Changing a httpservletrequest parameter and then passing the request [duplicate] - http

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Modify request parameter with servlet filter
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a request which is already coming from a doFilter method, Now I want to clean the parameters of that request that is free from special characters.
After changing the parameters I want to set that parameter and pass it to the same request.
I have tried request.setAttribute till now, that solves the problem but it doesn't sanitizes the parameter i.e: the parameter is not changed.
I have tried many things till now,
Some posts in stackoverflow, but that hasn't helped
How can I clean the parameter and again set it to request wrapper and then pass it to doFilter.

You cannot clean the parameters of that request but you can wrap it with a subclass of HttpServletRequestWrapper that you can pass to the next filter in chain. Original request is passed in constructor.
The wrapper must have as a field a modifiable map initialized with the parameters of the other request (minus those you need to remove) and must extend all the parameters related methods in order to use that map for the implementation (and not those of the original request)
An example with similar requirements:


Servlet forward() from POST to GET

I'm using a simple servlet that receives a POST request and forwards it to another servlet that expects a GET request.
I'm aware as original HtppServletRequest is having POST as it's method, thus it's failing to forward. Also, the HtppServletRequest method property doesn't have a setter method, only way out i can see is to create a new request object with the method as GET and set the remaining contents same as the original request.
Is there any better way of doing it?

Firestore Rules - get the size of request parameters

In firestore, is equivalent to the size of the document in its final form. My question is, how can I get the parameters that are being sent from the client?
Meaning, if I the client tries to update the property name, then I want to check if the client has updated name and the size of the parameters he sent is just one parameter. I would've used hasExact() if it existed, but the problem is that I'm not sure if there's an object the specifies the requested parameters.
With the current, I'm not sure how can do the following operations:
Deny writing updatedAt property (which is being updated as the server timestamp on each update) without an additional property.
Deny updating a property that is already equivalent to the requested value.
It's difficult to tell from your question exactly what you want to do. It doesn't sound like the size of the update is the only thing you need to be looking at. Without a more concrete example, I am just going to guess what you need
But you should know that is a Map type object. Click through to the linked API documentation to find out what you can do with a Map. That map will contain all the fields of a document that's being updated by the client. If you want the value of one of those fields, you can say where f is the name of the field. This should help you express your logic.
If you want the value of an existing field of a document, before it's written, use the map, which works the same way.

setAttribute() and getParameter(), is this right?

I'm working on an servlet based project where I found that in a place, a value is set using request.setAttribute("") and in another place, that value is retrieved using request.getParameter(""). Is this right?
I know the difference between the getParameter and getAttribute. But the retrieved value intermittently becomes null.
Only those values can be retrieved using request.getAttribute which are set using request.setAttribute. And query string in GET request or request prameters in POST request can be retrieved using request.getParameter. There is no method as request.setParameter in Servlet API. Now coming to the intermittent behavior, check the URL/AJAX request on each request to server and see exactly when it has the property and its value set which you are trying to retrieve using getParameter method. Hope this clarify your issue.

Request versus Request.QueryString

What is the difference between these two in VBScript:
And where is Request("startDate") documented? I don't see this usage here:
The official documentation for the Request object in ASP classic is here:
Quoting the relevant part for this question:
All variables can be accessed directly by calling Request(variable)
without the collection name. In this case, the Web server searches the
collections in the following order:
If a variable with the same name exists in more than one collection,
the Request object returns the first instance that the object
EDIT: AnthonyWJones made a great comment on the question: Avoid using the Request("name") syntax. In fact, this is mentioned in the documentation link above:
It is strongly recommended that when referring to members of a
collection the full name be used. For example, rather than
Request.("AUTH_USER") use Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER"). This
allows the server to locate the item more quickly.
See Request() vs Request.QueryString()
From what I understand when you use Request on it's own it will return the first matched item in the request collection. well explained in the attached solution.
Sorry to dredge up this question, but given the warnings against using Request("param"), I had to add my two cents. In this particular case there's a good reason to use Request("param") instead of Request.QueryString("param"): It allows you to write code that will accept parameters as part of a query string or when submitted through a form. I regularly run into situations where that is not only handy, but desirable.

How can I preserve the QueryString semantics when converting an MFC CHttpServer based web server to ASP.Net?

In a legacy MFC CHttpServer based web server, we have a command parsing map something like this:
BEGIN_PARSE_MAP(MyHttpServer, CHttpServer)
ON_PARSE_COMMAND_PARAMS("intParam1=11 intParam2=12 intParam3=13 intParam4=14 strParam5=s5 strParam6=s6 strParam7=s7 intParam8=18")
This defines a page accessible at http://host/path/dllname.dll?MyPage that accepts up to 8 parameters named intParam1, intParam2, intParam3, intParam4, strParam5, strParam6, strParam7, and intParam8.
The calling applications can invoke the page with the parameters in a named fashion like this:
But the way MFC command parsing maps work, they can also call it with unnamed parameters as long as they are provided in the order defined by the map:
I would like to replace this old code with an ASP.Net page, but we have existing calling applications that will not be changed that invoke the page using both styles of parameter passing, named and unnamed.
I can easily manage the necessary URL rewriting to allow an ASP.Net page to respond to the URL as given above, replacing the path/dllname.dll? MyPage portion with the path to an .aspx page or .ashx handler.
The problem comes in when trying to handle the unnamed parameters in an equivalent fashion to the old MFC parameter parser. Request.QueryString treats all the unnamed parameters as being named with null and Request.QueryString[null] returns a comma-separated list of the values. This is pretty close to workable, but should one of the parameters actually contain a comma, this encoding falls apart because the extra comma is not escaped and splitting the string on the commas will end up with too many parameters.
In classic ASP, I believe Request.QueryString(...) returned a collection of all the parameters that were identically named. There seems to be no equivalent to that in ASP.Net that I can find.
As a secondary issue, the MFC command parsing map had some pretty convoluted logic for dealing with a mixture of named and unnamed parameters. Although the callers of the page in question will not be mixing their usage in this way, I am interested in perhaps duplicating the logic for completeness sake. Can anyone confirm that MFC's behavior was essentially the following?
Process all parameters in the URL from left to right, using & as separator.
If named (has an equal sign), apply the value to the parameter with the corresponding name, regardless of its position. If that parameter already assigned a value, error.
If unnamed, apply the value to the parameter at the nth position in the command parsing map, where n is the number of already processed unnamed parameters plus 1. If that parameter was already assigned a value, error.
Apply default values from command parsing map to any parameters not assigned above
If any parameters from command parsing map have not been assigned a value, error.
One more interesting note, it appears that Request.QueryString.ToString() will nearly reconstitute the original parameters on the URL, but it always moves the parameters with identical names to be together, including the unnamed parameters I am concerned with here.
Not sure if solves your problem, but you could try using Request.PathInfo. This will give you everything entered after the page, which you could then parse manually using something like a regex.
For example, if you had the URL:
The Request.PathInfo property would return:
Processing this into a set of values that you can work with could also be problematic as you've got both named and un-named parameters, but this should be achievable using regular expressions and/or splitting the string.
I found that Request.QueryString has a GetValues() method. This returns an array of strings and solves the problem of a comma being embedded within one of the values. It'll be even easier to use than having to split the results of Request.QueryString[null].
I still have a bit of work to use this to implement an MFC-like mapping of URL parameters that handles both named and unnamed parameters.
