How to delete an Analytics Event from Firebase - firebase

How can I delete an Analytics Event from Firebase?
While I am testing I wrote some events in Firebase Analytics. Firebase by default orders all events alphabetically. So these testing events interrupts with original events.
I could arrange them by count to push all the testing events to last. But it makes difficult to find the main events since those are not alphabetically sorted.
I didn't find any options in Firebase dashboard to delete a event. Is there a way to delete the old events from firebase?

There is currently no way to delete events once they are logged into Firebase Analytics that I am aware of. However, the events will drift out of the default view (which is set to "last 30 days") as time goes on, or you can switch the time period to a shorter time. As you mentioned, you can also click a column header to sort by some other value or "add filter" to filter by an audience or user property.

You can create a new Firebase project if you want to start from scratch. It's also a fairly common practice to use one project for experimentation and validation of your analytics implementation and then to switch to your production Firebase project when everything looks good.

It is not possible to delete analytics events AFAIK, but on some views you can set up the time interval with the filter at the right-top corner to limit the listed events. In the audience set up you need to rely on typing, I am afraid.

As of 31 May 2018, there is an API for this. Doesn't delete individual events, but you should be able to use it to delete all the events collected by a particular app instance:
User Deletion API v3 (UserDeletion.userDeletionRequest)
It was introduced in this blog post and the intended purpose (user privacy) is described here (last paragraph).
Unfortunately, based on my own question, no one seems to have figured out how to get it to work :(
Turns out that, according to Google, this API does delete events (which technically is what the OP was asking), but since the aggregate total remains visible on the Firebase console, it won't help with the OP's specific use case.

As Steve Ganem suggested the simplest thing you can do to reset the Firebase Analytics data is to register new Firebase project and that in your app. You can also keep the old project around for debugging/development.


Using event as view exclude filter in Google Analytics

I have an event that triggers from my tag manager every time someone clicks a certain URL link. This event appears to be tracking properly in GA. However, I am attempting to create a filtered view that excludes traffic that triggers this event. When I use the Filter Verification I get:
"This filter would not have changed your data. Either the filter configuration is incorrect, or the set of sampled data is too small."
Indeed it does not change my data. I am using the event label as the field field/pattern if that makes a difference. Any suggestions?
Ok, there are issues with this question. But first, the answer is: filters aren't meant to remove more than particular hits. They aren't meant to remove sessions or users. Only hits. But there's a hackaround.
Now, more points:
You don't exclude "traffic". Traffic is not precise enough to be useful here. You have to decide what you want to exclude: an event, a session or a user. Or something inbetween, but then you need to define it properly.
A session in Google's understanding is really a bit different from what it seems like. It is custom to believe that a session is a series of interactional events with less than 30 minutes (configurable) inbetween. Not quite. If your source changes, that's a new session. Bear with me.
You... can hack around it if you really need to. By "painting" users or sessions. You do it by setting a specific custom dimension (user- or session-level) and then delete all events that have that custom dimension set using a view filter. The CD will be backfilled, so the filter should clean stuff close to how you expect it to do.
However! GA is... a little bit odd with how they record sessions and users. There may occur a situation when you end up having users or sessions with no events in them. However, if you find this issue at play, you still can export the data to BQ and query it properly. You may find that export cleaner.

Getting programmatic access to Firebase Analytics trending events

I have a mobile app which plays audio tracks. It uses Firebase Analytics to record events such as 'track names' played. Within the Firebase 'StreamView' one can access trending events and see which are the most popular tracks being played at any given moment. I would like to gain access to this list to and use it within my app to display a list of "tracks being played now".
I've looked into gaining access to Analytic trending event data and think Firebase Cloud Functions may provide a method of extracting the information I need. However, I'm not certain this is the correct, or easiest, method.
Could someone let me know whether extracting trending events is possible and, if so, point me in the correct direction?
EDIT - Actually, there is a much better and easier way to get access to real-time events that have occurred in your app over the last 30 minutes. You can do so using the Google Analytics Data API.
Using the API you can filter through the event data for the past 30 mins, and inspect relevant custom dimensions on the play_track event for the track that was played (or provide a custom dimension filter to further specify the event data you get back).
This would be the ideal way to achieve what you're looking for. You might still want to use Cloud Firestore if you'd like to keep a longer record of trending tracks being played (e.g. in the last hour, last 24 hours, etc... though). Also note that the API is still in alpha.
Other Solutions
Option 1 - Use Cloud Firestore
This is probably the easiest solution - you can create a record of which tracks are being played whenever the event occurs by creating a simple collection in Cloud Firestore, and updating records for tracks being played there. It would require additional effort in logging and retrieving which tracks are played beyond just using Google Analytics, but should be straightforward to implement.
Note you'll probably want to check out the Firestore pricing guide first before selecting this option.
Option 2 - Using Firebase Cloud Functions
You can trigger a Cloud Function each time a play_track event is logged. The event will need to be marked as a conversion event in order for it to trigger a Cloud Function, and within the Cloud Function you can access the event parameters to identify which track is being played, and over time maintain a record somewhere for which tracks are being played to determine the most trending tracks. To maintain state you could use something like Firestore to keep track of which "tracks" are being played at the moment.
A couple of caveats about this approach:
You'll want to check out the Cloud Functions for Firebase pricing guide to make sure it falls within an acceptable range for your needs.
Cloud Functions triggers for analytics events currently only works for Android and iOS apps (no support for web apps).
Google Analytics triggers for Cloud Functions is currently in beta.
Option 3 - Using BigQuery for your analytics data
This option requires a bit more effort to setup, but you can export your Google Analytics data to BigQuery, and query the generated intraday tables to see which tracks are trending as well as a lot more additional insights.
The caveat with this approach are that you'll also need to check the pricing guide for using BigQuery to make sure it falls within your needs, and you'll need to make a call to execute the query and retrieve the list of tracks (or get a cached result).

Custom events in Firebase

I know this has been discussed a lot on SO, but even based on the previous questions and answers I still can't quite understand the details of how event logging is really supposed to work in Firebase.
Let's say somewhere in my code I have this:
FirebaseAnalytics mFirebaseAnalytics = FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(this);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putInt("card_id", 912);
mFirebaseAnalytics.logEvent("card_open", bundle);
Do I understand correctly that the "card open" even should now appear in Firebase Console with the "card_id" parameter?
Then I click More > Edit parameter reporting, enter the name of the parameter I added in my code, and it should appear on the list.
I have read the docs several times, but I still can't get it. Can I not even use any of the events and parameters provided by FirebaseAnalytics.Param and FirebaseAnalytics.Event and just send custom events/parameters (within the known limits, of course).
Another question is whether the limit on the number of global parameters force you to use Big Query?
Thank you!
You're correct. You should see the card_open event with card_id parameter in the analytics console.
Note that there's a delay in the analytics reporting, about 4 to 6 hours after it was logged and uploaded by the device.
Just to ensure that your implementation is correct. I mean, to verify that the events, parameters and user properties are logged in the right time and the right place correctly, use the DebugView console.
I also believe that you should be able see the card_id parameter in the custom reporting for card_open event, considering the delay in the reporting.
For your last question, the parameter limit is on a project level perspective now, compared before that it was per app. Parameters with the same name across different apps will be counted as 1. Not sure, maybe Firebase would like us (developers) to use the parameters accordingly.

How to delete a event from event tracking of Google Analytics?

I send some event to Google Analytics using this function
but I sent them just for testing my code and now I want to delete them and start real tracking.
How can I delete them?should I use any code for this?
PS:I see my testing result in content>EventTracking section
You cannot delete it. That is why it is important to setup a test profile to send data to while you implement/qa.
You can create a Custom Report. There is a Filters section that will allow you to filter out specific event categories, actions, labels, etc. In the example shown below, I am filtering out categories/actions that contain the word "test":
For anyone finding this thread in 2022, there is now an option to create a Data-deletion request in GA4 Analytics with several options.
Details here:
Though it's still somewhat limited and you "schedule" it so it can take some time to actually run.

How to post calendar event to participant's specific calendar

I am working Calendar API (Java).
My specific requirement is I want to add participant to event and at the same time want to specify the participants calendar.
Let us say I have 2 users. User-A and User-B
User-A is creating calendar event and adding User-B as participant
User-A's calendar is Cal-A and User-B's calendar is Cal-B.
Now when User-A adds User-B as participant, an event is created in User-B's calendar but is created in his/her static calendar. Is there is a way, how I can specify (using java api) that the invitation/ event created by User-B should go into User-B's Calendar-B?
Note: in the applicaiton program, I have access to both User-A' calendar and User-B's calendar.
Thanks in advance.
I believe the short answer is no...
Google Calendar, regardless of the API or the language you use, is based on the iCalendar standard, which, from my readings of it, does not have the concept of "Invite a participant and post event invitation on this specific calendar of that participant." If I'm wrong, the quickest way to get your answer and prove me wrong is to find evidence of such a feature in the iCalendar documentation.
I thought I had a workaround, which is "Hey, if you have access to person-B's calendar, why not just create the event on their calendar and add person-A as an attendee?" I did this by sharing one of my sub-calendars of one of my Google Calendar accounts with another. But sure enough, you get the same problem in reverse. Now person-B has the event in the right place, but person-A has it on their default calendar.
So depending on which is your "primary" account, you may want to go that route, but I'm guessing you find that about as appealing as what you're dealing with already.
The only other workaround I found (which was not all that great), is you can access Person-B's calendar and copy the invite to another calendar (the one you want), and then delete it from the main calendar. This will work (I tried it), but obviously it's not as graceful as what you had in mind. If you need specifics on how to copy/delete or how to access a specific non-default calendar, let me know and I'll post some examples.
It is possible (even if the solution isn't nice). If the person knows the ID of your other calendar (which is a valid email address), he can send the invitation to the email address. The ID can be found in the settings of the calendar and has the form
Have a look at my other answer at a similar question for a list of drawbacks of this solution.
