React Routes - different styling on body css tag - css

I have two routes on my React app: /a and /b.
For /a, I want the body css tag to have a background-color: red;.
For /b, I want the body css tag to have a background-color: blue;.
Both components a and b live in different .JSX files, and both import their own main.scss file which defines their own respective body background-color.
However, since the entire app is compiled into the body tag, there seems to be a conflict, and only one of the body tags is respected for both routes.
<script src="bundle.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
The reason I want it on the body tag and not just a container div is that I want the background-color to be visible when I scroll outside the bounds of the page (the bounce effect on Mac and iOS).
What's the proper way to do this?

That's happening because when you import your styles in your component without CSS Modules, the styles are global so your body style is defined two times (you can see all the styles in the <head> tag).
You can fix that by setting the background color in your component componentDidMount() method.
componentDidMount(){ = "red"// Set the style
document.body.className="body-component-a" // Or set the class

or, if youre using functional components you can do the same with useEffect...
useEffect(() => {
document.body.className = 'class-name';
}, []);

I agree with what QoP said but, as an add on to that, you should also make sure to use componentWillUnmount to set it back to whatever it normally is outside that component.
for example:
if normally for the whole application text-align is left but for one component you want it to be center, but after the component it needs to return to being left, you will do the following:
componentDidMount() { = "center"
componentWillUnmount(){ = "left"

Add this code
componentDidMount(){ = "white"
Hope to help.


I want to apply a background image to the body of only one component

I am very new to React, so apologies for the mistakes in advance.
In my React app, say I have 2 components and as the CSS styles are global, it picks up CSS styles from all the files.
However, I wish to add a full background image to one of the components which I was able to achieve by using this code in my CSS file:
body {
background-image: url("../image.jpg");
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
The problem is that the same image is also being applied to another component. I read a few answers and found that I can use ComponentDidMount hook and add the image to the body tag there. I tried that, but it doesn't show anything.
componentDidMount() { = "url('../image.jpg')"; = "center"; = "no-repeat"; = "cover";
I realized I had the wrong wording for the question. What I mean to say is that I have two pages in React. For one of the pages, I want a full background image. However, because CSS styles are global, the background image is getting applied to all the pages.
You can use inline styling or specific styling by assigning a specific class or ID to the top element of one component.
// If Background variable has url to the background image.
const style = {
backgroundImage: `url(${Background})`
// in component use that inline style
return (
<div style={style}></div>
IF YOU WANT TO WORK with body only...
then add a class to body on component A mount and remove the class on component B mount. And attach the background property to the class.
A component usually return some jsx and in most cases a div. In other to apply a css to a single component I mean the jsx the component is rendering. you should define a css class, that apply a background image to the div the component is rendering and make the height of the div the window height. you can do this via inline css all
const MainDiv =()=>(
<div classname="testClass">
This will show background image in the covering the entire body
//Other content of your page can be added here like the rest of your page contents
This is my blog post
this is my navbar
ReactDOM.render(<MainDiv />, document.getElementById("root"));
backgroundImage :"url('../image.jpg')";
backgroundPosition :"center";
backgroundRepeat : "no-repeat";
background-size : "cover";
width: 100%;
height: 100vh

Applying CSS stylesheet only to active component

I'm working on a ReactJS app that has a header at the top, a menu on the left, and the "frame" in the middle is where routes and their corresponding components are loaded. I want to be able to apply a CSS stylesheet to specific components only when they are loaded. I also don't want them applied all the time or to the top header or left menu.
My expectation was that adding import 'custom.css'; to a specific component would only apply the stylesheet's styles to that component and it's children when the route is active. Instead, it applies it to the entire page even when the route/component are not loaded.
I understand that an alternative approach is styled components, but, for my use-case, a design company is supplying a stylesheet (which should remain unchanged) that we need to consume only for the sub-module I'm working on and I don't want its styles to affect the rest of the app.
How can I have a stylesheet only applied to my active route/component?
Use simple CSS technique. Suppose you have two components with different css files (say about.css and contact.css). Now consider your both CSS file have one common class with different style properties, like:
max-width: 400px;
max-width: 500px;
Yes in ReactJS both the CSS files will load at the same time and will override any one of the style. so to solve this problem add class to differentiate this styles, like:
max-width: 400px;
max-width: 500px;
If you want apply only when the component is mounted, you can use the lifecycle.
The follow example is based in the idea you are using sass, React, sass-node and have the loaders into webpack.
import React from 'react';
import './styles.scss';
class MyComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { className: '' }
componentDidMount() {
className: 'myOwnClass'
return (
<div className={this.state.className}>This is a example</div>
export default myComponent;
To be able to only call that specific CSS when you need it you can use CSS Modules. You may need to update your version of react.
When saving your CSS file save it with a ".module.css" eg. "styles.module.css". The CSS in these files can only be used and accessed by hte components where are they are imported. As stated in a tutorial from W3Schools.
Let's say this is your CSS code in styles.module.css:
.container {
color: white;
.cont-child {
background-color: red;
Then in your JS file you can import the CSS file like this if the JS and CSS files are in the same directory. Make sure you point to the correct path.
import styles from './styles.module.css'
Then in your HTML section you can use it like this:
class Home extends React.Component {
render() {
<main className={ styles.container } >
<div className={ styles["cont-child"]} >
Some div text about something...
I currently use both ways to access the selectors, since the styles variable acts like an object. I placed both of them here because the second option is capable of fetching selectors named like "btn-active". Which comes in handy in some situations. Camelcasing is considered cleaner though.
Please note: I originally posted this answer as a reply to a similar question here React CSS - how to apply CSS to specific pages only
I want to be able to apply a CSS stylesheet to specific components
only when they are loaded.
Why not apply the styles inline via React.js?
Step 1. Create the style object for the component:
var componentOneStyle = {
color: 'white',
backgroundColor: 'red'
Step 2. Populate the component's style attribute with the style object:
ReactDOM.render(<div style={componentOneStyle}>This is Component One</div>, mountNode);

CSS Styling Angular 2+ (pain in the butt)

Ok, i am new to Angular 4. I am having issues with styling the application properly. I went ahead and added a background image to the body, this worked as expected, then added a component that would display content and it looked as expected.
I added a second component different route but for this one I do not want the body to have the background image at this point i am not sure what is the best practice.
I read a few articles and some say that you can have a different style for the body at the component level by adding a body style override in the styleUrls. I did this but everytime i went from say /myroute/page2 to myroute/page1 the background sticked to what i set for myroute/page2 while it should show the body image for /myroute/page1. I am also using ViewEncapsulation set to None (maybe this is the issue)?.
Also this is my setup and may be wrong too
index.html has something like this:
then my app.component.html has this:
and then i have my welcome.component.html that has a section
<section id="hero">
Now the component above shows the background set correctly, but if I navigate using something like
the background stays the same as in my welcome component. If i refresh on /page2 the right background now shows up.
Ok i gave up on showing the background on the second component, i wanted without background image, but want to keep the one in the first component. So i removed the ViewEncapsulation from all of them but now if I move the body {} to the first component it does not show it for some reason (I made sure it has the right path). Is there a better fix than removing it by using the DOM?. What is the best practice?.
You need to set style class on ngOnInit and remove it on ngOnDestroy.
constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {
ngOnInit() {
this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'your_class');
ngOnDestroy() {
this.renderer.removeClass(document.body, 'your_class');
This worked for me, pls try. In your component1,
ngOnInit() {"url(";
ngOnDestroy() {"";
In your component2,
ngOnInit() {"url(";
ngOnDestroy() {"";
Hope this helps.

Angular 2 Dart: How to add body class from inside component?

My Angular 2 Dart application has many nested components. If a certain property of one of my components is set to true, a popup is shown.
If this popup is shown I want to add a class to the document body.
Pseudo code example:
<body class="">
<home-component> <!-- with routers -->
// if I am active I want to add a body class
Simple reason: If the popup component is displayed I want to disable body scrolling (overflow-x:hidden;). The popup component is shown if the property bool show_popup within popup_component.dart is set to true.
Unfortunatly in CSS - as far as i know - there is no selector to check this (Is there a CSS parent selector?) - otherwise I would say something like
in the main.css file or something similar.
How can I achieve the desired result?
There are two way.
You can use
#HostBinding('class.someclass') bool isSomeClass = true;
in the root component if it has
selector: 'body'
You can use :host-context(...) to style a component depending on a selector matching a parent
:host-context(body.someClass) {
background-color: red;
will make the background color red when the body element has class="someClass" set.

Apply stylesheet to half a page with shadow-dom?

Can I apply an external stylesheet to a specific div/element with shadow-dom or via any other means? I've heard about shadow-dom and I believe it lets you constrain your styles, but that's about all I know.
Specifically, I want half the page to use bootstrap, and the other half to use MUI or something else. This is just to show how my library works nicely with different themes.
I don't want to modify the CSS in anyway to constrain it to a specific element, nor do I want to use iframes.
Yes, you can apply an external stysheet in a Shadow DOM using the #import url CSS rule.
div.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
.innerHTML = `
#import url( './external-style.css' )
<!-- other elements -->`
NB: The #import rule must placed at the top of the <style> element.
You can then manipulate the Shadow DOM like a normal DOM:
div.shadowRoot.appendChild( firstSection.cloneNode( true ) )
If your content is already existing in the normal DOM, you can move it with appendChild(), duplicate it with cloneNode() as in the above example), or reveal it with the help of <slot> element:
div1.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
div1.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
:host { display: inline ; background: #cfc ; }
::slotted( span ) { color: red ; }
<div id=div1>
<span>Hello</span> world
In the last case you'll need to use the ::slotted pseudo-element to change the style of the original DOM, so maybe you'll have to modify already existing stylesheet. The best solution depends on your use case.
