How to regenerate configure file using autoconf? - r

I use autoconf to regenerate the configure file, it works. But when I execute the generated configure file by ./configure, there are some error messages like
./configure: line 3713: syntax error near unexpected token `blas'
./configure: line 3713: ` withval=$with_blas; R_ARG_USE(blas)'
I googled and found that blas is a library, but it still gives the error messages after installing. I have the autoconf with version "autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.69" installed on my Mac, and what I am trying to compile is the R source
I have run both autoconf -f and autoreconf -f to try to regenerate configure file which has been generated successfully. But, when I run ./configure the error happens again.
The error messages say syntax error near unexpected token blas and withval=$with_blas; R_ARG_USE(blas). I think the problem maybe the unknown function R_ARG_USE. I grep R_ARG_USE in the code base and find that it is defined in the file m4/R.m4:
[if test "${withval}" = no; then
Does that mean when I am running autoconf or autoreconf I miss something to let it know the existence of m4/R.m4 ?
I have been stuck here for almost three days, any helps will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

It seems I have solved this problem. I reinstall the gnu m4 using brew install m4 and the problem solved.
After running autoreconf -i -f, I can get the correct configure file and the R source can be compiled.
Maybe it's the wrong version m4 I have got in Mac.


How can I build FreeBSD from source correctly?

I am trying to build FreeBSD from source to see how it works. I googled how to do it, and most of the websites explaining how to build the world tell me to run this command inside the directory of the source code:
sudo make -j1 buildworld KERNCONF=MODEDKERNEL -DNO_CLEAN
For some reason, I keep getting this error...
make: invalid option -- 'D'
make: invalid option -- 'N'
Anyone know how to fix this? The Makefile can be found here
We don't need to see the makefile, because this error is being printed by make due to an invalid command line argument which means it's never even opening the makefile before it fails.
The reason is that -D, etc. are not valid command line options to GNU make. If you run man make (or look online for the GNU make manual) you'll see that -D is not listed as a valid option.
My suspicion is that when the websites you are reading are suggesting that you run make, they mean you should run FreeBSD make, which does support a -D option:
You are trying to run this using GNU make, which does not have that option.

Error using rscript

I have a Homebrew version of R installed on my Mac (OS X, El Capitan 10.11.5). I've been using rscript successfully for about two weeks now. However, when I tried to run a script this morning using rscript file.r, I get the following error:
/usr/local/Cellar/r/3.3.1/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/bin/R: line 209: /usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3/sed: No such file or directory
/usr/local/Cellar/r/3.3.1/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/bin/R: line 209: /usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3/sed: No such file or directory
Fatal error: cannot open file '': No such file or directory
(That is the full error. Yes, it appears twice, it is not a typo.)
After getting that error, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling r with homebrew. I get the same error. The only other package that I have installed since last using rscript (to the best of my knowledge) is pspp, but I see no reason why this should have affected rscript.
Of course, the error is saying that the file /usr/local/Library/ENF/4.3/sed cannot be found. Upon inspection of /usr/local/library this is, of course, true, but I don't know what the proper way to fix this is. It seems like rscript is just trying to access sed, which comes native on OS X.
Any ideas on what I can do?
This was found to be a bug contained within Homebrew/science. The error report can be found here:
Temporary fix for this (tested on OS X, as of 07-19-2016 12:54 PM central) from ck37 on github:
mkdir /usr/local/Library/ENV
ln -s /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/shims/super/ /usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3
Instead of doing the symlinks as a temporary fix, and until the r bottle is fixed. Short answer is to brew reinstall -s r.
I posted this answer (with an explanation to why this occurs) on the duplicate question which solved this problem for me.

Getting install_pyuic5 error during PyQt5 install

I have built source files for installing PyQt5 but when I executed sudo make install, after a while, it prompts this error message:
sudo make install
install -m 755 -p /home/bora/Desktop/PyQt-gpl-5.4.1/pyuic5 /usr/bin/
strip /usr/bin/pyuic5
strip:/usr/bin/pyuic5: File format not recognized
make: [install_pyuic5] Error 1 (ignored)
How can I fix this problem? I am using Qt 5.4.1 and I am sure that I have properly set the path to Qt5's qmake. If I didn't, it would gave me an error during compilation of source files. Do I need to install any dependecy for PyQt5 another than SIP?
I incurred in the same problem after following this link:, I managed to narrow the errors down to the one you're reporting.
Notice in the link where it mentions to run with the -verboseflag:
python -verbose --qmake /path/to/Qt/5.2.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake --sip-incdir=/usr/include/python3.3m
Go through the stacktrace and see if the error you reported is the only one. If that is so then ignore it as it's just a "warning" in Python parlance. In your command line enter:
import sip
import PyQt5
should give no errors.
It's not really an error, so you can safely ignore it (just as make did).
The output is coming from the strip command, which is mainly used for removing debugging symbols from binaries. However, /usr/bin/pyuic5 is a shell-script rather than a binary, and so strip cannot process that file. As a consequence, it outputs a warning message and returns a non-zero exit status. The make process sees this, but has been configured to ignore it, and so there is no fatal error.

Build m4, autoconf, automake, libtool on unix

I'm trying to setup PHP, apache environment on HP-UX server. While install i'm using usual commands of "./configur, make, make install". Here when I'm trying to install PCRE I got an error like follows.
CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/softwares/m4-1.4.17/build-aux/missing aclocal-1.14 -I m4 /home/ubuntu/softwares/m4-1.4.17/build-aux/missing: line 81: aclocal-1.14: command not found WARNING: 'aclocal-1.14' is missing on your system.
You should only need it if you modified 'acinclude.m4' or
'' or m4 files included by ''.
The 'aclocal' program is part of the GNU Automake package:
It also requires GNU Autoconf, GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:
<> Makefile:1496: recipe for target 'aclocal.m4' failed make: *** [aclocal.m4] Error 127
So I download latest versions of "m4, autoconf and automake" source and try to install using usual make command.
First I tried to install "automake" it through error asking to install "autoconf"
Then I tried to install autoconf again it ask to install "m4"
Then I tried to install "m4" now it through the same error above listed.
So it became a loop of same set of error not letting me to install.
Can any one help me to sort this issues. Please consider this is a HP-UX unix server so don't recommend the famous ubuntu "apt-get install" command or red hat specific commands.
First read William Pursell's comment to your post (above). If you still need to install the autotools ...
Check to see what, if any, autotools you may already have installed by typing: m4 --versionand autoconf --versionand automake --version.
You should use HP-UX's package manager. It's called Software Distributor (SD).
HP-UX's FAQ 5.9 explains how to handle dependencies using depothelper.
Here is where you find the correct autotool packages (autoconf, automake, libtool) for HP-UX. Install these HP-UX packages using HP-UX's native package manager instead of compiling from source.
I was facing the same problem with m4. In my case, the problem was I was transferring all the source files via scp to a server.
When I tried to configure, make and make install through ssh, this kept happening. I believe something did not transfer the way it was supposed to.
The problem was solved by manually transferring the files
through a USB.
It's not a perfect solution (it implies physical access to the server) but it works.

IOException: Cannot run program "javac" when "sudo ./sbt/sbt compile" in Spark?

I'm installing Apache Spark which uses its own copy of SBT to set things up.
I'm using Linux Mint in a VirtualBox VM.
Here's a snippet from the error when I run sudo ./sbt/sbt compile from the Spark directory spark-0.9.0-incubating:
[error] (core/compile:compile) Cannot run program "javac": error=2, No such file or directory
[error] Total time: 181 s, completed Mar 9, 2014 12:48:03 PM
I can run java and javac from the command line just fine: e.g. javac -version gives javac 1.6.0_31
The correct jdk1.6.0_31/bin is in my PATH.
I read that the error might be due to the 64-bit JDK that I had installed, but I get the same error with the 32 bit JDK.
How can I sort out the issue?
edit: Using bash shell.
DISCLAIMER I'm mostly guessing now and still am unsure I should've responding here rather than adding a comment. Until it's clear, the DISCLAIMER remains.
When you execute java and javac from the command line, what user are you at that moment? I'm pretty sure your problems surface because the users you operate are different.
Please notice that you're executing sudo ./sbt/sbt compile as root (due to the way sudo works), but you say nothing about what user(s) you've been using to execute javac and java commands.
Add jdk1.6.0_31/bin to PATH for root and you'll be all set (as far as the configuration of Java's concerned).
I'd also recommend setting JAVA_HOME to point to jdk1.6.0_31 as it may help at times -- many applications are using it as the way to find the location of Java.
As a workaround, you may edit ./sbt/sbt and add PATH and JAVA_HOME appropriately.
You need to include the javac executable. To do this in Ubuntu please run the following command:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
It also places it within your path variable.
