Ionic: is there any way to enlarge the text input field? - css

I'm trying to create an input field for a writing a paragraph / richtext: so I'm needing to find a way to enlarge the input item to become similar as a richtextbox.
I didn't find how to do so.
So is there anyone who has any idea?
Thank you.

Changing the <input> to a <textarea> with custom rows and columns solved my problem.


How to add a default Text at the start of the multiline React Native TextInput

I'm trying to implement the replying input in React Native and I'd like to have a possibility to render the person name I want to reply to at the start of my reply text. I attached the example image. This Input will be multiline and it's important because I was thinking about adding some padding for my reply TextInput and just absolutely position the Person Name text at the padded space.
It looks like a possible solution but:
How to do it if we have multiline Text? if we add some padding for the TextInput it will affect all lines when I need only the first one
The person name text could have various width so the padding value shouldn't be hardcoded. I think it could be solved by just rendering the Person name text first, calculating its width, and the set the padding for the TextInput but even in this case we'll face the issue 1)
Is it possible to achieve this feature somehow?
Thanks for any help!
You could have a nested style.
<Text style={styles.username}>#Rosemary#9234<Text style={styles.body}>I agree with you!</Text></Text>

telegram bot ,How to make bigger buttons with emoj caption

I'm trying to make this kind of inlineKeyboardButtons :
Which is bigger in width and has emojis inside it.
How can I do so ?
You should use code of emoji in button caption. For getting codes take a look at this list.
If you want bigger width then only one element should be declared in the array of InlineKeyboardButton objects.
That is a inline keyboard where the button text contains an emoji.

Is there a way to change input type="text" to "date" using CSS only?

I'd like to replace though CSS the type of an input from input type="text" to input type="date". Does it possible?
CSS is a presentation language. It cannot be used to alter the semantics and structure of a document.
The closest you could come would be to determine which if a file and date input were visible in the document.
You may only change appearance of elements (not real type) by css3 appearance property. For example some text element into element button:
But list of possible values is limited. Still not chance to change input type="text into input type="date".
(Late for you, but could be useful for somebody else)
I had to do the same for the mobile version of my website. I created 2 forms, one for big resolution screens and other for mobile. After the resolution becomes less than 600px width I hide the 1 form and display the 2nd (the second one is with changed types).

Can't figure out how to code my css

I'm a new poster in stackoverflow. The community seems really nice so I'll go ahead and post my question.
I'm trying to style a MVC2 form so that instead of having all the fields on a strait line, I would like to have it like so:
Label: Text field
Label: Text field
I know you could do that with a table but I would like to use CSS to accomplish that. I know a little bit about css but not enough to figure out what to do. The only thing I came close to was to but my fields as a unorder list then styling the li item.
Thank you for your help!
Give the labels a class & add float:left to it.
There are plenty of CSS forms tutorials around if you get stuck.
There are likely dozens of ways to do it. If you're just trying to get a line break between your field / value pairs, wrap each line's worth of code in a <div> tag. Divs are block elements, meaning that by default there's a line break before and after them. Labels by default are inline, so you don't need to do anything special to get them to line up next to the text fields.
<label>Label:</label><input type=text />
<label>Label:</label><input type=text />

Ghost/translucent caption inside text input?

First, what does one call the ghost caption that appears in a text edit if that edit has no real text?
Second, has anyone invented that particular wheel for Flex text components?
It's called a Watermark.
I'm not an expert on Flex but here is one example:
