python creation json with plone object - plone

I've a json file with plone objects and there is one field of the objects giving me an error:
UnicodeDecodeError('ascii', '{"id":"aluminio-prata", "nome":"ALUM\xc3\x8dNIO PRATA", "num_demaos":0, "rendimento": 0.0, "unidade":"litros", "url":"", "particular":[], "profissional":[], "unidades":[]},', 36, 37, 'ordinal not in range(128)') (Also, the following error occurred while attempting to render the standard error message, please see the event log for full details: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getMethodAliases')
I already know witch field is, is the "title" from title = obj.pretty_title_or_id(), when I remove it from here its ok:
json += '{"id":"' + str(id) + '", "nome":"' + title + '", "num_demaos":' + str(num_demaos) + ', "rendimento": ' + str(rendimento) + ', "unidade":"' + str(unidade) + '", "url":"' + link_produto + '", "particular":' + arr_area_particular + ', "profissional":' + arr_area_profissional + ', "unidades":' + json_qtd + '},
but when I leave it I've got this error.
UnicodeDecodeError('ascii', '{"id":"aluminio-prata", "nome":"ALUM\xc3\x8dNIO PRATA", "num_demaos":0, "rendimento": 0.0, "unidade":"litros", "url":"", "particular":[], "profissional":[], "unidades":[]},', 36, 37, 'ordinal not in range(128)') (Also, the following error occurred while attempting to render the standard error message, please see the event log for full details: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getMethodAliases')

I'm going to assume that the error occurs when you're reading the JSON file.
Internally, Plone uses Python Unicode strings for nearly everything. If you read a string from a file, it will need to be decoded into Unicode before Plone can use it. If you give no instructions otherwise, Python will assume that the string was encoded as ASCII, and will attempt its Unicode conversion on that basis. It would be similar to writing:
unicode("ALUM\xc3\x8dNIO PRATA")
which will produce the same kind of error.
In fact, the string you're using was evidently encoded with the UTF-8 character set. That's evident from the "\xc3", and it also makes sense, because that's the character set Plone uses when it sends data to the outside world.
So, how do you fix this? You have to specify the character set that you wish to use when you convert to Unicode:
"ALUM\xc3\x8dNIO PRATA".decode('UTF8')
This gives you a Python Unicode string with no error.
So, after you've read your JSON file into a string (let's call it mystring), you will need to explicitly decode it by using mystring.decode('UTF8'). unicode(mystring, 'UTF8') is another form of the same operation.

As Steve already wrote do title.decode('utf8')
An Example illustrate the facts:
>>> u"Ä" == u"\xc4"
True # the native unicode char and escaped versions are the same
>>> "Ä" == u"\xc4"
False # the native unicode char is '\xc3\x84' in latin1
>>> "Ä".decode('utf8') == u"\xc4"
True # one can decode the string to get unicode
>>> "Ä" == "\xc4"
False # the native character and the escaped string are
# of course not equal ('\xc3\x84' != '\xc4').
I find this Thread very helpfull for Problems and Understanding with Encode/Decode of UTF-8.


how to change 3 concatenated strings to bytes in python?

I am getting an error when running the following code in python 3, I look all over but could not find a right way to do it. any help will be appreciated.
raise TypeError('unicode strings are not supported, please encode to bytes: {!r}'.format(seq))
TypeError: unicode strings are not supported, please encode to bytes: 'relay read 7\n\r'
I need to send the following string via serial port: relay read #of relay.
import sys
import serial
if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
print ("Usage: <PORT> <RELAYNUM>\nEg: COM1 0")
portName = sys.argv[1];
relayNum = sys.argv[2];
#Open port for communication
serPort = serial.Serial(portName, 19200, timeout=1)
if (int(relayNum) < 10):
relayIndex = str(relayNum)
relayIndex = chr(55 + int(relayNum))
serPort.write("relay read "+ relayIndex + "\n\r")
response =
if(response.find("on") > 0):
print ("Relay " + str(relayNum) +" is ON")
elif(response.find("off") > 0):
print ("Relay " + str(relayNum) +" is OFF")
#Close the port
Use the string's encode method to construct the corresponding byte sequence.
In this case all of the characters in the string are in the ASCII range so it doesn't really matter which encoding scheme you use. (Differences between encoding schemes generally only matter when you're dealing with non-ASCII characters, ones whose ord() value is greater than 127.) So in this case you don't even need to specify a particular encoding scheme, you can simply use the encode method with no argument and let Python apply the platform's default encoding.
To do that, change this:
serPort.write("relay read "+ relayIndex + "\n\r")
to this:
serPort.write(("relay read "+ relayIndex + "\n\r").encode())
You'll probably have to do the reverse operation to get a string from the byte sequence returned by Change this:
response =
response =
BTW, it's typical for line endings in transmitted data to be represented by a Carriage Return followed by a Line Feed, or "\r\n". In your serPort.write call you're using the reverse of that, "\n\r". That's unusual but if that's what your device needs then so be it.

Concat 2 strings erlang and send with http

I'm trying to concat 2 variables Address and Payload. After that I want to send them with http to a server but I have 2 problems. When i try to concat the 2 variables with a delimiter ';' it doesn't work. Also sending the data of Payload or Address doesn't work. This is my code:
handle_rx(Gateway, #link{devaddr=DevAddr}=Link, #rxdata{port=Port, data= RxData }, RxQ)->
Data = base64:encode(RxData),
Devaddr = base64:encode(DevAddr),
TextAddr="Device address: ",
TextPayload="Payload: ",
Address = string:concat(TextAddr, Devaddr),
Payload = string:concat(TextPayload, Data),
Json=string:join([Address,Payload], "; "),
file:write_file("/tmp/foo.txt", io_lib:fwrite("~s.\n", [Json] )),
httpc:request(post, {"", [], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", Address },[],[]),
handle_rx(_Gateway, _Link, RxData, _RxQ) ->
{error, {unexpected_data, RxData}}.
I have no errors that I can show you. When I write Address or Payload individually to the file it works but sending doesn't work...
Thank you for your help!
When i try to concat the 2 variables with a delimiter ';' it doesn't work.
5> string:join(["hello", <<"world">>], ";").
6> string:join(["hello", "world"], ";").
base64:encode() returns a binary, yet string:join() requires string arguments. You can do this:
7> string:join(["hello", binary_to_list(<<"world">>)], ";").
Response to comment:
In erlang the string "abc" is equivalent to the list [97,98,99]. However, the binary syntax <<"abc">> is not equivalent to <<[97,98,99]>>, rather the binary syntax <<"abc">> is special short hand notation for the binary <<97, 98, 99>>.
Therefore, if you write:
Address = [97,98,99].
then the code:
Bin = <<Address>>.
after variable substitution becomes:
Bin = <<[97,98,99]>>.
and that isn't legal binary syntax.
If you need to convert a string/list contained in a variable, like Address, to a binary, you use list_to_binary(Address)--not <<Address>>.
In your code here:
Json = string:join([binary_to_list(<<Address>>),
Address and Payload were previously assigned the return value of string:concat(), which returns a string, so there is no reason to (attempt) to convert Address to a binary with <<Address>>, then immediately convert the binary back to a string with binary_to_list(). Instead, you would just write:
Json = string:join(Address, Payload, ";")
The problem with your original code is that you called string:concat() with a string as the first argument and a binary as the second argument--yet string:concat() takes two string arguments. You can use binary_to_list() to convert a binary to the string that you need for the second argument.
Sorry I'm new to Erlang
As with any language, you have to study the basics and write numerous toy examples before you can start writing code that actually does something.
You don't have to concatenate strings. It is called iolist and is one of best things in Erlang:
1> RxData = "Hello World!", DevAddr = "Earth",
1> Data = base64:encode(RxData), Devaddr = base64:encode(DevAddr),
1> TextAddr="Device address", TextPayload="Payload",
1> Json=["{'", TextAddr, "': '", Devaddr, "', '", TextPayload, "': '", Data, "'}"].
["{'","Device address","': '",<<"RWFydGg=">>,"', '",
"Payload","': '",<<"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh">>,"'}"]
2> file:write_file("/tmp/foo.txt", Json).
3> file:read_file("/tmp/foo.txt").
{ok,<<"{'Device address': 'RWFydGg=', 'Payload': 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh'}">>}

CSV file (with special characters) upload encoding issue

I am trying to upload a CSV file that has special characters using ServletFileUpload of apache common. But the special characters present in the CSV are being stored as junk characters in the database. The special characters I have are Trademark, registered etc. Following is the code snippet.
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(request);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
FileItemStream item =;
String name = item.getFieldName();
InputStream stream = item.openStream();
if (item.isFormField()) {
System.out.println("Form field " + name + " with value "
+ Streams.asString(stream, "UTF-8") + " detected.");
I have tried reading it using BufferendReader, used request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"), tried upload.setHeaderEncoding("UTF-8") and also checked with IOUtils.copy() method, but none of them worked.
Please advice how to get rid of this issue and where it needs to be addressed? Is there anything I need to do beyond servlet code?
What database are using? What character set is database using? Characters can be malformed in the database rather than in Java code.

ORA-01861: literal does not match format string","StackTrace":" at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextErrorHandling(OleDbHResult hr)

AND BILLMAST.PT_NO='" + hospitalNo + "'
=TO_DATE('" + visitDate.ToShortDateString() + "','DD/MM/YY')"
above query works in oracle but the error occurred when connected to oracle using oledb connection
It would seem that your OLEDB connection is done from a machine with a locale that does not return the date format you're expecting from the locale dependent ToShortDateString().
Try replacing visitDate.ToShortDateString() with a fixed - non locale dependent - date format, something like;
=TO_DATE('" + visitDate.ToString("dd\\/MM\\/yy") + "','DD/MM/YY')"
Error Message
ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
Cause of Error
You tried to enter a literal with a format string, but the length of the format string was not the same length as the literal.
This link may help you

escaping string for json result in server side operation

I have a server side operation manually generating some json response. Within the json is a property that contains a string value.
What is the easiest way to escape the string value contained within this json result?
So this
string result = "{ \"propName\" : '" + (" *** \\\"Hello World!\\\" ***") + "' }";
would turn into
string result = "{ \"propName\" : '" + SomeJsonConverter.EscapeString(" *** \\\"Hello World!\\\" ***") + "' }";
and result in the following json
{ \"propName\" : '*** \"Hello World!\" ***' }
First of all I find the idea to implement serialization manually not good. You should to do this mostla only for studying purpose or of you have other very important reason why you can not use standard .NET classes (for example use have to use .NET 1.0-3.0 and not higher).
Now back to your code. The results which you produce currently are not in JSON format. You should place the property name and property value in double quotas:
{ "propName" : "*** \"Hello World!\" ***" }
How you can read on the double quota in not only character which must be escaped. The backslash character also must be escaped. You cen verify you JSON results on
If you implement deserialization also manually you should know that there are more characters which can be escaped abbitionally to \" and \\: \/, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t and \u which follows to 4 hexadecimal digits.
How I wrote at the beginning of my answer, it is better to use standard .NET classes like DataContractJsonSerializer or JavaScriptSerializer. If you have to use .NET 2.0 and not higher you can use Json.NET.
You may try something like:
string.replace(/(\\|")/g, "\\$1").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r");
