Displaying data in a datagrid in an Alfresco task form - datagrid

I have a json array variable defined in my activity workflow definition. Now, I need to present the data of the json array in a datagrid inside a form task. One of those columns should be a check entry filed so that the user may select some rows. After that, I need to get back that data in a subsequent form task (so I need the data to be updated in the json variable so I can read it back, mainly the user selected checks).
Any example to accomplish this? I didnt find almos nothing relating with using datagrids in Alfresco task forms.
thank you!


What is the proper way to add records to a V2 odata model with two way binding in SAP UI5?

I have a SAP UI5 V2 odata model with a two way binding to a table and to a form.
The table is displaying all records, and when clicking on a record, I am using setBindingContext to bind the selected table record to the form for editing. When typing in the form, the values dynamically update in the table (because of the two way binding). model.submitChanges() writes the change back to the server.
So displaying the list, and editing records in the list are working just fine.
Now for the problem How to create records with the same form?
I also want to use the same form for adding new records, but I cannot figure out how to unbind the form from a previously selected record, or otherwise create a new blank entry in the data model to be sent to the server.
All of the tutorials I have been able to find on doing UI5 Odata CRUD operations don't really address this problem.
I discovered this example in the documentation which pointed me in the correct direction.
In summary, you use the oModel.createEntry method to create a new entry in the oData Model. You then have to bind this new entry to your form with setBindingContext - this is the part I was missing.

POST Complex objects to controller

I am working on an enterprise scale project where I have a self referencing table called categories as below. Also in my current model I am using following table associations to fetch data. ( using EF6).
I have M-M mapping tables in DB for above M-M relationships.
In my controller GET action result returns the model which has Ilist(all parent categories). Then when the user is selecting items (in view) I am using Ajax to retrieve Ilist for next subset of categories (by passing to controller by Id - return Json result) and dynamically show next to the parent select list as below. ( and I have up to 4 subsets)
As the user is selecting categories, I am using Ajax call to load related categories and create selectlist or dropdownlist dynamically as below:
My question is Since all these data is loaded through Ajax, how can I bind them to my parent model. How can I capture user selected data into one parent model when user is posting the from to controller.
I know I can use Ajax and use Json to capture & transfer to contoller , But I need to use modelview , Can I use partiview to overcome this ?
Please advise the available options..
The key is making sure the name values match the object hierarchy accepted by the post operation. This is certainly doable; it's difficult because several AJAX operations build the UI, but one operation processes it, so you have to ensure the data expressions match the object being posted back.
You can use Html.NameFor() as a workaround to ensuring the naming paths work OK. Collections can make this difficult.

Can you create a joined view from task list and related content?

I'm trying to create a view of approval tasks that also includes a column from the related form library. I have tried creating a linked data source between the tasks list and the form library, but have trouble finding much information on creating linked views with the task list.
I have tried:
without luck - it just tells me "there are no items to show in this view." which I assume means it couldn't be joined correctly with the specified table.
I am using the standard approval workflow.
Here is the closest solution I've found so far
1.) Create task form fields in SharePoint designer.
2.) Go into Approval(1) to add the task form fields.
3.) Click 'Change the behavior of a single task'. Add 'Set task field' action in the Before a task is assigned section to set the task form fields to get the value of Current Item:ID.
4.) Use the new task field to create your subview on your linked datasource
While not optimal - and it created me many different problems - I was able to create the view desired.
Hopefully someone will come up with a better solution.

Razor MVC - Object Edit Field Change Log

Users modify a DB object in an edit form that I have, pretty straight forward.
I need to implement a 'change log' on this object. I need to record which fields where changed and what they were before and after. I'm using Razor MVC.
I've done this by writing triggers for the table on update/delete. On update/delete of a record, the trigger pushes the record to a History table, in a History database. This creates the change log. Then you would just need to display it; to identify the change would require evaluating each and every field.
There's nothing already built that wold do this for you that I know of.

ASP.NET: Best way to determine type of object serialized to XML

I have a table in my SQL Server DB that holds auditing information for certain actions a user takes within my system. Things like who performed the action, when it was performed, and what action are all pieces of information that can easily span multiple actions. But depending on the action performed, there may be other information that I want to capture, that is specific to the action. To handle this, I elected to add an "XML Metadata" column to the table that holds serialized XML of different metadata objects that I've created. I created a metadata object for each of the actions that I'm interested in tracking extra for. So each object is responsible for tracking specific extra information (metadata) for it's action. The objects are serialized and written to my new column.
I have SystemAction objects that I use to store information from this table, and I've added a string field that holds the XML string from the DB. The problem is, when I'm reading this XML back from the SystemAction objects, I'm struggling with a way to generically translate it back into it's correct metadata object. Each metadata object is going to have different fields, and each object has it's own static method that takes an XML string and attempts to return the metadata object type. So I could say:
SomeActionMetadata mdObj = SomeActionMetadata.BuildFromXML(xmlStringFromDB);
But I really don't know of a way to say "Here's some XML that could translate to any number of different objects. Figure it out and give me the right object back."
Given my current implementation, I could always just assign a unique ID to each metadata object that is stored as a field in each object, then use a case statement to switch on that ID and use the appropriate class's static build method to build the right object. But I was hoping for something a little more automatic than that. What if I have a List of SystemAction objects and just want to loop through them and generate the correct metadata object type?
I was hoping someone might have run across something similar to this before, or could point me to an article or post that could help me out. Thanks very much.
As indicated by Subhash Dike in the comments below, there is a similar SO question here that was able to point me in the right direction.
