Google Page Analytics Showing "/" instead of correct link - google-analytics

Our Google Page Analytics is showing "/" as the destination URL for many links when in fact those links do not link to "/" Why is that? We want to see the correct stats but these links are all registering as a link to the home page and not the page that it actually links to. Any thoughts?

Google Analytics will break your address '' into two elements; the hostname '' and the page identifier '/thispage'. If you're seeing '/' as a page identifier, the page was actually 'hostname/'. You can see this if you add 'hostname' as a secondary dimension to any report.
You should also check the implementation of analytics on your website; when you click on links, do they actually change the URL? Do they trigger a Page Load?


How to pass on tracking ID of link and add them to outbound link on page in wordpress

I use tracking IDs for the links that lead to a landing page on my website. For example:
How do I pass on TID=test1 onto the link that will be the call to action to get to another site?
Tracking Ids can vary depending on where the traffic is coming from.
So I would like the TID to be automatically attached to the TID of the outbound link on that page.
I am using WordPress on my website. So I presume that any suitable code could be added either at the header of the page or for the entire website.

In Google Analytics, how do I plot on a timeline users who visited one page but not another?

I'm looking for some help creating a Google Analytics report that shows, in a timeline, the number of Users who visited one page (e.g. Checkout page) but NOT another page (e.g. Thank You page), and in that order. This seems like such a simply report to run, but I cannot seem to find the right settings in Google Analytics to pull this together.
What you need is a segment with the following settings:
Include sessions
Page includes /checkout (replace with your checkout URL) AND
Page excludes /thankyou (replace with whatever your thank you page URL is)

Unwanted URL repeating/appended in Google Analytics

I seem to have a problem with my Google Analytics.
My pages are being shown as 404 errors as the full URL address is being repeated after the foldername.
My page for cars is:
But Google Analytics is showing this page as
There are no filters set that I can see but I don't know how to resolve it.
Is this common? It is a Wordpress site.
You have a link somewhere that starts with, but should start with (or
URLs that don't start with a protocol (http://, https:// or just :// to mean "the same protocol this document was requested with") or a / are interpreted to be relative to the current document, e.g. if you are on and you link to "mercedes/", it yields This is what happens for you, because you have an incomplete URL somewhere. Look at your document source in your browser and search for You will most likely find something like href="". Find the link in your post / template that is responsible, and change it to href="" or href="", depending on what that host supports.
In some cases, you might find that Google Analytics is adding your domain name after every URL slug captured and it can make for some messy reporting.
For example, our homepage would return
and the blog page would return
If your site analytics account returns a similar issue, this is not standard practice and is generally due to a misconfiguration of the view filter.
To fix this issue head over to your Google Analytics account and click the Admin tab in the right-hand menu.
Navigate to view
Select view settings
Scroll down to default page
Remove your domain name from the text box and leave it blank
Click save

Google Analytics page url displayed wrong

In one of my client's sites in Google Analytics, under Site Content > All Pages, all the page urls are showing incorrectly, with the domain name placed after the page url.
Normally the homepage is displayed as /
in this case the homepage is displayed as:
and all other pages are the same, such as:
does anyone know how to fix this?
It sounds like a Filter was created to show the full domain name, but the variables for Hostname, $A1, and Request URI, $B1, got switched around.
Here is a screenshot of the filter I use with the variables underlined.
I also ran into this issue and saw that I had the Default URL setting set to our domain:
screencapture of default url field
This field is under View Settings. We had entered the domain in this field and it was appending it to pages because this field is intended for "index.html" paths.

Google Analytics: Visitors flow: Only showing root with 100% drop off, no pages

I would like to use the google analytics visitors flow tool but it does not show any specific page. All visits are in one big block "/". If I click on "group details" pages are listed just fine.
My site uses url parameters like to switch between pages. I have managed to set up analytics so that it understands this and works on the "content" page and everywhere. How can I make it also work with "visitors flow" to display specific pages?
this might be the same problem: Google Analytics: 100% Drop off from landing page
Just noticed that links on my page are missing the slash before the "?". will add the slash and report back.
Edit: Though I guess that was an improvement it did not solve the problem.
I am using absolute links (http:/ all over the place. Should I try relative links to get this to work?
Yes, you need to put a / before the ? in your links or else Analytics could interpret your full URL as the domain/sub-domain and not report any page paths or levels (like you're observing).
Additionally, are you sure the Analytics script is firing whenever a new page is loaded? Clicking through your site it looks like the base page template may not be reloading whenever you click to a different page (only the content is reloaded). If this is the case and the Analytics script is part of your base template, it would only fire once when the visitor first enters the site and load the page template and never again. Since Google Analytics calculates pageviews and time on site/page based on the difference in time between when the _trackPageview() is fired, it could explain your problem.
I would suggest moving your Analytics script to a portion of the markup that is reloaded every time someone clicks to a new page to see if this does the trick.
