On a WooCommerce powered shop site I would like to know for a certain product how often it has been reordered by a returning customer. To ask the same from the customer perspective: How many customers are there for a certain product that have ordered this product more than once?
I need this data to decide whether it would make sense to switch to a subscription based model for this product. Here it is a certain coffee, that is, if it's reordered by the same customers very often, then there's certainly some interesting by customers for coffee subscriptions.
Am I correct that Google Analytics only has a conception of a returning visitor but not of a returning customer (someone ordering again)?
The situation is quite complicated to me, let's say:
I have 3 product categories.
I only want to track purchases.
However, if you insert the tracking snippet into the thank you page, each product category will trigger the same tag.
customers who buy dresses and customers who buy guns may look totally different. so, if you use the same thank you page to track the conversions, the Google Ads AI will have trouble in optimizing your campaigns:
A. Dresses sales campaign
B. Guns sales campaign
When people buy a dress, the dress conversion and gun conversion will both increase by one, although the transaction amounts are different by default. This shows that the conversion is contaminating with another campaign (the gun sales campaign).
You need to fire the transaction event on your thank you page conditionally. That's up to you.
It sounds like you set up three different conversion actions in your account. That's not a problem, but you need to check yourself what the user is purchasing and fire the correct event off (the one containing the conversion ID) on the thank you page.
I have used the Google Analytics Hit Builder to remove my test purchases on my Ecommerce sites Analytics, which has removed the Revenue ok!
But they still display on the Homepage view of my Analytics under:
'What are your top selling products?'
My question; is there any way to remove this product/text from the 'Ecommerce Overview'??
Chris H
Please see Example Image here of problem
You can remove all of your data by deleting the view and starting over, but you cannot selectively remove data.
Even sending a negative revenue with an existing Transaction ID does not actually remove anything; internally this is still stored as two transactions, so this affects your E-Commerce-Conversionrate, possibly your channel performance (unless you sent correct channel information in your second transaction) and might even be displayed as separate transactions depending on the timeframe you selected.
Our main product opinion aquisition channel are our mailings, that are sent after a purchase. Additionally, within Your Account panel, in past purchases there is an option to review a product a client bought.
I would like to compare how many percent of reviews does the functionality in Your Account provides. Adding a review is set as a goal, but I can't compare them as I would compare traffic channels, because Your Account page is not a channel. What would be the correct way to do that?
I have also done a sequence which includes users, step 1 is Page - Your Account, step 2 is Goal Completion per user more and equal 1. I'm not sure if I approached this problem correctly.
I run a donation site in Drupal, that soon needs to expand to another country, and will need to support not only switch of language, but also currency. The thing is, users donate money to charity in their own currency, and this needs to be summed up to a total amount of donations shown to the current user in their own currency.
A fundraiser is an ubercart product that users "buy" at a variable price, thus making a donation. I am creating a custom Donation node with each ubercart purchase containing CCK fields such as the amount donated.
So what I need to allow is this:
A user makes a donation in, say, Euro, EUR
Another user makes a donation in Danish Kroner, DKK
A third user views the site in US locale and should see all the donations converted to USD based off of the exchange rate at the time of donation for all the donations.
And it gets a little more difficult: We are using the UC variable price module to allow users to donate any amount they see fit.
So can this be accomplished using Drupal and Ubercart, and if so, how?
I am afraid that you will end up writing your own plug-in to convert currencies.
The problem with the conversion is, this is something that changes but you already realized this. The only source of exchange rates I know is Oanda and they seem to have their own Data Feed.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell if you would be allowed to use it for free, I believe it would be good to ask them.
I am picking tools to use for an international store. Company sells training and products in North America, Europe and a few other places. The existing store in the United States (Drupal/Ubercart/Authorize.net) works great and serves all their needs.
Displaying product prices in different currencies are relatively easy to set up, and you can display the correct currency symbols and values depending on where services are rendered, where people want to ship to, etc (useful modules include uc_multiple_currency, uc_multiprice, uc_cck_currency).
Are there viable Ubercart solutions to sell to other international markets using the same storefront? It is possible for any user to buy services/products through the US store, but paying in USD for a service offered in e.g. the Netherlands, when dealing with people based in the Netherlands is not acceptable.
The only payment gateway I could find that would accept payment in multiple currencies is Paypal. However, I am looking for a solution that would accept credit cards from international users and charge them in the correct currency. Authorize.net works great - will accept cards from anywhere and process them, but all transactions is in USD. It would be extremely problematic to charge someone €250 on the site and their final charge (after currency conversion) being e.g. €250.65 or something like it because of a delayed conversion.
Numerous people have asked this question, with very few useful insights and solutions (see for example here, here, and here, which presents a workaround-ish way of doing things).
To be clear: Displaying prices in different currencies is easy. How can I bill credit cards internationally using the correct currency through a gateway that supports it, without having to do conversions?
I have been through the same thing recently, but ended up making my own module to do the price handling. If it's done right, the prices will be displayed correct, even for order total etc. (See the hook_uc_price_handler)
This means that you will need to do two things to handle your problem.
Make sure the order only contain 1 currency, so you don't have one item costing €100 and another costing $100 (what would the total of that order be?) You could handle this by doing currency conversion if you wanted to, I believe that is how one of the modules you listed works.
When the payment is processed you need to send the correct currency to the payment provider. This already needs to be done in most cases as payment providers usually are able to collect in various currencies. Since most do the payment process via a hidden form that redirects or a inline form with hidden fields, you should be able to use hook_form_alter to set the currency to what you want. Depending on the payment module, this may be hard or easy.