Can you run R code on a .md file? [closed] - r

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm new to R, so this might be a stupid question but I'd appreciate any help.
Can you execute code on a .md file? I know that you can include code, but it doesn't show the output like it does in a .Rmd file. Am I doing something wrong?


How Can I move multiple files between folders [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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I have several folders in a file that I want to move into a new folder. I started using R recently and i am not sure how to go about.
I want to move files "from ref-data" to "data"
Thank you in advance
my.files <- list.files("/home/zzeinabd/MyWorkDir/ref-data")
for (x in my.files{
my.files3 <- list.files("/home/zzeinabd/MyWorkDir/data")

how do i run an excecutable file for r from github [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I know this is an extremely basic question, but someone suggested i try running a code from github and I have no idea how to go about it
I tried copying and pasting but that didn't work and neither does downloading it and trying to open it with R.
You can click the raw button on github to get the url

How to read .mod file in R? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have stored the model in .mod extension.
Now I have to read the file.
Tried installing ProTrackR package and read using read.module.
But not able to read the file.
You can try
read.module(filename, ignore.validity = F)

How can I extract points from image file using R? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to extract points from scanned image file from printed book. The image is quite clear.
Does anyone can help me?
In R you can use the digitize package.
The full explanations are here and there and.. well google has lots more.

How to trigger R code from excel? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to trigger R code from an excel spreadsheet. I couldn't find any options other than Rexcel. Is there any alternative or simpler way to do this (may be use VBA)?
In VBA you can call any command line programs, so you can call R in batch mode.
Call Shell("R --vanilla scriptfile.R outputfile.txt")
