Memory usage in Dual GPU(Multi GPU) - opencl

I am using two GPUs of same configuration for my HPC GPGPU calculation using OpenCL. One of the card is connected for the display purpose and about 200-300 MB of memory is always used by two programs called compiz and x server. My question is , when using these GPU's for computation I can use only a partial amount of total memory in GPU which is used for display purpose whereas the 2nd GPU I am able to use entire Global memory. In my case I am using two Nvidia Quadro 410, Which has 192 cuda cores , 512 MB as memory but 503 MB usable . In case of display GPU i can use only 128MB for computation and other I can use full 503 MB for calculation.
According to the The OpenCL Specification Page 32
Max size of memory obj
ect allocation
in bytes. The minimum value is max
Also shouldn't this hold good for all the GPU's present in the System?

Just continue to read from that point, you will see
Max size of memory object allocation
in bytes. The minimum value is max
(1/4th of
so whichever is greater, 128MB or 1/4 of total; will be the limit.

OpenCL will automatically swap data out or it the GPU, so you are not actually limited to the GPU global memory, you can have more memory used, as long as you don use it all at once. You can "obviusly" not create objects such big that don fit on the GPU memory. That is where this limit kicks in.
The current max limit per object is as pointed out by #huseyin
Max size of memory object allocation in bytes. The minimum value is max
(1/4 th of CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, 128*1024*1024)
minimun_max_global_size = max(1/4*global, 128MB)
If you read it carefuly, is the min value for the max allocation size.(tricky wording!).
Probably nVIDIA is setting it to 1/4 on a display GPU, and to whole memory size on the non-display GPU. But nVIDIA is following the spec by doing so in both cases.
It is something you should query, and operate within the limits the API reports. You cannot change it, and you should not guess it.


Is there a way to load a vector equal by size to global memory size of GPU in OpenCl?

My GPU has 12 GB global memory (CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE), but only 3 GB of memory which it can allocate (CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE). When I try to load a vector of size exceeding 3 GB, the program crashes. The question is, if it is possible to load a bigger vector into GPU memory to utilize it completely, how to do it?
By default, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE reports 1/4 of CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, meaning it would only be allowed to allocate four 3GB buffers on a 12GB GPU.
However, Nvidia GPUs allow to allocate their full memory capacity in a single buffer, even though they also report to have the 1/4 limit.
Some AMD GPUs have the limit set higher, for example the Radeon VII lets you use 14/16GB for a single buffer.
The only devices I have ever seen that really inforce the 1/4 limit are Intel HD 4600 and 5500, so older Intel integrated GPUs. If you go above 1/4 in buffer size there, the cl::Buffer constructor throws error -61.
In case you are stuck with the 1/4 memory limit on your device, split your large 12GB buffer in 4 smaller 3GB buffers (for example one vector for x, y, z, w components of the vector each). If you use Windows, note that you might only be able to use ~11.5GB in total as some VRAM is reserved for the operating system.
I think your issue might not be CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE though, but 32-bit integer overflow for the array size above 4GB. Use the uint64_t data type to set the array size instead.
You might also be interested in this lightweight OpenCL-Wrapper for C++. There, the length of vectors always is in 64-bit integer, and it automatically keeps track on howm much memory you use in total on each device, telling you if you allocate too much. It also catches that -61 error on Intel iGPUs and tells you the maximum allowed buffer size then.

Check No.of nvidia cores utilized

Is there a way to check the number of stream processors and cores utilized by an OpenCL kernel?
No. However you can make guesses based on your application: If the number of work items is much larger than the number of CUDA cores and the work group size is 32 or larger, all stream processors are used at the same time.
If the number of work items is the about the same or lower than the number of CUDA cores, you won't have full utilization.
If you set the work size to 16, only half of the CUDA cores will be used at any time, but the non-used half is blocked and cannot do other work. (So always set work group size to 32 or larger.)
Tools like nvidia-smi can tell you the time-averaged GPU usage. So if you run your kernel over and over without any delay in between, the usage indicates the average fraction of used CUDA cores at any time.

What causes and how can I check the number of work-groups limit in OpenCL?

I've shortly started using OpenCL to write programs for GPUs. I'm familiar with basic concepts that are required to write efficient programs in OpenCL, like work-items, work-groups, global-item-size, barriers, etc.
One of my programs involved making about 20 million work-groups with 360 work-items in each work-group. However, for some reason OpenCL couldn't handle that many number of work-groups. All elements of my output array simply remained 0. In addition, OpenCL didn't even start the calculations when I called clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(), since when I viewed the GPU usage stats I didn't see a "spike" that usually happens when I run an OpenCL kernel. I attempted to reduce the number work-groups, to see what is the maximum number of work-groups. It was 5965232 and it is always 5965232. Not more, not less.
I know that the problem is NOT with the number of work-items. It is with the number of work-groups. To prove this, here is my original code, where LIST_SIZE is 360.
global_item_size = 5965232*LIST_SIZE;
local_size = LIST_SIZE;
and a modified version of my code:
global_item_size = 5965232*LIST_SIZE*1.3;
local_size = LIST_SIZE*1.3;
In all the scenarios, the number of work-groups limit was 5965232.
I'm trying to find out what causes this limit and how to check this limit. I understand that there may be a limitation, but what causes this limitation and how can I check check this limit number in OpenCL? I've did a lot of research, but all sites are talking about work-group size limits and not about number of work-group limits.
I'm using the Intel Graphics HD 4000 GPU with an i5-3320M. It has 32 MB of integrated RAM.
5965232*320 = 2147483520 < 2147483647 = 2^31-1 = maximum 32-bit signed integer value
You are dealing with a classical 32-bit integer overflow in the multiplication in line
global_item_size = 5965232*LIST_SIZE;
Try global_item_size = 5965232ull*(uint64_t)LIST_SIZE; instead. Make sure global_item_size is data type uint64_t.

How to determine the maximum size of bus-addressable OpenCL memory buffer?

I am using the AMD bus-addressable memory extension to write from an FPGA to a GPU and vice versa. In the first case, an OpenCL buffer is created with the CL_MEM_BUS_ADDRESSABLE_AMD flag set. However, the largest size that I can allocate is much less than what is reported for CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE.
How can I find the maximum allocation size of such a buffer?

Questions about global and local work size

Searching through the NVIDIA forums I found these questions, which are also of interest to me, but nobody had answered them in the last four days or so. Can you help?
Original Forum Post
Digging into OpenCL reading tutorials some things stayed unclear for me. Here is a collection of my questions regarding local and global work sizes.
Must the global_work_size be smaller than CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES?
On my machine CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES = 512, 512, 64.
Is CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE the recommended work_group_size for the used kernel?
Or is this the only work_group_size the GPU allows?
On my machine CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE = 512
Do I need to divide into work groups or can I have only one, but not specifying local_work_size?
To what do I have to pay attention, when I only have one work group?
On my machine CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE = 512, 512, 64
Does this mean, I can have one work group which is as large as the CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES?
Has global_work_size to be a divisor of CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES?
In my code global_work_size = 20.
In general you can choose global_work_size as big as you want, while local_work_size is constraint by the underlying device/hardware, so all query results will tell you the possible dimensions for local_work_size instead of the global_work_size. the only constraint for the global_work_size is that it must be a multiple of the local_work_size (for each dimension).
The work group sizes specify the sizes of the workgroups so if CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES is 512, 512, 64 that means your local_work_size can't be bigger then 512 for the x and y dimension and 64 for the z dimension.
However there is also a constraint on the local group size depending on the kernel. This is expressed through CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE. Your cumulative workgoupsize (as in the product of all dimensions, e.g. 256 if you have a localsize of 16, 16, 1) must not be greater then that number. This is due to the limited hardware resources to be divided between the threads (from your query results I assume you are programming on a NVIDIA GPU, so the amount of local memory and registers used by a thread will limit the number of threads which can be executed in parallel).
CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE defines the maximum size of a work group in the same manner as CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, but specific to the device instead the kernel (and it should be a a scalar value aka 512).
You can choose not to specify local_work_group_size, in which case the OpenCL implementation will choose a local work group size for you (so its not a guarantee that it uses only one workgroup). However it's generally not advisiable, since you don't know how your work is divided into workgroups and furthermore it's not guaranteed that the workgroupsize chosen will be optimal.
However, you should note that using only one workgroup is generally not a good idea performancewise (and why use OpenCL if performance is not a concern). In general a workgroup has to execute on one compute unit, while most devices will have more then one (modern CPUs have 2 or more, one for each core, while modern GPUs can have 20 or more). Furthermore even the one Compute Unit on which your workgroup executes might not be fully used, since several workgroup can execute on one compute unit in an SMT style. To use NVIDIA GPUs optimally you need 768/1024/1536 threads (depending on the generation, meaning G80/GT200/GF100) executing on one compute unit, and while I don't know the numbers for amd right now, they are in the same magnitude, so it's good to have more then one workgroup. Furthermore, for GPUs, it's typically advisable to have workgroups which at least 64 threads (and a number of threads divisible by 32/64 (nvidia/amd) per workgroup), because otherwise you will again have reduced performance (32/64 is the minimum granuaty for execution on gpus, so if you have less items in a workgroup, it will still execute as 32/64 threads, but discard the results from unused threads).
