Class 'Google_Service_Analyticsreporting_DateRange' not found - google-analytics

I'm developing reporting tools and want to get website stats from google analytics. Problem is only some of the test scripts from the Analytics examples are working.
This works fine:
$accounts = $analytics->management_accountSummaries
This throws an error (see title of post):
$dateRange = new Google_Service_Analyticsreporting_DateRange();
What am I doing wrong?

Updated Answer
It appears that there was that there is a missmatch in capitalization. Wherever you have ..._Analyticsreporting... you should substitue ..._AnalyticsReporting....
Original Answer
The Analytics Reporting API was merged into the Google API php client library on May 9th 2016.
What you will need to do is:
cd ../../google-api-php-client
git checkout v1-master
git pull
Go to the directory where you stored your php client library
Checkout the v1-master branch if you have not done so already
Do a git pull.
Should step 2. fail because you are on a branch that is over a year old then do a git pull on the master branch checkout v1-master and do a git pull again.
You can always look to see if ../../google-api-php-client/src/Google/Service/AnalyticsReporting.php is present too.


How to get pull request by id using JGit

I've started using JGit for achieving git api calls through java based jGit lib.
I'm looking to get stats around what has changed in pullRequest in files for that I'll need to get details of pullRequest.
I'm facing challenges in finding approach in getting pull request by ID using JGit.
There is no clear and concise documentation, the cook-book also don't cover this portion.
PullRequests are not part of core Git, so JGit also does not have support.
So it depends on which Git server you are accessing, GitHub has support via special branches, e.g.
git fetch origin pull/ID/head:BRANCHNAME
git fetch origin pull/223/head:local_test_branch
A similar fetch-command via JGit should work as well.
See for details

R: RStudio: How to check out an existing branch, modify it and commit back to GitHub (Windows machine)

I have followed every advice on and on the subsection and I am still getting error.
The steps I need/did (different from what Hadley's page dictates).
grab URL of GitHub repo (e.g, )
create versioned project in RStudio with this URL
set up my global user names for git
select a dev branch here (for example devXYZ)
At this point I got "detached at origin/devXYZ) message.
Per instructions in Hadley book - I tried to do fix this using this command
git push --set-upstream origin devXYZ
but it fails. The error is: origin does not appear to be a git repository or src refspec devXYZ does not match any
I tried fixing it with doing this command (may be wrong)
git remote add origin
I am using windows, latest R, latest RStudio, latest git from
EDIT: I also tried making a new branch using the recommended mechanism but it also fails. The goal is to get instructions where there is not git init and the whole process starts with an URL and new project in RStudio.
The desired future steps to work would be 5. modify and commit into the devXYZ branch.
If you are newbie to git - simply don't try to do the git part in R at all.
Instead, use GitHub Desktop or SourceTree.
Point that tool to the desired repo, switch to desired branch
Start RStudio and do any development
Close RStudio and use that external tool to perform any git steps.
integrated RStudio git implementation works great.
I think I might know what the problem is. You're trying to push directly to the main repo. I'm guessing you're not one of the main contributors for that repo so it won't allow you to create a branch there directly. I'm guessing in that book he's probably using his own repository as an example rather than using an existing one
The reason you're getting that error is because that branch doesn't exist on the remote repo so it can't get the reference to it which is inferred from this src refspec devXYZ does not match any
The preferred workflow is to work on a fork of the main repo (basically its your own personal copy of the main repo that is stored on the server). Even if you end up as a contributor at some point I think this is a good workflow to follow
Here's a good explanation on how use the fork workflow. There's other information on stackoverflow as well
Once you've made updates you'd create what's called a pull request to the original repo (commonly referred to as upstream). This basically is a request to merge your changes from the fork into the main repo. This allows the repo owner to review the changes and decide whether to accept them or make changes
Since you're just going over a tutorial I'd say use your fork as the origin wherever its used in the book for now

Git Siteground Deployment WordPress Sublime Text

I am a beginning developer looking to get a great workflow setup before I begin my personal website:
The site has WordPress installed and is hosted by SiteGround.
I enjoy the Sublime Text 3 Editor and am looking to emulate the workflow described here:
I was already in the process of learning Git through the terminal and had a GitHub repo setup through a local project folder. So I didn't really follow Joshua exactly and may have been what led me to get stuck but I think I got to the SSH part.
Here is what I have done so far:
Installed Sublime Text 3 with SublimeGit Package
Installed Wordpress on
Deleted all files from local projects/kevinbmccall folder with git
Copied all files from siteground server to local folder
Added and Committed all of these changes to github repo
Tried Adding PHP Script to siteground server and setting up webhook
Issue: "I want the server to sync with my github repo so I can easily deploy to my live site every time I push to github"
Here is what I can do now:
I can make local changes to my project folder, add them and commit them no problem.
This correctly updates my github repo fine but does not seem to deploy yet.
If I make a change to my local folder, add, commit and check the status it will tell me of an origin/master that is behind in commits and recommends a push
I can push and even see some sort of request triggered because of that attempt at a PHP script I think but I was hoping to see the test txt files show up on the server and they did not.
My Thoughts:
I think my issue has to do with writing to the server and maybe the SSH setup through Siteground. I generated a key but never really used it and all of the online material from siteground points to their SG-Git tool in the c-panel. This requires a more expensive monthly plan and I am just a beginning developer trying to get a personal site up. I am sure the deployment can be accomplished without this upgrade.
Thank you to whomever replies. My goal is to learn as much as possible so I am even more interested in the explanation than the solution.
In my opinion, maybe you need GitHub Webhooks.
This is a demo
// Init vars
$LOCAL_ROOT = "/var/www/my_new_site";
$LOCAL_REPO_NAME = "public_html";
// Delete local repo if it exists
if (file_exists($LOCAL_REPO)) {
shell_exec("rm -rf {$LOCAL_REPO}");
// Clone fresh repo from github using desired local repo name and checkout the desired branch
echo shell_exec("cd {$LOCAL_ROOT} && git clone {$REMOTE_REPO} {$LOCAL_REPO_NAME} && cd {$LOCAL_REPO} && git checkout {$BRANCH}");
die("done " . mktime());

Seeing what tickets were closed between two builds

How can I find out which tickets were closed between one build and the previous stable build? I'm trying to design a new build process, so I'm not set on particular tools yet. Which ones would let me see this sort of info in a dashboard, if any? Should I try to do this from a bug tracker, or from a build pipeline such as Jenkins or Bamboo, or somewhere else?
A possible set-up is to:
include the bug-tracker issue ID in your commit messages in your SCM ("[MYPROJECT-12923] add this new option in that nice feature")
launch your build with Jenkins that retrieves the source code from your SCM. Jenkins will show you a "Recent Changes" label linking to a page where you will find the commits that took place between last build and the current one. The commit messages will include the list of issues ID included in the build.
Note: that maybe does not answer your question perfectly because those commits could be intermediate one. Depends also on how granular are the commits.
In our DEV team, all the commits have the JIRA number in them (This is enforced by a plugin called TicketIt in Stash . There are various other plugins available for different repositories) . When we run a build , all commits that are part of the build are aggregrated by teamcity and displayed on a tab called issues . This solution that I am proposing works in teamcity and bamboo . I am sure thee would be some plugin with Jenkins for the same.
A hackier way would be to get the start time of the last build (x) and the current build(y) and get all JIRA tickets that were closed during this time via JIRA API. This might not be a foolproof method if your JIRA's are not always closed before a build

Repo from RStudio to Github

I love github and RStudio for workflow. Recently, I've created a project template that makes directories and scripts etc. and would like to create locally and push to github.
In the past I created a repo for a project via used version control in RStudio to create the local repo and then dump all files I already had there.
This seems wasteful of time. How can one to take the directory/repo that's already in RStudio with a .Rproj file and upload to github with out first creating the shell repo at
I think this could save time in the workflow.
I thought I could just follow the directions -here- (under Adding version control to a project) to add version control but this doesn't allow me to push to github (nor should it because how does RStudio know which git site you want to push to).
The only way you could create a repository on github directly from your computer, without having to create it with their website first, would be to create a remote branch directly from git on your system. This is possible on some git installation, but not on Github.
However, Github provides an API that allows to create the repository from the command line, via a call to curl for example. You will find information on how to do it in this answer (not tested) :
curl -u 'USER:PASS' -d '{"name":"REPO"}'
git remote add origin
git push origin master
But I don't think you will be able to do it directly from RStudio : you will need to put your project under version control, and then to execute the three commands provided in the answer in a shell.
Have you seen hub?
hub create
git push -u origin master
will do the job for you, once hub is configured to access your GitHub account. If you want the project to be called different from the name of the parent directory, use
hub create projectname
The general usage is
hub create [NAME] [-p] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-h HOMEPAGE]
(-p -- private repository), and you can access many more GitHub features with this tool.
