How to add multiple ractive objects on one page? - ractivejs

I am new to Ractive JS.I want to know that How to create multiple ractive objects for individual template?
Thanks In Advance
Samir Kahar

Sounds like you want to use a component. See also the extending Ractive tutorial.

You just create multiple Ractive instances. Here's about the simplest possible ractive template used twice on the same page with different data:
<div id="div1"></div>
<div id="div2"></div>
<script type="text/ractive" id="sampleTemplate">
Hello, {{name}}.
var ractive1 = new Ractive({
el: '#div1',
template: '#sampleTemplate',
data: { name: 'World' }
var ractive2 = new Ractive({
el: '#div2',
template: '#sampleTemplate',
data: { name: 'World 2' }


global pub-sub/event-handling in ractive

I'm trying to determine the best way to establish cross-component-communication. My first thought was to use with a wildcard, but that doesn't seem to work. Am I trying to mis-use What would be the suggested way for doing cross-component-communication with ractive?
Ractive.components.pubSub = Ractive.extend({
oninit() {
this.on('*.customEvent', () => alert('pub sub got your custom event!'))
Ractive.components.something = Ractive.extend({
template: '#something'
let ractive = new Ractive({
target: 'body',
template: '#app'
<script src=""></script>
<script id="app" type="text/ractive">
<pubSub />
<something />
<script id="something" type="text/ractive">
<button on-click="'customEvent')">Fire Custom Event</button>
Ractive doesn't prescribe a convention for data sharing/cross-component communication. However, it does give you the facilities to do it. A common practice I've seen is to create a "dummy instance" and use its and ractive.on() methods.
// The dummy instance, make it visible to components.
const pubsub = Ractive()
const SourceComponent = Ractive.extend({
template: '<button click="send()">Click me</button>',
const ListeningComponent = Ractive.extend({
pubsub.on('message', () => {
Alternatively, if all you want is to share state across all components, modify them anywhere you want, and have everyone re-render on change, you can put that state in #shared.

Filter Collections using iron-router

I have a template rendering my Collection using {{#each Collection}}, I'm using iron-router to route this template like this:
Router.route('/home', function () {
how can i use a "books" filter button so iron-router apply that filter to the subscription so i can only see the filtered version of my Collection like the following:
Collection.find({category: "books"});
There are a number of ways to approach this but one simple way would be to define a sub-route that takes a category as a parameter:
name: 'collections',
layoutTemplate: 'header',
return Collections.find({category: this.params.category});
Then your button code can just do Router.go('/collections/books') but you can now have multiple buttons each tied to different categories.
As suggested here you can manage your subscription in Template and not in the route. So you can do:
import {ReactiveDict} from 'meteor/reactive-dict';
import {Template} from 'meteor/templating';
var that = this;
that.state = new ReactiveDict();
'click .js-category':function(e,tpl){
let category = tpl.$(e.currentTarget).data('category');
And in your Template:
<button type="button" data-category="books" class="js-category">Books</button>
Hope this will help you to find the right solution for your

Can Ractive events work in markup rendered with the triple-stash syntax?

If I have the following in my Ractive template:
<span on-click='handleClick'>click me</span>
Then I can listen for the click with this:
handleClick:function() {
alert("clicked!") ;
But lets say I have that same markup stored in a string variable called clicklyspan:
app.set("clicklyspan", "<span on-click='handleClick'>click me</span>")
and I render it in the template using the triple-stash syntax:
The handleClick listener no longer gets fired. Is there anything I can do to force some kind of update to the rendered template so that the listener works? Say, after I do that app.set() call?
Here's a fiddle demonstrating the problem.
I have never used Ractive, but I did some research and it seems you have to use partials, like this:
var app = new Ractive({
el: 'container',
template: '#template',
data: {
myFunction: function() {
var template = '<a on-click="handleClick">I can now be clicked as well!</a>';
if (!this.partials.myFunction) {
this.partials.myFunction = template;
else {
this.resetPartial('myFunction', template);
return 'myFunction';
You will also need to use this instead of the triple mustache:
{{> myFunction() }}
Here's the corresponding jsfiddle.
Of course, replace myFunction with whatever name you like.
Related question I found useful:
RactiveJS events on tripple mustache

Not converted text/ractive to HTML

Why not converted text/ractive to HTML.
This is result in browser:
This is code in page which include template:
This is the template:
This is error in console:
This if instance using the template:
It's a template. You need to load Ractive in the browser and create a new instance using the template:
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: '#your-target-element',
template: '#step-1',
data: yourData

Recursive component inclusion

I'm looking at the Authoring Ractive.js components document on github from Rich-Harris.
It starts with invoking the foo component and including it this way:
<link rel='ractive' href='foo.html' name='foo'>
<p>This is an imported 'foo' component: <foo/></p>
Which I understand as declaring foo.html as a component and calling it on the foo tag, and this would not require doing a ractive.load (although I did not understand yet where the data loading would occur).
As it does not work at all (no loading of the component), I'm wondering if I mis-understood this part.
Has anyone use this and could give me a complete example?
Components themselves are independent of the loading mechanism.
In the simplest form, components can be declared in javascript: = Ractive.extend({
template: '#foo' // id of script tag, or can be inline string,
// other options
var ractive = new Ractive({
template: '<p>This is an main view with a 'foo' component: <foo/></p>'
Creating components is covered here in the docs.
There are many ways to package and load components. Using the link tag, as in your example, requires using ractive-load to actually load the components:
<!-- name is optional if same as file name -->
<link rel='ractive' href='foo.html' name='foo'>
<script src='ractive.js'></script>
<script src='ractive-load.js'></script>
// calling load() with no parameters loads all link tags and
// registers them as global components
Ractive.load().then( function () {
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: 'body',
template: 'I have access to the <foo/> component!',
data: { ... }
// or you could instantiate a component via:
var app = new{
... /options
}).catch( handleError );
