Handling huge simulations in R - r

I have written R program that generates a random vector of length 1 million. I need to simulate it 1 million times. Out of the 1 million simulations, I will be using 50K observed vectors (chosen in some random manner) as samples. So, 50K cross 1M is the sample size. Is there way to deal it in R?
There are few problems and some not so good solutions.
First R cannot store such huge matrix in my machine. It exceeds RAM memory. I looked into packages like bigmemory, ffbase etc that uses hard disk space. But such a huge data can have size in TB. I have 200GB hard disk available in my machine.
Even if storing is possible, there is a problem of running time. The code may take more than 100Hrs of running time!
Can anyone please suggest a way out! Thanks

This answer really stands as something in between a comment and an answer. The easy way out of your dilemma is to not work with such massive data sets. You can most likely take a reasonably-sized representative subset of that data (say requiring no more than a few hundred MB) and train your model this way.
If you have to use the model in production on actual data sets with millions of observations, then the problem would no longer be related to R.

If possible use sparse matrix techniques
If possible try leveraging storage memory and chunking the object into parts
If possible try to use Big Data tools such as H2O
Leverage multicore and HPC computing with pbdR, parallel, etc
Consider using a spot instance of a Big Data / HPC cloud VPS instance on AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, etc. Most offer distributions with R preinstalled and with a high RAM multicore instance you can "spin up" (start) and down (stop) quickly and cheaply
Use sampling and statistical solutions when possible
Consider doing some of your simulations or pre-simulation steps in a relational database, or something like Spark + Scala; some have R integration nowadays, actually


R - How to work with large dataset that does not (but could) fit within memory?

I am trying to work with some data, and it is brutally large (genetic data). With only using the bare minimum amount of columns I need, I am still looking at ~30GB of data.
Assuming I upgrade my PC to have 64GB of RAM, would I even be able to work with that data in R, or will I run into issues somewhere else? I.e., CPU not being beefy enough (AMD Ryzen 3600X), RStudio not being able to handle it, etc.
If RStudio will not be able to handle it or will be extremely slow, is there another way I can work with this data? I just want to do dimension reduction (which may make it a lot easier for me to use R) and run logistic regression on the data, maybe with some varied train/test splits.
Any help here is appreciated.
Thank you!

Is there an R function / package to sort data on disk space (bigger than Ram datasets), similar to PROC SORT in Sas?

I find myself working with distributed datasets (parquet) taking up to >100gb on disk space.
Together they sum up to approx 2.4B rows and 24 cols.
I manage to work on it with R/Arrow, simple operations are quite good, but when it comes to perform a sort by an ID sparse across different files Arrow requires to pull data first (collect()) and no amount of Ram seems to be enough.
From working experience I know that SAS Proc Sort is mostly performed on disk rather than on Ram, I was wondering if there's an R package with similar approach.
Any idea how to approach the problem in R, rather than buy a server with 256gb of Ram?

What are the minimum system requirements for analysing large datasets (30gb) in R?

I tried running Apriori algorithm on 30GB CSV file in which each row is a basket upto 34 items(columns) in it. So R studio died just after execution. I want to know what are the minimum system requirements like how much RAM and CPU config I need to run algorithms on large data sets?
This question cannot be answered as such. It highly depends on what you want to do with the data.
If you are able to process all lines 1 by 1, you just need a tiny bit of ram (for example if you want to count them, I believe this also holds for the most trivial use of Apriori)
If you want to calculate the distance between all points efficiently, you will want a ton of ram, and another few GB to store the output (I believe this is even less intense than the most extreme use of Apriori).
As such I would recommend:
Use whatever hardware you have to process a subset of the data. Check your memory and CPU usage, as you increase the data size (or other parameters) and extrapolate your results to see what you probably need.

R, RAM amounts, and specific limitations to avoid memory errors

I have read about various big data packages with R. Many seem workable except that, at least as I understand the issue, many of the packages I like to use for common models would not be available in conjunction with the recommended big data packages (for instance, I use lme4, VGAM, and other fairly common varieties of regression analysis packages that don't seem to play well with the various big data packages like ff, etc.).
I recently attempted to use VGAM to do polytomous models using data from the General Social Survey. When I tossed some models on to run that accounted for the clustering of respondents in years as well as a list of other controls I started hitting the whole "cannot allocate vector of size yadda yadda..." I've tried various recommended items such as clearing memory out and using matrices where possible to no good effect. I am inclined to increase the RAM on my machine (actually just buy a new machine with more RAM), but I want to get a good idea as to whether that will solve my woes before letting go of $1500 on a new machine, particularly since this is for my personal use and will be solely funded by me on my grad student budget.
Currently I am running a Windows 8 machine with 16GB RAM, R 3.0.2, and all packages I use have been updated to the most recent versions. The data sets I typically work with max out at under 100,000 individual cases/respondents. As far as analyses go, I may need matrices and/or data frames that have many rows if for example I use 15 variables with interactions between factors that have several levels or if I need to have multiple rows in a matrix for each of my 100,000 cases based on shaping to a row per each category of some DV per each respondent. That may be a touch large for some social science work, but I feel like in the grand scheme of things my requirements are actually not all that hefty as far as data analysis goes. I'm sure many R users do far more intense analyses on much bigger data.
So, I guess my question is this - given the data size and types of analyses I'm typically working with, what would be a comfortable amount of RAM to avoid memory errors and/or having to use special packages to handle the size of the data/processes I'm running? For instance, I'm eye-balling a machine that sports 32GB RAM. Will that cut it? Should I go for 64GB RAM? Or do I really need to bite the bullet, so to speak, and start learning to use R with big data packages or maybe just find a different stats package or learn a more intense programming language (not even sure what that would be, Python, C++ ??). The latter option would be nice in the long run of course, but would be rather prohibitive for me at the moment. I'm mid-stream on a couple of projects where I am hitting similar issues and don't have time to build new language skills all together under deadlines.
To be as specific as possible - What is the max capability of 64 bit R on a good machine with 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB RAM? I searched around and didn't find clear answers that I could use to gauge my personal needs at this time.
A general rule of thumb is that R roughly needs three times the dataset size in RAM to be able to work comfortably. This is caused by the copying of objects in R. So, divide your RAM size by three to get a rough estimate of your maximum dataset size. Then you can look at the type of data you use, and choose how much RAM you need.
Of course, R can also process data out-of-memory, see the HPC task view. This earlier answer of mine might also be of interest.

SVM modeling with BIG DATA

For modeling with SVM in R, I have used kernlab package (ksvm method)with Windows Xp operating system and 2 GB RAM. But having more data rows as 201497, I can'nt able to provide more memory for processing of data modeling (getting issue : can not allocate vector size greater than 2.7 GB).
Therefore, I have used Amazon micro and large instance for SCM modeling. But, it have same issue as local machine (can not allocate vector size greater than 2.7 GB).
Can any one suggest me the solution of this problem with BIG DATA modeling or Is there something wrong with this.
Without a reproducible example it is hard to say if the dataset is just too big, or if some parts of your script are suboptimal. A few general pointers:
Take a look at the High Performance Computing Taskview, this lists the main R packages relevant for working with BigData.
You use your entire dataset for training your model. You could try to take a subset (say 10%) and fit your model on that. Repeating this procedure a few times will yield insight into if the model fit is sensitive to which subset of the data you use.
Some analysis techniques, e.g. PCA analysis, can be done by processing the data iteratively, i.e. in chunks. This makes analyses possible on very big datasets possible (>> 100 gb). I'm not sure if this is possible with kernlab.
Check if the R version you are using is 64 bit.
This earlier question might be of interest.
