How to generate an editable diagram from SQL file? - erd

I have SQL files with DDL statements (create table, create view, ...). I want to generate ERD from them that I can further refine in a diagram editor (Dia, yEd, Visio or the like). Tools that I found are usually working with a connection to a running database and/or output diagrams in poorly-editable formats (like JPG).
Is there any tool that can generate ER diagram in reasonably editable format, like *.gml, *.graphml or *.gxl?
(My specific case is for PostgreSQL, but I can probably transform that into other dialect with SwisSQL if needed. A tool that can work with multiple dialects would be, of course, the best.)


Convert database data into graph with tinkerpop tools

I am looking to find graph software that will create a graph from a database automatically. Upon exploration of the tinkerpop documentation, the provided tutorials discuss querying ready-made graphs but there is not much about creating graphs from a database. Is it possible to use any of the tools in the tinkerpop suite to automatically convert data from a database into a graph ready for querying?
Let's say we have an event stream like this:
event_type=create_file name="filename.txt" handle=1
event_type=read handle=1 data="file content"
event_type=write handle=1 data="new file content"
event_type=close handle=1
Is there a way to convert the event stream into a graph automatically by specifying which properties to follow for creating edges? For example, by selecting the "handle" property I should get:
All the examples I could find teach me how to do some activity like
add_node create_file
add_node read
add_node write
add_node close
followed by adding all desired edges manually.
Thank you for your help.
I just came across which is a very interesting tool. It takes an RDBMS schema and generates a graph representation, turning foreign keys and join tables into relationships, and (other) tables into nodes in the graph. And then it generates CSV files to load into a graph database, either for wholesale or incremental updates.
I don't know if there's an equivalent tool for Tinkerpop. But I'd hope that since much of the work is done (reading the SQL schema, mapping tables with foreign keys into vertices and edges) in this open source project, perhaps it'd be a good starting point?
The output of the tool looks like it depends on having a clean source data model, and may be naive. It looks like it's configurable so when it guesses wrongly about which tables are vertices and which are edges you can override it I think.
What you are suggesting is simply not possible. A graph database is very different from a traditional relational database. The biggest difference being that graphs are naturally unstructured which allow for more flexibility and manipulation. On the other hand, traditional relational or tabular databases are more rigidly structured which provide less flexibility but easier control and querying.
As stated by the answer provided here you also show not be using your original database as a frame of reference. You should instead be thinking about how to manipulate your data into a graph so as to take advantage of graphs.
For example, a traversal in a graph as opposed to a query in a tabular DB is a lot more flexible (and arguably powerful) but harder to construct and formalise.
There is a lot of good material providing guidelines for how to approach this problem [1] [2] [3] [4]. Unfortunately though there is no good automated migration at the moment.

parse uniVerse hash / data files in R

I have inherited a uniVerse database (link to Rocketsoftware site) and would like to know if it's possible to read/parse the underlying data files (which I believe are hash tables?) into 'R'?
I'm aware there are ODBC drivers as well as .NET libraries, but I'm interested in parsing the files in R (if possible) without these drivers?
(I've searched and seen a few topics on parsing hash tables in Java and C#, but nothing in R yet)
It's a propriety format, so unless you want to reverse engineer it and re-implement in R that isn't the path forward. Also note that it isn't a single hash-table format either, aside from the standard modulo and bucket sizes, there are several different formats you'll encounter.
If you don't want work with any of the native APIs of the database to read the data, you can issue database commands that will dump it to CSV or XML flat files. Take a look into the RetrieVe query language manuals to learn more.

How to feed Word 2010 (.docx) documents/templates with data from MySQL database?

What would be the best approach to replace placeholders in a .docx document (Word 2010) with data coming from a MySQL database?
Can I just open the file using a server side language and do a string replace per each placeholder?
Is there any existing tool/library available?
Disclosure: I work for Invantive.
Using Invantive Composition ( you can fill Word documents (letters, legal pleadings, insurancy policies) with data from a database (IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, Teradata and SQL Server) and then fully change the contents at will manually. It is intended for real Microsoft Word end-users (both the guys that make the template and the ones that use it) that access the databases through a central webservice and models with queries. Invantive Composition allows nested repeating groups of data and lay-out. Integrates into Microsoft Word using click once.
In the past, I personally have also been using JasperReports ( to generate letters using the RTF output target of JasperReports. It is free and works fine as long as you do not want to edit the output more than a few words and have Java/SQL development skills. Just as Invantive Composition it works fine for large numbers of different reports.
As long as you can control the environment completely, you can also consider using RTF as intermediate language (not for end-users, only real developers). Save document as RTF, replace parts of the text you need to be replacable, write a webservice that accepts the parameter and dumps back the resulting RTF. Takes some time to generate more complex tables (tables are obviously something invented by the human race after the RTF specification was written :-) This approach only works with very limited number of templates and when you have sufficient developer time available to get it up and running and stabilized.
As an independent reviewer, I have also seen cases where XML templates were used, but the results were not as good as with JasperReports.
**Disclosure: I lead the docx4j project **
There are heaps of existing tools/libraries available!
Yes, you can just do a string replace, but that is a brittle approach, since Word may have split the string across runs.
You can use MERGEFIELDs, or content control data binding.
docx4j supports all three approaches, but content control data binding is the most powerful.
One thing to consider especially is "repeats". If you want say a row of a table in Word, for each matching row in your MySQL table, then you need a way to make this happen.
docx4j does this with a "repeat" content control around the table row; whichever solution you choose, I'd make sure up front that it can handle repeats.
If you want to use PHP the most complete available solution is PHPDocX.
You may check in the tutorial how to substitute placeholder variables by data coming from any data source (like a MySQL DB).
In particular, you may populate table rows with an indefinite number of entries and you may delete whole blocks of the Word document depending on the data fed to the application or build dynamical Word charts.
You may check the available DEMO for a simple but quite illustrative example (its inner workings are explained in the tutorial section).
You can use open Open XML SDK and replace your placeholders like this.
Disclosure: I lead the docxgenjs project
I think you shouldn't have to code everything by yourself, that's why I created a Mustache-like templating engine for docx
It is JS-based and works client and server side.
Yes, you can use server side language to do it.
Check on apache POI.
Hello I read the above esp the comments and Ivantive looks impressive - but the solution I needed was much simpler. Use Selection.Range.InsertDatabase in Word to fetch records from an access database or excel spreadsheet or even just another word document. With the access solution you can choose the layout of the records to fetch and have it fetch just particular recordds based on a field (eg ID). Google the words above and it'll take you to MS guidance and an example VB script. Worked well in just a few mins. Now looking for VB script that asks the person what ID they want from the dbase and we're done.
it uses docx templates that have merge fields with java objects (the objects have the information you load from mysql or any other source). The xdoc report is an project for java language, the home page of the project is
*Disclosure: I create the templ4docx project *
You can use templ4docx java library, which is on maven central repository, so you can just add it to your maven dependencies:
Example usage:
Docx docx = new Docx("E:\\template.docx");
Variables variables = new Variables();
variables.addTextVariable(new TextVariable("${firstName}", "John"));
variables.addTextVariable(new TextVariable("${lastName}", "Sky"));
More details you can find here:

sql server database diagram

I created a database mdf file a while back and created a diagram of foreign keys. Lately, I needed to add several tables and there was an error saying I couldn't do the diagram because I'm not the owner.
So, I didn't update the diagram but added the tables anyway. My app seems to be working fine with the new tables. I'm using linq-to-sql and the design surface of the ORM doesn't show the connection between the new and the old tables.
My question is this: if the app works both with and without the diagram, what's the benefit of creating one? I know I can read an 800-page book and get the answer but I was wondering what the 2-3 line answer would be.
Diagram is just modeling tool.. no need to use it, but cool to visualise db, easier to write queries if you're not creator of db.
You can switch owner of db in options at "File" tab.

(LINQ-To-SQL) Creating classes first, database table second, how to auto-connect the two?

I'm creating a data model first using the LINQ-To-SQL graphical designer by using right-click->Add->Class. My idea is that I'll set up everything first using test repositories, design the entire website, then as a final step, create a database using the LINQ-To-SQL classes as a model for the database tables and relationships. My reasoning is that it's easy to edit the classes, but hard to modify DB tables (especially if there's already data in them), so by doing the database part last, it becomes much easier to design the structure.
My question is, is there an automatic way to link the two once I have the DB tables created? I know you can manually fill out the class properties for the LINQ-To-SQL entities but this is pretty cumbersome if you have a lot of tables to deal with. The other option is to delete your manually-created classes and drag the tables from the database into the designer to auto-generate the classes, but I'm not sure if this is the best way of doing it.
Linq to Sql is intended to be a relatively thin ORM layer over a database. While you can of course just add properties to a data context and use them as a sort of mock, you are correct, it isn't really easy to work with.
Instead of relying solely on Linq to Sql generated classes to give you freedom from the database implementation, you may want to look into the repository design pattern. It allows you to have a smooth separation between your database, domain model, and your middle tier; I have used it on two projects now, and have been able to (for the most part) build everything top-down, leaving the actual database for last. Below is a link to a good tutorial on the pattern (better than I could scribble down here).
Depending on your database permissions, you may call your datacontext's DeleteDatabase() and CreateDatabase() methods as a ungraceful way of resyncing your classes and tables. This is not much of an option when you have actual data in the database, but does work when you are in your development stages.
Take a look at my add-in (which you can download from , free 45-day trial licenses are also available from the same site).
It can generate SQL-DDL diff scripts with the SQL-DDL statements for updating your database with only the portions that has changed in the L2S model (e.g. add missing columns, missing tables, missing FKs etc), instead of the L2S-out-of-the-box support for recreating the entire db from scratch.
It also supports syncing the other way; updating the model from the database.
