How do I migrate my code for the Google VR SDK for Android? - google-vr

I have an existing Android app using the Cardboard SDK. How do I migrate my code for the Google VR SDK for Android?

In general, packages have been migrated from* to*. The package is now now
Top-level Cardboard-prefixed classes have also been renamed and are now Gvr-prefixed:
CardboardActivity -> GvrActivity
CardboardView -> GvrView
CardboardAudioEngine -> GvrAudioEngine
The SDK library name has changed:
core.aar -> base.aar
Finally, the following GvrView methods have been removed:
setRestoreGLStateEnabled (disabled always)
setVignetteEnabled (enabled always)
setGyroBiasEstimationEnabled (enabled always)


Unity build crashes (API level 31 and above)

My app was working perfectly fine unitl I had to upgrade the API Target level to 31 or above for Google play store publishing, but when I run the app it crashes upon startup and in the firebase crashlytics it shows this error:
Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent.
Strongly consider using FLAG_IMMUTABLE, only use FLAG_MUTABLE if some functionality depends on the PendingIntent being mutable, e.g.
Im using:
Firebase SDK (crashlytics & analytics)
Google admob SDK
Problem was finally solved by updating the google admob unity SDK & the firebase unity SDK.

Unity Firebase Crashlytics not sending any crash reports, getting "failed to retrieve settings" error on logcat

Unity editor version: 2019.3.15f1
Firebase Unity SDK version: firebase_unity_sdk_6.15.2
Additional SDKs im using: Unity IAP, Gamesparks, Ironsource, Facebook, Appsflyer, GameAnalytics
Platform im using the Unity editor on: Windows
Platform im targeting: Android
Scripting Runtime: IL2CPP
I am getting data on firebase analytics, but I cannot get crashlytics to report anything. Im stuck on this...
Steps to reproduce:
Add the firebase analytics and crashlytics sdks.
Add the google-services.json GoogleService-Info.plist files somewhere in assets folder
Add this code to initialise the firebase
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
// Initialize Firebase
Firebase.FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
var dependencyStatus = task.Result;
if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available)
// Create and hold a reference to your FirebaseApp,
// where app is a Firebase.FirebaseApp property of your application class.
// Crashlytics will use the DefaultInstance, as well;
// this ensures that Crashlytics is initialized.
Firebase.FirebaseApp app = Firebase.FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;
// Set a flag here for indicating that your project is ready to use Firebase.
VisualDebugger.SetText("crashlytics initialised");
"Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: {0}",dependencyStatus));
VisualDebugger.SetText("crashlytics NOT initialised: " + dependencyStatus);
// Firebase Unity SDK is not safe to use here.
Invoke("IsCrashEnabled", 5f);
void IsCrashEnabled()
VisualDebugger.AddLine("IsCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled: "+Firebase.Crashlytics.Crashlytics.IsCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled);
In order to get the app to run with the facebook sdk installed Ive added these two lines to proguard-user.txt
-keep public class com.facebook.**{public *; }
-keep public class com.facebook.internal.**{ public *; }
and commented out the following lines from mainTemplate.gradle
//implementation '' // Facebook.Unity.Editor.AndroidSupportLibraryResolver.addSupportLibraryDependency
//implementation '' // Facebook.Unity.Editor.AndroidSupportLibraryResolver.addSupportLibraryDependency
//implementation '' // Facebook.Unity.Editor.AndroidSupportLibraryResolver.addSupportLibraryDependency
When I run the app, firebase is initialised successfully. Also Firebase.Crashlytics.Crashlytics.IsCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled returns true.
I crash the app in a number of different ways, then open it again without reinstalling. But no crash reports are sent.
When I watch logcat when starting the app I see this error from firebase each time the app is opened
2020-09-28 16:18:59.332 25773-25847/? E/FirebaseCrashlytics: Failed to retrieve settings from
Update Oct 19, 2020:
Today a developer updated the issue I linked in this answer saying the Firebase team fixed a backend bug last Friday (Oct 16) that was affecting some new Unity Android apps registering w/ Firebase - likely the bug behind your issue. I had already solved the issue in my own project using the below solution, but if you haven't yet updated your project, I recommend running it again and seeing if Crashlytics is working for you now..
I've been dealing with the same issue this week in Unity 2019.4.11f1 - i see the same error message about not being able to retrieve settings, but with my specific project and appIds in the URL.
I found a solution in this Github issue, which suggests the problem is caused by the version of an android library that is a dependency for the Unity Firebase Crashlytics package. My rough understanding is that the firebase-crashlytics-unity library is a wrapper around android library firebase:firebase-crashlytics, and the unity package allows the underlying native Android code to be used from Unity. Version has issues with getting the settings for some Firebase projects on Android. Myself and several others following this issue found forcing Unity to use this specific dependency at version 17.1.1 resolved the issue.
Someone else with the same issue in the thread contacted Firebase support and was told:
The error you are seeing "Failed to retrieve settings" is related to
the SDK version being used. If you go to "Assets > Firebase > Editor>
CrashlyticsDependencies" you can manually update the SDK to point to
the latest Crashlytics SDK version 17.2.2. Please give it a try and if
you continue having issues, let me know.
It turned out this advice wasn't quite right - some of us following the thread then experienced a different issue when using the Android Crashlytics SDK version 17.2.2 with Unity crashlytics version 6.16.0. So I'd specifically recommend trying out the below suggestion or other solutions in the thread to set your Android crashlytics library to v17.1.1.
Changes I made in my project to address this:
First, I updated my unity firebase packages in the package manager to use version 6.16.0. In my project 4 packages were installed - core, analytics, crashlytics, and messaging.
Then I searched for the the Crashlytics package's dependency file - Crashlytics-Dependencies.xml (found by searching project - was in /Library/PackageCache/ for me). This file initally had "" listed, which I updated to be: "".
As an extra precaution, I also added created a MyProject-Dependencies.xml file, as was suggested by a user in the thread - this file also specifies version "".
Next, I modified the Unity build process to use a custom mainTemplate.gradle file to specify dependencies,
rather than using the External Dependency Resolver to manage and
embed unity packages (option in Build Settings > PlayerSettings >
I also updated the settings on the External Dependency Manager Android Ressolver:
Disabled AutoResolve and Disabled Resolve on Build (we dont want EDM updating dependencies without our knowledge when building)
I also turned disabled AndroidPackageInstallationEnabled - this has made the resolution process much faster and removed a bunch of .aar files from the android dependencies list, and hasn't caused any problems in my project.
I then ran External Dependency Resolver > Android > Force Resolve, which after the settings changes above, should now embed a list of the dependencies for the Android build into the mainTemplate.gradle file - Check this file (its in Assets/Plugins/Android) and you should now see in that list.
Also, I recommend reading this article about managing Unity Firebase dependencies from one of the Firebase developer advocates, Patrick Martin. It helped me wrap my head around how Android dependency management in Unity works, as well as how the Android gradle build process works.

How to setup different firebase environments in Flutter

I am trying to figure out how to set up different firebase environments in a flutter project.
I understand how to do this in firebase, I created two projects, one for production, one for the test. Then, in an iOS or Android project, I could use various methods to switch between these two environments using separate google-services.json or GoogleServices-Info.plist files.
In Flutter I found this description of how to separate environments, but it only explains how to differentiate between environments in the flutter code.
How can I get this environment to change what iOS and Android build at compile time? It would even be sufficient simply to allow a file copy hook at build time.
You can switch accounts using FirebaseApp.configure. You can offer your own solution or secret dev panel to switch between them.
The solutions will build flavours and plist implementations will lock you into builds when you deploy for TestFlight + they are messy.
Here's an example: (You could use Assets as well.)
// Load a named file.
let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "MyGoogleService", ofType: "plist")
guard let fileopts = FirebaseOptions(contentsOfFile: filePath!)
else { assert(false, "Couldn't load config file") }
FirebaseApp.configure(options: fileopts)
I wrote an article about how to do this for Firebase configuration as well as runtime configuration in dart code using flavors and platform channels.
Flutter flavors work pretty seamlessly with Android flavors. For iOS you need to create Xcode schemes for each flavor and link them to build configurations.
For dart configuration, you can use platform channels to get the flavor used during the build at runtime. This lets you configure the app without having multiple main.dart files or passing a target argument.
Salvatore Giordano has written a blog post with a detailed description of how to achieve this:
Flutter accepts a parameter --flavor=<flavor> which allows you to select different build flavors. In Android this works as expected, selecting different build flavors. IOS is a little tricker because a scheme is needed for every flavor, and the build configurations in the form of Release-<flavor> are also needed.
Once these parts are in place, they can be used, to select the firebase configuration as you would in any iOS or Android project.
The challenge is getting Dart code to also be aware of the flavor, and the blog post provides no good solution for this. It suggests the standard method of using different entry points can be used, but the correct entry point must be matched to the correct flavor manually by the person invoking the app.
Specifically to Firebase env config you can use this article and this article from CodeMagic which explains how you can set up plist files with build env variables.
If you need to have a different set of values inside your Dart code, like an option you can use this package. It allows to generate Dart class config file from console command params.
Update 12/05/2020
Since Flutter 1.17 you can actually use compile-time variables with --dart-define argument in flutter run and flutter build commands
Here is an article that describes how to specify and use them.
With the release of Flutter for Web to the stable channel, I put together instructions for targeting multiple firebase projects (e.g. dev, staging, prod) from multiple build platforms (i.e. iOS, Android, and Web).

Firebase App named DEFAULT already exist [duplicate]

Just loaded firebase 3.0 with react-native and getting the error
[fatal][tid:com.facebook.react.RCTExceptionsManagerQueue] Unhandled
JS Exception: Can't find variable: document
Is react-native supported yet?
React-native code:
var firebase = require('firebase')
// Initialize Firebase
var config = {
apiKey: '<apiKey>',
authDomain: '<app>',
databaseURL: 'https://<app>',
storageBucket: 'firebase-<app>'
The newest version of firebase uses the document variables that are used in web applications and the RCTWebSocket or RCTView doesn't work the same way. (I'm not 100% sure about all the details). Anyway, you can just install an older version of firebase and it will work for you. Assuming you have npm installed follow these instructions.
Uninstall Firebase from your react-native project npm uninstall firebase --save
Install version 2.4.2 of firebase npm install firebase#2.4.2 --save
Happy Firebaseing!
Firebase JS SDK 3.1 just got released and is now compatible with React Native!
See release notes.
I was able to get Firebase 3.0.2 to load in React Native by putting the following in a .js file and importing it at the top of index.ios.js:
global.location = {
href: ''
global.screen = {
global.document = {
getElementsByTagName: function(){}
global.parent = global;
There may be other gotchas - I have not explored further than this but it might get Firebase 3 working for you.
Firebase 3.x is not supported in RN (yet..).
I think the issue relates to the auth module's dependency on the browser's window variable.
Will it be officially supported?
According to the following discussion thread from the Firebase team, they are presently working on 3.x support. There is however no release time frame set.
Google Groups Discussion.
Option 1 (with FB 2.x)
From Jacob Wenger:
If React Native support is a blocker for you, please continue to use
the 2.x.x SDKs until we resolve this issue. The 2.x.x SDKs will
continue to work, even after you migrate to the new console..`
Option 2 (with FB 3.x)
From Jacob Wenger:
As a "workaround" if you don't need auth (unlikely, I know, but still
worth mentioning), you should be able to do the following:
var app = require('firebase/app');
var database = require('firebase/database');
To use last version of Firebase with ReactNative you can use Firebase Bridge.
I have a demo app here.
Whilst the Firebase JS SDK does work on react native now, it is mainly built for the web and is generally not the best solution for react-native.
The Firebase Web SDK runs entirely on react native's JS thread, therefore affecting your application frame rate (the link explains this well).
In my tests, the native firebase SDK's has been roughly 2-3 times quicker than using the web SDK.
But on top of the potential performance impacts there's a lot of features you'll be unable to use with the web SDK on android/ios devices. For example:
Notifications / FCM
Offline capabilities
Storage upload/download
Firebase Crash Reporting
Use of social authentication providers
The best approach would be to run with the native android/ios firebase sdk's and have a bridge between them and your js code (i.e. a native module setup).
Thankfully you don't have to implement this yourself, there's already modules out there to do this for you:
react-native-firebase for example mirrors the the web sdk's api js side but executes on the native side using the native android & ios firebase sdk's. It's fully compatible with any existing firebase js logic that you may have already implemented and is intended as a drop in replacement for the web sdk.
(disclaimer: I am the author of react-native-firebase)

Error when running Firebase 3.0 with React Native

Just loaded firebase 3.0 with react-native and getting the error
[fatal][tid:com.facebook.react.RCTExceptionsManagerQueue] Unhandled
JS Exception: Can't find variable: document
Is react-native supported yet?
React-native code:
var firebase = require('firebase')
// Initialize Firebase
var config = {
apiKey: '<apiKey>',
authDomain: '<app>',
databaseURL: 'https://<app>',
storageBucket: 'firebase-<app>'
The newest version of firebase uses the document variables that are used in web applications and the RCTWebSocket or RCTView doesn't work the same way. (I'm not 100% sure about all the details). Anyway, you can just install an older version of firebase and it will work for you. Assuming you have npm installed follow these instructions.
Uninstall Firebase from your react-native project npm uninstall firebase --save
Install version 2.4.2 of firebase npm install firebase#2.4.2 --save
Happy Firebaseing!
Firebase JS SDK 3.1 just got released and is now compatible with React Native!
See release notes.
I was able to get Firebase 3.0.2 to load in React Native by putting the following in a .js file and importing it at the top of index.ios.js:
global.location = {
href: ''
global.screen = {
global.document = {
getElementsByTagName: function(){}
global.parent = global;
There may be other gotchas - I have not explored further than this but it might get Firebase 3 working for you.
Firebase 3.x is not supported in RN (yet..).
I think the issue relates to the auth module's dependency on the browser's window variable.
Will it be officially supported?
According to the following discussion thread from the Firebase team, they are presently working on 3.x support. There is however no release time frame set.
Google Groups Discussion.
Option 1 (with FB 2.x)
From Jacob Wenger:
If React Native support is a blocker for you, please continue to use
the 2.x.x SDKs until we resolve this issue. The 2.x.x SDKs will
continue to work, even after you migrate to the new console..`
Option 2 (with FB 3.x)
From Jacob Wenger:
As a "workaround" if you don't need auth (unlikely, I know, but still
worth mentioning), you should be able to do the following:
var app = require('firebase/app');
var database = require('firebase/database');
To use last version of Firebase with ReactNative you can use Firebase Bridge.
I have a demo app here.
Whilst the Firebase JS SDK does work on react native now, it is mainly built for the web and is generally not the best solution for react-native.
The Firebase Web SDK runs entirely on react native's JS thread, therefore affecting your application frame rate (the link explains this well).
In my tests, the native firebase SDK's has been roughly 2-3 times quicker than using the web SDK.
But on top of the potential performance impacts there's a lot of features you'll be unable to use with the web SDK on android/ios devices. For example:
Notifications / FCM
Offline capabilities
Storage upload/download
Firebase Crash Reporting
Use of social authentication providers
The best approach would be to run with the native android/ios firebase sdk's and have a bridge between them and your js code (i.e. a native module setup).
Thankfully you don't have to implement this yourself, there's already modules out there to do this for you:
react-native-firebase for example mirrors the the web sdk's api js side but executes on the native side using the native android & ios firebase sdk's. It's fully compatible with any existing firebase js logic that you may have already implemented and is intended as a drop in replacement for the web sdk.
(disclaimer: I am the author of react-native-firebase)
