Calling different callbacks for stub on firstcall and second call - sinon

I'm looking for a way in sinon to call different functions in first and second call to the stub method.
Here is an example:
var func1 = function(connectionPolicy, requestOptions, callback) {
callback({code: 403});
var func2 = function(connectionPolicy, requestOptions, callback) {
var stub = sinon.stub();
// Something of this form
stub.onCall(0) = func1;
stub.onCall(1) = func2;
request.createRequestObjectStub = stub;
So that when request.createrequestObjectStub gets called internally(when calling a public API), I see this behavior.
Sinon version: 1.17.4
Environment: Node JS

The only way I found to do what you want (with onCall(index) and an anonymous stub) is with bind JS Function.
This would be:
If you use stub.onCall(0).returns(func1()); the function func1 is executed when defining that onCall, that is why you need the .bind.
Anyway, you have other options, like returning a value directly with .onCall(index).returns(anObject); or defining a counter that is incremented each time your stubbed method is called (this way you know in which n-call you are and you can return different values).
For these three approaches, you can see the following fiddle with examples:

onCall worked for me.
my code looks like:
const stubFnc = sinon.stub(myObject, "myFunction");

This is an old thread, but atleast as of Sinon 1.8, a more efficient way to solve this would be chaining sinon.onCall(arg) with callsFake().
So, in your use-case, you could do the following:
var func1 = function(connectionPolicy, requestOptions, callback) {
callback({code: 403});
var func2 = function(connectionPolicy, requestOptions, callback) {
var stub = sinon.stub();
// Solution
request.createRequestObjectStub = stub;

You can use callsArg and callsArgWith from sinon.stub() to make sinon call the callbacks
Causes the stub to call the argument at the provided index as a callback function. stub.callsArg(0); causes the stub to call the first argument as a callback. source
Then you can do something like:
myStub.onCall(0).callsArgWith(0, first);
myStub.onCall(1).callsArgWith(0, second);


How to use properly EntityRepository instances?

The documentation stresses that I should use a new EntityManager for each request and there's even a middleware for automatically generating it or alternatively I can use em.fork(). So far so good.
The EntityRepository is a great way to make the code readable. I could not find anything in the documentation about how they relate to EntityManager instances. The express-ts-example-app example uses single instances of repositories and the RequestContext middleware. This suggests that there is some under-the-hood magic that finds the correct EntityManager instances at least with the RequestContext. Is it really so?
Also, if I fork the EM manually can it still find the right one? Consider the following example:
(async () => {
DI.orm = await MikroORM.init();
DI.em = DI.orm.em;
DI.companyRepository = DI.orm.em.getRepository(Company);
DI.invoiceRepository = DI.orm.em.getRepository(Invoice);
async function fetchInvoices(em) {
for (const company of await DI.companyRepository.findAll()) {
fetchInvoicesOfACompany(company, em.fork())
async function fetchInvoicesOfACompany(company, em) {
let done = false;
while (!done) {
const invoice = await getNextInvoice(company.taxnumber, company.lastInvoice);
if ( invoice ) {
company.lastInvoice =;
} else {
done = true;
Does the DI.invoiceRepository.persist() in fetchInvoicesOfACompany() use the right EM instance? If not, what should I do?
Also, if I'm not mistaken, the em.flush() in fetchInvoicesOfACompany() does not update company, since that belongs to another EM - how should I handle situations like this?
First of all, repository is just a thin layer on top of EM (an extension point if you want), that bares the entity name so you don't have to pass it to the first parameter of EM method (e.g. em.find(Ent, ...) vs repo.find(...).
Then the contexts - you need a dedicated context for each request, so it has its own identity map. If you use RequestContext helper, the context is created and saved via domain API. Thanks to this, all the methods that are executed inside the domain handler will use the right instance automatically - this happens in the em.getContext() method, that first checks the RequestContext helper.
Check the tests for better understanding of how it works:
So if you use repositories, with RequestContext helper it will work just fine as the singleton repository instance will use the singleton EM instance that will then use the right request based instance via em.getContext() where approapriate.
But if you use manual forking instead, you are responsible use the right repository instance - each EM fork will have its own one. So in this case you can't use a singleton, you need to do forkedEm.getRepository(Ent).
Btw alternatively you can also use AsyncLocalStorage which is faster (and not deprecated), if you are on node 12+. The RequestContext helper implementation will use ALS in v5, as node 12+ will be requried.
Another thing you could do is to use the RequestContext helper manually instead of via middlewares - something like the following:
(async () => {
DI.orm = await MikroORM.init();
DI.em = DI.orm.em;
DI.companyRepository = DI.orm.em.getRepository(Company);
DI.invoiceRepository = DI.orm.em.getRepository(Invoice);
await RequestContext.createAsync(DI.em, async () => {
await fetchInvoices();
async function fetchInvoices() {
for (const company of await DI.companyRepository.findAll()) {
await fetchInvoicesOfACompany(company)
async function fetchInvoicesOfACompany(company) {
let done = false;
while (!done) {
const invoice = await getNextInvoice(company.taxnumber, company.lastInvoice);
if (invoice) {
company.lastInvoice = invoice; // passing entity instance, no need to persist as `company` is managed entity and this change will be cascaded
await DI.em.flush();
} else {
done = true;

async is snowballing to callers, can't make constructor async

I have a function loadData that loads some text from a file:
Future<String> loadAsset() async {
return await rootBundle.loadString('assets/data/entities.json');
The loadString method is from Flutter SDK, and is asynchronous.
The loadAsset method is then called in another method, that must me marked as async, since loadAsset is async and I need to use await:
Future<List<Entity>> loadEntities() async {
String jsonData = await loadAsset();
return parseData(jsonData);
The parseData method is not async, it receives a String, parse it, and return a list of objects:
List<Entity> parseData(String jsonString) {
But since loadEntities must be marked with async, this requires that it returns a Future, but in practice, it's not a Future because since I use await, it awaits for the loadAsset method to finish, then call the parseData funcion using the result.
This easily turns into a snowball of async call, because every method that uses loadEntities must be marked as async too.
Also, I can't use loadEntities in a class constructor, because the constructor should be marked as async, which is not allowed in Dart.
Am I using the async/await pattern in Dart wrong? How could I use the loadEntities method in a class constructor?
No, async is contagious and there is no way to go back from async to sync execution.
async/await is only syntactic sugar for methodThatReturnsFuture().then(...)
Marking a method with async is only to allow you to use await inside its body. Without async you would still need to return a Future for calling code to only execute after the result of loadAsset() becomes available.
You can use the Future returned from the async call directly. This would look something like this:
class HasAsync {
HasAsync() {
asyncFunction().then((val) {
Future<int> asyncFunction() async {
int val = await otherFunction();
return val;
You just can't use await within the non-async function.
As you've tagged this with 'flutter', I'm going to guess this is within a flutter app. If that's the case look at the docs for FutureBuilder - it might help with what you're trying to do.
I know I may be too late for you to make any use of this answer but I am writing it anyways hoping someone will find it useful. So here is my two cents.
I had the same thought process as you did when I first tried to figure out what is asynchronous programming and how it can be used.
Since the question is regarding Flutter, I will use dart to explain this.
First, let's dive in to the the basic actually the purpose of using async await in asynchronous programming.
According to the flutter documentation, the purpose of async and await keywords is to declaratively mark a function as asynchronous and use it's results.
To define an async function, add async before the function body
The await keyword works only in async functions.
Therefore, whenever you try to get an output from a function marked as asynchronous it will have no option but to return a Future. Look at the following example for more clarification.
Firstly, you have a function which will do some calculations
Secondly, you have a simple function which gets data from an API by doing a simple http get request.
finally another function which will process some data and print some values.
void processInfo(){
Future<Map> decodedData = getDataFromInternet();
so in synchronous programming this would mean that all three functions will execute one after another. But let's say the second function getDataFromInternet() is called asynchronously. A simple implementation would be like below.
Future<Map> getDataFromInternet() async {
http.Response response = await http.get(this._apiPath);
Map decodedData;
if (response.statusCode != 200)
print("invalid response. cannot proceed!");
else {
decodedData = jsonDecode(response.body);
return decodedData;
So the above function is required to return a future. The question is why?
It's simple. In this case, it's because since we want to return something and by the time the return statement is executed and the data from the 'get request' may or may not be available at that moment.
Thus, the function returns a Future type result which and either be in complete state or incomplete state.
So how can we process this result? As a matter of fact this can be done in 3 ways.
1. Method One - Handle it as a promise
So once the getDataFromInternet() function returns a Future result in this example, you need the process that future result like how you'd handle a promise in javascript. Refer the code sample below.
void getDataProcessed(Future<Map> data) {
print('getting data from future map');
data.then((d) {
2. Method Two - mark the parent function asynchronous (contagious way)
void processInfo() async{
//now you can simply await that result and process the result rather
//than handling a Future<Map> result in this case.
//Note: it is not required to use future variable because we are awaiting
//for result
Map decodedData = await getDataFromInternet();
so in this case the getDataProcessed() function will look something like this.
void getDataProcessed(Map data) {
//this will simply print the data object which is complete result which is by
//no way is a promise object
3. Method Three - Use the results from the asynchronous method in a synchronous function (non-contagious way)
In this case the processInfo() function will change slightly, i.e. the getDataProcessed() will no longer be invoked in this method and will look something like this.
void processInfo(){
Instead of invoking getDataProcessed() in processInfo() function, we can use the result from getDataFromInternet() function to invoke the getDataProcessed() function.this mean we won't have to mark processInfo() as async and we can process getDataProcessed() method after we finish executing getDataFromInternet() method. The following code sample demonstrates how to do it.
void getDataFromInternet() async {
http.Response response = await http.get(this._apiPath);
Map decodedData;
if (response.statusCode != 200)
print("invalid response. cannot proceed!");
else {
decodedData = jsonDecode(response.body);
//in this case, since we are awaiting for get results response and the
//function is not expected to return anything the data type passed into
//getDataProcessed() function now will be of type Map rather than being type
//Future<Map> . Thus allowing it to be a synchronous function and without
//having to handle the future objects.
void getDataProcessed(Map data) {
//this will simply print the data object which is complete result which is by
//no way is a promise object
So revising back this long answer,
async/await is just the declarative way to mark asynchronous functions
when an asynchronous function is called it can be handled in 3 ways.
get the return Future and handle it like a promise with the use of 'then()' function so no need to mark the parent
function async
mark the parent function async and handle the returned object with await to force the function to wait for the result.
call the desired function with the output of the async function at the end of the async function. This will allow the main
function to continue non-dependent functions while waiting for the
results of the async function and one the async function get the
results it can go in to the other function at the end and execute it
with the data received.
then and await are different. await will stop the program there until the Future task is finished. However then will not block the program. The block within then will be executed when the Future task is finished afterwards.
If you want your program to wait for the Future task, then use await. If you want your program to continue running and the Future task do it things "in the background", then use then.
As to your problem, I suggest redesign it. Do the loading assets and other async things that are needed for the constructor elsewhere. After these tasks are completed, then call the constructor.

Haxe - How do you implement async await for Flash Targets

I currently have this code:
package sage.sys;
import com.dongxiguo.continuation.Async;
#if flash
class FileSystem implements Async
public static function fetchText(url:String, callback:String->Void) : Void
var urlLoader = new URLLoader();
var onLoaderError = function(e : Event) : Void {
urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(_) : Void {
urlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoaderError);
urlLoader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onLoaderError);
try {
urlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
urlLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
catch (e : Dynamic)
public static function fetch(url:String):String
var result = #await fetchText(url);
return result;
When I try to run it, it doesn't wait at the await, and returns from the function. How can I make the #await actually enforce itself and and stop running outside the function till the value is resolved from the async call?
Lib used:
You can't really. The function, in which you call fetchText() will never "wait" in that sense.
However according to the documentation of "haxe-continuation" it will put everything after your #await FileSystem.fetchText() expression into a new function, which will be passed as the callback parameter of fetchText(). So in code it kind of "looks" like it is waiting.
According to the documentation you have to make sure that you put #async in front of the function which uses fetchText(). According to that something like this should work (untested):
#async function someFunction(): Void {
var result1 = #await FileSystem.fetchText(someUrl);
var result2 = #await FileSystem.fetchText(anotherUrl);
The 2 traces at the end of the function should happen after result1 and result2 are fetched, even though someFunction() actually returned before the traces already.
It might be helpful to see your code which calls fetchText().
How did you use the fetch function?
I suppose you should put a callback to it:
FileSystem.fetch(url, function(result) trace(result));
The fetch call itself should return immediately, because it is async and the result will be passed to the callback.
I don't think it is possible to make flash block at the fetch call.

Dart, how to create a future to return in your own functions?

is it possible to create your own futures in Dart to return from your methods, or must you always return a built in future return from one of the dart async libraries methods?
I want to define a function which always returns a Future<List<Base>> whether its actually doing an async call (file read/ajax/etc) or just getting a local variable, as below:
List<Base> aListOfItems = ...;
Future<List<Base>> GetItemList(){
return new Future(aListOfItems);
If you need to create a future, you can use a Completer. See Completer class in the docs. Here is an example:
Future<List<Base>> GetItemList(){
var completer = new Completer<List<Base>>();
// At some time you need to complete the future:
completer.complete(new List<Base>());
return completer.future;
But most of the time you don't need to create a future with a completer. Like in this case:
Future<List<Base>> GetItemList(){
var completer = new Completer();
aFuture.then((a) {
// At some time you need to complete the future:
return completer.future;
The code can become very complicated using completers. You can simply use the following instead, because then() returns a Future, too:
Future<List<Base>> GetItemList(){
return aFuture.then((a) {
// Do something..
Or an example for file io:
Future<List<String>> readCommaSeperatedList(file){
return file.readAsString().then((text) => text.split(','));
See this blog post for more tips.
You can simply use the Future<T>value factory constructor:
return Future<String>.value('Back to the future!');
Returning a future from your own function
This answer is a summary of the many ways you can do it.
Starting point
Your method could be anything but for the sake of these examples, let's say your method is the following:
int cubed(int a) {
return a * a * a;
Currently you can use your method like so:
int myCubedInt = cubed(3); // 27
However, you want your method to return a Future like this:
Future<int> myFutureCubedInt = cubed(3);
Or to be able to use it more practically like this:
int myCubedInt = await cubed(3);
The following solutions all show ways to do that.
Solution 1: Future() constructor
The most basic solution is to use the generative constructor of Future.
Future<int> cubed(int a) {
return Future(() => a * a * a);
I changed the return type of the method to Future<int> and then passed in the work of the old function as an anonymous function to the Future constructor.
Solution 2: Future named constructor
Futures can complete with either a value or an error. Thus if you want to specify either of these options explicitly you can use the Future.value or Future.error named constructors.
Future<int> cubed(int a) {
if (a < 0) {
return Future.error(ArgumentError("'a' must be positive."));
return Future.value(a * a * a);
Not allowing a negative value for a is a contrived example to show the use of the Future.error constructor. If there is nothing that would produce an error then you can simply use the Future.value constructor like so:
Future<int> cubed(int a) {
return Future.value(a * a * a);
Solution 3: async method
An async method automatically returns a Future so you can just mark the method async and change the return type like so:
Future<int> cubed(int a) async {
return a * a * a;
Normally you use async in combination with await, but there is nothing that says you must do that. Dart automatically converts the return value to a Future.
In the case that you are using another API that returns a Future within the body of your function, you can use await like so:
Future<int> cubed(int a) async {
return await cubedOnRemoteServer(a);
Or this is the same thing using the Future.then syntax:
Future<int> cubed(int a) async {
return cubedOnRemoteServer(a).then((result) => result);
Solution 4: Completer
Using a Completer is the most low level solution. You only need to do this if you have some complex logic that the solutions above won't cover.
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> cubed(int a) async {
final completer = Completer();
if (a < 0) {
completer.completeError(ArgumentError("'a' must be positive."));
} else {
completer.complete(a * a * a);
return completer.future;
This example is similar to the named constructor solution above. It handles errors in addition completing the future in the normal way.
A note about blocking the UI
There is nothing about using a future that guarantees you won't block the UI (that is, the main isolate). Returning a future from your function simply tells Dart to schedule the task at the end of the event queue. If that task is intensive, it will still block the UI when the event loop schedules it to run.
If you have an intensive task that you want to run on another isolate, then you must spawn a new isolate to run it on. When the task completes on the other isolate, it will return a message as a future, which you can pass on as the result of your function.
Many of the standard Dart IO classes (like File or HttpClient) have methods that delegate the work to the system and thus don't do their intensive work on your UI thread. So the futures that these methods return are safe from blocking your UI.
See also
Asynchrony support documentation
Flutter Future vs Completer
#Fox32 has the correct answer addition to that we need to mention Type of the Completer otherwise we get exception
Exception received is type 'Future<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<List<Base>>
so initialisation of completer would become
var completer= new Completer<List<Base>>();
Not exactly the answer for the given question, but sometimes we might want to await a closure:
flagImage ??= await () async {
final image = (await codec.getNextFrame()).image;
return image;
I think it does create a future implicitly, even though we don't pass it anywhere.
Here a simple conditional Future example.
String? _data;
Future<String> load() async {
// use preloaded data
if (_data != null) return Future<String>.value(_data);
// load data only once
String data = await rootBundle.loadString('path_to_file');
_data = data;
return data;

SignalR callback in javascript

Is there a way to pass a callback function for SignalR? Right now I have on my site.js
messageHub.client.sendProgress = function (progress) {
//doSomething with progress
What I would like to have is
messageHub.client.sendProgress = function (progress,callback) {
This would enable me to define different callback functions from web pages for the same signalR method.
Right now I am doing it in kind of a hack-ish way by defining a function on my web page
function fnSendProgress(progress) //define this for site.js.
//do something here
and then in site.js calling it by
messageHub.client.sendProgress = function (progress) {
//have a definition of a function called fnSendProgress(progress)
//if found it will call it else call default
if (typeof fnSendProgress == 'function') {
else {
//do something at site.js level
It works, but I was wondering if there is a cleaner method.
Any help much appreciated.
Use closures:
function createfunction(callback)
return function(progress) { callback(progress); }
messageHub.client.sendProgress = createFunction(callback)
First you define a function "createFunction", which given a callback returns another function with one argument, which calls the specified callback.
Then you assign the result of calling that function to signalr's sendProgress.
In other words: for each callback you want you dynamically generate a function with one argument, which calls the callback and passes the argument to it.
