How to skip displaying a content item in Orchard CMS? - datetime

I have a content part that provides a begin timestamp and end timestamp option. These 2 fields are used to define a period of time in which the content item should be displayed.
I now have difficulties to implement a skip approach whereas content items should not be displayed / skipped when the period of time does not span the current time.
Digging in the source code and trying to find an entry point for my approach resulted in the following content handler
public class SkipContentHandler : Orchard.ContentManagement.Handlers.ContentHandler
protected override void BuildDisplayShape(Orchard.ContentManagement.Handlers.BuildDisplayContext aContext)
if (...) // my condition to process only content shapes which need to be skipped
aContext.Shape = null; // return null shape to skip it
This works but there are several side effects
I had to alter the source code of BuildDisplayContext as the Shape is normally read only
List shape may displayed a wrong pager when it contains content items with my content part because the Count() call in ContainerPartDriver.Display() is executed before BuildDisplay()
calling the URL of a content item that is skipped results in an exception because View(null) is abigious
So, what would be the correct approach here or is there any module in existence that does the job? I couldn't find one.

This is a quite complex task. There are several steps needed to achieve a proper skipping of display items:
Create the part correctly
There are a few pitfalls here as when coming to the task of adding a part view one might utilize Orchards date time editor in connection with the DateTime properties. But this brings a heck of a lot of additional issues to the table but these don't really relate to the question.
If someone is interested in how to use Orchards date time editor then i can post this code too, but for now it would only blow up the code unnecessarly.
So here we go, the part class...
public class ValidityPart : Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentPart<ValidityPartRecord>
// public
public System.DateTime? ValidFromUtc
get { return Retrieve(r => r.ValidFromUtc); }
set { Store(r => r.ValidFromUtc, value); }
public System.DateTime? ValidTillUtc
get { return Retrieve(r => r.ValidTillUtc); }
set { Store(r => r.ValidTillUtc, value); }
public bool IsContentItemValid()
var lUtcNow = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
return (ValidFromUtc == null || ValidFromUtc.Value <= lUtcNow) && (ValidTillUtc == null || ValidTillUtc.Value >= lUtcNow);
...and the record class...
public class ValidityPartRecord : Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentPartRecord
// valid from value as UTC to use Orchard convention (see CommonPart table) and to be compatible with projections
// (date/time tokens work with UTC values, see for a related issue)
public virtual System.DateTime? ValidFromUtc { get; set; }
// valid from value as UTC to use Orchard convention (see CommonPart table) and to be compatible with projections
// (date/time tokens work with UTC values, see for a related issue)
public virtual System.DateTime? ValidTillUtc { get; set; }
Create a customized content query class
public class MyContentQuery : Orchard.ContentManagement.DefaultContentQuery
// public
public ContentQuery(Orchard.ContentManagement.IContentManager aContentManager,
Orchard.Data.ITransactionManager aTransactionManager,
Orchard.Caching.ICacheManager aCacheManager,
Orchard.Caching.ISignals aSignals,
Orchard.Data.IRepository<Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentTypeRecord> aContentTypeRepository,
Orchard.IWorkContextAccessor aWorkContextAccessor)
: base(aContentManager, aTransactionManager, aCacheManager, aSignals, aContentTypeRepository)
mWorkContextAccessor = aWorkContextAccessor;
protected override void BeforeExecuteQuery(NHibernate.ICriteria aContentItemVersionCriteria)
// note:
// this method will be called each time a query for multiple items is going to be executed (e.g. content items of a container, layers, menus),
// this gives us the chance to add a validity criteria
var lWorkContext = mWorkContextAccessor.GetContext();
// exclude admin as content items should still be displayed / accessible when invalid as validity needs to be editable
if (lWorkContext == null || !Orchard.UI.Admin.AdminFilter.IsApplied(lWorkContext.HttpContext.Request.RequestContext))
var lUtcNow = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
// left outer join of ValidityPartRecord table as part is optional (not present on all content types)
var ValidityPartRecordCriteria = aContentItemVersionCriteria.CreateCriteria(
"ContentItemRecord.ValidityPartRecord", // string adopted from foreach loops in Orchard.ContentManagement.DefaultContentQuery.WithQueryHints()
// add validity criterion
NHibernate.Criterion.Restrictions.Le("ValidFromUtc", lUtcNow)
NHibernate.Criterion.Restrictions.Ge("ValidTillUtc", lUtcNow)
// private
Orchard.IWorkContextAccessor mWorkContextAccessor;
This essentially adds a left join of the validity part fields to the SQL query (content query) and extends the WHERE statement with the validity condition.
Please note that this step is only possible with the solution described the following issue:
Register the content query class
public class ContentModule : Autofac.Module
protected override void Load(Autofac.ContainerBuilder aBuilder)
Create a customized content manager
public class ContentManager : Orchard.ContentManagement.DefaultContentManager
// public
public ContentManager(
Autofac.IComponentContext aContext,
Orchard.Data.IRepository<Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentTypeRecord> aContentTypeRepository,
Orchard.Data.IRepository<Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemRecord> aContentItemRepository,
Orchard.Data.IRepository<Orchard.ContentManagement.Records.ContentItemVersionRecord> aContentItemVersionRepository,
Orchard.ContentManagement.MetaData.IContentDefinitionManager aContentDefinitionManager,
Orchard.Caching.ICacheManager aCacheManager,
System.Func<Orchard.ContentManagement.IContentManagerSession> aContentManagerSession,
System.Lazy<Orchard.ContentManagement.IContentDisplay> aContentDisplay,
System.Lazy<Orchard.Data.ITransactionManager> aTransactionManager,
System.Lazy<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Orchard.ContentManagement.Handlers.IContentHandler>> aHandlers,
System.Lazy<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Orchard.ContentManagement.IIdentityResolverSelector>> aIdentityResolverSelectors,
System.Lazy<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Orchard.Data.Providers.ISqlStatementProvider>> aSqlStatementProviders,
Orchard.Environment.Configuration.ShellSettings aShellSettings,
Orchard.Caching.ISignals aSignals,
Orchard.IWorkContextAccessor aWorkContextAccessor)
: base(aContext, aContentTypeRepository, aContentItemRepository, aContentItemVersionRepository, aContentDefinitionManager, aCacheManager, aContentManagerSession,
aContentDisplay, aTransactionManager, aHandlers, aIdentityResolverSelectors, aSqlStatementProviders, aShellSettings, aSignals)
mWorkContextAccessor = aWorkContextAccessor;
public override ContentItem Get(int aId, Orchard.ContentManagement.VersionOptions aOptions, Orchard.ContentManagement.QueryHints aHints)
var lResult = base.Get(aId, aOptions, aHints);
if (lResult != null)
// note:
// the validity check is done here (after the query has been executed!) as changing base.GetManyImplementation() to
// apply the validity critera directly to the query (like in ContentQuery) will not work due to a second attempt to retrieve the
// content item from IRepository<> (see base.GetManyImplementation(), comment "check in memory") when the query
// returns no data (and the query should not return data when the validity critera is false)
var lWorkContext = mWorkContextAccessor.GetContext();
// exclude admin as content items should still be displayed / accessible when invalid as validity needs to be editable
if (lWorkContext == null || !Orchard.UI.Admin.AdminFilter.IsApplied(lWorkContext.HttpContext.Request.RequestContext))
var lValidityPart = lResult.As<ValidityPart>();
if (lValidityPart != null)
if (lValidityPart.IsContentItemValid())
// content item is valid
// content item is not valid, return null (adopted from base.Get())
lResult = null;
return lResult;
// private
Orchard.IWorkContextAccessor mWorkContextAccessor;
Steps 2-4 are needed when having content items whereas the content type has a Container and Containable part or even content items which are processed / displayed separately. Here you normally cannot customize the content query that is executed behind the scenes.
Steps 2-4 are not needed if you use the Projection module. But again, this brings a few other issues to the table as reported in this issue:


Double Clicking on row and getting respective row values

I want to double click on any row to getting respective row values. It is an .Razor page.
First of all, I would create a component that will inherit from QuickGrid, so you can manage it easier in the future.
// CustomGrid.razor.cs
[CascadingTypeParameter( nameof(TGridItem) )]
public partial class CustomGrid<TGridItem> : QuickGrid<TGridItem>, IAsyncDisposable
private IJSRuntime JS { get; set; } // inject service in order to use JS interop
// sometimes it is mandatory to override base class parameters by your own
// CustomGrid.razor
#using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.QuickGrid // move it into the _Imports.razor
#typeparam TGridItem // QuickGrid is a generic-typed component
#inherits QuickGrid<TGridItem> // show inheritance
<div #ref="#_gridRef"> // HTML reference of current element
<QuickGrid TGridItem="TGridItem"
// more parameters... >
Since there is no built-in functionality for adding your custom logic into QuickGrid, you will need to use some JavaScript interopability. Read about it more in docs here and here.
We need to declare some local variables in our CustomGrid.razor.cs:
private string? _rowValue; // specifies row value of currently double clicked row
private ElementReference _gridRef; // HTML element reference object that will be passed to JS function
private IJSObjectReference? _module; // JS module, a file that contains our JS functions
private DotNetObjectReference<CustomGrid<TGridItem>>? _objRef; // .NET object reference that will be passed to JS function in order to use its C# methods
And override some of the component lifecycle methods:
protected override void OnInitialized()
_objRef = DotNetObjectReference.Create( this ); // creates .NET object reference of current component instance
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync( bool firstRender )
if( firstRender )
_module = await JS.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>( "import", "./js/customGrid.js" ); // creates a reference of our JS module
if( _module is not null )
await _module.InvokeVoidAsync( "initialize", _gridRef, _objRef ); // calls our JS function and passes some arguments
Now, you need to create a JS module and a functions that will add desired logic for you on the first render of the CustomGrid component, like this:
// wwwroot/js/customGrid.js
export function initialize(customGrid, dotNetObj) {
if (customGrid) { // check if custom grid element exists
var rowValue;
const rows = customGrid.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr'); // get all rows except the header row
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
rows[i].addEventListener('dblclick', (e) => { // add event listener to current row in the loop
rowValue = e.path[1].innerText; // get innerText of current row in the loop
updateCurrentRowValue(rowValue, dotNetObj); // function that will return the current row value and refresh the UI
function updateCurrentRowValue(rowValue, dotNetObj) {
dotNetObj.invokeMethodAsync("UpdateCurrentRowValue", rowValue); // C# method
We're almost done here! If you would try to perform double click on the row, you would see an error in the console stating that CustomGrid does not contain a public method called UpdateCurrentRowValue. Let's add it like this:
public void UpdateCurrentRowValue( string rowValue )
_rowValue = rowValue; // assign received rowValue from the JS function to our local _rowValue variable
StateHasChanged(); // force UI refresh
Now, all you need to do is to display your _rowValue:
// CustomGrid.razor
<div #ref="#_gridRef">
<QuickGrid TGridItem="TGridItem" . . . /> // collapsed for brevity
<p>Current Row Value: #_rowValue</p>
You will also need to Dispose your newly created objects of _module and _objRef using IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync method:
// CustomGrid.razor.cs
async ValueTask IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync()
if( _module is not null )
await _module.DisposeAsync();
<CustomGrid Items="#people">
<PropertyColumn Property="#(p => p.PersonId)" Sortable="true" />
<PropertyColumn Property="#(p => p.Name)" Sortable="true" />
<PropertyColumn Property="#(p => p.BirthDate)" Format="yyyy-MM-dd" Sortable="true" />
That should work. If you will need any help -- don't hesitate to ask!
This is a basic implementation of your request. It doesn't support scenarios when there are more than 1 grid on the page. It might work, but will be buggy, I guess. For that, you will need to add some more code in JS and CustomGrid code-behind. I didn't add it because it would be too much code in one answer (quite a lot of code came out here anyway).
Removed custom [Parameter]s to override QuickGrid's ones and added a comment.

How can I get Location of a DiscoveryResult when executing search suggestion?

I'm using android SDK implement the search suggestion, code looks like below:
private void performSearch(CharSequence searchTerm) {
try {
DiscoveryRequest request = new SearchRequest( searchTerm.toString())
.setSearchCenter( mMap.getCenter() )
.setCollectionSize( 10 );
ErrorCode error = request.execute( mSearchRequestListener );
if ( error != ErrorCode.NONE ) {
Log.i( TAG, "Here API place search error: " + );
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
Log.i( TAG, "Here API place search exception: " +
ex.getMessage() != null ? ex.getMessage() : "" );
private ResultListener<DiscoveryResultPage> mSearchRequestListener =
new ResultListener<DiscoveryResultPage>() {
public void onCompleted(DiscoveryResultPage data, ErrorCode error) {
if ( error != ErrorCode.NONE ) {
Log.i( TAG, "Here API place search error: " + );
Log.d(TAG, "mSearchRequestListener.onCompleted: count=" + data.getItems().size() );
mResultList = new ArrayList<DiscoveryResult>( data.getItems());
String vicinity = mResultList.get(0).getVicinity();
//String location = ?
How can I get the Location of a DiscoveryResult after I get DiscoveryResult list? It seems I didn't find this property in DiscoveryResult object. I need to add this location to my RoutePlan to calculate a route.
RoutePlan routePlan = new RoutePlan();
routeManager.calculateRoute( routePlan, mRouteManagerListener );
I have a workaround for this in my code. After I get vicinity, I make a request at" + vicinity + "gen=9"; to get the response. There is a Location property in response of this request. the disadvantage is I need to make a request to get location every time. Any suggestion to get the location without making a request to server?
Thanks in advance.
The data in the DiscoveryResultPage can be of several types, and you should sheck for the right type.
See documentation here:
The important part:
Calling DiscoveryResultPage.getItems(), returns a List containing one
of the following types of objects, which are DiscoveryResult
instances. DiscoveryResult is a collection of Link subtypes.
PlaceLink - Represents discovery information about a Place. The
PlaceLink contains a brief summary about a place. Details about a
place are available from the Place that the PlaceLink references.
DiscoveryLink - Represents a discovery-related API link used to
retrieve additional DiscoveryResultPage. This type of Link can be a
result item in an Explore or Here type of search. The DiscoveryLink
references refined discovery requests resulting in more specific
results. For example, the DiscoveryLink may link to a discovery
request to search for 'Eat & Drink', 'Going Out', 'Accommodation', and
so on. Since there may be new types of Link items in the future, it is
recommended that each type of DiscoveryResult be checked before it is
used (as shown in the following code snippet).
That means practically, that you iterate over data and check for the types like this:
// Implement a search result listener
ResultListener<DiscoveryResultPage> searchListener = new ResultListener<DiscoveryResultPage>() {
public void onCompleted(DiscoveryResultPage results, ErrorCode error) {
if (error == ErrorCode.NONE) {
// The results is a DiscoveryResultPage which represents a
// paginated collection of items.
List<DiscoveryResult> items = results.getItems();
// Iterate through the found place items.
for (DiscoveryResult item : items) {
// A Item can either be a PlaceLink (meta information
// about a Place) or a DiscoveryLink (which is a reference
// to another refined search that is related to the
// original search; for example, a search for
// "Leisure & Outdoor").
if (item.getResultType() == ResultType.PLACE) {
PlaceLink placeLink = (PlaceLink) item;
// PlaceLink should be presented to the user, so the link can be
// selected in order to retrieve additional details about a place
// of interest.
} else if (item.getResultType() == ResultType.DISCOVERY) {
DiscoveryLink discoveryLink = (DiscoveryLink) item;
// DiscoveryLink can also be presented to the user.
// When a DiscoveryLink is selected, another search request should be
// performed to retrieve results for a specific category.
} else {
// Handle search request error.
or only get the PlaceLink items directly like that:
public void onCompleted(DiscoveryResultPage data, ErrorCode error) {
List<PlaceLink> results = data.getPlaceLinks(); // we are only interested in PlaceLinks
if (results.size() > 0) {
for (PlaceLink result : results) {
// do something with the PlaceLink item
} else {
// handle empty result case
The PlaceLink object then has all the methods you would except, also getPosition() or getDistance() that you can use for putting results on the map or calculate a route.

WF 4 Rehosted Designer - get foreach InArgument Value

After reading this article:
I have defined the ForEachFactory as follows:
public class ForEachFactory<T> : IActivityTemplateFactory
public Activity Create(DependencyObject target)
return new ForEach<T>
DisplayName = "ForEachFromFactory",
Body = new ActivityAction<T>
Argument = new DelegateInArgument<T>("item")
All works well but is it possible to check how that DelegeateInArgument in my case named "item" changes its value ?
So if i have defined an array in the variables section and initialized with
{1, 2, 3} i need a way to check how the "item" takes value 1, 2 and then 3.
To be more accurate, i've added this pic, with a breakpoint on the WriteLine activity inside the foreach. When the execution will stop there, is there a way to find out what the value of item is ?
Possible solution in my case:
After struggling a bit more i found one interesting thing:
Adding one of my custom activities in the Body of the ForEach, i am able to get the value of the item like this :
So, my activity derives from : CodeActivity
Inside the protected override String[] Execute(CodeActivityContext context) i am doing this job.To be honest, this solves the thing somehow, but it is doable only in my custom activities. If i would put a WriteLine there for example, i would not be able to retrieve that value.
you can access the DelegeateInArgument of a ForEach activity by inspecting the ModelItem trees parent and checking for DelegeateInArgument's. If you need a specific code example to achieve this I may need a some time to code the example. As it has been a long time since I did this, see my question i asked over on msdn
So basically where your break point is, you can access the variable values as these are defined with n the scope of your activity as 'variables'. However the 'item' variable is actually only accessible from the parent loop activity. So you have to get the model item of the current executing activity and then traverse up the tree to find the parent containing the desired DelegateInArgument.
Can you flesh out exactly what you want to achieve? Is it that when your debugging the workflow in the re-hosted designer you want to display the variable values to the user as they change in the UI?
Edit - added tracking example
So as your wanting to display the variable values during execution of the workflow we need to use tracking to achieve this. In the example your using the author has already implemented some basic tracking. So to achieve the extended variable tracking you want you will need to alter the tracking profile.
Firstly amend the WorkflowDesignerHost.xaml.cs file alter the RunWorkflow method to define the SimulatorTrackingParticipant as below.
SimulatorTrackingParticipant simTracker = new SimulatorTrackingParticipant()
TrackingProfile = new TrackingProfile()
Name = "CustomTrackingProfile",
Queries =
new CustomTrackingQuery()
Name = all,
ActivityName = all
new WorkflowInstanceQuery()
**States = {all },**
new ActivityStateQuery()
// Subscribe for track records from all activities for all states
ActivityName = all,
States = { all },
**Arguments = {all},**
// Extract workflow variables and arguments as a part of the activity tracking record
// VariableName = "*" allows for extraction of all variables in the scope
// of the activity
Variables =
{ all }
This will now correctly capture all workflow instance states rather than just Started/Completed. You will also capture all Arguments on each activity that records tracking data rather than just the variables. This is important because the 'variable' were interested in is actually (as discussed earlier) a DelegateInArgument.
So once we have changed the tracking profile we also need to change the SimulatorTrackingParticipant.cs to extract the additional data we are now tracking.
If you change the OnTrackingRecordReceived method to include the following sections these will capture variable data and also Argument data during execution.
protected void OnTrackingRecordReceived(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout)
String.Format("Tracking Record Received: {0} with timeout: {1} seconds.", record, timeout.TotalSeconds)
if (TrackingRecordReceived != null)
ActivityStateRecord activityStateRecord = record as ActivityStateRecord;
if (activityStateRecord != null)
IDictionary<string, object> variables = activityStateRecord.Variables;
StringBuilder vars = new StringBuilder();
if (variables.Count > 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> variable in variables)
"\t\tName: {0} Value: {1}", variable.Key, variable.Value));
if (activityStateRecord != null)
IDictionary<string, object> arguments = activityStateRecord.Arguments;
StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder();
if (arguments.Count > 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> argument in arguments)
"\t\tName: {0} Value: {1}", argument.Key, argument.Value));
//bubble up the args to the UI for the user to see!
if((activityStateRecord != null) && (!activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName.Contains("System.Activities.Expressions")))
if (ActivityIdToWorkflowElementMap.ContainsKey(activityStateRecord.Activity.Id))
TrackingRecordReceived(this, new TrackingEventArgs(
TrackingRecordReceived(this, new TrackingEventArgs(record, timeout,null));
Hope this helps!

How to introduce additional auto increment or Guid field to a custom Orchard content part?

I'm trying to extend the UserType with a custom AccountPart.
I don't want user account id to be a content part id, i want AccountId field to be an independent auto increment 5 digit number (like 10300, 10301) or at least auto generated Guid.
I've tried number of times to achieve it, but still didn't.
Here is on of my tries. The result is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for the 1st user, and for the second i got an exception. The Guid didn't generated =(.
public Guid AccountId
get { return Record.AccountId; }
set { Record.AccountId = Guid.NewGuid(); }
public decimal RealMoney
get { return Record.RealMoney; }
set { Record.RealMoney = value; }
public decimal VirtualMoney
get { return Record.VirtualMoney; }
set { Record.VirtualMoney = value; }
public decimal BonusPoints
get { return Record.BonusPoints; }
set { Record.BonusPoints = value; }
table => table
x => x
builder => builder.Attachable());
cfg => cfg.WithPart("AccountPart"));
Also i've tried to add AccountId this way:
ALTER TABLE [BetIt].[dbo].[Betit_AccountPartRecord]
It behaves the same - sets emty Guid to each new user. But if i open Sql Management Studio an add new record manually it'll generate a random Guid.
I'm completely confused...
I've actually acheived auto Guid generation for the Content Part by using handlers. But it looks more like workaround to me. I don't belive this is the only way to generate unique value.
table => table
x => x
public class AccountPart : ContentPart<AccountPartRecord>
public Guid AccountId
get { return Record.AccountId; }
set { Record.AccountId = value; }
public class AccountPartHandler : ContentHandler
public AccountPartHandler(IRepository<AccountPartRecord> repository)
Filters.Add(new ActivatingFilter<AccountPart>("User"));
OnCreating<AccountPart>((context, accountPart) =>
accountPart.AccountId = Guid.NewGuid());
Setting up values through handler is not a workaround and it's actually the preferred way (take a look eg. at how IdentityPart unique identifier is set). All logic should be kept in code, not database (which is just a data store). This means that Guid and/or custom identifier generation should be there as well.
Please note that Orchard always creates an empty record first and then fills it with values. In this case columns with NotNull and/or Unique constraints can cause problems. Try to avoid them.

Get all descendants types of base class

I have a base class called BaseEvent and several descendants classes:
public class BaseEvent {
// the some properties
// ...
public class Film : BaseEvent {
// the some properties
// ...
public class Concert : BaseEvent {
// the some properties
// ...
I have a code which create the BaseEvent instance at runtime:
BaseEvent event = new BaseEvent();
// assign values for a properties
// ...
baseEvent.XPObjectType = Database.XPObjectTypes.SingleOrDefault(
t => t.TypeName == "MyApp.Module.BO.Events.BaseEvent");
Now, this event will be shows in BaseEvent list view.
I want to do the following: when a user click Edit button then show in list view lookup field with all descendants types. And when user saves record change ObjectType to selected value.
How can I do this?
PS. this is app.
I'm not sure that your approach is correct for what you are trying to achieve. First, I'll answer the question you have asked, and afterwards I'll try to explain how the XAF already provides the functionality you are trying to achieve, namely how to choose which subclass of record to create from the user interface.
In order to create a property which allows the user to choose a Type within the application, you can declare a TypeConverter:
public class EventClassInfoTypeConverter : LocalizedClassInfoTypeConverter
public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
List<Type> values = new List<Type>();
foreach (ITypeInfo info in XafTypesInfo.Instance.PersistentTypes)
if ((info.IsVisible && info.IsPersistent) && (info.Type != null))
// select BaseEvent subclasses
if (info.Type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseEvent)))
values.Insert(0, null);
return new TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection(values);
And then your base event class would look like:
public class BaseEvent: XPObject
public BaseEvent(Session session)
: base(session)
{ }
private Type _EventType;
public Type EventType
return _EventType;
SetPropertyValue("EventType", ref _EventType, value);
However, I suspect this is not the functionality you require. Modifying the value of the property will NOT change the base type of the record. That is, you will end up with a record of type BaseEvent which has a property Type equal to 'Concert' or 'Film'.
XAF already provides a mechanism for selecting the type of record to create. In your scenario, you will find that the New button is a dropdown with your different subclasses as options:
Therefore you do not need to create a 'type' property within your object. If you need a column to show the type of event in the list view, you can declare a property as follows
public string EventType
return base.ClassInfo.ClassType.Name;
