Nothing gets saved on .htaccess - wordpress

When I make any change in .htaccess file of my WordPress site for Mosaic Adventure, nothing gets saved.
I came across this page which says that my site might be hacked -
I have already used security plugin to do scan but problem is not solved yet.
Can anyone please let me know what is the best way to solve this issue?
Thank you for your input.


Private or Draft status posts in Wordpress are still visible to public?

I have set my posts page to both private and draft statuses, but whatever I do I can still access it when not logged in! I have tried all browsers/clearing cache/deactivating all caching plugins etc. I am also just using the standard WordPress query & loop ... Does anyone know why else this might happen?
Someone helped me to solve this issue. She spotted 2 issues. According to her "The issue was with the mu-plugins installed in the file manager and also the .htaccess"
The .htaccess was renamed as .htaccess_old (I figured out it was created by nitropack plugin). She reset the .htaccess file to its default values but didn't delete the old .htaccess file she just renamed it .htaccess_old. If ever needed in future.
It's a helpful article on how you can reset .htaccess or create a new one.
Secondly, she manually deactivated and reactivated the plugins from the Wordpress dashboard. And just after that, everything is working perfectly. (Another plugin she pointed out that was causing the problem in my case was elementor-safe-mode.php)
Please thumbs up, if it helps you :)

WordPress permalinks Issue on Localhost

I have this problem, so far i change or permalinks or delete .htaccess file and everything worked but this this this is not the issue. Have broken links on few link with 404 error. Home page i most of the links works but 3-4 of them don't. Tried so far everything that I thinks should work or worked before. Deleted .htaccess file, disable plugins and themes restore to default, change permalinks structure, my WAMP server have enabled rewrite module on for apache, even in htppd.conf have AllowOverride All.
I dont have any ideas left and I would appreciate if someone have some new idea or something that I have missed so far.
After days of searching for the problem finally find it. It was conflict with plugin and my custom added css was conflict with one plugin same name and this was causing the issues on links.
Considering that I lost time for this i needed to share this info with all of you. Usually permalinks problems were solved with changing settings for permalinks but this was something else, and probably I'm the only one that have same name in css with one plugin and this cause the problem.
Hopefully this will help someone if come to same or similar issue.

Wordpress doesn't answer

I'm working on a client Wordpress and recently we had to migrate it from one server to another. When we did that, we couldn't access the backend, and were having error 500.
We've tried to solve this, but we can just access to it from webFTP, and all the changes we're implementing are not working. We modify the files and it looks like changes aren't being made. Also, we have "All in one Wordpress Security" installed and working, and maybe that's causing the issue. We can't deactivate the plugins, cause the web does nothing when we rename the folder.
Anyone knows why this is happening and how could I solve it?
Thanks in advance. Kind regards.
This was solved changing one file in a plugin called "Woo Button Text", but not just that. Apparently, there are some things that our hosting service did wrong, and the files are still in the old server, that's why changing all the files didn't work.
Thanks for the replies. Kind Regards.

Media won't show or allow to upload on Wordpress Media Library

The media library only displays one thumb which is unidentified and stops downloading all previous media that were uploaded.
I do not know what seems to be the problem. I have disabled all plugins and tried but the problem still existed.
Anyone has this problem before? and how to solve it. Thank you.
Edited : Guys, thank you for your help. I have looked up online and it seemed like when I imported database, I didn't do it correctly which caused _postmeta and _posts to not have AUTO INCREMENT in the database. I am going to fix it and see if that helps.
Just found the solution. When I migrated website from localhost, at
Settings>Media, somehow the localhost URL was remained there at Path
value. Therefore, I had to make a change there to be
In general to fix this problem you have to check the file permissions of your uploads folder (wp-content/uploads). Try to set the numeric value to 755.
Please specify the error as you are able to see it most probably this issue is occurring due to uploads folder permission issue.
Looking forward to help you more on this.
Just reinstall the wordpress, may be installing issue

Permalinks no longer working

I have a nightmare scenario where -- just getting ready to launch a site -- permalinks are suddenly not working and it breaks CSS and can't find PHP templates. I have the permalink structure set to "" but when I click on a post the permalink only calls postname, for example:
My host provider checked the htaccess file and can't find any problem. I can't see one either. I have searched around and see many Wordpress users having permalink problems but they all seem to have different solutions. I am at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Click update permalinks after moving worspress. Should fix you issue :) Usually in the database the old structure is saved and the new one doesn't work, even if your htacess is ok you should still hit the update permalinks button :)
If that doesn't work try debugging with
I am curios why is the css broken. That doesn't depend on whether your permalinks are broken or not. :-S
Have you installed any plugins before it failed?
