Wordpress: Highlight active menu color on scroll and on click - wordpress

i am working on this Wordpress website and as you can see is a one scroll landing page. Every section as an id and this class id is connected to the navigation points like this
What i need is to highlight the active navigation point when you scroll with the mouse on the sections and when you click on the navigation on the relative link.
How can i do it?

Your website has already been built with functionality that changes the class of the menu item once it's content/counterpart is in the viewport of the end user.
If you inspect the element, you will notice that the a tags in your menu receive a class .mPS2id-highlight when their content counterparts are in view.
Thusly, you can simply add a CSS rule to achieve your goal.
I've tested the rule below in firebug on your website and it seems to work fine (the !important was necessary):
.mPS2id-highlight {
color: #b51339 !important;
If you would like to keep your border functionality, you can use the following rules instead:
.cssmenu > ul.menu > li:hover {
border-bottom: 0 solid;
.mPS2id-highlight {
border-color: #b51339 !important;
color: #b51339 !important;

You need declare the highlight with javascript particularly you do with jquery in custom code de your wordpress with something like this:
$(document).on("scroll", onScroll);
$('a[href^="#"]').on('click', function (e) {
$('a').each(function () {
var target = this.hash,
menu = target;
$target = $(target);
$('html, body').stop().animate({
'scrollTop': $target.offset().top+2
}, 500, 'swing', function () {
window.location.hash = target;
$(document).on("scroll", onScroll);
also you look at the console of the browser because it have an error in your page


Creating a TinyMCE inline editor AND making it visible from a button

I'd like to use TinyMCE 4.1.7 in inline mode. When the user right-clicks a DIV and selects Edit, indicating they want to edit the DIV, I execute
var id= g.currentElement$.attr('id');
selector: "div#"+id,
This adds a TinyMCE editor (I know because I catch an AddEditor event) but it doesn't seem to append the editor elements to the DOM (I can't see them in Chrome DevTools Elements tab). For the editor to appear I have to click inside the DIV.
I want to change this behavior so that when the user right-clicks the DIV and selects Edit, my handler will also trigger whatever is triggered now by clicking in the DIV. So after I've launched the editor, as above, I need to call some other method that will append the editor to the DOM and make it visible, so clicking Edit in the context menu is all I need to bring up the TinyMCE editor.
Could someone tell me what I need to do to accomplish this?
(The reason I can't just click the DIV to bring up the editor is that a click already means something else. A single click selects the DIV, where it can be deleted, duplicated, nudged, etc. A drag on the DIV moves it. And a drag on a DIV corner resizes the DIV. A right-click with an Edit option is all I have left.)
Thanks for your help.
I got this working as follows.
I first run the tinymce init:
var id= g.currentElement$.attr('id');
selector: "div#"+id,
That creates an editor for the element but doesn't render or show it. Rendering and showing the editor normally requires a mousedown on the element.
After stepping through a lot of tinymce code I realized that firing a focusin event on the editor instance is what gets the editor rendered and displayed. So I created a callback for AddEditor. The AddEditor event comes in early in the editor create process, though, and I didn't want to fire focusin until the editor was complete, so at the AddEditor event I get the editor instance and create a callback for "NodeChange," which happens at the end of the editor create.
When NodeCreate comes in I fire a "focusin" on the editor and that renders and displays the editor, as I wanted. A single click, now, runs tinymce init and leaves an inline editor displayed and ready on top of the element.
The total code is:
tinymce.on('AddEditor', function(e) {
e.editor.on('NodeChange', function(e) { // now that we know the editor set a callback at "NodeChange."
e.target.fire("focusin"); // NodeChange is at the end of editor create. Fire focusin to render and show it
If anyone sees anything wrong with this I'd be very grateful for any comments.
selector: "div#"+id,
setup: function (ed) {
ed.on('init', function(e) {
This will do the trick for the initiating editor instance. Better then globally firing for every single NodeChange event for every single editor instance on the page. (Assuming there multiple editors but also works with single editor.)
There is a better practice using JS Promises. tinymce.init returns a Promise Object.
let tinyMcePromise= tinymce.init({
selector: "div#"+id,
Official documentation: https://www.tinymce.com/docs/api/tinymce/root_tinymce/#init
Beware: Some older versions of tinyMce have a bug about init Promise.
**Please first add jquery and tinymce library..**
<script src="latestjquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="tinymce.min.js"></script>
<form method="post">
<textarea>here firstly onlciki will show menu and when edit will be selcted then it will be converted into ediotr</textarea>
<ul class='custom-menu'>
<li data-action = "first">First thing</li>
<li data-action = "second">Second thing</li>
<li data-action = "third">Third thing</li>
//Trigger action when the contexmenu is about to be shown
$("textarea").bind("contextmenu", function (event) {
// Avoid the real one
// Show contextmenu
// In the right position (the mouse)
top: event.pageY + "px",
left: event.pageX + "px"
// If the document is clicked somewhere
$("textarea").bind("mousedown", function (e) {
// If the clicked element is not the menu
if (!$(e.target).parents(".custom-menu").length > 0) {
// Hide it
// If the menu element is clicked
$(".custom-menu li").click(function(){
selector: "textarea"
// This is the triggered action name
switch($(this).attr("data-action")) {
// A case for each action. Your actions here
case "first": alert("first"); break;
case "second": alert("second"); break;
case "editor": alert("editor will appear");
// Hide it AFTER the action was triggered
.custom-menu {
display: none;
z-index: 1000;
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
white-space: nowrap;
font-family: sans-serif;
background: #FFF;
color: #333;
border-radius: 5px;
.custom-menu li {
padding: 8px 12px;
cursor: pointer;
.custom-menu li:hover {
background-color: #DEF;

woocommerce product category widget disable parent category link

I am using the woocommerce product category widget on my sidebar and footer widget area.
I have 2 parent categories. I would like these to be displayed, but not be clickable links.
You can see the page here http://www.terrykirkwood.co.uk/w
Can anyone advise what css to add to stop these links being clickable?
Here's the code from the first occurrence:
<li class="cat-item cat-item-47 cat-parent">Original Paintings<ul class="children">
CSS only controls style, so there is no CSS you can use to disable a hyperlink. You could change the CSS to not change cursors, so it doesn't "look" like a link.
.cat-parent a {
cursor: default;
text-decoration: none;
.cat-parent .children a {
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
And then use some jQuery to actually disable the click function:
$('.cat-parent').click(function(e) {
If you were bold you could probably also modify the widget to not print an <a> link for parents, but I can't check on that right now.
You can either add the script to one of your theme's scripts, load a new external script file or drop the following into your themes' functions.php:
function so_add_this_script_footer(){
if( !is_admin() ) { ?>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.cat-parent > a').click(function(e) {
<?php }
add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', 'so_add_this_script_footer');
All parent classes have a 'cat-parent' class, so you can either add a condition - 'javascript: void(0)' - in widget for anchor tag 'href'.
Alternatively , you can add the below jquery code,
jQuery('.footer-widget').find('.product-categories li.cat-parent').each(function(){
if(jQuery(this).find('ul.children').length == 1){
jQuery(this).find('a').attr('href','javascript: void(0)');
This will reset all parent category links that have child categories. Now, If user clicks on parent category, it will not do anything.
This will also make sure, that if parent categories don't have child categories, then it will not be reset.

2x Mobile Menus - Only one opens

I have built a basic WordPress theme which has a primary and secondary navigation. Dev site here: http://website-test-lab.com/sites/weaver/
If you narrow your screen until the mobile menu's kick in, and click on either menu, they both display the primary navigation.
How can I alter this so that the menu that is clicked shows up? Here is my jQuery:
;(function($) {
// DOM ready
$(function() {
// Append the mobile icon nav
$('.nav').append($('<div class="nav-mobile"></div>'));
// Add a <span> to every .nav-item that has a <ul> inside
$('.nav ul li').has('ul').prepend('<span class="nav-click"><i class="nav-arrow"></i></span>');
// Click to reveal the nav
// Dynamic binding to on 'click'
$('.nav-list').on('click', '.nav-click', function(){
// Toggle the nested nav
$(this).siblings('.nav .sub-menu').toggle();
// Toggle the arrow using CSS3 transforms
Thanks in advance
I ended up editing this piece of JS:
// Click to reveal the nav

Sharepoint 2013 - Hide left Navigation, but not in People and Groups

I tried to hide the left Navigation bar and it works without problems. The only problem now is that when I go under: Site settings > User Permissions > People and Groups
It hides me my Groups I created there on the left side. Is there any possibility of hiding the left navigation bar in all sites and leaving "People and Groups" alone?
I made my own css file and used this to hide the Navigation bar:
#sideNavBox { DISPLAY: none }
#contentBox { margin-left: 0px }
Best regards
Try below css (instead of yours):
.ms-core-sideNavBox-removeLeftMargin { display: none } /* hide only quick links */
#contentBox { margin-left: 0px } /* make content take full page width */
Div with id sideNavBox is the main container of left navigation box. But it is not the actual container that holds the quick links.
Actually quick links is contained by another div with class ms-core-sideNavBox-removeLeftMargin which is a child div of div with id sideNavBox.
Now people and groups left panel items are not contained in this div with class ms-core-sideNavBox-removeLeftMargin but is instead contained in div above it with class ms-ql-additionaltopsection (as shown in above image).
So our solution above hides this actual quicklinks containing child div:
.ms-core-sideNavBox-removeLeftMargin { display: none } /* hide only quick links */
instead of parent container
#sideNavBox { display: none } /* hide left navigation box */
You can find my detailed blog on this matter here.
If you wish to remove the sidenavbox only in special cases then you should do the following:
1. Edit the Relevant master page in SharePoint designer (in my example below I edited the System Master Page.
Below example checks for form pages and removes the sidenavbox only there.
2. Add the following script (jQuery):
$(document).ready(function () {
if(window.location.href.indexOf("newifs.aspx") > -1) {
$('#sideNavBox').css('display', 'none');
$('#contentBox').css('margin-right', '0px');
if(window.location.href.indexOf("editifs.aspx") > -1) {
$('#sideNavBox').css('display', 'none');
$('#contentBox').css('margin-right', '0px');
if(window.location.href.indexOf("displayifs.aspx") > -1) {
$('#sideNavBox').css('display', 'none');
$('#contentBox').css('margin-right', '0px');
3. Save and check-in the Master Page.
Now, you will not need to edit every page containing a form to add content webparts and such. This will work on all pages specified in the script.

IE select issue with hover

A friend and myself are trying to workaround IE (7/8). We have built a canonical example here:
Using a CSS menu, we would like to have selects in them. However, in IE, the menu goes away when you interact with the select box. We believe this has to do with a bug in how selects affect events.
Is there a workaround? At least with pure CSS or DOM hacks?
I do not think there is a pure CSS way around this. This is due to a very common bug to the way IE handles events on select elements.
You can however work around it with Javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.nav_element a').mouseover(function() {
$('.submenu').mouseover(function() {
$('.submenu').mouseout(function (e) {
// Do not close if going over to a select element
if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'select') return;
The code above uses jQuery.
Here is a way to improver select behavior in IE7/8, but it does not fix the issue
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Add script
function ddlOut(e) {
setTimeout(function() { e.className = e.className.replace(' over', ''); }, 1000)
Add css
#nav .over div.submenu
display: block;
#nav .nav_element{
behavior: expression(
this.onmouseover = new Function("this.className += ' over'"),
this.onmouseout = new Function("ddlOut(this)"),
this.style.behavior = null
It will work better at least but of course not perfect.
My advice is to change select control to html equivalent. I use OboutDropDown that has a nice view. There are many implementations that can suite you needs.
First you need to expand the :hover surface underneath your menu.
So in your css add width:310px;height:220px to #nav .nav_element a.
(also add a class or an id on the second div styled with top:220px)
Now you just need to simulate a mousedown triggered when you click on the select which will halt when the selection between the options is done - you can probably do the last part if you check for the onfocus state of the select which will stop the mousedown.
