New Exchange Rate Provider configuration AX 2012 - axapta

I have created a new Exchange provider according to the Manual in the Microsoft Page but when I try to import the data's it shows nothing,no errors and doesn't make the import of the data.I try to debug but I get nowhere.
Any suggestion?
Thank you

I'm guessing that you are referring to the Creating Exchange Rate Providers for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 white paper.
Following the instructions in the white paper, I encountered the following problems:
The getExchangeRates method contains a try-catch block that swallows all exceptions silently, including the exceptions from the following problems.
The getExchangeRates method contains a hidden* TODO to replace part of a commented code line with the API key that you receive when you register with Oanda (see chapter "Before you begin" in the white paper or OANDA Exchange Rates API). After replacing the part with your API key, the line must be un-commented, of course.
For the rateEnumerator variable in the getExchangeRates method, no moveNext() is made, which causes the subsequent current() call to fail.
In the last if statement in method readRate, exchangeRate should be replaced with exchangeDate.
After resolving these issues and doing an incremental CIL compilation, I was able to import exchange rates.
Regarding debugging: the code of the new exchange rate provider is run in CIL, so you need Visual Studio to debug the code (see Walkthrough: Using the Debug Properties When Debugging Managed Code (AX 2012)). You can also set a breakpoint in class SysOperationServiceController, method run and then force the code to execute not in CIL using the "Set Next Statement" function in the debugger to execute the this.runOperation(false); statement.
*hidden because it does not appear as a task in the compiler window


Dynamics AX Document Services salesSalesOrder error

I have a quastion regarding document services
I just want to create salesorders through document services I just follow the straight forward procces of
I made the modifications that coresponds to my system through the help of the exception log of administration panel . Now I have to face the fact that my xml file is deleted and I have no salesOrders in salestable and not a response xml into response file.
Then my next action was to debug the service...attach the proccess load the debug symbols etc....
The time that I triger the services did not hit the breakpoint in the class/method but instand I get a funny error from VisualStudio which make me to feel blind , also note that does not exist any error in exception log of dynamics ax or in the batch job.
The error from VS.
"An exception of type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ErrorException' occurred in Dynamics.Ax.Application.dll854.netmodule but was not handled in user code"
Can anyone help me or face something similar at the past?
iN inbound port I should specify the company id,
then everything works fine. The reason was that the default company was empty and the new salesorders cannot passed validation.

AX 2012 - MorphX Report issue

I have a MorphX report (AOT report) that has been imported from 3.0. The problem is the class that starts the report is based off of RunBaseReport. It then sends in parameters from the dialog box. This all works client side. I want this to run on the batch server and schedule it to print out reports and email them.
The issue is in the init method. Where SalesReport is the above mentioned class that overrides RunBaseReport:
SalesReport = element.args().caller();
This line doesn't work when coming from the batch server. So then when I try to call SalesReport.parmDate() I get an
this object has not been initialized
error. Can this not be done from a batch server anymore or what are alternatives?

BizTalk TPE continuations and uncompleted activities

Within my BizTalk 2010 solution I have the following orchestration that’s is started by the receipt of a courier update message. It them makes a couple of call to AX's WCF AIF via two solicit-response ports, a Find request and an Update request.
For this application we are meeting audit requirements through use of the tracking database to store the message body. We are able to link to this from references provided in BAM when we use the TPE. The result for the customer is nice, they get a web portal from which they can view BAM data of message timings etc. but they can also click a link to pull up a copy of the message payloads from the tracking db. Although this works well and makes use of out-of-box functionality for payload storage it has led to relatively complex jobs for the archiving of the tracking db (but that's another story!).
My problem relates to continuation. I have created the following Tracking Profile:
I have associated the first of the orchestration's two solicit response ports with the continuation RcvToOdx based on the interchange Id and this works, I get the following single record written to the Completed activity table:
So, in this case we can assume that an entry was first written on receipt in the inbound message, with the TimeReceivedIntoBts column populated by the physical file receive port. The FindRequestToAx column was then populated by the physical WCF send port. Because this was bound to the RcvToOdx continuation Id and used the same interchange Id and the previously mentioned file receive message, the update was made to the same activity. Notification of the resulting response was also updated to the same activity record - into the FindResponseFromAx column.
My problem is that I would also like BAM to record a timestamp for the subsequent UpdateRequestToAx. Because this request will have the same interchange Id as the previous messages I would expect to be able to solve this problem by simply binding the AxUpdate send port (both send and receive parts of it) to the same continuation id, as seen in the following screen grab:
I also map the UpdateRequestToAx milestone to the physical Ax_TrackAndTraceUpdate_SendPort (Send) and the OrchestrationCompleted milestone to Ax_TrackAndTraceUpdate_SendPort (Receive)
Unfortunately, when I try this I get the following result:
Two problems can be seen from the above db screen grab:
1. Date for the update send port was inserted into a new activity record
2. The record was never completed
I was surprised by this because I'd thought since they update port was enlisted to use the same continuation, and the single InterchangeId was being used by all ports for the continuation Id then all the data milestones would be applied to a single activity.
In looking for a solution to this problem I came across the following post on Stack Overflow suggesting that the continuation must be closed from the BAM API: BAM Continuation issue with TPE. So, I tried this by calling the following method from an expression shape in my orchestration:
public static void EndBAMContinuation(string continuationId)
OrchestrationEventStream.EndActivity(CARRIER_ORDER_ACTIVITY_NAME, continuationId);
I can be sure the method was called ok because I wrapped the call with a log entry from the CAT framework which I could see in debug view:
I checked the RcvToOdx{867… continuation Id against the non-closed activity and confirmed they matched:
This would suggest that perhaps the request to end the continuation is being processed before the milestone of the received message from the UpdateAx call?
When I query the Relationsips tables I get the following results:
Could anyone please advise why the UpdateToAx activity is not being completed?
I realise that I may be able to solve the problem using only the BAM API but I really want to exhaust any possibility of the TPE being fit for purpose first since the TPE is widely used in other BizTalk solutions of the organisation.
To solve this problem I created a 2nd continuation in the TPE.
"RcvToOdx" continuation for the Find and "OdxToUpdate" continuation for the update - source is InterchangeId on the initial receive port - UPS_TrackAndTrace (same as for other "RcvToOdx" continuation), dest Id is the InterchangeId mapped to update send port.

Issue running ASPX page using Scheduled Task

I have a scheduled task set up to run Scan.aspx every 3 minutes in IE7. Scan.aspx reads data from 10 files in sequence. These files are constantly being updated. The values from the file are inserted into a database.
Sporadically, the value being read is truncated or distorted. For example, if the value in the file was "Hello World", random entries such as "Hello W", "Hel", etc. will be in the database. The timestamps on these entries appear completely random. Sometimes at 1:00 am, sometimes at 3:30 am. And some nights, this doesn't occur at all.
I'm unable to reproduce this issue when I debug the code. So I know under "normal" circumstances, the code executes correctly.
Here is the aspx codebehind (in Page_Load) to read a text file (this is called for each of the 10 text files):
Dim filename As String = location
If File.Exists(filename) Then
Using MyParser As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(filename)
MyParser.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
Dim currentrow As String()
Dim valueA, valueB As String
While Not MyParser.EndOfData
currentrow = MyParser.ReadFields()
valueA= currentrow(0).ToUpper
valueB = currentrow(1).ToUpper
//insert values as record into DB if does not exist already
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End While
End Using
End If
Any ideas why this might cause issues when running multiple times throughout the day (via scheduled task)?
First implement a Logger such as Log4Net in your ASP.NET solution and Log method entry and exit points in your Scan.aspx as well as your method for updating the DB. There is a chance this may provide some hint of what is going on. You should also check the System Event Log to see if any other event is associated with your failed DB entries.
ASP.NET is not the best thing for this scenario especially when paired with a Windows scheduled task; this is not a robust design. A more robust system would run on a timer inside a Windows-Service-Application. Your code for reading the files and updating to the DB could be ported across. If you have access to the server and can install a Windows Service, make sure you also add Logging to the Windows Service too!
Make sure you read the How to Debug below
Windows Service Applications intro on MSDN: has further links to:
How to: Create Windows Services
How to: Install and Uninstall Services
How to: Start Services
How to: Debug Windows Service Applications]
Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service
Application in the Component Designer
How to: Add Installers to Your Service Application
Regarding your follow up comment about the apparent random entries that sometimes occur at 1am and 3.30am: you should:
Investigate the IIS Log for the site when these occur and find out what hit(visited) the page at that time.
Check if there is an indexing service on the server which is visiting your aspx page.
Check if Anti-Virus software is installed and ascertain if this is visiting your aspx page or impacting the Asp.Net cache; this can cause compilation issues such as file-locks on the aspnet page in the aspnet cache; (a scenario for aspnet websites as opposed to aspnet web applications) which could give weird behavior.
Find out if the truncated entries coincide with the time that the files are updated: cross reference your db entries timestamp or logger timestamp with the time the files are updated.
Update your logger to log the entire contents of the file being read to verify you've not got a 'junk-in > junk-out' scenario. Be careful with diskspace on the server by running this for one night.
Find out when the App-Pool that your web app runs under is recycled and cross reference this with the time of your truncated entries; you can do this with web.config only via ASP.NET Health Monitoring.
Your code is written with a 'try catch' that will bury errors. If you are not going to do something useful with your caught error then do not catch it. Handle your edge cases in code, not a try catch.
See this try-catch question on this site.

servlet initialization failure in websphere 6.0

I have many servlets in a web applicaton; for some stange reason, only and only one of them always fails in initialization with the following error trace:-
00000045 ServletWrappe E SRVE0100E: Did not realize init() exception thrown by servlet MyServletX: java.lang.NullPointerException
I could not figure out if there is anything extra ordinary with this servlet. There is no init() method in this servlet and it extends HTTPServlet. Any idea what could be reason? I am using websphere server 6.0.x. How to get more debugging information in this case?
Well I don't know still cause of above error, but this is how it started working strangely:- i) Re-applied recommended fixes by IBM for my WAS version (especially there are IBM JDK upgrade related fix patches) ii) created a new profile of server iii) Install web application to new profile and it started working.
I don't think this is a product issue.
To debug this problem what i would suggest is to place a simple servlet (kind of Hello World) and deploy it to the server and see what happens.
initialization does not necessarily mean init() method alone.
If you have a static block in your servlet, if you have any variables that are initialized they would all be part of the initialization activity.
Look at the FFDC logs that were generated when this error occurred and that should provide you with clues.
As bkail mentioned, also ensure that yo have the latest fixpacks just to eliminate known problems with the product.
if the hello world servlet works, suggest you place hte servlet code here along with the SystemOut and System Err logs that correspond to this issue along with the relevant FFDC logs and i am sure most of us will be able to help you out with this
