Im a begginer with SVG.
I have some problems with max-width and trimming text. What I want to do is this:
<g class="step-wrapper">
<rect class="step"></rect>
<text x="5" y="20" class="step-name">Candidate Field Req / job</text>
I want the rect width to be the same width as the text tag with a max-width of 250px trimming this text. I couldnt do it with CSS and I dont know how to set the rect width if I dont know the text width.
Trying to figure out how to centre this SVG text horizontally and vertically in the viewport
(The element needs to remains central across different viewport sizes)
Tried using the viewbox panning but I can't get everything aligned - part of the SVG remains cut off/incorrectly scaled
Also looking to set the font size to the same rem value as other standard text elements on the page.
SVG text is used as there's a 'slice' GSAP animation happening to it.
<div class="stage">
<svg id="demo" xmlns="" width="2000" height="800" viewBox="0 0 1000 800">
<pattern id="slicePattern" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="3000" height="800" x="0" y="0"><text transform="translate(500 400)" text-anchor="middle" font-size="220" fill="#fff">SLICE</text>
<g fill="url(#slicePattern)">
<polygon id="slide1" points="0,150 551,150 201,400 0,400" />
<polygon id="slide2" points="549,150 1000,400 999,400 1000,150" />
<polygon points="200,400 550,150 1000,400" />
<line x1="550" y1="150" x2="200" y2="400" stroke-width="1" stroke="white"/>
<line x1="550" y1="150" x2="1000" y2="400" stroke-width="1" stroke="white"/>
The standard text to match to is 2.5em. Setting the SVG text to that it doesn't size the same. Also can't correctly pan the viewbox to centre the svg text in the viewport. I need this to be responsive centering also.
In short, I don't understand the effect the text transform properties are having on the element, or how this relates to the viewport/viewbox values.
For making the whole svg responsive:
For the text, It has already text-anchor set to middle which is correct. You need to specify the position of the text by setting x and y values.
<text text-anchor="middle" x="50" y="0">The Text</text>
The font-size in svg has nothing to do with the default font-size of the css. It's relative to the viewBox of your svg. SVG functions as a separate image file. But you can have access to its style attributes by css.
I currently have an svg path that only shows about 50%. How can I get it to show 100%?
Here is my code:
<div className="svgPathContainer">
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<path d="M82 88L0 0H123V170H0L82 88Z" fill="#F9B300" />
I have className="svgPath" set as:
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Here is also an example of the svg only showing at 50%:
The problem: Why wont the svg path scale to 100% of the .svgPathContainer?
The viewBox is like a canvas size. So drawings outside of this view box will be clipped. Like css overflow: hidden. And your drawing has a size of width 123px and height 170px. So you have to change the view box to this value. Check our some docs.
If you want to keep the viewbox of 100 x 100 px, you need to change your drawing element size (path).
The view box has nothing to do with the scale. It's just the canvas size. A rect clip with width, height and offset (x y w h) for the SVG elements inside. And the SVG tag's width and height attributes are for scale the rendered image.
<div className="svgPathContainer">
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 123 170" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<path d="M82 88L0 0H123V170H0L82 88Z" fill="#F9B300" />
I want to fill a viewport with an svg, and add a fill to a path in this svg.
When I set preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice" to the image pattern, it will preserve it's aspect ratio nicely, but the path will not scale.
If I then add preserveAspectRatio="none" to the svg element, the whole element will fit to the viewport, but my image will not scale properly.
What am I overlooking?
<svg height="100%" width="100%" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1400 750" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<pattern id='home' width="1" height="1" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice">
<image xlink:href='' width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice"></image>
<path id="bg" class="cls-1" d="M0,0V622.58S250,711,683,711s683-88.42,683-88.42V0Z"style="fill: url(#home)"></path>
If you set the whole SVG to preserveAspectRatio="none", then everything inside the SVG will stretch and there is no way to counteract that. So you have to do it a different way.
What we have to do is remove the viewBox and the preserveAspectRatio and just set the width of the SVG to 100% and the height to the height of our <path> (711px). That way the SVG viewport fills the width of the page and keeps it's height at the size we want.
The next step is to move the <image> out of the <pattern>, make its width and height 100% x 100% and set preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice". So it now scales to fill our wide SVG, and keeps its aspect ratio.
The last step is to apply a <clipPath> to the image to give it the shape we want. To get the clip path to automatically fit itself to the <image>, we need to use clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox".
The thing with objetBoundingBox units is that (0,0) represents the top left of the element it is applied to, and (1,1) corresponds to the bottom-right of the element it is applied to. But our path is much bigger than that. It has a width and height of 1366x711.
To fix that, we need to scale the path so that it is only 1x1 in size, instead of 1366x711. So we apply a transform and scale it by 1/1366 in X, and 1/711 in Y.
transform="transform="scale(0.000732, 0.001406)"
The final result is this:
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<svg width="100%" height="711px" xmlns="">
<clipPath id="clip" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox">
<path d="M0,0V622.58S250,711,683,711s683-88.42,683-88.42V0Z"
transform="scale(0.000732, 0.001406)"></path>
<image xlink:href='' width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin slice"
remove height and preserveAspectRatio but keep viewBox as it is and width at 100%.
Given this code of svg, a blue rectangle is being drawn.
<rect width="50" height="200" style="fill:blue"/>
The blue rectangle size varies depending on the view port.
I assume that the unit 50 for the width property, is not just plain pixels. Otherwise it would have been the same across different screens.
So what is exactly the meaning of this unit?
The unit of measurement is pixels. You are not getting the correct result due to the behaviour of vector drawing in the svg element.
If you specify a height and width on your svg you will find the rectangle behaves as expected.
<svg width="400" height="400">
<rect width="50" height="200" style="fill:blue"/>
The svg size should be the maximum extent of all content contained within it.
If only a rectangle resides inside it then you can make the containing svg the size you desire and simply use height / width 100% on your rectangle.
<svg width="50" height="200">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" style="fill:blue"/>
I have a svg image element. I have to set margin for image.
<svg id="chart" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" viewBox="0 0 960 500">
<image class="leaf" x="240.9471668231492" y="362.4164063706163" width="80" height="80" href=""></image>
My css is:-
Why my css is not working. Is there any othere way to set css in svg.
AFAIK, the SVG standard doesn't specify anything like margin, which is why it's handled inconsistently. Just set the correct x and y of your image and the correct size of your svg