Wrong screen width on chrome - css

When I resize the screen of the browser on Google Chrome (I haven't tried on another browser) the value shown is wrong. It makes my work harder when I have to use a media query. I can't find any answers about it. Even if the issue is restricted to Chrome, I would like to know why this happens.
Doesn't match with
#media screen and (max-width: 1067px) {
//do something
for example.
EDIT: When I resize the screen to see if my layout broke at a certain width and pick the width shown to use in my media query the query doesnt run at that browser width, but if i put something like 200px more it works but i lose precision.
Using the previous example:
Suppose that is not google site, is my site, and on this width (1067px)I need to center a div.
If I try:
#media screen and (max-width: 1067px) {
margin: 0 auto;
It wont work at the specified value (1067px), but if I put something like max-width: 1267px will work but losing precision.
I dont know exactly how much in px is the variation but is around 200px.
The example of center a div is only an example, the fact is: Nothing specified on the query at 1067px work, if I decrease further will work, but too late, forcing me to increase the 1067px to 1267px to run when I want.
IMPORTANT: I have not tried other browsers besides Chrome.

#media screen and (max-width: 1067px) {
//do something
I didn't understand your problem well I guess, but I will explain how #media works.
If your screen has from 0 to 1067 width it will work with the css inside this #media screen. It doesn't mean it will limit your screen to some value, you must setup your page to work with max-width of 1067px.
Like this(using max-width on div's and other elements):
<div id="home>
And your css would be like this:
max-width: 1067px;
Hope that Helps!


Horizontal Scroll Appeared on Mobile

First of all thanks to anyone who responds. I'm sure this is a no brainer for a CSS wizard but for me it's definitely not something I have experience with, hence the question.
On my website I've got all of a sudden a horizontal scroll appearing on mobile (which was NOT there before and no CSS was edited for that).
In addition to checking on my phone, I also check via an emulator# http://mobiletest.me/ (seems like it's there on tablets too). Does anyone know how to fix this?
Not sure if it's some WP plugin or theme working weirdly with the newer version of WP, but basically here's the CSS file's contents (it's pretty big).
https://justpaste.it/8v9yy (should be easily searchable & readable). I wanted to put it here but there's not enough space.
While there may be other issues causing that problem, such as elements extending beyond the body, you can solve the problem by hiding overflowing elements.
body, html {
overflow-x: hidden;
max-width: 100%;
Note: If elements within the page are overflowing they will be cut off. So, you must ensure that they are not overflowing by doing something like below:
.innner-element {
max-width: 100%; /* Ensures that it doesn't extend beyond its parent */
After looking through and testing out the CSS, it looks like the website behaves how you want it to when you make the following changes:
#media screen and (min-width: 320px) { /* do the same thing for (min-width: 480px) */
.typology-section {
/* this makes all the text fit in the view */
width: 80%;
/* the ad is wide, so this cuts it off at a certain point so no need to scroll */
overflow-x: hidden;
I found this out by using Firefox's dev tools to pick an element (ctrl+shift+c when you're in Inspect Element panel), namely the one going out of the view, clicking on it, and editing the CSS in that panel to find what was causing the problem.
Original Answer
I tried it out, and it looks like the ad at the top of the page is what's taking up a lot of horizontal room and forcing a horizontal scroll bar. Can you try and manipulate the ad with CSS? If so, I would do something like this:
#media screen and (min-width: 350px) { //350-400px is roughly the width of most phones
.advertisement {
max-width: 300px;
This makes it so that when the screen is a certain width, a max width is applied to the ad.
By the way, if you're using Chrome, you can see the mobile view by opening Inspect Element (ctrl + shift + i) and then toggling the device toolbar (ctrl + shift + m). Just wanted to throw that in there to ease the amount of work in checking the mobile view!

mini.css modal dialog size

On the docs page of mini.css https://minicss.org/docs#modal-dialogs , there's a modal dialog example. It works, and everything's fine, just the size (width to be precise) of the dialog seems to be constant, regardless of the screen size. It's very short, even on quite wide screens. Is there a way to make it wider (e.g. to take 70% of available space)?
Perhaps the problem is trivial, yet I'm not a CSS expert. I've checked the size of div elements, and they are set to 100%. Just the modal part is rendered so small.
It is using a media query , Override that media query.
media screen and (min-width: 320px)
.card {
max-width: 70%; //try !important tag if does not work without it.
Or probably define your own media queries.

Responsive full-width cssSlider - keep height until breakpoint

I'd like to buy a license of cssSlider at www.cssslider.com, but I need to get it to work first.
I want a responsive full-width slider. As the browser window decreases in width, I want to keep the slider height intact at first (so only the sides of the slider image will be cut). After a certain breakpoint (when browser window has same width as the width of the content wrapper on my site), only then do I want the slider to get smaller vertically as well. This way, the slider won't get ridiculously thin on smaller devices. I hope I explain myself well.
I managed to do this on my site with a single image used as background, using a transparent .gif with a width of 1120 x 500:
I know it's possible with cssSlider, since they have this feature on their first page top slider (http://cssslider.com/), but there's no option to choose this with the cssSlider executable program.
Any clues? Thank you!
For smaller screens, they set the container height to auto inside a media query. Then they appear to serve different images based on screen width. So it looks like 'responsive images'.
Responsive images can be complicated depending on whether you care about IE, your server configuration, and whether you know php or javascript, etc etc. Here's some info: https://css-tricks.com/which-responsive-images-solution-should-you-use/
Alternative solution: you could use the newer css3 units of vw and vh.
vw and vh are percentage of the viewport. The browser support for this will be roughly equal to the support for css3 sliders, so you should be ok!
Try replacing their media query, something like this:
#media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
.csslider1, .csslider1 > ul {
height: 75vh; max-height:450px;
In the end, I found this to be the correct code:
#media only screen and (max-width: 1500px) {
.csslider1 > ul {
height: auto;
I found the cssSlider program to automatically generate the behaviour I was looking for with the right settings. All you need to do is to put the breakpoint you want as image width, with "Full width" checked.

#media only screen resolution height issues

I am trying to align a bottom bar that is in homepage footer of my website. I want to adjust it so it will look good on common screen resolutions.
I have an issue with these resolutions 1280x960 and 1280x1024
#media only screen and (max-width:1280px) and (max-height:960px){
.tp-caption.black, .black {
margin-top: 496px!important;
And then use this code after that
#media only screen and (max-width:1280px) and (min-height:961px){
.tp-caption.black, .black {
margin-top: 464px!important;
The issue is it uses the same css, for both resolutions. 1280x960 media query
also applied in 1280x1024 resolution.
It displays the 2nd media query css code in browser, but ignores it and take
the above query.
I want to set the margin for both resolutions, for both heights 960 & 1024.
Can someone please explain me how to fix this?
Tried the same in fiddle, this works fine.
One possible cause can be, missing closing braces for
#media only screen and (max-width:1280px) and (max-height:960px){ }
Please verify.

Multiple media-queries: max-width or max-height

This question is similar to CSS media queries: max-width OR max-height, but since my rep isn't high enough, I can't add a comment (question) to the reply and I want to add to the original question.
Like the poster in the other topic, I have media queries with certain specifications for DIVs.
#media only screen and (min-width:460px){
#media only screen and (min-width:960px){
Now, I want the center DIV to be 250px wide when the screen is 960px wide, but only 400px high. If I'd set the first media-query to this:
#media only screen and (min-width:460px), screen and (max-height:400px){
which query will my browser use?
Will the min-height overrule the min-width? Or will it skip the min-height and go to the min-width query (960px)?
I've used Stack Overflow alot to find answers, but haven't posted any question so if this is incomplete, please let me know.
I entered the wrong condition (min-height instead of max-height)
it will use ALL of them as soon as the condition matches. so the rule used for .center would be the last one being defined (as usual in css, later definitions override the early ones)
But as I understand what you want to do with your query, wouldn't it be more like
#media only screen and (min-width:460px) and (max-height:400px){
i hope to understand what u really need, but for join two rules i use this syntax, and this work for me:
#media only screen and (min-width:460px), (max-height:400px){
