Accessing ASP.NET Identity Data from DataAccess Layer -

I have an n-tiered solution that uses MVC-WebApi, Owin, ASP.NET Identity and EntityFramework. I used the sample Identity code as a starter and added some custom properties to the ApplicationUser. I've also configured all of the classes to use Guids for Identity values. All working great so far.
I started having difficulty when I wanted to move the IdentityConfig and IdentityModel files from the sample code out of the MVC project and to the DataAccess project. These files define several key classes such as ApplicationUserManager, ApplicationRoleManager, etc. Within the ApplicationDbInitializer, there is code to get the ApplicationUserManager and ApplicationRoleManager using the current HttpContext for the purpose of seeding the database. It seems pretty unnecessary to require an HttpContext to seed the database. Also, there are other background process that I will be adding soon that will need to access Identity data from the business layer without an HttpContext being relevant, so I'd like to get that dependency removed now.
I saw the Q&A on this subject ASP Identity - Accessing HttpContext on a reference library, but the best answer was pretty thin. I tried replacing
var userManager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
var roleManager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Get<ApplicationRoleManager>();
var userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(new ApplicationUserStore(db));
var roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(new RoleStore<IdentityRole, Guid, IdentityUserRole>(db));
but that REALLY lead down a rabbit hole. The code wouldn't compile unless I defined custom implementations of every Identity class and implemented interfaces for them, etc. It needed all of the following (possibly more, I didn't get it finished)
ApplicationUserRole: IdentityUserRole
ApplicationRole : IdentityRole, IRole
ApplicationUserClaim : IdentityUserClaim
ApplicationUserLogin : IdentityUserLogin
and IRole needed to be fully implemented, which I'm not sure how to do.
I stopped at this point because it feels like there should be an easier way or some sample code I can look at. I don't really need anything customized beyond ApplicationUser. Am I going down the right path here or is my gut correct and there's a better way?


Getting IMetadataDetailsProviders to Run More than Once in ASP.NET Core

This is a tricky question which will require some deep knowledge of the ASP.NET Core framework. I'll first explain what is happening in our application in the MVC 3 implementation.
There was a complex requirement which needed to be solved involving the ModelMetaData for our ViewModels on a particular view. This is a highly configurable application. So, for one "Journal Type", a property may be mandatory, whereas for another, the exact same property may be non-mandatory. Moreover, it may be a radio-button for one "Journal Type" and a select list for another. As there was a huge number of combinations, mixing and matching for all these configuration options, it was not practical to create a separate ViewModel type for each and every possible permutation. So, there was one ViewModel type and the ModelMetaData was set on the properties of that type dynamically.
This was done by creating a custom ModelMetadataProvider (by inheriting DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider).
Smash-cut to now, where we are upgrading the application and writing the server stuff in ASP.NET Core. I have identified that implementing IDisplayMetadataProvider is the equivalent way of modifying Model Metadata in ASP.NET Core.
The problem is, the framework has caching built into it and any class which implements IDisplayMetadataProvider only runs once. I discovered this while debugging the ASP.NET Core framework and this comment confirms my finding. Our requirement will no longer be met with such caching, as the first time the ViewModel type is accessed, the MetadataDetailsProvider will run and the result will be cached. But, as mentioned above, owing to the highly dynamic configuration, I need it to run prior to every ModelBinding. Otherwise, we will not be able to take advantage of ModelState. The first time that endpoint is hit, the meta-data is set in stone for all future requests.
And we kinda need to leverage that recursive process of going through all the properties using reflection to set the meta-data, as we don't want to have to do that ourselves (a massive endeavour beyond my pay-scale).
So, if anyone thinks there's something in the new Core framework which I have missed, by all means let me know. Even if it is as simple as removing that caching feature of ModelBinders and IDisplayMetadataProviders (that is what I'll be looking into over the next couple of days by going through the ASP.NET source).
Model Metadata is cached due to performance considerations. Class DefaultModelMetadataProvider, which is default implementation of IModelMetadataProvider interface, is responsible for this caching. If your application logic requires that metadata is rebuilt on every request, you should substitute this implementation with your own.
You will make your life easier if you inherit your implementation from DefaultModelMetadataProvider and override bare minimum for achieving your goal. Seems like GetMetadataForType(Type modelType) should be enough:
public class CustomModelMetadataProvider : DefaultModelMetadataProvider
public CustomModelMetadataProvider(ICompositeMetadataDetailsProvider detailsProvider)
: base(detailsProvider)
public CustomModelMetadataProvider(ICompositeMetadataDetailsProvider detailsProvider, IOptions<MvcOptions> optionsAccessor)
: base(detailsProvider, optionsAccessor)
public override ModelMetadata GetMetadataForType(Type modelType)
// Optimization for intensively used System.Object
if (modelType == typeof(object))
return base.GetMetadataForType(modelType);
var identity = ModelMetadataIdentity.ForType(modelType);
DefaultMetadataDetails details = CreateTypeDetails(identity);
// This part contains the same logic as DefaultModelMetadata.DisplayMetadata property
// See
var context = new DisplayMetadataProviderContext(identity, details.ModelAttributes);
// Here your implementation of IDisplayMetadataProvider will be called
details.DisplayMetadata = context.DisplayMetadata;
return CreateModelMetadata(details);
To replace DefaultModelMetadataProvider with your CustomModelMetadataProvider add following in ConfigureServices():
services.AddSingleton<IModelMetadataProvider, CustomModelMetadataProvider>(); Core 1 “SignInManager” without EntityFramework Extended Example

I am developing an application in Asp.Net Core. Without Entity Framework, but with a SQL Database. I have found a great example from a previous answered question:
My question is, I can see a ExampleUserStore.cs class but the ManageController.cs is currently not using this, it is using the UserManager type to perform actions on the user.
In order to create my own Stored Procedure to create the user (CreateAsync) where will I add this call / how do I adapt this to work without EF.
Can I still use the UserManager with manual Stored Procedure calls?
EDIT: I have found the below in Startup.cs that I believe registers the services.
var userStore = new ExampleUserStore();
var roleStore = new ExampleRoleStore();
var userPrincipalFactory = new ExampleUserPrincipalFactory();
My question is, I can see a ExampleUserStore.cs class but the
ManageController.cs is currently not using this, it is using the
UserManager type to perform actions on the user.
UserManager gets IUserStore implementation from the IoC container (see this line). So ManageController should use ExampleUserStore through UserManager as you see. Have you checked it is actually get called?
In order to create my own Stored Procedure to create the user
(CreateAsync) where will I add this call / how do I adapt this to work
without EF. Can I still use the UserManager with manual Stored
Procedure calls?
ExampleUserStore is the place, the class that inherits from IUserStore should perform DB logic. Here is the implementation as it is done with EF. So if you use bare ADO.NET you can place your call to the procedure there.
Hope it helps!

Autofac Multi-tenant IoC Container in an ASP.NET Web API Application

Autofac 3.0 will have a MultitenantIntegration support and its preview release is out now. To try it out, I created an ASP.NET Web API application with the following configuration:
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication {
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("Default", "api/{controller}");
public void RegisterDependencies(HttpConfiguration config) {
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// creates a logger instance per tenant
var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(
new RequestParameterTenantIdentificationStrategy("tenant"),
config.DependencyResolver = new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(mtc);
It gets the job done and creates a LoggerService instance as ILoggerService per tenant. I have two problems at this stage which I wasn't able to solve:
I used out of the box provided RequestParameterTenantIdentificationStrategy here as the TenantIdentificationStrategy just for this demo application. I am able to create my custom TenantIdentificationStrategy by implementing ITenantIdentificationStrategy interface. However, TryIdentifyTenant method of the ITenantIdentificationStrategy makes you rely on a static instance such as HttpContext.Current which is something that I don't want in an ASP.NET Web API environment as I want my API to be hosting agnostic (I know that I can delegate this work to the hosting layer but I would rather not to). Is there another way to achieve this in a way that I won't rely on a static instance?
I also have a chance to register tenant specific instance as below:
mtc.ConfigureTenant("tenant1", cb => cb.RegisterType<Foo>()
However, one of my situations requires me to pass the tenant name through the constructor parameter and I would love to have something like below:
mtc.ConfigureTenant((cb, tenantName) => cb.RegisterType<Foo>()
.WithParameter("tenantName", tenantName)
Currently there is no such an API. Is there another way to achieve this or this kind of requirement doesn't make any sense?
Multitenant support has been available for a long time, it's just that 3.0 is the first time we've had a NuGet package for it. :)
The RequestParameterTenantIdentificationStrategy is, as documented, just a very simple example showing one possible (and not recommended) way to identify tenant. You will have to choose for yourself how to identify your tenant based on the operating context. It could be from a web.config value, an environment variable, or some other thing in the current environment. If you don't want to use HttpContext.Current, don't. It's up to you to pick where you get that info from.
(A note on the RPTIStrategy - the part that isn't recommended is using a querystring or request parameter as the tenant ID mechanism. I use HttpContext in my production apps and it works fine. There's only so much you can abstract out before you have to actually touch the bare metal.)
There is no way out of the box to provide the lambda registration syntax you're asking for, primarily because tenant is not passed through the resolution process. The resolution process is:
Identify the tenant with the strategy.
Find the tenant's configured lifetime scope.
Use standard Autofac Resolve style syntax.
It's intentionally simple and analogous to the existing operations. At the time of resolve, the sub-lifetime-scope belonging to the tenant is tagged with the tenant ID but the resolution operation doesn't know about the tenant ID... so the lambda wouldn't work (and probably won't anytime soon because it'd change the fundamental internals of the way Autofac works if it did).
To accomplish what you're looking for, you can use a combination of the InstancePerTenant extension when registering...
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
...and registering the ITenantIdentificationStrategy as a dependency in your container.
Then make your class take an ITenantIdentificationStrategy rather than the tenant ID directly. Use the strategy to get the tenant ID instead.
If you REALLY want to get fancy, you could register a keyed lambda that resolves the ID strategy, then gets the tenant ID. Then you could add a parameter registration to the object like you did but using a keyed service. (I'm going to go by memory now, so you'll have to double-check my syntax here, but it'll be something like this...)
builder.Register(c =>
{ var s = c.Resolve<ITenantIdentificationStrategy>();
object id;
s.TryIdentifyTenant(out id);
return id;
(pi, c) => pi.Name == "tenantId",
(pi, c) => c.ResolveKeyed<object>("tenantId"))
Again, you'll want to double-check me on that, but I'm pretty sure that (or a minor variation) should work to get you what you want.

ASP.NET EntityFramework 4 data context issues

I'm working on a site and there are two projects in the solution a business logic project and the website project. I understand that I want to keep the entity context out of the web project and only use the business objects the framework creates but I can't figure out how to save a modified object this way.
Let's say my entity model created this class:
public class Person //Person entity
Int32 Id {get;set;}
String Name {get;set;}
Address Address {get;set;} //Address entity
And I created this class to get a specific person:
public static class PersonController
public static Person GetById(int id)
using (Entities context = new Entities())
return context.Persons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
This allows me to get a person without a context by calling PersonController.GetById(1); and I can change the persons properties after I get them but I can't figure out how to save the modified information back to the database. Ideally I would like to partial class Person and add a .Save() method which would handle creating a context adding the person to it and saving the changes. But when I tried this a while ago there were all kinds of issues with it still being attached to the old context and even if I detatch it and attatch it to a new context it gets attached as EntityState.Unchanged, if I remember right, so when I call context.SaveChages() after attaching it nothing actually gets updated.
I guess I have two questions:
1) Am I going about this in a good way/is there a better way? If I'm doing this in a really terrible way I would appreciate some psudo-code to point me in the right direction; a link to a post explaining how to go about this type of thing would work just as well.
2) Can someone provide some psudo-code for a save method? The save method would also need to handle if an address was attached or removed.
There are many ways to handle Entity Framework as a persistence layer.
For one, it looks like you're not using pure POCOs. That is, you let EF generate the classes for your (in the EDMX.designer.cs file).
Nothing wrong with that, but it does inhibit a clean separation of concerns (especially when it comes to unit testing).
Have you considering implementing the Repository pattern to encapsulate your EF logic? This would be a good way to isolate the logic from your UI.
In terms of Save - this is where it gets difficult. You're right, most people use partial classes. Generally, you would have a base class which exposes a virtual "Save" method, which the partial classes can then override.
I personally don't like this pattern - i believe POCOs should not care about persistence, or the underlying infrastructure. Therefore I like to use pure POCOs (no code gen), Repository pattern and Unit of Work.
The Unit of Work handles the context opening/saving/closing for you.
This is how (my) Unit of Work does the magic. Consider this some code in your "Web" project:
var uOw = new UnitOfWork(); // this is class i created, implementing the UOW pattern
var person = repository.Find(10); // find's a "Person" entity (pure POCO), with id 10.
person.Name = "Scott";
Or adding a new Person:
var uOw = new UnitOfWork();
var newPerson = new Person { Name = "Bob" };
How nice is that? :)
Line 1 creates a new sql context for you.
Line 2 uses that same context to retrieve a single "Person" object, which is a hand-coded POCO (not generated by EF).
Line 3 changes the name of the Person (pure POCO setter).
Line 4 Saves the changes to the data context, and closes the context.
Now, there is a LOT more to these patterns than that, so I suggest you read up on these patterns to see if it suits you.
My repository is also implemented with Generics, so I can re-use this interface for all business entity persistence.
Also take a look at some of the other questions I have asked on Stack Overflow - and you can see how I've implemented these patterns.
Not sure if this is the "answer" you're looking for, but thought I'd give you some alternative options.

Purpose of Unity Application Block in Microsoft Enterprise Library?

Can someone explain to me what is the purpose of the Unity Application Block? I tried looking through the documentation but its all very abstract.
What are some practical uses for the Unity block?
Inversion of Control
A quick summation (lot more reading is available this topic, and I highly suggest reading more)...
Microsoft's Unity from the Enterprise Patterns and Practices team is an Inversion of Control container project, or IoC for short. Just like Castle Windsor, StructureMap, etc. This type of development is also referred in lamen's terms as Loosely Coupling your components.
IoC includes a pattern for Dependency Injection of your objects, in which you rely on an external component to wire up the dependencies within your objects.
For example, instead of accessing static managers (which are near impossible to unit test), you create an object that relies on an external dependency to act upon. Let's take a Post service in which you want to access the DB to get a Post.
public class PostService : IPostService
private IPostRepository _postRepo;
public PostService(IPostRepository postRepo)
_postRepo = postRepo;
public IList<Post> GetPosts()
return _postRepo.GetAllPosts().ToList();
This PostService object now has an external dependency on IPostRepository. Notice how no concretes and no static manager classes are used? Instead, you have a loose-coupling of a simple Interface - which gives you the power of wiring up all different kinds of concrete classes that implement IPostRepository.
Microsoft Unity's purpose is to wire up that IPostRepository for you, automatically. So you never have to worry about doing:
// you never have to do this with Unity
IPostRepository repo = new PostRepository();
IPostService service = new PostService(repo); // dependency injection
IList<Post> posts = service.GetPosts();
The above shows where you have to implement two concrete classes, PostRepository() and PostService(). That is tightly-coupling your application to demand/require those exact instances, and leaves it very difficult to unit test.
Instead, you would use Unity in your end point (The controller in MVC, or code behind in ASPX pages):
IUnityContainer ioc = new UnityContainer();
IPostService postService = ioc.Resolve<IPostService>();
IList<Post> posts = postService.GetPosts();
Notice that there are no concretes used in this example (except UnityContainer and Post, obviously)! No concretes of the services, and no repository. That is loosely-coupling at its finest.
Here's the real kicker...
Unity (or any IoC container framework out there!) will inspect IPostService for any dependencies. It will see that it wants (depends) on an instance of IPostRepository. So, Unity will go into it's object map and look for the first object that implements IPostRepository that was registered with the container, and return it (i.e. a SqlPostRepository instance). That is the real power behind IoC frameworks - the power to inspect services and wire up any of the dependencies automatically.
I need to finish my blog post about the comparisons of UNity vs Castle vs StructureMap. I actually prefer Castle Windsor due to its configuration file options, and extensibility points personally.
The Unity Application Block is used for dependency injection. I think the best simple definition for DI is from this question
When you go and get things out of the refrigerator for yourself, you can cause problems. You might leave the door open, you might get something Mommy or Daddy doesn't want you to have. You might even be looking for something we don't even have or which has expired.
What you should be doing is stating a need, "I need something to drink with lunch," and then we will make sure you have something when you sit down to eat.
So for an example,
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
ILunch lunch = container.Resolve<ILunch>();
This Outputs "Lemonade" because we defined Drink as a Dependency.
public class ILunch {
public IDrink Drink { get; set; }
As far as practicality goes, Dependency Injection is really great when you have Dependencies on other objects and you don't want the developer to have to manually set them. It is that simple. It is also great for mocking. The most used example I can think of that I use is mocking a data layer. Sometimes the database isn't ready so instead of stopping development I have a fake layer that returns fake data. The data object is accessed via DI and can be configured to return objects which access the fake layer or the real layer. In this example I am almost using the DI Container as a configurable factory class. For more on Unity MSDN has some great resources
Other good DI Frameworks include Spring.NET and Ninject
