Initiate a template iteration in Meteor - meteor

Rather than loading a new template, is there a way to force Meteor to initiate an iteration (using {{#each}}) of an array in Meteor? For example, if the user selects a value in a pull down selector, to then initiate Meteor to iterate through an array within that template to populate another multiple selector list rather than load a whole new template with the new selector list.
Let's say this is within a template:
<form class="input-field col s6 card-selector">
<select multiple">
<option value="" disabled selected>Select Students</option>
{{#each StudentList1}}
<option value= '{{FullName}}'>{{formatName FullName}} ({{Level}}) {{RoomWk1}}</option>
When a user selects a value in a different selector in that template:
<select class="week-selector">
<option value="" disabled selected>Week</option>
<option value="Week1">Week 1</option>
<option value="Week2">Week 2</option>
<option value="Week3">Week 3</option>
<option value="Week4">Week 4</option>
<option value="Week5">Week 5</option>
it will force a reiteration of the first #each to:
<form class="input-field col s6 card-selector">
<select multiple">
<option value="" disabled selected>Select Students</option>
{{#each StudentList1}}
<option value= '{{FullName}}'>{{formatName FullName}} ({{Level}}) {{RoomWk2}}</option>
It would be more efficient than loading a new template that's the same except for the multi selector values.

Sessions are reactive and you can achieve this by using sessions (check if you have session package).
//we don't want the session value from the previous search/events
Session.set('sessionName', undefined);
//I'd probably use onDestroyed instead of onRendered
Session.set('sessionName', undefined);
//template events
'change .week-selector': function(){
var selected = $('.week-selector').find(":selected").text();
Session.set('sessionName', selected)
//template helper
StudentList1: function(){
var session = Session.get('sessionName');
if(session !== undefined){
//return some documents using the session value in your find()
} else {
//return documents without session value
EDIT: I found .text() of the selected option in the event but you are free to return value or do whatever you want with the found value/text.


Meteor Dropdown #each over a collection

I've been around this all day and i can't figure why my each cycle is not working. I'm trying to create a dropdown with some countries.
countries: function(){
return Country.find({ });
View, template register
<select id="country-select">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please Select</option>
{{#each countries}}
<option value={{ name }}>{{ name }}</option>
I have records in the country collection
meteor:PRIMARY>{ }).count() ->
The only options that the dropwdown displays is the placeholder.
I'm using mongol this is a country record
Try this...
<option disabled selected>Please select</option>
{{#each countries}}
It works here
return Country.find().fetch()
in the helper
Hope it helps
"The solution that worked for me is by calling the 'material_select' function after the options data has been loaded.
Template.[name].rendered = function() { this.autorun(function() { var optionsCursor = OptionsList.find().count(); if(optionsCursor > 0){ $('select').material_select(); } }); };"

Set value of a select HTML element reactively with Meteor

I want to set the value of an HTML <select> element reactively, without changing the various options for the element. I have found a solution, but it in not elegant.
To test, create a barebones Meteor app with create meteor select and change the contents of the select.html and select.js files to the following:
{{> select}}
<template name="select">
<label for="select">{{category}}</label>
<select id="select">
<option value='' disabled selected style='display:none;'>Select...</option>
<option value="Animal">Animal</option>
<option value="Vegetable">Vegetable</option>
<option value="Mineral">Mineral</option>
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Session.set("category", "")
Session.set("label", "Category") () {
category: function () {
return Session.get("label")
function setSelectValue() {
var select = $("#select")[0]
if (select) {
select.value = Session.get("category")
Now launch your app. In the browser console, you can change the value of the category Session variable:
Session.set("category", "Animal")
However, the select element will not update until you change the label:
Session.set("label", "category") // was "Category'
Now the select element updates, and any subsequent change the category Session variable will also update the select element.
Session.set("category", "Vegetable") // Now the select element updates
Is it possible to achieve the same effect directly, without using this clumsy workaround?
Yes. You can do it as follows:
<select id="select">
<option value="Animal" {{animalSelected}}>Animal</option>
<option value="Vegetable" {{vegetableSelected}}>Vegetable</option>
<option value="Mineral" {{mineralSelected}}>Mineral</option>
And helpers that looks something like this:{
animalSelected: function () {
return (someCondition === true) ? 'selected' : '';
vegetableSelected: function () {
return (someOtherCondition) ? 'selected' : '';
A better way might be something like this though:
<select id="select">
{{#each options}}
<option value="{{value}}" {{selected}}>{{label}}</option>
And then you can use this in the helpers to decide what is selected and what isn't.
Another option is just using standard jQuery to change the select box. Something like this:
$('[name=options]').val( 3 );
Or this SO answer.
If you want the selection set dynamically I usually use a handlebar helper like this
filler: function(element){
return Session.get(element);
then in html
<select class="browser-default" id="selectedService" name="jobtype">
<option id="zero" value="{{filler 'type'}}">{{filler 'type'}}</option>

Meteor ignoring 'selected' attribute on <option> on <select multi>

I am trying to use a multi select box in meteor and have some of the options be marked with selected based on info from the db for use with slectize.js. however it seems like meteor when building its DOM tree ignores the selected property.
<select id="customer_user_id" name="user_id" class="form-control input-sm" multiple>
{{#each users}}
{{#if inList _id ../customer_user_id}}
<option value="{{_id}}" selected>{{full_name}}</option>
<option value="{{_id}}">{{full_name}}</option>
and the helper
Handlebars.registerHelper("inList", function (val, list) {
console.log(list.indexOf(val) > -1)
return list.indexOf(val) > -1;
i see that the condition is true but there is no options with the selected property
I have been breaking my head on this for more then 24 hours now
I have also tried this method with the same result
<select id="customer_user_id" name="user_id" class="form-control input-sm" multiple>
{{#each users}}
<option value="{{_id}}" {{selected _id ../customer_user_id "selected"}}>{{full_name}}</option>
with this helper
Handlebars.registerHelper("selected", function (val1, val2, string) {
if (val1 === val2) {
return string;
Try using selected="selected" instead of just selected:
<option value="{{_id}}" selected="selected">{{full_name}}</option> mvc dropdownlist option disabled selected

Is there any elegant way to create something like this
<option value="" disabled selected>Select your option</option>
<option value="1">Option1</option>
using #Html.DropDownListFor helper in ASP.NET MVC 4?
Unfortunately not. There is no way to add attributes to a SelectListItem, which is what gets rendered as an <option>.
You would need to extend the SelectListItem class, and then extend the DropDownListFor to use it. It is unfortunately not very straightforward... It would have been nice for there to be an Attributes dictionary on SelectListItem for this purpose.
Here is an implementation of a custom attribute being applied:
Adding html class tag under <option> in Html.DropDownList
Here's one way you could do it using tag helpers.
<select asp-for="#Model.Orders.FruitsId" class="form-control">
<option value="">Select a Fruit</option>
#foreach (var Fruit in Model.Fruits )
if (barber.Name.Equals("Orange"))
<option disabled="disabled" value="#Fruit.Id">#Fruit.Name </option>
<option value="#Fruit.Id">#Fruit.Name </option>
After struggling I've done this via js function:
function handleSubAction(select) {
var item = document.getElementById(select);
item.children[0].disabled = true;
item.children[0].hidden= true;
return false;
and event handler in HTML:
<body onload="handleSubAction('subAction');"/>

Setting the selected value of a Select element in Handlebars

I have a handlebars template that I am embedding in my html page. There is a select element with all of the available options already rendered. How can I set the selected value of the select list when I render my template?
<script id="my-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div id="my-modal">
<form action="/TestAction" method="post">
<input id="MyId" name="MyId" type="hidden" value="{{MyId}}" />
<label for="Test">Test: (optional)</label>
<select id="Test" name="Test">
<option value="">-- Choose Test --</option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
If you don't want to build out the option as part of the helper, you can use a combination of a small custom handlebars helper and parent context, denoted using the ../ syntax:
First write the helper:
Handlebars.registerHelper('selected', function(option, value){
if (option === value) {
return ' selected';
} else {
return ''
And then in your template you call your helper and pass in the parent context inside the each loop to check for selectedState
{{#each states}}
<option value="{{this}}" {{selected this ../selectedState}}>{{this}}</option>
I took the {{#each}} helper as inspiration, and wrote a custom helper that does the same thing: loops over a list, and continually appends the contents of the arguments to an output string. (From here: Handlebars block helpers)
In this case, I'm not passing in a chunk of template HTML to serve as the function's options parameter, like you would when using {{#each}}. Instead I am just building up the <option>
tags by brute force, and testing every iteration of the context list. Lastly, I return a big long string of <option></option> tags, and hopefully one of them has selected="selected".
The function:
Handlebars.registerHelper('options_selected', function(context, test) {
var ret = '';
for (var i = 0, len = context.length; i < len; i++) {
var option = '<option value="' + context[i]+'"';
if (test.toLowerCase() == context[i].toLowerCase()) {
option += ' selected="selected"';
option += '>'+ Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(context[i]) + '</option>';
ret += option;
return new Handlebars.SafeString(ret);
The tag in use:
<script id="form-state" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<select name="state">
{{{options_selected states selectedState}}}
Please suggest any edits that would improve this, thanks!
You can use values straight in the Handlebars template like so.
Handlebars Template
<select id="distance">
<option value="15" {{#if (isEqual 15 distance)}} selected {{/if}}>15</option>
<option value="25" {{#if (isEqual 25 distance)}} selected {{/if}}>25</option>
<option value="50" {{#if (isEqual 50 distance)}} selected {{/if}}>50</option>
<option value="100" {{#if (isEqual 100 distance)}} selected {{/if}}>100</option>
<option value="300" {{#if (isEqual 300 distance)}} selected {{/if}}>300</option>
Handlebars Helper
define(['hbs/handlebars'], function (Handlebars) {
'use strict';
Handlebars.registerHelper('isEqual', function (expectedValue, value) {
return value === expectedValue;
Here is a solution (built over EmberJS to ease the JS part)
I refactored your sample a little, to have objects for proposed values, which can by the way carry the selected attribute...
The template part:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="my-template">
<div id="my-modal">
<form action="/TestAction" method="post">
<input id="MyId" name="MyId" type="hidden" value="{{MyId}}" />
<label for="Test">Test: (optional)</label>
<select id="Test" name="Test">
<option value="">-- Choose Test --</option>
{{#each values}}
<option {{bindAttr value="id" selected="selected"}}>{{label}}</option>
The JS part:
App.MyView = Ember.View.extend
templateName: 'my-template'
MyId: 42
values: [{
id: 1,
label: '1'
}, {
id: 2,
label: '2'
}, {
id: 3,
label: '3',
selected: true
}, {
id: 4,
label: '4'
You can try it #
I had same problem.
This is how I solved it, I set the desired value with jQuery after rendering the template. Was surprisingly easy. (Maybe its also a way to keep the templates logicless)
