I am looking for a free RIS which can take DICOM MWL request. I am wondering whether ClearCanvas open source RIS can do this or not?
The ClearCanvas open source RIS does not include a DICOM MWL Server. The database includes the information for a worklist, but there is not an implementation. In the DICOM library, there are some support classes available for MWL, but no official implementation.
On github have the project of ClearCanvas(https://github.com/ClearCanvas/ClearCanvas), in this file (https://github.com/ClearCanvas/ClearCanvas/blob/master/Dicom/Network/Scu/ModalityWorklistScu.cs) have a implementation of Modality Worklist, however, I don't know if was fully implemented.
I want to search for remote patients, studies...images using the DICOM C-FIND Service Class.
DICOM Part 5 offers a phletory of possible encodings (Transfer Syntaxes) - which one should I choose?
For C-FIND, the minimum DICOM requirement is supporting Implicit Little Endian (Transfer Syntax UID: 1.2.840.10008.1.2).
That means, you can rely on any DICOM conformant server to support it and you cannot expect that all DICOM conformant servers support something else (although most of them do).
Reference in the DICOM standard
In DICOM, following are the classes defined for C-Find and C-Move at Study Root.
Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND: 1.2.840.10008.
Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE: 1.2.840.10008.
I have implemented Query Retrieve SCP and SCU in multiple applications. In all those cases, I always implemented both the classes. I do C-Find first to get the list of matching data. Then based on result, I do (automatically or manually) C-Move to get the instances. All those implementations are working fine.
Recently, I am working on one application that combines DICOM with other private protocol to fulfill some specific requirements. It just stuck to my mind if it is possible to directly do C-Move without doing C-Find as SCU?
I already know the identifier (StudyInstanceUID) to retrieve and I also know that it does present on SCP.
I looked into specifications but could not found anything conclusive. I am aware that C-Find and C-Move could be issued by SCU to SCP on different connections/associations. So in first glance, what I am thinking looks possible and legal.
I worked with many third party DICOM applications; none of them implements SCU the way I am thinking. All SCUs implement C-Find AND C-Move both.
Is it DICOM legal and practical to implement Query Retrieve SCU C-Move command without C-Find command? Please point me to the reference in specifications if possible.
Short answer: Yes this is perfectly legal per DICOM specification.
Long answer: Let's consider the DCMTK reference DICOM Q/R implementation. It provides a set of basic SCU command line tools, namely findscu and movescu. The idea is to pipe the output of findscu to movescu to construct a valid C-MOVE (SCU) request.
In your requirement you are simply replacing the findscu step with a private implementation that does not rely on the publicly defined C-FIND (SCU) protocol but by another mechanism (extension to DICOM).
So yes your C-MOVE (SCU) implementation is perfectly valid, since there is no requirement to provide C-FIND (SCU) during this query.
I understand you are not trying to backup an entire database using C-MOVE (SCU), that was just a possible scenario where someone would be trying to use C-MOVE (SCU) without first querying with a valid C-FIND (SCU) result.
All . Forgive me just a newbie in the DICOM. And was reading the DIMSE part of the DICOM standard. Found both c-find and c-get have the query/retrieve functionality against DICOM PACS server.
So I tried to summary the difference between them.
C-get will trigger one or more c-store operation between SCU and SCP.
C-get is the query for the image. But c-find is just the query for the attributes except the image.
C-find would return multiple response messages if there exist multiple DICOM for the query criteria.
Please help to review my understanding. Correct me if there is any error. Thanks.
You use C-Find command for query and C-GET command for retrieval of DICOM storage instances (images, reports etc.). C-Get is performed in the single association (connection) but not commonly used. Instead, C-Move is used for retrieval of DICOM storage instances and which uses a different association (connection) and role reversal (SCP acts as SCU) to send the data to destination (caller or another SCP/Server)
So I'm trying to figure out how much capabilities comes with Intersystems to send data to an XDS repository. Specifically with using the basic Ensemble package (NO HSF) Assume it's not the one Intersystems delivers, but an external XDS repository.
Is there a built-in way to send a large blob and wrap the ebRim around that blob?
As you can see at http://www.intersystemsbenelux.com/media/media_manager/pdf/1398.pdf, Ensemble does not natively support ebRIM, but it does support XML and XML schemas.
Maybe you could assemble an XML and use that to wrap your blob content.
You can send that over whatever protocol your XDS system provides (xDBC, SOAP, file system etc). Take a look at the items listed on sections "Ensemble Interoperability" and "Ensemble Adapter and Gateway Guides" of http://docs.intersystems.com/ens20122/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls for a full list of connectivity options.
There is healthshare foundation product which has XDS connectivity
See this good answer on google groups https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?fromgroups#!topic/Ensemble-in-Healthcare/h7R300H68KQ
Or healthshare part of their website
HSF (HealthShare Foundation) XDS.b connectivity for query and retrieve and also the Provide and Register Operation.
Ok, so I re-read your question and have an answer for you. I think what you are trying to say is that you have Ensemble, not HSF, and you still want to be able to send documents (XDS provide and Register).
I did some testing with the Open Source Integration mirth and stumbled across an example channel of theirs, and it is doing a provide and register with straight up SOAP calls to the end point.
Basically, build the required soap envelope accordingly, then send a PDF or document to the repository using MTOM.
This is what makes HealthShare its money, encapsulating all that manual construction of objects that need to be sent to endpoints.
Anyway, a screenshot of the Mirth channel destination make give you an understanding:
I've got an AS3 project that I've successfully added encryption to with the excellent as3crypto library. I've also got an AS2 project that I would like to add the exact same encryption to, with the AS2 version of as3crypto.
Unfortunately, AS2 doesn't have the excellent ByteArray class, so it hasn't been as easy to get working.
My basic process is this: Open a Socket connection, create an ARC4 object, encrypt data with the ARC4 instance before sending, decrypt incoming data with an ARC4 object when receiving. Straightforward.
In AS3 this is working great. How do I do the same thing in AS2? Is there an example of usage of the AS2 RSA library somewhere that I haven't been able to find? Anyone have any idea of how the ARC4 class is supposed to be used in AS2?
Here are examples:
Flash Hacks
ActionScript Cookbook
Protect and Obfuscate your Flash files