Get the Max() value of calculated columns (totals) in a report - report

I am trying to get the value for the column Max, which is the max value of columns A, B, C. The rows T and G are Total and Grand total (because of row groups), I only need the max value for them :
A B C | Max
| 1 1 2 |
| 2 1 3 |
T | 3 2 5 | 5
| 2 5 1 |
| 1 2 1 |
T | 3 7 2 | 7
G | 6 9 7 | 9
Whenever I try something with the Max() function, I get an error like The expression of [...] uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in the headers and footers..
In MS Excel, I would simply do MAX(A1:C1) in column Max. Is there any solution to achieve this in rdlc ?
I have search the above error and found this answer, but first option is not possible and second option.. well, I did not really understand it, and I do not think it is applicable for Max. If it is, could you explain where I should place the workaround ?
I'm working with Visual Studio 2015 and Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms v10.0.0.0.

it needs to put this code in the field "Max" of the rows "T" and "G".. it should work.. I haven't tryed ;)
If Sum(Fields!A.Value) >= Sum(Fields!B.Value) And Sum(Fields!A.Value) >= Sum(Fields!C.Value) Then
Else if Sum(Fields!B.Value) >= Sum(Fields!A.Value) And Sum(Fields!B.Value) >= Sum(Fields!C.Value) Then
End If
update after the comment of KevinM
IIf (
Sum(Fields!A.Value) >= Sum(Fields!B.Value) And Sum(Fields!A.Value) >= Sum(Fields!C.Value)
, Sum(Fields!A.Value)
, (
IIf (Sum(Fields!B.Value) >= Sum(Fields!A.Value) And Sum(Fields!B.Value) >= Sum(Fields!C.Value)
, Sum(Fields!B.Value)
, Sum(Fields!C.Value)


How can I solve this error when using case_when?

I'm using this code:
ovabonnement <- ovabonnement %>%
mutate(c12_ovabonnement_type_con_voor = case_when(s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_anders == 1 ~ NA,
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_1 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_13 == 1 ~ "Basis",
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_2 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_3 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_4 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_9 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_11 == 1 ~ "Voordeel",
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_5 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_6 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_7 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_8 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_10 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_12 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_14 == 1 ~ "Vrij"))
So I have these 15 variables that represent whether a person has that subscription added onto their public transport membership. Because it was a multiple choice questionnaire people could select multiple choices, which is why they are different variables.
I want to make these into one variable that takes NA if people answered "other", "Basis" if people answered 1 or 13, "Voordeel" if people answered 2,3,4,9 or 11 and "Vrij" if people answered 5,6,7,8,10,12 or 14.
If people answered 2, there will be a 1 in s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_2. People can have answered multiple of these, which makes it a bit tricky. However, I want it to go through these chronologically. For example, if a person answered 2 AND 10, it should choose the 10, because the code is later, but I'm not sure if that is how case_when works.
I get this error:
Error in `mutate()`:
! Problem while computing `c12_ovabonnement_type_con_voor = case_when(...)`.
Caused by error in `names(message) <- `*vtmp*``:
! 'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
case_when/if_else are type sensitive i.e all the expressions should return the same type. In the OP's expression, the first expression returns NA and NA by default is logical, and all others return character type. We need NA_character_ to match the type of others
ovabonnement <- ovabonnement %>%
mutate(c12_ovabonnement_type_con_voor = case_when(s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_anders == 1 ~ NA_character_,
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_1 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_13 == 1 ~ "Basis",
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_2 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_3 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_4 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_9 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_11 == 1 ~ "Voordeel",
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_5 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_6 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_7 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_8 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_10 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_12 == 1 |
s2_ovabonnement_type_voor_14 == 1 ~ "Vrij"))

Where condition in KQL

I am looking for help with Kusto query:
| where test == "Jump" and Time > 2
| where test == "Run" and Time > 20
| where test == "Stand" and Time > 5
It is interesting because I am not getting error message, however I should get results...
At least I get results when I run where commands separately, but when I execute query as one, no results...any idea why?
Test Time
Jump 10
Run 13
Stand 15
Jump 5
Run 15
Stand 4
The query you included is the equivalent of:
| where test == "Jump" and Time > 2
and test == "Run" and Time > 20
and test == "Stand" and Time > 5
| ...
In the data set you've provided, the intersection (and) of all of the conditions you included is empty, therefore no records are returned:
| where test == "Jump" and Time > 2: 2 matching records are (Jump, 10), (Jump, 5)
| where test == "Run" and Time > 20: there are no matching records.
| where test == "Stand" and Time > 5: 1 matching record is (Stand, 15)
I think your intention was to use the or keyword, e.g.:
| where (test == "Jump" and Time > 2)
or (test == "Run" and Time > 20)
or (test == "Stand" and Time > 5)
| ...
Otherwise, you'll need to clarify what the expected output is.

Filter for appearance of 2 values that must at least exist 1 times

Title may be bad, couldn't think of a better one.
My comment data, each comment is assigned to an account by usernameChannelId:
usernameChannelId | hasTopic | sentiment_sum | commentId
a | 1 | 4 | xyxe24
a | 0 | 2 | h5hssd
a | 1 | 3 | k785hg
a | 0 | 2 | j7kgbf
b | 1 | -2 | 76hjf2
c | 0 | -1 | 3gqash
c | 1 | 2 | ptkfja
c | 0 | -2 | gbe5gs
c | 1 | 1 | hghggd
My code:
SELECT u.usernameChannelId, avg(sentiment_sum) sentiment_sum, u.hasTopic
FROM total_comments u
WHERE u.hasTopic is True
GROUP BY u.usernameChannelId
HAVING count(u.usernameChannelId) > 0
SELECT u.usernameChannelId, avg(sentiment_sum) sentiment_sum, u.hasTopic
FROM total_comments u
WHERE u.hasTopic is False
GROUP BY u.usernameChannelId
I want to get all usernameChannelIds that have at least 1 comment with hasTopic == 0 and 1 comment with hasTopic == 1 (to compare both groups statistically and remove user that only commented in topic or offtopic videos).
How can I filter like that?
Here's a little trick that may help. First, you need to get familiar with the CASE expression., here's an excerpt from the doc.
The CASE expression
A CASE expression serves a role similar to IF-THEN-ELSE in other
programming languages.
The optional expression that occurs in between the CASE keyword and
the first WHEN keyword is called the "base" expression. There are two
basic forms of the CASE expression: those with a base expression and
those without.
An expression like CASE when hasTopic is False then 1 else 0 END will evaluate to 1 if hasTopic is 0. An expression for hasTopic is True would be similar.
Now, those CASEs can be summed, which will tell you if user has any rows with hasTopic True and hasTopic False.
Something like this in the having clause might do the trick (one for each value of course)
HAVING SUM(CASE when hasTopic is False then 1 else 0 END) > 0
(it would be necessary to remove the WHERE clause, and the UNION query would be unnecessary).

SQLite find table row where a subset of columns satisfies a specified constraint

I have the following SQLite table
Typical content would be
# select * from visits;
urid | hash | dx | dY | dZ
1 | 'abcd' | 10 | 10 | 10
2 | 'abcd' | 11 | 11 | 11
3 | 'bcde' | 7 | 7 | 7
4 | 'abcd' | 13 | 13 | 13
5 | 'defg' | 20 | 21 | 17
What I need to do here is identify the urid for the table row which satisfies the constraint
hash = 'abcd' AND (nearby >= (abs(dX - tX) + abs(dY - tY) + abs(dZ - tZ))
with the smallest deviation - in the sense of smallest sum of absolute distances
In the present instance with
nearby = 7
tX = tY = tZ = 12
there are three rows that meet the above constraint but with different deviations
urid | hash | dx | dY | dZ | deviation
1 | 'abcd' | 10 | 10 | 10 | 6
2 | 'abcd' | 11 | 11 | 11 | 3
4 | 'abcd' | 12 | 12 | 12 | 3
in which case I would like to have reported urid = 2 or urid = 3 - I don't actually care which one gets reported.
Left to my own devices I would fetch the full set of matching rows and then dril down to the one that matches my secondary constraint - smallest deviation - in my own Java code. However, I suspect that is not necessary and it can be done in SQL alone. My knowledge of SQL is sadly too limited here. I hope that someone here can put me on the right path.
I now have managed to do the following
SELECT urid,(SELECT (abs(dX - 12) + abs(dY - 12) + abs(dZ - 12))) devi FROM visits WHERE hash = 'abcd';
which gives
urid | devi |
1 | 6 |
2 | 3 |
4 | 3 |
following which I issue
select urid from h1 order by v2 asc limit 1;
which yields urid = 2, the result I am after. Whilst this works, I would like to know if there is a better/simpler way of doing this.
You're so close! You have all of the components you need, you just have to put them together into a single query.
, (abs(dx - :tx) + abs(dy - :tx) + abs(dz - :tx)) AS devi
FROM visits
WHERE hash=:hashval AND devi < :nearby
Line by line, first you list the rows and computed values you want (:tx is a placeholder; in your code you want to prepare a statement and then bind values to the placeholders before executing the statement) from the visit table.
Then in the WHERE clause you restrict what rows get returned to those matching the particular hash (That column should have an index for best results... CREATE INDEX visits_idx_hash ON visits(hash) for example), and that have a devi that is less than the value of the :nearby placeholder. (I think devi < :nearby is clearer than :nearby >= devi).
Then you say that you want those results sorted in increasing order according to devi, and LIMIT the returned results to a single row because you don't care about any others (If there are no rows that meet the WHERE constraints, nothing is returned).

SQLITE order by numeric and not alphabetic

When I order my database SQLITE by Classement I have this :
Classement | Nom
1 | clem
10 | caro
11 | flo
12 | raph
2 | prisc
3 | karim
4 | prout
I would like to get :
Classement | Nom
1 | clem
2 | prisc
3 | karim
4 | prout
10 | caro
11 | flo
12 | raph
Here is my code :
SELECT t.Classement
FROM tableau t
WHERE 1 = (SELECT 1 + COUNT (*) FROM tableau t2 WHERE t2.Classement < t.Classement OR ( t2.Classement == t.Classement AND t2.Nom < t.Nom ))
Can anyone help me ?
Thank you!
I guess column Classement is not an integer but character. So try this:
SELECT * FROM tableau ORDER BY cast(Classement as integer);
You get alphabetic order if the values are strings.
To change the table so that all Classement values are numbers, ensure that the column type is not a text type, and use this:
UPDATE tableau SET Classement = CAST(Classement AS NUMBER);
