I'm using Yocto buildsystem to create an image for raspberry pi that contains Qt5, but I'm having problems with configuring qtbase properly.
Due to those problems when I run Qt app I get an error:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "".
Available platform plugins are: eglfs, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Aborted (core dumped)
On the other hand if I start my app like so:
myApp -platform eglfs
it works properly. The same if I set environment variable QT_QPA_PLATFORM=eglfs - it works.
How can I set my default platform to eglfs and not to xcb?
I have tried to set it like below (in my distro.conf):
DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = "x11"
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " gles2"
PACKAGECONFIG_GL_pn-qtbase = "gles2"
PACKAGECONFIG_X11_pn-qtbase = ""
PACKAGECONFIG_pn-qtbase += "gles2"
PACKAGECONFIG_pn-qtbase += "dbus udev evdev widgets tools libs"
Unfortunately it did not help and my application still shows this error if I don't set platform explicitly.
all you have to do is:
in /etc/profile, add
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=eglfs so that every time you logged in the machine, it will automatically does it for you.
Or if you do not know what your graphic backends is. The following is the corresponding
Backend: FB; XWayland; X11
GRAPHICS: eglfs; wayland-egl; xcb
I'm currently implementing a GUI interface for a very small GNU Radio application. The application will simply connect to a USRP device, receive some IQ samples and forward them through a TCP socket. Following the gqrx project file example, I was able to run some example gnuradio blocks (the dial tone example from gr-analog). Problems started when I tried to include UHD/USRP blocks into the project. Basically, Qt creator report the following error:
/usr/local/lib/libgnuradio-uhd.so:-1: error: undefined reference to `uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_MBOARDS
The .pro file configured as shown below:
QT += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
SOURCES += main.cpp \
usrpdialog.h \
FORMS += \
CONFIG += c++11
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += gnuradio-analog \
gnuradio-blocks \
gnuradio-digital \
gnuradio-filter \
gnuradio-fft \
LIBS += -lboost_system$$BOOST_SUFFIX -lboost_program_options$$BOOST_SUFFIX -lboost_thread$$BOOST_SUFFIX
LIBS += -luhd -lgnuradio-uhd
And this is the function that calls the uhd::usrp_source object
void USRPDialog::createFlowgraph()
tb = gr::make_top_block("usrp");
d_tcpSource = gr::blocks::tcp_server_sink::make(sizeof(gr_complex),"",d_rxTCPPort,true);
d_usrpSource = gr::uhd::usrp_source::make(uhd::device_addr_t(ipAddressLineEdit->text().toStdString()),
//Connecting blocks
UHD is installed in my system (GNU Radio flowgraphs in my system can connect to USRP devices without any problem). Could anyone shed some light as to why this problem occurs?
Thanks in advance.
too late answer , but fo future ...
I recommend you that use this page step by step: Build UHD from sources
and after these steps , you can use all methods classes and uhd API to build your project in C/C++.
note:don't forget installing winusb for detect usrp devices.
you can use examples in dir: uhd/host/examples.
you can use simple example for finding (detecting usrp device) by name: uhd_find_devices.exe after building uhd , etc.
Environment: Windows 10, WinForm (.Net 4.7.2) x64 only, CefSharp
We need support for playing MP4 in our product (we have a license) and we are attempting to recompile CEF with proprietary codecs enabled.
We're using the instructions from:
Our create.bat file looks like:
set CEF_USE_GN=1
set GN_DEFINES=is_win_fastlink=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome
set GN_ARGUMENTS=--ide=vs2015 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
call cef_create_projects.bat
Our update.bat file looks like
set CEF_USE_GN=1
set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome
set GN_ARGUMENTS=--ide=vs2015 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
python ..\automate\automate-git.py --download-dir=C:\code\chromium_git --depot-tools-dir=C:\code\depot_tools --no-distrib --no-build --branch=3578
We are trying to specifically target build 3578 to match the build that comes with CEFSharp. We also enabled proprietary codec using the flag: proprietary_codecs=true
After about 2 hours and no errors the build completes successfully. When we run our page using cefclient.exe from the output build everything works as expected, the video plays correctly.
We copy the following files from the output build folder to our .Net application replacing the files packaged with CEFSharp:
When running our app, the app terminates immediately and this is written to the debug.log file:
[0326/094610.429:FATAL:cookie_manager_impl.cc(620)] Check failed: false. context not valid
cef_string_utf16_to_upper [0x00007FFD2B53E1E5+1713061]
cef_string_utf16_to_upper [0x00007FFD2B53D44D+1709581]
cef_string_utf16_to_upper [0x00007FFD2B5765D5+1943445]
cef_zip_reader_create [0x00007FFD2B3107B8+159661640]
cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager [0x00007FFD219B0436+54]
CefCookieManager::GetGlobalManager [0x00007FFD7322879E+94]
(No symbol) [0x00007FFD4E1C07DE]
[0326/094721.035:FATAL:cookie_manager_impl.cc(620)] Check failed: false. context not valid
I was able to see that uses CEF 3.3578.1870.gc974488 / Chromium 71.0.3578.98 from:
When we run cefclient.exe from our build and navigate to chrome://about it displays:
CEF 3.3578.1870.gc974488
Chromium 71.0.3578.98
Which matches the CEFSharp release notes page.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
My desktop file is:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Mind map application
Comment=Mind map application
My snapcraft.yaml is:
name: heimer
version: '1.1.0'
summary: Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map tool.
description: |
Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map creation tool.
Emphasis on easy diagram creation, simplicity, and speed.
grade: stable
confinement: strict
icon: ../../../data/icons/heimer.png
command: desktop-launch heimer
desktop: usr/share/applications/heimer.desktop
plugs: [home, x11, wayland]
source: ../../../
plugin: cmake
- qtbase5-dev
- qttools5-dev
- qttools5-dev-tools
- libqt5xml5
after: [desktop-qt5]
CMake installs the application icon to:
# Install icons
install(FILES data/icons/heimer.png DESTINATION share/pixmaps)
install(FILES data/icons/heimer.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps)
Desktop file is installed to:
# Install .desktop files
install(FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/heimer.desktop DESTINATION share/applications)
I don't understand what the problem is. After installing the snap my application always shows the default system icon in the launcher (Ubuntu 18.04). No warning or anything when creating the package or when running it.
Note: This same setup works for Debian packaging. My Debian package uses exactly the same install locations and the icon works just fine in that case.
Currently, Snapcraft does no processing regarding the desktop entries' icons (thus the system can't find the icons as the icons specified in the desktop entries aren't in the icon search directories) and the packager have to manually patch the Icon value to $SNAP/path/to/the/icon.{png,svg} to the .desktop files specified by the apps._app_name_.desktop keys.
Here’s the
GNU Sed script I've been using for this purpose: https://github.com/Lin-Buo-Ren/snapcrafters-template-plus/blob/5bb7778/snap/utilities/patch-desktop-entries.sed
Utility script for patching: https://github.com/Lin-Buo-Ren/snapcrafters-template-plus/blob/5bb7778/snap/utilities/patch-desktop-entries.bash
Location in-recipe that calls the utility script: https://github.com/Lin-Buo-Ren/snapcrafters-template-plus/blob/5bb7778/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L137-L144
I've filed a proposal to improve this situation at: Proposal: The apps.<app-name>.icon Key - snapcraft - snapcraft.io
Following these steps the icon appears in the desktop (Snap apps)
Go to var/lib/snapd/desktop/application
Copy the .desktop (vlc_vlc.desktop)
Paste it in Desktop
right click and chose allow lunching
I have been trying to get clang's analysis tool working, but I am not sure how to overcome a particular error when I run it. I have installed X-Code 4.0 and iOS 5 the output I get is:
Generating class dependency graph.
Launching /Users//Desktop/HomeWork2/tools/AnalysisTool.app/Contents/Resources/llvm/utils/scan-build with arguments: (
"/Users/<homedir>/Development/myApp/Static analysis/results",
"CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/<homedir>/Development/myApp/Static analysis/build",
"CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR=/Users/<homedir>/Development/myApp/Static analysis/build",
scan-build: Emitting reports for this run to '/Users//Development/AMMO_SVN_Projects/MobXpo/branches/MobXpo_v12/Static analysis/results/2011-06-30-8'.
scan-build: 'clang-cc' executable not found in '/Users//Desktop/SWEN_646/HW2/tools/AnalysisTool.app/Contents/Resources/llvm/utils/libexec'.
scan-build: Using 'clang-cc' from path.
xcodebuild: error: invalid option '-nodistribute'
Usage: xcodebuild [-project ] [[-target ]...|-alltargets] [-configuration ] [-arch ]... [-sdk [|]] [=]... []...
xcodebuild -workspace -scheme [-configuration ] [-arch ]... [-sdk [|]] [=]... []...
xcodebuild -version [-sdk [|] [] ]
xcodebuild -list [[-project ]|[-workspace ]]
xcodebuild -showsdks
-usage print full usage
-verbose provide additional status output
-project NAME build the project NAME
-target NAME build the target NAME
-alltargets build all targets
-workspace NAME build the workspace NAME
-scheme NAME build the scheme NAME
-configuration NAME use the build configuration NAME for building each target
-xcconfig PATH apply the build settings defined in the file at PATH as overrides
-arch ARCH build each target for the architecture ARCH; this will override architectures defined in the project
-sdk SDK use SDK as the name or path of the base SDK when building the project
-parallelizeTargets build independent targets in parallel
-jobs NUMBER specify the maximum number of concurrent build operations
-showsdks display a compact list of the installed SDKs
-list lists the targets and configurations in a project, or the schemes in a workspace
-find BINARY display the full path to BINARY in the provided SDK
-version display the version of Xcode; with -sdk will display info about one or all installed SDKs
I have researched the internet but I have found nothing to help my specific problem. I think what i need to do is edit the clang tool to not include the "nodistribute" option, but im not sure if there is another way or where to get the source code to do so. Thanks in advance for any help.
I found a way around this after a lot of looking for an answer I decided to see if I could modify the line of code that was including the -nodistribute option. So I used grep to find the line of code in the .app bundle and then opened it in vi. I added a comment # to the line and bingo, off to the races.
The file, relative to the app bundle root is found at: ./Resources/llvm/utils/scan-build
I use Flex for a short time, use a bit pushed to my client for a solution-oriented monitoring.
Windows XP
Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede
Flex Builder 3.0.2 Licenced
JDK 1.6_20
Firefox 3.6
Flash Player 9 (Debug version)
Server: OSGI (Eclipse equinox) an
instance of jetty service allows HTTP
Make debugger in ActionScript by putting "BreakPoint" to assess the contents of variables.
The code does not stop at breakpoint, worse, if a breakpoint is enabled, the module flex does not start.
Reinstall all the dev environment (Eclipse, Flex Builder, Flash Player): KO
Removing repo maven modules and complete rebuilds: KO
Restarting Windows: °) KO
this is what the log contains just after launching the platform (modules) in debug mode.
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.breakpoints.FlexLineBreakpoint.findSourceFiles (FlexLineBreakpoint.java: 388)
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.breakpoints.FlexLineBreakpoint.instantiate (FlexLineBreakpoint.java: 442)
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.model.FlexDebugTarget.breakpointAdded (FlexDebugTarget.java: 981)
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.model.FlexDebugTarget $ FdbThread.installDeferredBreakpoints (FlexDebugTarget.java: 631)
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.model.FlexDebugTarget $ FdbThread.advanceStateMachine (FlexDebugTarget.java: 662)
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.model.FlexDebugTarget FdbThread.access $ $ 6 (FlexDebugTarget.java: 636)
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.model.FlexDebugTarget $ 1.run (FlexDebugTarget.java: 738)
Has org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run (SafeRunner.java: 37)
Has org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run (Platform.java: 880)
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.model.FlexDebugTarget $ FdbThread.eventLoop (FlexDebugTarget.java: 718)
Has com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.model.FlexDebugTarget $ FdbThread.run (FlexDebugTarget.java: 779)
at java.lang.Thread.run (Thread.java: 619)
The cause described in the comment by the author of this question (user361222) is correct.
I have 2 additional tips:
after you change the container swf to debug version, you should clear IE caches. I meet problem after I change container swf to debug version, I still cannot debug, but after I clear browser cache, it works.
You don't have to use "nemo440" to see it the swf is debug version. You can right click the flash GUI of your container swf(should before the child swf loading), if the debug menu in the context menu is enabled, the swf is debug version.
If before the child swf load the "debug" menu is disable, but after the child swf load the debug menu is enable, then you must have the issue.
You could try updating your debug player to see if that has an affect.
Where does that log come from? Is it an eclipse log? Or something you see on the server? Is Eclipse crashing?
When you use the 'term' Module are you referring to Flex Modules ( http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/modules/Module.html ) or are you using the term more generically?
If using Modules; have you tried to test the module separate from the rest of the application? Create an application that is the Module instead of using the ModuleLoader. Does that have an affect?
Which version of the Flex SDK are you using? Can you upgrade to 3.5 or 4.0 ?
A work around is to do following :
Export preferences and exit Eclipse
Delete .metadata folder
Launch Eclipse and recreate the workspace
Import preferences.
It works all the time.
Be sure to use the 32bits version of Firefox...
Got the same issue and i resolved it by installing win32 version of Firefox...