Vaadin, change grid column color - css

I want to change the column color of my grid. Unfortunately nothing happens... here is my code:
grid.setCellStyleGenerator(( Grid.CellReference cellReference ) -> {
if ( "name".equals( cellReference.getPropertyId() ) ) {
return "highlight-green";
} else {
return "rightAligned";
#import "../valo/valo.scss";
#mixin mytheme {
#include valo;
// Insert your own theme rules here
.rightAligned {
text-align: right;
.v-table-row-odd.v-table-row-highlight-green {
background-color: #00ff00;
The rightAligned works great, but highlight-green doesn't

Try to add background-color: #00ff00 !important;
It looks like you need to rewrite existing styles of your framework, !important must help with this.


Sass interpolated variable names [duplicate]

I'm trying to use string interpolation on my variable to reference another variable:
// Set up variable and mixin
$foo-baz: 20px;
#mixin do-this($bar) {
width: $foo-#{$bar};
// Use mixin by passing 'baz' string as a param for use $foo-baz variable in the mixin
#include do-this('baz');
But when I do this, I get the following error:
Undefined variable: "$foo-".
Does Sass support PHP-style variable variables?
This is actually possible to do using SASS maps instead of variables. Here is a quick example:
Referencing dynamically:
$colors: (
blue: #007dc6,
blue-hover: #3da1e0
#mixin colorSet($colorName) {
color: map-get($colors, $colorName);
&:hover {
color: map-get($colors, #{$colorName}-hover);
a {
#include colorSet(blue);
Outputs as:
a { color:#007dc6 }
a:hover { color:#3da1e0 }
Creating dynamically:
#function addColorSet($colorName, $colorValue, $colorHoverValue: null) {
$colorHoverValue: if($colorHoverValue == null, darken( $colorValue, 10% ), $colorHoverValue);
$colors: map-merge($colors, (
$colorName: $colorValue,
#{$colorName}-hover: $colorHoverValue
#return $colors;
#each $color in blue, red {
#if not map-has-key($colors, $color) {
$colors: addColorSet($color, $color);
a {
&.#{$color} { #include colorSet($color); }
Outputs as: { color: #007dc6; } { color: #3da1e0; } { color: red; } { color: #cc0000; }
Sass does not allow variables to be created or accessed dynamically. However, you can use lists for similar behavior.
$list: 20px 30px 40px;
#mixin get-from-list($index) {
width: nth($list, $index);
$item-number: 2;
#smth {
#include get-from-list($item-number);
css generated:
#smth {
width: 30px;
Anytime I need to use a conditional value, I lean on functions. Here's a simple example.
$foo: 2em;
$bar: 1.5em;
#function foo-or-bar($value) {
#if $value == "foo" {
#return $foo;
#else {
#return $bar;
#mixin do-this($thing) {
width: foo-or-bar($thing);
Here's another option if you're working with rails, and possibly under other circumstances.
If you add .erb to the end of the file extension, Rails will process erb on the file before sending it to the SASS interpreter. This gives you a can chance to do what you want in Ruby.
For example: (File: foo.css.scss.erb)
// Set up variable and mixin
$foo-baz: 20px; // variable
def do_this(bar)
"width: $foo-#{bar};"
#target {
<%= do_this('baz') %>
Results in the following scss:
// Set up variable and mixin
$foo-baz: 20px; // variable
#target {
width: $foo-baz;
Which, of coarse, results in the following css:
#target {
width: 20px;
I came across the need to reference a colour dynamically recently.
I have a _colours.scss file for every project, where I define all my colours once and reference them as variables throughout.
In my _forms.scss file I wanted to setup button styles for each colour available. Usually a tedious task. This helped me to avoid having to write the same code for each different colour.
The only downside is that you have to list each colour name and value prior to writing the actual css.
// $red, $blue - variables defined in _colours.scss
'red' $red,
'blue' $blue;
#each $name, $colour in $colours {
.button.has-#{$name}-background-color:hover {
background-color: lighten($colour, 15%);
I needed to use dynamic color values in sass variables.
After lots of search, I applied this solution:
In application.html.erb:
:root {
--primary-color: <%= current_client.header_color %>;
--body-color: <%= current_client.footer_color %>;
In variables.sass:
$primary: var(--primary-color);
And boom you are good to go!
To make a dynamic variable is not possible in SASS as of now, since you will be adding/connecting another var that needs to be parsed once when you run the sass command.
As soon as the command runs, it will throw an error for Invalid CSS, since all your declared variables will follow hoisting.
Once run, you can't declare variables again on the fly
To know that I have understood this, kindly state if the following is correct:
you want to declare variables where the next part (word) is dynamic
something like
$list: 100 200 300;
#each $n in $list {
$font-$n: normal $n 12px/1 Arial;
// should result in something like
$font-100: normal 100 12px/1 Arial;
$font-200: normal 200 12px/1 Arial;
$font-300: normal 300 12px/1 Arial;
// So that we can use it as follows when needed
.span {
font: $font-200;
p {
font: $font-100
If this is what you want, I am afraid as of now, this is not allowed

Get sass variable-value instead of variable-name [duplicate]

I'm trying to use string interpolation on my variable to reference another variable:
// Set up variable and mixin
$foo-baz: 20px;
#mixin do-this($bar) {
width: $foo-#{$bar};
// Use mixin by passing 'baz' string as a param for use $foo-baz variable in the mixin
#include do-this('baz');
But when I do this, I get the following error:
Undefined variable: "$foo-".
Does Sass support PHP-style variable variables?
This is actually possible to do using SASS maps instead of variables. Here is a quick example:
Referencing dynamically:
$colors: (
blue: #007dc6,
blue-hover: #3da1e0
#mixin colorSet($colorName) {
color: map-get($colors, $colorName);
&:hover {
color: map-get($colors, #{$colorName}-hover);
a {
#include colorSet(blue);
Outputs as:
a { color:#007dc6 }
a:hover { color:#3da1e0 }
Creating dynamically:
#function addColorSet($colorName, $colorValue, $colorHoverValue: null) {
$colorHoverValue: if($colorHoverValue == null, darken( $colorValue, 10% ), $colorHoverValue);
$colors: map-merge($colors, (
$colorName: $colorValue,
#{$colorName}-hover: $colorHoverValue
#return $colors;
#each $color in blue, red {
#if not map-has-key($colors, $color) {
$colors: addColorSet($color, $color);
a {
&.#{$color} { #include colorSet($color); }
Outputs as: { color: #007dc6; } { color: #3da1e0; } { color: red; } { color: #cc0000; }
Sass does not allow variables to be created or accessed dynamically. However, you can use lists for similar behavior.
$list: 20px 30px 40px;
#mixin get-from-list($index) {
width: nth($list, $index);
$item-number: 2;
#smth {
#include get-from-list($item-number);
css generated:
#smth {
width: 30px;
Anytime I need to use a conditional value, I lean on functions. Here's a simple example.
$foo: 2em;
$bar: 1.5em;
#function foo-or-bar($value) {
#if $value == "foo" {
#return $foo;
#else {
#return $bar;
#mixin do-this($thing) {
width: foo-or-bar($thing);
Here's another option if you're working with rails, and possibly under other circumstances.
If you add .erb to the end of the file extension, Rails will process erb on the file before sending it to the SASS interpreter. This gives you a can chance to do what you want in Ruby.
For example: (File: foo.css.scss.erb)
// Set up variable and mixin
$foo-baz: 20px; // variable
def do_this(bar)
"width: $foo-#{bar};"
#target {
<%= do_this('baz') %>
Results in the following scss:
// Set up variable and mixin
$foo-baz: 20px; // variable
#target {
width: $foo-baz;
Which, of coarse, results in the following css:
#target {
width: 20px;
I came across the need to reference a colour dynamically recently.
I have a _colours.scss file for every project, where I define all my colours once and reference them as variables throughout.
In my _forms.scss file I wanted to setup button styles for each colour available. Usually a tedious task. This helped me to avoid having to write the same code for each different colour.
The only downside is that you have to list each colour name and value prior to writing the actual css.
// $red, $blue - variables defined in _colours.scss
'red' $red,
'blue' $blue;
#each $name, $colour in $colours {
.button.has-#{$name}-background-color:hover {
background-color: lighten($colour, 15%);
I needed to use dynamic color values in sass variables.
After lots of search, I applied this solution:
In application.html.erb:
:root {
--primary-color: <%= current_client.header_color %>;
--body-color: <%= current_client.footer_color %>;
In variables.sass:
$primary: var(--primary-color);
And boom you are good to go!
To make a dynamic variable is not possible in SASS as of now, since you will be adding/connecting another var that needs to be parsed once when you run the sass command.
As soon as the command runs, it will throw an error for Invalid CSS, since all your declared variables will follow hoisting.
Once run, you can't declare variables again on the fly
To know that I have understood this, kindly state if the following is correct:
you want to declare variables where the next part (word) is dynamic
something like
$list: 100 200 300;
#each $n in $list {
$font-$n: normal $n 12px/1 Arial;
// should result in something like
$font-100: normal 100 12px/1 Arial;
$font-200: normal 200 12px/1 Arial;
$font-300: normal 300 12px/1 Arial;
// So that we can use it as follows when needed
.span {
font: $font-200;
p {
font: $font-100
If this is what you want, I am afraid as of now, this is not allowed

SCSS/SASS dynamic background image based on class name

I was looking for a "sassy" way to do something like this:
.btn-save {
background: image-url('save.svg');
.btn-load {
background: image-url('load.svg');
.btn-back {
background: image-url('back.svg');
Is there a way I could grab the last part of the class name and pass it to a function to load the appropriate SVG icon? I was thinking it'd look something like:
#function load-svg($svg-name) {
background: image-url($svg-name + ".svg");
.btn-* {
// I'm not sure how to get the $svg-name here
But I wasn't sure if that's possible to do in SCSS. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
If you want a DRY approach you could pass a list to a mixin
#mixin setSVGButton($svgs) {
#each $svg in $svgs {
.btn-#{$svg} {
background-image: url(#{$svg}.svg);
#include setSVGButton(('save', 'load', 'back'));
Do you mean something like this
#mixin btn($btn-type) {
.btn-#{$btn-type} {
background: image-url('#{$btn-type}.svg');
#include btn('save');
#include btn('load');
#include btn('back');

The Sass ampersand and attribute selectors

I want to create a sass file that the selectors will be attribute selectors.
When I work with class selectors, in most of the cases I will do
.parent {
&-child {
which gives me the following css: .parent-child {}.
I want to achieve the same thing with attribute selectors:
[data-parent] {
&-child {
which I want to become: [data-parent-child] {}
someone knows how to achieve this? thanks.
You can use this mixin as a workaround to get the desired result.
#mixin child-attribute($child) {
$string: inspect(&);
$original: str-slice($string, 3, -4);
#at-root #{ selector-replace(&, &, "[#{$original}#{$child}]" ) } {
The code simply does the following
$string variable is responsible for turning the parent selector to a string using the inspect function
$original variable is responsible for getting the text content of the $string variable i.e the value 'data-parent' from '([data-parent])'
selector-replace function then replaces the parent selector with the concatenation of the $original variable and child variable
When used in the following ways
[data-parent] {
#include child-attribute('-child') {
color: green;
The css output
[data-parent-child] {
color: green;
Depending on what you want to achieve, it can also be used like this
[grandparent] {
#include child-attribute('-parent') {
color: white;
#include child-attribute('-child') {
color: blue;
Which generates the following css
[grandparent-parent] {
color: white;
[grandparent-parent-child] {
color: blue;
Hope this helps you
You can create mixin that will set styles for elements with data attribytes.
#mixin data($name) {
[data-#{$name}] {
* {
#include data('lol') {
color: red;
Css output:
* [data-lol] {
color: red;
I would go down a slightly different route of having a class on your elements that contain the data attributes.
<div class="data-obj" data-parent="true"></div>
<div class="data-obj" data-parent-child="true"></div>
then in your SASS do
.data-obj {
&[data-parent] { ... }
&[data-parent-child] { ... }

Sass and libraries for theming [duplicate]

I'm refactoring some of my Sass code and I came across a weird issue. My code currently looks like this:
// household
$household_Sector: 'household';
$household_BaseColor: #ffc933;
// sports
$sports_Sector: 'sports';
$sports_BaseColor: #f7633e;
// the mixin to output all sector specific css
#mixin sector-css($sector_Sector,$sector_BaseColor) {
.sector-#{$sector_Sector} {
&%baseColor {
background-color: $sector_BaseColor;
// execute the mixin for all sectors
#include sector-css($household_Sector, $household_BaseColor);
#include sector-css($sports_Sector, $sports_BaseColor);
.product-paging {
h2 {
#extend %baseColor;
The compiled result looks like this:
.product-paging h2.sector-household {
background-color: #ffc933;
.product-paging h2.sector-sports {
background-color: #f7633e;
But what I need is this:
.sector-household.product-paging h2 {
background-color: #ffc933;
.sector-sports.product-paging h2 {
background-color: #f7633e;
What I don't understand is why my placeholder (&%baseColor) isn't attached to the parent selector (&%baseColor) as I added the ampersand right in front of it?
Is this maybe a bug when combining & and %? Is there another solution on how to achieve what I want?
Alright I figured out why this isn't possible. Anyway is there a workaround for what I'd like to achieve?
Extends, as you've already discovered, can get rather messy. I would go about solving your problem by using an #content aware mixin in combination with global variables (this uses mappings, which are part of 3.3... you can do it with lists of lists, but it's a little less elegant):
$base-color: null; // don't touch
$accent-color: null; // don't touch
( household:
( base-color: #ffc933
, accent-color: white
, sports:
( base-color: #f7633e
, accent-color: white
// the mixin to output all sector specific css
#mixin sector-css() {
#each $sector, $colors in $sections {
$base-color: map-get($colors, base-color) !global;
$accent-color: map-get($colors, accent-color) !global;
&.sector-#{$sector} {
.product-paging {
#include sector-css() {
h2 {
background-color: $base-color;
.product-paging.sector-household h2 {
background-color: #ffc933;
.product-paging.sector-sports h2 {
background-color: #f7633e;
Update: Since you want to guarantee that the sector class is always at the top, you just need to switch around a little.
#mixin sector-css() {
#each $sector, $colors in $sections {
$base-color: map-get($colors, base-color) !global;
$accent-color: map-get($colors, accent-color) !global;
.sector-#{$sector} {
#include sector-css() {
&.product-paging {
h2 {
background-color: $base-color;
h3 {
background-color: #CCC;
h2, h3 {
color: $accent-color;
