I used to use Admob analytics to view my users activity. There I was able to view real time app running users. Now when I upgraded to the Firebase, I don't find any real time user stats.
Does firebase has real time users stat feature?
Thanks in advance.
There currently is no equivalent to Google Analytics' real time tracking of user information available in Firebase Analytics.
Update (February 2017): Firebase added DebugView to its Analytics product. This allows you to see a near realtime stream of the events from a specific device. Note that (as its name implies) this feature is most useful for debugging whether you have instrumented your code correctly. It is not the same as the realtime analytics in Google Analytics.
You can see realtime users and events at StreamView in Firebase.
StreamView shows you who is using your app and what they are doing, in real time.
if you properly integrated the Firebase Analytics SDK in your app, StreamView tab will be visible in your Firebase Analytics.
Sample Screen from StreamView
Detailed Information from Google Support : https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/7229836?hl=en
You can now see realtime events in DebugView option at the console. Pretty neat feature, works great. Here is an example: Console
See more info at https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/debugview
As Frank van Puffelen replied, currently there is no realtime information available in Firebase Analytics dashboard. Until this feature is available your next best option is to enable debug logging as defined in the developer documentation:
iOS: https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/ios/start#next_steps
Android: https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/android/events#view_events_in_the_android_studio_debug_log
When you log event and the event data is uploaded you will see something like this (Android):
I/FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 9080
I/FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
V/FA : Logging event: origin=auto,name=_f,params=Bundle[{_c=1}]
V/FA : Uploading data. app, uncompressed size, data: com.example.app, 348,
V/FA : batch {
V/FA : bundle {
V/FA : protocol_version: 1
V/FA : platform: android
V/FA : gmp_version: 9080
Latest Update from Firebase Dev Summit from Berlin.Firebase announced Debug view which will display raw data real time updates.
Currently i do not see it in my Firebase console,but hope it will be live for all users soon.
I am trying to log purchase event via Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol. if I read this documentation, it is said that I must have app_instance_id so I can send the data from our backend to GA4 server.
we are using Vue and Firebase Nuxt for our web app, but unfortunately, as you can see from the image below, I can't find a method to get app_instance_id
so how to get app_instance_id for web app in Firebase for web app? is it not available yet? please help
unfortunately, for now the app_instance_id is not available for web. please read the full explanation in Github from Firebase Analytics repo maintainer in here
I have an android app which has firebase analytics enabled. I am able to see events in firebase console. Now I want to connect it with big query. As I am using a team account for firebase, asked admin to give me owner access in firebase and editor access in connected google analytics account. After getting both access I tried to connect big query in firebase but it was not allowing me to select Google Analytics option while creating link. When I hover over that option it is showing message as "You need to be an Editor on the Google Analytics account linked to your project to modify BigQuery export". I am not sure what changes am I supposed to do to enable this and create a big query connection. Please help.
While you have the permissions in firebase you need to have Editor access to the Google Analytics Account as well in order to perform the connection. It is important that permission is given on the Account Level and not on the data view level.
I'm using firebase_in_app_messaging: ^0.2.3 on my application.
I can test my Firebase In-app messaging campaign on a real device, but when I published my campaign nothing seems to work.
I'm using the default on_foreground trigger event and another custom event. When I close my app and open it again nothing appears.
Does it take some time to start working? What am I missing?
I solved the issue by re-installing my application.
I assume the campaign didn't appear because I was already testing the campaign, and it's frequency was Once per device.
But still an in-app messaging test should not be considered as a real campaign engagement. It may be Firebase inner bug.
Hope this will help someone out there...
Firebase Crashlytics dashboard shows "Crash-free statistics". How to get/enable Crash-Free Users Statistics/Metrics in Firebase ?
Crash-Free User metrics helps monitor the health of your app releases and the effectiveness of recent improvements to your app. Monitoring your crash free users statistic over time allows you to see changes in stability easily. Firebase calculates this metric using Google Analytics for Firebase data. In order to populate the chart in your Crashlytics dashboard must include the Google Analytics for Firebase SDK. Once populated, you can see the percentage of users who did not experience a crash in your app over the selected timeframe and filter by build. You can see the same data in the latest release section of the Google Analytics for Firebase dashboard. To get started, add Google Analytics for Firebase to your iOS or Android app.
Is there any way to activate the Firebase Events DebugView in Unity or even just to log an event without the use of a real/virtual device (use it with a PC application)?
I can use Storage, Realtime Database and the Auth with no problem, but when I try to use the Firebase Analytics to Log events, nothing happens.
I've even tried the quick-start sample with no success.
Is it possible or I can only use it with a device?
Firebase very few services only support Desktop/Editor version. Unfortunately Analytics will not support it. you need to build on device and debug in Xcode/Android studio
https://firebase.google.com/docs/unity/setup - please see last 2 paragraph