Adding Hostname to servers hosts file still doesn't work -

On server: I go to start -> run and type "drivers" change to the etc directory you want to edit the hosts file.My website was seen when i go from iis(from the server) Right click websitename>Manage website>Browse.
On local computer: (This computer can access the server)I open browser>type the hostname on url , i can't view the website. How to resolve this?

Please check the following:
Under IIS (inetmgr), is application binded with any IP?
If answer to #1 is YES, use that IP in your host file. If NO, you can
either use user machine IP or localhost (i.e.
Thank you


forward localhost to ipadress on local netwerk

I have a domain name registered and i made an A record on it that points to (aka localhost). I want to be able to work on websites in this case from machines that are in the same network as the server its running on but those servers are not open to the public internet. I still want to use my test subdomain to access this website but that would point to the machine im working on at that time so it must forward the requests to an 192.168.. ip adress I have set entered on the machine. Is there a windows command i could use that forwards localhost to a specific ipadress, like linux has 'iptables'? Or a program that could do this? Preferably for free.
I dont want to add my internal ipadress to a dns record because that would be sensitive information.
What about adding an entry to /etc/hosts (linux) or c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts (windows) ?
The format is: <ip address> <servernname>, e.g.:
Once you did that, accessing from the machine where the hosts file has been edited will end up being served by the server running on

Can't access IIS domain name

i am trying to publish my website in IIS but when i try to ping the domain name it will give this instead of local host
This how i created the site domain is mapped to IP which you can confirm using this link
If you want to point domain to your localhost, you need to add an entry in host file which can be found at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc on Windows operation system.
Open host file using any text editor in administrator mode and add the following:

How to change domain name from "LocalHost" to ipaddress in Jdeveloper?

When i run any application from JDeveloper, the page opening with the URL keeping "LocalHost" as a domain name,
eg: http://localhost:7101/Testing/faces/index.jsf
How can i change the domain name from "localHost" to my system's ipaddress. So that whenever i execute the page, the page should open with the ipaddress and not with "localhost", like
Deploy your application on the WLS that is located on Any reason you don't want to use localhost?
As Sydney asked, why would you want this?
The only reason I could think of is that you want other users (within the same network as you) to access your WLS. If so you can do the following:
Go to your admin console (htpp://localhost:7101/console)
Click on 'Environment'
Click on 'Servers'
Click on 'DefaultServer(admin)'
In 'Listen Address' enter your local IP
Reboot your WLS and it should be accessible by other users on http:// your_local_ip:7101/Testing/faces/index.jsf

how to configure IIS for a specific website nam

Hi everyone,
I have configured my web application using IIS7. It is running fine for http:// localhost/, but I need to give some website name like
instead of "localhost".
I have tried all the possible ways from IIS7, but I am not getting the result.
Steps I did upto now:
Step 1: Right Click on "Sites".
Step 2: Selected "Add Website" option.
Step3:In "Add web site" dialog box:
Site Name:"myexamsystem", Application Pool: "DefaultAppPool"
Physical path: "desktop\myproject folder"
Type:HTTP, Ip address "All Unassigned", Port:80
Host Name: ""
Error Messege:
This page can't be displayed
•Make sure the web address is correct.`
If this is just for debugging / local development, then you'll need to add an entry in your HOSTS files. This is located:
It can be edited in notepad (if you have administrator rights on your machine). You just add the following entry:
Note that this will only work locally. If you want it public, then you'll need to buy the domain name and point it to an external IP address.
Just seen your comment about it needing to run on your local network. A quick way is to add your internal network IP address to each machine's HOSTS files. You can find out your internal IP address by typing ipconfig into the command prompt. Then add it to the HOST file of the other machines in the same way as I descibed above, except use your internal IP in their HOST file rather than
If you don't want to manually add them to each computer, then as far as I know, you'll need a DNS server.

Getting site running in IIS 7 Issues

This is driving me nuts. I am trying to setup a webiste on our dev server with a specific url name as an example. mystupidsite is not the same name as the dev server.
1) specify a specific url to use for the website I create in IIS
2) run it and use that url to access it
I have:
1) created a new site in IIS 7 in Server 2008
2) attempted to access it via the site name which I set to the desired url and port 8888. So if we want it to be I setup the website name to mystupidsite in IIS 7.
3) I even tried to create an application under mystupidsite with the same name in IIS 7.
The server is definitely accessible and pingable on the network from my local PC, we have other stuff installed on this new server. Do I need to create an application or is just creating the website enough in IIS 7? I specified the IP as the server's IP in the website I made.
For the host name in the bindings of the site I put
when I try to access the site via it can't find it and the site in IIS7 on the dev server is running. It's running on a HyperV instance which is our dev server. Everything else has worked just fine. I just wnat to understand how to get a specific url by name setup.
Do I need to add something in the hosts file on the server or something?
You're not going to be able to have a site on your dev box answer to both the and domain names.
Unless you have the domains registered and have your domain's nameserver directing that name to your dev machine, IIS is only going to answer to requests either the machine name on the network or the IP address of your machine (in addition to and localhost).
The only thing you're going to be able to do outside that scenario is set up two sites on two different ports on your machine and access them from http://localhost:80 and http://localhost:8888 (or network computer name equivalent).
you need to have an entry in dns to be able to hit the server when using
Because you have the site running on an alternate port you should be able to get to it by http://your-server-IP-address:8888
If you want to test it locally using the host name and do not have access to dns you can add the appropriate entries to the hosts file on your local machine (c:\windows\system 32\drivers\etc\hosts)
What happens when you type 'nslookup'? Do you get the IP address of the virtual server?
Do you have the windows firewall enabled on the server? if so, did you add an exception for port 8888?
add a default binding (no host header / blank) and try accessing it by IP
