorer report) or the API.
You would need to implement this via a custom dimension (probably user scope, since it probably will never change for a given user) where you pass in the client id (you still need the cid parameter).
Then you could create a custom report (or create a report in Google Data Studio) with the custom value as primary dimension and your selected metric.
If you want to report "Unique Users" you would probably need to create a cid per logged-in user (if all users of the app have the same cid then you will always have but a single user reported). You should then probably create a second custom dimension for the company id, so you can segment your reports by company.
you can use custom reports in google analytics to get your desired output. here is how to create custom reports

How can I link my customers with ganalytics visitor

Most of my website traffic come from adwords, and fill a form to get called.
When A user fill a form, I have a customer created on my database.
For my business strategy, I want to know how much I payed for that lead, and how much benefit I make with it after the call.
For that I think I have to link analytics visitors and my customers directly.
I am searching for a way to put an analytics visitor ID on the request form or something like this...
You would need to get the visitor id and pass it into either a custom variable (ga.js) or custom dimension (analytics.js).
To get the visitor id for Google Analytics (ga.js) *I got this code from How to obtain Google Analytics visitor unique id? SO Answer:
var tracker = _gat._getTrackers()[0];
var visit_code = tracker._visitCode();
To get the visitor id for Universal Analytics (analytics.js) *More documentation on this in Google's documentation:
ga(function(tracker) {
var clientId = tracker.get('clientId');
I've used this before, too:
The best strategy in your case is:
Get user ID from GA or UA(as desribed advisor above)
Send user ID to database
Set up user ID as custom variable(in Googl Analytics) or custom dimension(in Universal Analytics)
Set up custom reports, where you can segment your visitors by their ID's
